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Emulated remote control

Here is another implementation of the same interface. Its init function performs the same kind of initialization as the other version, but using the operating system's keyboard files /dev/cons and /dev/consctl. In the Inferno environment, operations corresponding to the Unix stty primitive are accomplished by writing messages to a control file associated with the file that handles the data.

implement Ir;

include "ir.m";
include "sys.m";
FD : import Sys;

sys : Sys;
cctlfd : ref FD;

init (keys : chan of int): int
	dfd : ref FD;

	sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;

	cctlfd = sys->open("/dev/consctl", sys->OWRITE);
	if (cctlfd == nil)
		return -1;
	sys->write(cctlfd, array of byte "rawon", 5);

	dfd = sys->open("/dev/cons", sys->OREAD);
	if(dfd == nil)
		return -1;

		spawn reader(keys, dfd);
		return 0;

A fine point: the variable cctlfd that contains the FD for the control device is declared external to the init function, even though it appears to be used only inside it. Programming cleanliness suggests that its declaration be moved inside, but here that will not work. Device control files in the Inferno system retain settings like raw mode only while they remain open. If cctlfd were declared inside init, then returning from init would destroy the last reference to the FD for the control file, and the device would be closed automatically.

The reader function for this module has the same structure as the first example, but doesn't have to worry about a noisy infrared detector:

reader(keys : chan of int, dfd : ref FD)
	n : int;
	b := array[1] of byte;

	for(;;) {
		n = sys->read(dfd, b, 1);
		if (n != 1)
		case int b[0] {
		'0' => n = Ir->Zero;
		'1' => n = Ir->One;
		16r7f => n = Ir->Mute;
		* => n = Ir->Error;
		keys <-= n;
	keys <-= Ir->Error;

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