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Integer constants

Integer constants have type int or big. They can be represented in several ways. Decimal integer constants consist of a sequence of decimal digits. A constant with an explicit radix consists of a decimal radix followed by R or r followed by the digits of the number. The radix is between 2 and 36 inclusive; digits above 10 in the number are expressed using letters A to Z or a to z. For example, 16r20 has value 32.

The type of a decimal or explicit-radix number is big if its value exceeds ; otherwise it is int.

Character constants have type int and consist of a single Unicode character enclosed within single-quote characters ('). Inside the quotes the following escape sequences represent special characters:
\' single quote
\" double quote
\\ backslash
\t tab
\n newline
\r carriage return
\b backspace
\a alert character (bell)
\v vertical tab
\udddd Unicode character named by 4 hexadecimal digits

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