#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Note: Some lines have been wrapped for readability # names of the input log file / output hostnames file # $log_in_file = "log.txt"; $html_results_file = "hostnames_out.htm"; # run parts of the program &get_hostnames; &html; &save_html_page; # template for displaying hostnames sub html { $html_page = <<__READ_HTML__; Hostnames
&all_hn_i p
__READ_HTML__ } ### end sub html sub get_hostnames { # read in the raw log file to @data open( DAT, $log_in_file ) || die("Error log file must be \"$log_in_file\""); @data = ; close(DAT); # initialise a variable to strip new line characters from a string use vars qw/$NLT/; $NLT = qr/(?:\r|\n|\t)/; # prevent un-initialised errors $all_ip = ''; $all_hn_ip = ''; $all_sp_ip = ''; $hn_ip = ''; $sp_hn_ip = ''; $sp_lines = ''; # if a line number was entered on the command line e.g. perl ip_resolver.pl 1724 # start resolving IPs from this point on if ( $ARGV[0] ) { $in_line_from = $ARGV[0]; } else { $in_line_from = 0; } foreach $line (@data) { $line_no++; if ( $line_no >= $in_line_from ) { if ($line) { $line =~ s/$NLT//g; ($ip) = split( /\ /, $line ); # if IP is a number in the format ***.***.***.*** then if ( $ip =~ m!(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)! ) { # if the IP has allready been resolved then skip this part unless ( $all_ip =~ /$ip/ ) { $all_ip = $all_ip . "$ip "; $hostname = ''; # resolve the actual IP address $hostname = ( gethostbyaddr( pack( 'C4', $1, $2, $3, $4 ), 2 ) ) [0]; $hostname = $hostname || 'no reverse DNS'; # get the length of the hostname to line up the columns $ocharno = length($hostname); if ( $ocharno > 50 ) { $charno = 1; } else { $charno = 50 - $ocharno; } # add this amount of space characters to make up the # rest of the line untill the start of the IP address $addspace = " " x $charno; print $hostname . $addspace . $ip . "\n"; # use various colours for the various hostnames $line_start = ''; $line_end = ''; if ( $hostname =~ /edu/i ) { $line_start = ''; } if ( $hostname =~ /(com|net|org)/i ) { $line_start = ''; } if ( $hostname =~ /(gov|mil)/i ) { $line_start = ''; } # compile the finished hostname / IP line complete with # font colour $hn_ip = $line_start . $hostname . $addspace . $ip . $line_end . "\n"; #add this line to the rest $all_hn_ip = $all_hn_ip . $hn_ip; # if the hostname is a special one (gov/mil) then add # it to a special store of its own to be displaye d at # the top of the page and also add the coresponding raw # log lines to a special store if ( $hostname =~ /(gov|mil)/i ) { $sp_hn_ip = $sp_hn_ip . $hn_ip; $addunderline = "-" x $ocharno; $sp_lines = $sp_lines . "\n$hostname\n$addunderline\n"; $all_sp_ip = $all_sp_ip . "$ip "; } } # if we have a special IP then store the log lines for it if ( $all_sp_ip =~ /$ip/ ) { $sp_lines = $sp_lines . " " . $line . "\n"; } } } } } # if there are special hostnames present then sort out the line spacing if ($sp_hn_ip) { $all_hn_ip = $all_hn_ip . "\n" . "============================*.GOV / *.MIL============================\n\n" . $sp_hn_ip . $sp_lines; } } sub save_html_page { # save the finished html page to a file ready for viewing open( DAT, ">$html_results_file" ) || die( "Error ensure this script has write permissions \"$html_results_file\"" ); print DAT "$html_page"; close(DAT); }