This magazine Is dedicated to the curious people who want to know the "inside" technical Information regarding
computers, BBS's, the telephone company, arcade games, radio equipment, general electronic equipment, cable and
other utility companies and anything/everything nobody else wants to talk about...or might not even KNOW aboutl
Are you a hacker? Are you curious? Do you want to know how-it-works? Then you want to read this magazinel

IVolume 4, Issue 4. Fourth Quarter. January 1998. $4.95 US $7.25 CA~ I

                                                                                                                   . ....

In the last issue, we had a writer send in a letter asking about the parts on a utility pole similar to the one
showing above. Of course, several other readers sent in responses as to what the parts were. In this issue,
we get to see what those readers had to say about it. For the original picture to refer to, look on page 8 of
volume 4, issue 3 otherwise, take a look at this close up picture we had on file here at Blacklisted! 411. The
original reader with the question was referring to some parts that aren't quite on·this picture, but the lever
mechanism is very visible. In each issue of Blacklisted! 411, we cover all sorts of material related to
technologies, computers , phone systems, cable systems, hacking, etc. Our readers tend to look at things
that most people don't really bother to notice. Look at the picture above, for instance. Perhaps you can
immediately recognize this as a utility pole with the focus on the power lines. Perhaps you didn't know what
the heck it was. If you're interested in this kind of stuff or you're not sure about it but think you can benefit
from the knowledge contained within these pages, it's time you started reading and doing instead of wishing
and wanting. Take a look around you. Notice the things that are obvious and ask yourself, "what does this
do and why is it here?" If you have something to share, you need to write to us and we WILL respond.

 Inside this issue:

 Mail Order Electronic Stores Part II, Observations In Todays Society, The
 Death of a Myth AKA The Rainbow Box, SSN: Mandatory or Voluntary, Way ~
 Kool Pies, Pirate Radio Survival Guide, Fast Food Frequencies Part II, Fe.ars ~
 Fixes and Some Ideas ,A 2000, Tony's Workshop, Los Angeles ~
                             bout                                                                          i   ~
 Frequencies, ARed Boxers Dream, The Black Market•••••and aLOT MOREff                                          :
On the Cover:
You look around and you see utility poles and think to yourself, "SO WHAT?!" Well, that "so-what" is what's
bringing your electricity, your cable TV, your phone service and, possibly, video conferencing or movies-on-
demand into your home. So, don't give us that "so what" bullcrap. That 40ft tall piece of wood with wires
dangling off of it contains the lives of everyone ....what you do...what you see...what you you
communicate with others. It's important to know what it does and how it can be manipulated or abused.
Armed with this knowledge, you can protect yourselves from your enemies, whomever they are. Please,
ASK WHY and lighten up on the beer drinking. Well, ask WHY, at least...

                                                        This publication brought to you by
                                                                Syntel Vista , Inc.

ISSN 1082-2216

Copyright 1994-95-96-97-98 by Syntel Vista , Inc.

All opinions and views expressed in Blacklisted! 411 Magazine are those of the writers of the articles, and
do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of any Syntel Vista, Inc. staff members or editor.

Blacklisted! 411 Magazine will, from time to time, contain articles on activities which are illegal. This
information is provided for an informational and educational purpose only, and is not intended to actually be
used to commit these crimes. Syntel Vista, Inc. staff takes no responsibility for any illegal information
published in the magazine and all risk is solely that of the reader. We do not promote illegal activities - we
write about them from a "this is what's being done - and YOU should NOT participate in" point of view to
advise readers of crime activity. Everything within Blacklisted! 411 is protected under the First Amendment
of the United States Constitution. Furthermore, no fraud or conspiracy is to be assumed .

Blacklisted! 411 Magazine strongly supports the idea of Freedom of Speech, and will publish ANY articles
which we feel are of sufficient quality. These articles will often contain material offensive to certain people.
If you cannot handle this, please do not read the magazine. This information includes (but is not limited to):
Information on the computer underground; anti-government material and material relating to hacking,
phreaking and other similar interests. Again , if this sort of thing offends you, don't read the magazine, or at
least don't read the articles which you find offensive . Our purpose is not to offend, but to educate .

All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical , photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of Syntel Vista, Inc.

Syntel Vista, Inc. publishes the advice of people in many fields. But the use of this material is not a
substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional services. Consult a competent professional for
answers to your specific questions .

Syntel Vista, Inc.
P.O. Box 2506, Cypress CA, 90630

9035768ABBAJ BVJB-OO12

Printed in the United States of America
Blacldittedl411 is   published quarterly by Syntel Vista, Inc. P.O. Box 2506, Cypress, CA 90630

Yearly subsc ription: U.S. $20, Canada $24 (U.S. Funds) , Fore ign $35 (U.S. Funds)
IAddress all subscription correspondence to:
: Blacklisted! 411 Subscription Dept., P.O. Box 2506, Cypress, CA 90630
I Office Line:(714)899-8853, FAX Line: (714)899-9283
                                Blacklisted! 411 STAFF
                       Editors                               Main Office Grunts
               Zachary Blackstone                                 Dave S., AJ, Tyke
                Alexander Tolstoy
      Co-editor (our backup)                               Greg, Boiler, Syntax, David B.
                         Dave S.
                 Photographs                            Derek Chatwood - A.K.A. Searcher
           Daniel Silvercloud, Beaver                     Kate 0 ., Parallax, Mason/Wolf

              Blacklisted! Submissions/Supporters/Friends
                    KRC                                          Sinister 8
                Bill Hayes                                       Skywise
                Jazzlicks                                        Doctor J.
                Ph a ctorial                                     R. Owens
             Sergeant CMOS                                        Froggie
                   Pirho                                          Krokus
                Group 42                                     The Circuitbreaker
                    TSC                                           Slacker
                    Tony                                .... and a few ANONYMOUS people
 Inside this issue:
 4 Introduction                                      41 News and Updates
 4 Letter from the editor                            43 A Red Boxers Dream
 5 Letters                                           44 Factual Information About Jury Service
 12 Fears, Fixes and Some Ideas ...                  47 Los Angeles Frequencies
 14 Taipan Enigma's BBS Review· Part 5               48 Electronics and Science Magazines
 20 Wal-Mart Phones                                  49 My Millennium Eve Plans ....
 22 Unabombers Manifesto Part III                    50 The Death of a Myth AKA Rainbow Box
 23 Pirate Radio Survival Guide                      51 Thumb Review
 26 Public Information                               51 The Telephone Network Interface Box
 30 Mail Order Electronic Stores Part II             52 Laughlin Casio Frequencies
 32 Restore Our Common Law                           53 SSN: mandatory or Voluntary
 32 Deadlines                                        55 Way Kool Pics
 33 The Black Market (Marketplace)                   56 Fast Food Drive Thru Frequencies Part II
 37 CitiBank Voice Mail                              57 Connecticut BBS Numbers
 38 Tony's Workshop                                  57 Oregon BBS Numbers
 39 Car Insurance?                                   58 Monthly Meetings
 40 Observations In Todays Society                   59 Back Issues/Subscription

   BEST WA'T' TO BE USEFUL -                             ST A'T' OUT OF THE WA'T'
    Hi everyone! We're here with another issue of Blacklisted!     you will notice all sorts of minor differences we introduced to
411. I'm sure all the veteran readers know all about the           give an overall more appealing appearance to our readers.
magazine, but for the new people joining the viewing                   For all of the new readers. we're happy to have you
audience, Let's recap what this magazine is all about and          aboard! We just LOVE to hear from our readers as much as
where it came from...Read this once again :                        possible and we're more than happy to accept any question
    This magazine is provided to the individuals out there who     which falls into the general direction of our usual subject
are interested in knowing more than they're supposed to.           matter. No question is too dumb! So, if you want to know
according to the powers that be. We would like to basically        something about topics we write about, please ask us - we
tell the powers, more or less. we are ALL entitled to. and have    won't put you down like some other magazines might tend to
a right to free information. We are here to tell the people what   lean toward. The best way to have a question answered is by
they want to know. You wanted us. here we are.                     either sending it to us via Internet E-Mail, snail mail (post
  Anyhow, we're starting our third volume . Yes. we've been        office) or via FAX. If we get a call by phone, we'll have to
here for two whole years now. The first volume consisted of        convert speech to text and it takes the longest for us to reply
12 issues. We decided to go to a quarterly.format for our          to these type of questions.
second year? Why? Distribution! We wanted more people to               For those of you who HATE our magazine, well. despite
read what we had to say. so we concentrated on producing           the threats. despite the hatred, despite the anger....guess
MORE copies for each issue. It's worked out very well for us       what? WE'RE STILL HERE! ....and. more importantly . we're
- and our readers. We've got a HUGE distribution now!              going to STAY regardless of your pathetic verbal/written
     Originally. we came up with the magazine because we           attacks . We laugh at you . Ha..haha. Hahaha. . But,
were all looking for a magazine which covered more than            seriously. if you have a legitimate complaint. we'd love to hear
telephone hacking, etc. So, with a lot of work and such, we        it. If you want to call us to flame us for awhile, don't bother - it
managed to produce our first issue of Blacklisted! 411 and         won't help you out. really. It seems that all the bad press you
had it on the shelves January. 1994. It was an exciting time       sort of guys give us, we just end up with more subscribers
for us.                                                            because of it. Go figure! Anyhow , we do thank you for the
     Anyhow, for the readers who have been with us from the        time and effort you put in for us in getting more people reading
start. you will notice a LOT of changes to the magazine. For .     our material -AND- shortly thereafter SUBSCRIBING! We
one, you'll be sure to notice the front cover! Yes, we decided     can't begin to thank you enough. Hahaha One last thing... Uhf
to go back to the title bar we used for a couple of issues         we're STILL not gonna accept COLLECT CALLS. -BL411
during our first year. Why? It looks nice. That's about the
only reason, really. On the pages throughout the magazine.

Hi again. everyone. I hope all of                                                                  paid for. It means someone
you had a great holiday season. I                                                                  isn't going to be too happy.
sure dldl Anyhow, it's a new year                                                                  So, again , if you think there's
and we can say we've been                                                                          a problem, please contact us
around for another whole year.                                                                     In writing as soon as possible.
yay! Jan, here's your mention II                                                                   I'd tell you who the problem
Ok, on to business, as usual.                                                                      subscribers are right now, but
                                                                                                   I don't think they 'd want their
Thank you for all the artwork,                                                                     names listed in the magazine.
everyone. We've been getting                                                                       I know how it goes.
tons of response! You should
start to see some new artwork in                                                        If you have any cool pies or
the mag. Check it out. I like the                                                       some      interesting     items,
piece to the right.. For some                                                           please send them to us ... We'd
reason it just WORKS for me. I've                                                       love to show everyone else
decided to let the request for                                                          whatever it is that you've
artwork ad. stay in the mag for                                                         managed to get your hands
awhile longer to see how much                                                           on ...if you send pictures,
more good stuff we can get.                                                             either color or b&w prints aro
                                                                                        fine. If you have an Itom th t
Speaking of artwork • we 're                                                            you think Is cool, but you
getting our web page online sometime soon, if not don 't want to send It to us, why not write up a rovl w on
already. Keep on the lookout the product yourself? State what the product i , includ
because It's coming! We're Interested in any HTML a picture, tell us how much it costs, where to buy It nd
pages or artwork for our site, If you'd like to submit your review of the product itself (how it work ,wh t you
anything. Before we're online, we want to have one hell think of it, it's good points and bad points), etc .
of a site ready to go. You can understand this, right? So,
If you're a web page designer or want to try your hand at Note: sometime soon, we're going to be changing our
it, send some samples our way. Perhaps we can make voice number and FAX number, so don't worry if
some sort of business arrangements between us or we suddenly either number doesn't do what It's supposed to
can comp you a subscription.                                 do . We're moving up in the world, so to speak . :) We'll let
                                                             you know what the new numbers are as soon as we
While I'm thinking of subscriptions, I need to mention know. It'll be printed in the following issue of Blacklisted!
that we have a lot of people who have moved and do not 411.
have a forward on file with the post office (or with us, for
that matter) and your subscriptions are being sent back Alright, I have to end this so I will ask everyone to send in
to us. If you think this may be the case for YOU (a dead those letters, articles, zines, toys, posters and other
give away would be that you moved sometime recently goodies you keep sending us ... If you were expecting a
and suddenly stopped getting your subscription) please response and you didn't get one, send a letter addressed
send us a letter with your old address and your new to ME and I'll get a response out pronto!
address on the same page, so we can make the
necessary corrections on our end . It sucks when we see Happy Hacking Everyone!
copies coming back to us when they've already been                                         Zachary Blackstone - Editor

4                             4th Quarter· January 1998                                                       Blacklisted! 411
Fellow Hackers,                                                     in the early morning instead of when the mainstreamers show
                                                                    up. It ends around 12:00 but you probably wouldn't want to
I just read your zine for the first time and I must admit it " o that late anyway . It's at the downtown end of Ross
seriously kicked some ass! Before I get down to business, I Avenue . It can recognized late at night by the big ass parking
just wanted to say that if you get stuff from StlSD2000 in lot with thousands of glowing monitors and laptops . Don't
Dallas and StLSD2000 in Lafayette, Louisiana they are on of worry about it being late at night in downtown. There are
the same, I had a dual residence here we go:                        plenty of cops around. Just worry about finding a good
                                                                    parking space.
1) Has Blacklisted! 411 ever been busted for PRINTING
SOMETHING (Not DOING something?)                   I wouldn't be 7) A fabulous thing happened that I still can't get enough of
surprised .                                                         The      DISD     (Dallas    Independent        School    District)
                                                                    superintendent's phone was bugged from the rat's nest of
2) Anyone know where I can get "The History of MOD" that I wires down in the basement (you know what I'm talking about)
read about in Master's Of Deception (one of the best books on as well as tracking devices put on his car. They have not
the topic of hacking in my opinion) by Joshua Quittner? I know located a suspect yet. Currently the Assistant Superintendent
it used to be available only to MOOers but that was so long also located tracking devices on his car and believes that he
ago I don't think MOD gives a rat's ass about it. There were 2 is also a victim of espionage. If there are any further
versions : The original by AcidPhreak and the jived version developments I will keep you posted .
modified by Erik Bloodaxe . I am after both of them.
                                                                    Well that's it. Please print this so I don't have to send it again
3) When one submits a rather large list of BBS'slcarriers in a and again and again Thanx .
given area does this count as an article?
4) I wanted to tell you of a new interest ing thing that I recently                                               (location withheld)
learned . ANYONE who lives in the Dallas area knows of the                                                  Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
tremendous fun that can be had at Dave & Buster's. For
those of you that don't know D&B is kind of grown-up Chuck By the numbers.
 E. Cheese's that has a casinolpool hall up front and god of all 1. Nope, we've not been busted for printing anything.
 arcades in the back. When I went up there they surprised me
with something . They have now switched over to the "Power- 2. Check out the net... We've seen the text floating around
 Card System." In this system the customer is given a power from time to time. Perhaps in an issue of Phrack? We know
 card with a magnetic strip like a credit card (tokens) on it. I it's out there and pretty easy to stumble upon.. If anyone has
 believe that this was a good idea because of the obvious a good answer for this one, send it on in.
 advantages . First the cards are easier to hold on to than
 those pesky tokens that people drop out of their pockets while 3. BBS numbers to not count as an srticte UNLESS it's HUGE
 playing G-Loc or some other moving video game . (I've also and on disk in an easy-to-use format.
 seen an excessive amount of poor souls that have had people
 pick tokens out of their pockets while they are playing VR 4. Now, this is interesting.. please let us know what your
 games) . Second , D&B doesn't have to spend as much finding are - we're really interested in knowing exactly what
 money producing tokens since an almost infinite amount of information in kept on those power cards...
 credits can be charged on a card . Third, there are no more
 cases of tokens getting stuck in games . But there's also 5. We have no idea on this one.. Can anyone help this dude
 upsides and downs ides for hackers . THOUGH I DO NOT out with the Jolly Box v4.3? You might want to try locating the
 KNOW THIS FOR SURE I would not be surprised if people's discontinued paris at surplus stores... Try ECSC (Electronic
 names as well as their balances on the main computer would and Computers Surplus City) in Gardena, CA (310)217-8021,
 be on the strip . This would mean that if someone hacked the FAX (310)217-0950 , BBS (310)217-1922.. they have a LOT
 card (a task which I am currently researching at the moment) of hard to find crap.
 and gave themselves like 4000 credits and used the card, it
 would work but if security did a check and found that"John 6. Did everyone get that? Sounds like our kind of place!! For
 Doe" spent 1467.7 credits on Saga Rally Championship on people in our area, we hit up the ACP swapmeets and the
 September 27, 1997 but according to the billing computer TRW swapmeets ... fun fun fun
 John Doe last charged his card in April and only got 500
 credits then they could bust you. Of course there's always the 7. Ahhh.. that reminds me of when I was a kid in the 70's and
 possibility that you could hack the name on the card as well. stumbled into the telecom. room for a local high school (I
 Anyway I thought this was something cool that you might wasn't nearly old enough to be in jr. high, let alone high
 enjoy!                                                              school) Anyhow, my friends and I used to play on the high
                                                                     school grounds all summer long, finding things to get into. Not
 5) I been faced with a truckload of shit concerning making a only did we find stashes of gopher bombs and other neato
 Jolly Box v4.3 from the Swedish parts to the Intel 80C39 stuff, but we found the phone room...there was a rather large
  being discont inued as well as other crap . Does anyone know wasp nest inside the room, so we had to leave. A few days
 where I can buy a Jolly v4.3 pre-assembled?? That would later, armed with bug spray, we ventured back into the room
  kick-ass . Even a kit including all the parts would suffice (the room was in the attic and had no conventional "door" that
 though mainly I am search ing for a pre-assembled one .             we would normally be looking for-it was accessed from the
                                                                     roof...don't ask why we were up there) Anyhow, the room had
 6) I SERIOUSLY advice anyone in the Dallas area to attend tons of phone lines and most of them were active. YES!
 "First Saturday" . First Saturday used to be small con in the SCORE! This room provided many hours of fun for a little kid
 40's where guy would hang out under a bridge at 3:00 A.M. and his friends.
  Friday nighUSaturday morning and trade ham radio
  equipment. With the times it evolved with the technology and Keep sending in the interesting stories!!
  is mostly based on computers . Most of the stuff isn't stolen
  and you can pick up great deals and see some interesting BK-411 ,
  obscure technology such as Commodore 64's, old phone Hey there! I am a sixteen yr. old girl from a suburb of Houston,
  equipment, Hexa-Decimal keypads and lots more . Go and I just saw your zine in the stand for the first time two
  sometime at 2:30 A.M. to 5:00 A.M. on Saturday morning . weeks ago. Very nice, I must say: ). Anyway, my passion
  The basic but never admitted motto is that when the sun since I was a little girl has been electronics and phones , so
  comes up, so do the prices. Often the better deals are found cons ider me a phreaker . if you will. I have been fumbling

Blacklisted! 411                                    4th Quarter· January 1998                                                        5
around on vbss' since I was twelve, and been in the hlp scene       wires off. Now you should have 2 wires (the ones that were in
since about April. My question to you guys is I need to know        the middle) These will usually be red and green . Strip the
how to make a red box out of a musical hallmark card . I            colored coating off of each one Gust remember which is
KNOW it can be done : ). Any help? Also, I know of a pager          which). Inside, there should be a bunch of tiny copper wires.
company , Page-Mart , that will set pagers up over the phone in     Attatch these wires to one alligator clip each (I get the clips
matter of minutes. You need a name , D.O.B. 18+, SSN ,              with the screw-on connectors) . Now, plug the uncut end into
address , cap code and I'm not sure, but maybe the frequency.       the phone, and you're done . Pretty easy , huh? To tap into
No background check , nothing. A tip , be sure to give street in    your neighbor's phone line you need to find their little box with
your town you know does not exist , because if the Smith            the bell logo on it (about 3"X3") . You can usually find it close
family happens to get the bill, chances are they might call and     to the ground by their elect ric meter. Take off the cover 2nd
have the dam thing terminated. If the post master sends the         you should see five screws . Attach the red clip to the screw
letter back, Page-Mart more than likely will overtook it. Also ,    with the red wire , and the green clip to the screw with the
it's a good idea to give a SSN that was assigned to the state       green wire (respectively) . If you hear a dial tone, success! If
you live in. So do your homework and get a hold on the 800#         not try switching the alligator clips around. There you go! I
to Page-Mart, and good luck. I know that Eckerd's that have         hope you were able to understand my directions.
photo finishing in the store sell Page-Mart pagers , so just ask                                                                 J.K.
to look at one and it will have the number. I hope I was of                                                         San Diego, CA
some help.                                                                                                Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
                                           Sugar Land, Texas        That sure sounds a lot like a Beige Box. But, anyway, let's
                                      Routed> U.S. Snail Mail       get onto answering questions .

Concerning the Hallmark Card redbox. .. it's really simple.         1. We have BBS numbers in the 619 area code. We're not
First, you grab one of the Hallmark cards that you can record       going to get them in this issue, but be on the lookout for 'em!
your voice on.. It's really a digital recorder in a card, so ANY
digital recorder will work. Anyhow, once you have the card (or      2. We have colored box plans.. Tons of them.. We are in the
recorder) you need to find the redbox tones. Look for a file on     process of cleaning them up and putting them into a special
your local hacker bbs called "QUARTER. WAV" When you get            Blacklisted! 411 edition just for colored boxes. Wait and see.
the .WAV file, play the sucker on your computer and you 'll
hear through your sound card/speaker setup the "quarter"            3. There are so many mods for so many different scanners ...
sound produced by a red box. Record this sound into your            First, we need to know the scanner make and model .. Once
digital recorder/card.... play it back like a RS red box or any     we have this, we can decide if it can be modified or not. if not,
other red box. It works. Back in the 80's, people used tape         there are alternatives..
recorders to do this very thing and IT worked, too. Thanks
for the info on Page-Mart, btw .                                    As always, if any readers have information to share on these
                                                                    topics, go for it..
Dear Zack,
This "phone card" I have sent is a satellite communications         Dear Blacklisted ,
access card. We used them on our ship (U.S. Navy) for               First of all I would love to tell you how much I love your mag.
emergency calls to home, etc... it cost $35.00 for five minutes !   It is the bomb! Next I found a little something that some
Someone's making some money ! We don't have the system              people would maybe be interested in. It is the dialup number
anymore we just got a new system from AT&T. It cost only            for AT&T . I have not really played around with it yet but it
$1.00 a minute but we we only have a 4hr a day window to            looks pretty cool. The dialup number for AT&T is 1-800-328-
use it. All in all its convenient when we are out to sea. Later     2427 . I have a a lot more interesting dialup numbers but I am
                                                                    already afraid of being locked up!
                                                     John C.                                                                Slacker
                                          (location withheld)                                                   (location withheld)
                                      Routed> U.S. Snail Mail                                               Routed> U.S. Snail Mail

Hey John , thanks for the card... we have such a huge               Thanks for the info Slacker.. Keep it coming.
collection of these interesting cards.. We're going to have to
show them off someday.                                              Dear Blacklisted,
                                                                    I've been in the hunt for a computer for a month or so and
Dear Blacklisted ,                                                  have applied to a few leasing companies for a personal lease.
I love your magazine. Blacklisted ! 411 is a great asset to the     However I have been denied by all but this one, and their
hacking community I have 3 questions to ask you guys .              monthly figures are way out of line. Although my credit history
                                                                    has a few negatives, it is not considered bad. I'll cut to th
1) Do you have any BBS #'s in the 619 area code? (SoCal)            chase. I need to clear up some items on my credit report. I
2) Do you have any colored box plans?                               don't have a computer at this time, but I have access to loe I
3) Do you know how to modify a radio or scanner to pick up          Internet cafe. I am a neophyte when it comes to the n t nd
the higher kHz frequencies? (1700+)                                 especially hacking . Any help you can prov ide would b
                                                                    appreciated . I am will to compensate for help in amondin my
If so, can you please, please, PLEASE print them or send            credit report.
them to me very soon. Here are the plans to design a Bud
Box. Can you print them for everyone to use?                        By the way, I think your publication is just what the doctor
                                                                    ordered. Keep up the fine work. Sincerely,
The Bud Box is a phone that lets you tap into your neighbor's                                                          Glenn D.
phone line to eavesdrop , make free calls on their line, or just                                             (location withheld)
whatever . Here's how you do it:                                                                        Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
What you need:
phone cord- 99 cent store (the kind that goes from wall to          Glenn, just how bad is your credit? If it's not "bad" you should
phone)                                                              be able to lease all the computers you ever wanted... The
phone- just any old phone (one piece is easier to carry)            companies that lease computers are pretty relaxed around
alligator clips - radio shack (real cheap)                          here, we've noticed.. In fact, we've known people with BK's
some loser's house                                                  who still get approved for leasing computers, cars, boats, you
                                                                    name it. If you have unpaid debts that are in collection right
What you do:                                                        now, we suggest a couple of different tactics..
First take the phone cord. Remove the plastic end. You then
need to remove the outer plastic (about 3" back). You now           One: contact the collect ion agencies or creditors and tell them
should have four wires next to each other . Cut the 2 outer         you want to settle the debt but at, say 50% of the owing

6                              4th Quarter· January 1998                                                     Blacklistedf 411
balance.. explain that you are REALLY down on your luck and         Check out all the hacking, phreaking, satellite, pirate, scanner
you are considering bankruptcy .... Any creditor of an              and other such newsgroups for info on hacking, etc... You will
unsecured loan (ie: credit cards) will pretty much shit their       find a steady stream of new web sites and information that
pants trying to collect ANY amount they can from you. Now,          you may apply right NOW. Keep reading our magazine, look
once you tell them you want to settle, also tell them you will      for Iron Feather Joumal, 2600, etc and soak in all their
settle on one condition: they remove ANY negative remarks           information, as well. You WILL catch up with the rest of us.
from your credit reports. Get it in writing. it works. You can
get this type of selt/ement done for as little as 30%, if you       Dear Blacklisted,
know how to deal with the creditors (for unsecured loans only)      With regard to Starry Night's query of objects on a utility pole
... mortgages and car loans don't work like this... you 'll lose    (3097) the objects he has circled are blade switches. They
the house or the car.                                               allow the power in the lines to be turned off for installation and
                                                                    maintenance . The utility tech puts on a seven stick (so called
Two: (ahem!) hire a lawyer (we hate to suggest this one) that       because the hooked end looks like 7) into the ring on the
deals specifically in this sort of thing... do NOT go for those     switch and pulls it open. They also contain a fuse which way
"we fix your credit" BS.. they're just playing you for a fool..     be what he saw being repaired. The rectangular objects are
they know you 're desperate and will take advantage of you          capacitors to adjust the power factor (the ratio of voltage
with tactics that just plain don't work.                            phase to current phase). They are necessary because most
                                                                    electrical loads are inductive - motors and fluorescent ballast.
Any other methods may just fall into downright illegal activities   Everything else in the picture is ceramic insulator to prevent
which we would recommend staying away from...                       shorts through the wooden supports. If Starry Night climbs up
                                                                    there , he'll just blow the fuses when he electrocutes himself .
If you want a computer really bad, why not get a good friend                                                             Electric Bill
to co-sign on the lease... In fact, don't lease.. that's such a                                                 (location withheld)
waste of money.. get a small personal loan (with a cosigner)                                               Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
and BUY a computer.. a GOOD one.
                                                                     Thanks for the info, Electric Bill.. We appreciate the input.
Hey guyz, I picked up your zine for the first time, you have no Dear Blacklisted! 411,
clue how long I've been looking for a hacking zine. Anyways Hello there. I'm writing in for two reasons. I first want to tell
my friend and I are fairly new to the world of hacking, We've you that you're doing a great job and keep up the great
read almost all the txt filez Hack-boy wrote about, before we publication . I also have a question ... From Volume 4 Issue 2,
picked up your magazine, first of call can you hack using Second quarter (I think it was), There was a short paragraph
hyperterminal?                                                       about a pretty neat phone utility. It had a picture of it next to it
                                                                     and above or below that (I think above) there was a picture
Secondly I need some more info on hacking, like they say and a short blurb on a coaxial stripper. I'm wonder ing about
"knowledge is power", So I'm trying to gain as much the phone util , Where would I get one of these? The
knowledge as needed before I try , Do you have any address? Phone number? Price? If you don't have any of the
suggestions on web sites or where I can find up to date txt's? above information. Please give me the company name who
                                                                     makes it etc. Thanks for your time
Do you have any ideas on how to find out who hacks in my                                                          Catatonic Dismay
area?                                                                                                            (location withheld)
                                                                                                            Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
My friend who I'll call "the mage" and I have been trying to
learn as much free hand hacking as possible, We hate the Ahh.. the phone utility you refer to on page 56 of Volume 4,
programs they have out now.                                          Issue 2 is a Progressive Electronics 77M "Tracer" You can
                                                                     buy one of/hese from Jensen Tools, Inc. (Part # 565-077) for
If you have any could send us some info on that, we would be $29.00 Their phone number is (800)426-1194. Ask them for
very grateful to you, along with the info. I was wondering if you a catalog, if anything.. They have tons of useful tools. They
could send or post some more info on BOXES and loop have many different models of this device with better options.
numbers. Basically if anyone in the MI area who would be
willing to help or teach us we would be in your debt forever, Dear411,
We're hungry for info and to Hack-Boy , man you got it RE: Photo on page #8 V4, 13 The three circled objects in the
straight when you say "you have to hunt for info." But man picture are fused switches which protect what appears to be
I've been hunting for almost a year now and all the web sites transformers (in the same photo). The electric wires in the
I find are shit, Oh by the way I need some info on BBS and picture carry VERY HIGH VOLTAGE! Do not attempt to go
how to get into them. You magazine RULES!!! Most of this anywhere near them or you will certainly FRY. Linemen use
letter is based on Volume 4, Issue 3, 3rd quarter, OCT. 97           long fiberglass poles (non conductive) to operate these
                                                             Jester switches. Furthermore, operating these switches may cause
                                                 Somewhere, MI wires to become energized that should not be energized and
                                       Routed> U.S. Snail Mail may present danger to someone else. Hack Safely!
Jester, first of all, welcome to the hacking scene! Let's get                                                    (location withheld)
right into answering your questions.              Hacking using                                              Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
hyperterminal? Why would you want to? But, to answer you,
 YES... You can hack using anything, really. Hacking in it's Thanks for the info, Bill.
most basic terms is this: getting something (a device, person,
 etc) to do what it wasn Ymeant to do... or modifying something Dear Blacklisted:
 to do more than it was meant to do, etc. So, this leaves tons Hey I just picked up your mag for the first time and truly
 of possibilities open on many levels.                               appreciate your efforts. I just want to drop a quick note in
                                                                      response to a letter sent from "Starry Night" in your October
 If you want to find more hackers in your area, do these 97 issue. It's hard to tell exactly from his comments what he's
 things... Find out the numbers for some local BBS's and call referring to, but I can describe most of the objects in the pic:
 them up.. check them out... post some messages and see if The circled items that he calls paddles are actually "cut-outs"
 you can spark some interest with others who share your and are basically high-voltage bayonet switches that will open
 ideals... BBS's are dead YET. Set up a BL!411 Meeting in up or close a high voltage circuit. The "coil" object is a lighting
 your area and let us know about it.. It will be published and arrester , believe it or not. The top side of the arrester is
 people will show up, most likely.. it'll take a bit for it to catch connected to the high voltage circuit, and the bottom side is
 on, but people will show up. Look for other hacker meetings grounded . When there is a lightning surge, the current jumps
 in your area.. They exist.                                           the gap inside the arrester and goes to ground (thereby being
                                                                      redirected away from the circuit). The big boxes in the metal

Blacklisted! 411                                     4th Quarter - January 1998                                                        7
frames are large capacitors and are for limiting "reactance" on      directly linked to any ecclesiastical organization or religious
the power line (it improves the efficiency of the line, so more      institution.
of the stuff is available for doing work) . Since the cutouts are
in the "open" position, it is likely that the power guys were        As many have seen over the years of our short lives, these
worried that either a lightning arrester failed or there is some     promises of constitutional autonomy are mere holograms of
malfunction with one of the capacitors . "Closing" the cutout        liberty, as political dictators and religiously fueled special
might short out the line and drop power to the neighborhood if       interest groups headed by fascists like Tipper Gore, have
this is true. Finally, no matter how much I hate the monopoly        more or less decided for us what we should or shouldn't be
of the power company, I strongly advise Starry Night NOT to          permitted access to. Whether this has been access to things
climb up the pole or touch anything that might be hanging            like "booty rap," the allegedly suicide inspiring Judas Priest
down. The lines are likely to be about 12kV and are enough           and Ouy Osborne albums, "gangsta" rap, "dangerous books
to vaporize any human body on contact. If there's a valid '          such as Paladin Press's "Hitman," or any of the other myriad's
concern about crap hanging down , call the power dudes up            of underground publications that have had tabs kept on them
and tell them to fix their shit, or threaten to report them to the   by federal agencies , it has still been acknowledged by those
P.U.C. if nothing happens. Best Wishes,                              in the punk rock commun ity that this type of prohibition is
                                                  Ex-power Dude      wrong. Not necessarily because we believe in singing about
                                             Northern California     how many girls we "fuck" or how many "suckas we capped
                                         Routed> U.S. Snail Mail     cus they was steppin' to us," but because we recognize that if
                                                                     someone wants to express themselves that way, then they
Thanks for the info, Ex Power Dude.                                  should, as autonomous human beings, be permitted to do so
                                                                     with no interference or legislation from the governing bodies.
Dear Blacklisted!,
I was visiting a friend last week in NYC and I stumbled upon         To this degree I must applaud the underground scene all and
Blacklisted! 411 at Barnes & Nobles. I picked it up and spent        give everyone the proverbial "pat on the back. " Believe it or
the plane ride home reading it all.. Very cool zine, I'm glad I      not we have been quite successful at keeping their idea
shelled out the five bucks, because it rocks.                        banning at bay (while not yet actually being able to stop them
                                                                     altogether). However , infringement on personal autonomy
I'm no hacker, I just started getting into electronics a bit to      does not end with prohibiting or limiting what we can say. It
build signal processors for the effects pedals (most of my           also is encompassed by limiting or prohibiting what we may
efforts & spare time go into music or art), but recently a friend    own or what we may do. Now obviously this does not include
showed me how to build a Radio Shack red box, and that               just running around town raping and killing people, because
was a great pre-cursor to discovering Blacklisted! I'm always        by the very nature of these actions you are stripping the
curious too. My scene is more in underground music, but I            freedoms and libertie s away from thos e whom you are
thought I could at least offer a couple draw ing up for              committing actions against. No, what I am speaking of is far
cons ideration for you. (I'd totally like to scam a free             more sinister , and has, for reasons unknown , not been
subscription with 'em!) Hopefully there's something you can          opposed to any extent by members of the punk rock
use here. You can let me know if you need something                  commun ity. This bit of insidious legislat ion is commonly
specific drawn too· I can take requests. Also, here's a copy         referred to as "Gun Control," ironically enough is supported
of my zine called Thumb.... Just to check out. I guess that's        and condoned by the vast majority of so called "anti-
all. Keep up the good work and let me know if you like any of        authoritarians."
these drawings or if you want more or whatever.
                                                         E·Rock The reason for this evades me. If banning or legislating the
                                             Portland, Oregon ownership of firearms actually could make this a more just
                                       Routed> U.S, Snail Mail and peaceful world then perhaps I could see the logic behind
                                                                  it. However , gun control legislat ion such as the Nation
We did a small review on your zine.. Check it out on page 51. Firearms Act, the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the so called
Thank you for taking the time to write in.. I think we're ALL "Crime Bill" (or "Brady " Bill) of 1994 have no impact
hackers at heart.                                                 whatsoever on federal or local "law" enforcement agencies. In
                                                                  fact while these acts have caused "civilians" to be prohibited
Dear411 ,                                                         from the ownership of select fire (full automatic) firearms,
Info about the picture on page 8 in volume 4 issue 3. This ammunition magazines with capacities over ten rounds, flash
would be a high voltage fuse. They use a bucket truck , 3/8" suppressors, threaded barrels, collapsible and folding stocks,
thick rubber upper body suit, and 10-25' fiberglass rod to barrel length of rifles under 16 inches, bayonet lugs and the
install new ones . If one is hanging down there is a short like, the "law" enforcement community has been granted less
down the line and they haven't fixed it yet. Do not climb up and less restricted access to these things.
the pole - these lines carry about 1500 volts each and you
could be instant toast. It happens to quick you wont even see Perhaps you are unaware of this but since the 1930's w
it, plus your muscles react and you cannot let go - I know two lowly civilians have been barred of the right to own a small
people it has happened to. They worked for the electric piece of metal with a spring that would enable our
company.                                                          semiautomatic rifles to fire fully automatically, whil    I th
                                                                  same time there are now more than 400 local polico for
I need some info on MPEG desc rambling such as the who are equips with military surplus full auto M-16's. W                    r
DIGICIPHER 3000 VSA Can anyone shed some digi on me? not talking about S.W.A.T. teams and all of their fancy toys,
P.S. Keep up the good work.                                       These are the beat cops rolling around in their cruisers with
                                             Pirate Cable Dude assault rifles in their trunks. At this time there are more than
                                                Edgewater, MD 1,000 other police forces trying to get approval for
                                       Routed> U.S. Snail Mail similarfirearms (which they probably will get within the next
 Woo hoo!! We're getting a lot of response on Starry Nights
letter. Thanks for the response, man. Anyhow, we have no Perhaps gun control doesn't frighten you . Perhaps you
info on the Digicipher.. Perhaps one (or more) of our readers ignorantly view gun owners as backwoods dipshits out looking
would like to write in and add their two cents?                   for "grub ," (which some undoubtedly are). However, in
                                                                  regards to all gun owners , you couldn't be further from the
Dear411,                                                          truth. I'm not going to give you a history lesson but you must
 In all of my years being involved with the underground scene realize that the first thing every modern dictatorship has done
 I have constantly been aware of the vast support of freedom before e instituting their reign of terror was gradually and
of speech and first amendment acknowledged rights; completely restrict the civilian populace from owning and
observing our individual rights to decide our own spiritual possessing firearms, (i.e, Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany).
believes, to be able to express ourselves verbally or literally Why? Because weapons are multipliers of strength. The
as we see fit, and to have a governing body that is not tied or corporate government has nothing to fear of several thousand

8                              4th Quarter· January 1998                                                     Blacklisted! 411
unarmed revolutionaries who could be easily squashed by the          believe that supporting their totalitarian organizations goals,
state and their superior armament . However knowing that the         like those of "Sarah Brady's Handgun Control " The United
masses possess these multipliers of strength and will not give       Nation's (who have publicly stated that it is their goal to
in when the government tells them that they can no longer be         disarm the civilian populous of the world by the year 2000),
trusted with the responsibility of owning a piece of metal with      me Parliament of the U.K., Canada and Australia (who have
a trigger , a hammer , a bunch of springs and pins in it, could      in recent years invoked an outright ban on civilian ownership
definitely keep autonomy in the hands of the masses for a            of firearms while simultaneously beefing up the armament of
little bit longer.                                                   me "author ities," then we shall be to blame on the next
                                                                     "Krystal Nacht."
If the state did decide to instill 100% totalitar ian dictatorship
(which they are well on their way) then how would they go            Please think about what I have said and feel free to write or
about doing so? How could they poss ibly bully a well                argue with me if you disagree, or correspond if you agree. We
organized mass of people who simply want to live free                have a lot of work to do if we are to ever achieve a free and
autonomous live, who were armed to the teeth? The answer             just world and now is the time to start. I do hope that you
is they couldn't. Police are slaves to the corporate interest but    real ize that this has not been a letter about guns , it has been
they don't want to die just to take guns away from people who        a letter about autonomy and what will work best to insure our
aren't bothering anyone in the first place .                         freedom and limit the power of the corporate govern ing
                                                                     bodies in the future. Thanks.
Take, for example, a situation that I and two close friends of                                                                    Abel
mine were confronted with a month or two ago. We were                                                            (location withheld)
moving back from the west coast to Ohio when our van, (filled                                               Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
with all of our firearms) , overheated in the middle of the night
on an Indiana interstate . We decided to let it cool down and        (This response was given by our very own Mr. Silvercloud)
take a look at the engine in a minute. Not long after, we saw        Boy, if you didn't hit the proverbial nail on the head, you sure
lights flashing behind us. Sure enough , it's officer John           came damned close! It amazes me how many people dom
Lawman , com ing to see what is going on. Quickly we                 realize that their rights are being taken away. Many of them
unloaded the guns that we were carrying and removed them             believe the hype that it's "for our own good." I've always had a
from our holsters . The driver of our van went to tell the officer   problem with these liberal beaurocrats who keep pushing
that there was no problem , we just needed to let me                 legislation down our throats telling us they are only trying to
sonofabitch cool down and we would be on our way. Well, this         help us better our lives. I aont know about most people but I
wasn't quite acceptable to Officer Lawman . He decided that          don't like the idea of someone else telling me what's good for
he needed to check our identification and the driver needed to       me. And the problem isn't just the obvious things like gun
be patted down and wait in the cruiser. Upon the officers            control or being able to buy several bags of ammonium
"Terry Frisk" he discovered a full handgun magaz ine and a           nitrate.
concealed carry holster still attached to my friend's belt. Time
to call for back up...                                               Take smoking for example. I thinks it's pretty stupid to inhale
                                                                     chemical and particulate material that is known to be a health
Six cops were there now. My girlfriend was flipping out in side      risk. However, I feel that people have the right to do what they
the van . I told her to be cool and everything would work out.       want. So in a recent election in my area there was a proposed
As far as the cops knew , all of our guns were being carried         law to ban smoking in certain public areas such as
legally . We had several rifles, a shotgun and a few thousand        restaurants . First off, erent these actually privately owned
rounds of ammunit ion in the van, in addition to several             and operated establishments? Where does the government
handguns .                                                           get off telling a business owner that he cen't allow his patrons
                                                                     the right to smoke? There's even stories going around now
Well , long story short, we knew the cops had probable cause         about waitresses wanting to sue the bars they work in
to search the van so we consented to a search to get all of          because of the ill effects of working in a smoke filled
this bullsh it over with (not mat I am recommending this, you        environment. Well, no one forced them to take up that job , did
should normally never consent to any search) . The officers          they? Well, I think the point 's made so I dom need to keep
couldn't believe all of the weapons that we had. Aside from          beating it into the ground.
that , they were astonished by the other survival gear that we
                                                                 There are many other examples everyday of the govemment
had, bullet proof vests , gasmasks , night vision, several ; dozen
loaded magazines .                                               slowly taking our rights away from us. Helmet laws are
                                                                 another good example. I ride a bike (H.D. of course) and wear
"Why do you have all of this? Are you in some sorta militia?" a helmet by choice. It keeps my ears warm. But not many
They asked.                                                      people are aware of the fact that helmets rarely do any good
                                                                 in direct impacts above 35 mph. Hell, I'm not even in top gear
"No , we have this because this is what we are into. Because yet at that speed. And then there's forcing kids to wear a
we want to and because we can," we replied. We continued to helmet on their bicycles. Come on!!! When I was a kid I never
"chat" with the obviously nervous and intimidated officers .. hurt my head on my bike, nor did any of my friends. It was
We never spoke down to them and we never "got smart" with always my legs that got messed up.
them . We just spoke as if this were a routine aspect of travel,
like paying a toll and we would soon be on our way. Well , they But anyway, the point I think you as well as myself and
ran a check on all of the guns ..."1080"the dispatch said, they thousands of others are trying to make on these issues is not
all came up legal. So the cops let us go, but it was obv ious the specifics of "I aont want to wear a silly looking helmet " or
that they were intimidated.                                       "maybe I want to hunt dear with a full auto M-16" or whatever
                                                                 it is. The issue is freedom. The original 13 Colonies broke
Why were they intimidated? Because we had power over away from England for the basic reason that they didn't like
them. We had the capacity to end their lives if they decided to someone off in some high castle telling them what they could
oppress us. Because if they decided to shoot us we had the and could not do, what gods to worship, where to sell their
capacity to protect our bodies from their bullets . Because they crops, what to grow, how much they have to pay the king for
once again were given the role as our servants rather than us growing it, etc... These are the same issues that plague us
assuming the role as their subjects who they "keep in line."     today. America is falling towards the same sort of dictatorial
                                                                 totalitarianism's that the Americans ran away from in the first
I am not even beginning to suggest that owning firearms will place.
solve all of the world's problems but it is obvious that the
govemments of the world do not want their subjects to have That is not to say I am calling for anarchy. Far from it. In a
possession of things that will make the government subject to society as large as ours we need laws to regulate and control
their approval. They want the guns, they want the magazine in order to prevent the system from collapsing . I'm sure any
capacity, they want the select fire capabil ity, they want the intelligent person can appreciate the simple need for traffic
power . And if we continue, as I did for so many years, to lights , as an example. But we must be careful as to the extent

Blacklisted! 411                                    4th Quarter - January 1998                                                       9
to which we control and regulate, and whom we empower to        those were the days! Sometimes, I feel like I'd give anything
control and regulate . We stilf have the right to vote. We stillto live back in the BO'sbecause I had SO MUCH FUN. Ok,
have the right to protest. We stilf have the right to calf the  here 's an answer straight out of the Hacker FAQ concerning
President an ass-hole and not be sent to prison for it. There isthe ABCD touch tones : These are extensions to the standard
still time to telf and educate people to the ilf deeds those in touch-tones (0-9, *, #) which        originated with the U.S.
power are committing . There is still time to save America.     military 's Autovon phone network. The original       names of
                                                                these keys were Fa (Flash Override), F (Flash) , ' I
(From Zachary Blackstone)                                       (Immediate),      and P (Priority). The various priority levels
Wow, this sucker was long! Not realfy "hacker" related in my established calls with         varying degrees of immediacy,
opinion, but it was worth shoving into the letters section terminating other conversations on the network if necessary .
anyhow . Now back to our regularly scheduled hacking Fa was the greatest priority, normalfy reserved for                      the
material.                                                       President or very high ranking officials. P had a lesser priority,
                                                                but stilf took precedence over calfs that were placed without
Greetz from the UK ,                                            any priority established . Today, the tones are commonly
Cool zine you guys have . Quickly, I need a rundown of the referred to as the A. B, C and D tones respectively; each of
DTMF tones over here so I can mess around .. Can you also these tones use 1633 Hz as their high tone. These are found
include the redbox tones , if they exist? Thanks Bunches        mainly used in special applications such as amateur radio
                                                      Zenl Kay repeaters for their signaling and control. Modems and touch
                                            (location withheld) tone circuits tend to include the A. B, C and D tones as welf.
                                       Routed> Internet E-Mail These tones have not been used for general public service,
                                                                and it would take years before these tones could be used in
No, problemo , dude! Here 's the DTMF tones. You should be such things as customer information lines; such services
able to figure out the chart below:                             would have to be compatible with the existing 12-button touch
                                                                tone sets in any case .                                            .
               1209Hz     1336Hz     1477Hz    1633Hz
      697Hz        1         2          3         A                 An interesting note: most modems wilf recreate these touch
                                                                    tones... instead of numbers, use ABCD... see if it works on
      770Hz        4         5          6         B
                                                                    your modem.. Kind of useful for your touch tone projects if
      852Hz        7         8          9         C                 you're worried about people using their phones to trigger your
      941Hz                  o          #         D                 devices. Think about it. While we're on the topic, let's get
                                                                    some other info out in the open here..
Now for the redbox tones. The 1000Hz tone listed below is
NOT a DTMF, it's a single tone. (Strange, huh?) Anyhow, Blacklisted,
supposedly , for this to work, you need an operator to connect I need your help here . I am interested in a DTMF decoder,
your calf. We're not sure of the effectiveness of this, but primarily. Where can I find one - a cheap one . Can you also
here 's the info to chomp on. If anyone out there has any give me a part number of an available chip to encodeldecode
specific information regarding this, please forward it to us. DTMF, as well? Thanks in advance .
Anyhow, here 's your redbox tone:                                                                                            Billy
                                                                                                              (location withheld)
10p Length 200 milliseconds. Freq: 1000Hz.                                                              Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
20p Two times the Above.
50p Length 350 milliseconds. Freq: 1000Hz.                     Hiya, Billy... First, try these web sites for your decoder :
1ukp Two times the Above.
I've been following your magazine for a few issues and have
decided to write in once and for all. Recently, I was messing http://www.monitor2
around with some old "Phoneman" modem softwarez from the .html
C64 days and I noticed the A, B, C and D touch tone keys in http://www.selectone .com/stBOOman.html
one of the sections inside the program. What were these http://www .monitor2
used for? I have never seen them on anything else nor have
I seen any mention of their use anywhere. Why are they not          (If you need more just do a yahoo search for "dtmf decoders")
found on phones?
                                                     M. Aries       We believe any of these components will do the trick for your
                                          (location withheld)       project:
                                      Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
                                                                    Silcon Systems Inc 551 75T20B9 (DTMF Transceiver), Mitel
Hi there, M... First of alf, I know precisely what you're talking   MTBBBO (DTMF Transceiver), Californ ia Micro Devices
about . I used to mess around with those PhoneMan                   CMDBBBO get the idea.
programs on the Commodore 64 about a decade ago. Man,

   aD"; "
10                               4th Quarter - January 1998                                                Blacklisted' 411
Dear Blacklisted ! 411,                                              nine out of ten times anybody who isn't into that type of
I've just finished vol. 4 issue 3 cover to cover it it still rocks . mean ingless schooling is a lamer.
Since I first saw it in '85 when it was hackers Monthly. I
thought that the article by Hack Boy 'bout red box tones vs. 3. The true meaning of a lamer is someone (man or woman)
real was very detailed . Well there's two reasons, (well actually who asks how to crack stuff and then asks for the pin or
three) why I'm writing .                                             password without scanning for it themselves and always rides
                                                                     on the backs of other hackers/phreakers and their
1. In v4i3 you gave Spectre an ANI readout , actually it's called reputations , not their own . I feel a lot better now that has been
an ALI or Automatic Location Identification . It's a number (one said .
of many) that telco's use for line verification and different line
numbers, pairs and site IDs, like 800-696-4225 in which in this If anyone is looking for some PBX's to play with here ya go.
case you enter your area code for line verification . Another Now remember PBX codes are 5 digits, but it's still good to try
cool number is Ameritech's 800/888 raspborg 10 check. Let's 1+AC or AC in front of the number that you're calling : 800-
say you have a friend who has this 800 or 888 voice mail or 555-9000, 800-555-2000 , 800-200-0002 , 800-288-2880.
800/888 attached to their home number, he says "you can't
take my eight down!" and you say "oh yeah!" so you call up                                                    Sinister 8 - Horsemen
the raspborg 10 service, enter his 800/888 number and it spits                                                    (location withheld)
back the line carrier and a 800 number to call to tear it down .                                            Routed> U.S. Snail Mail
This is great for tearing down AOL customer service numbers.
Anyway ...                                                           Hiya, Sinister. First of all, thanks for the article . Appreciate
                                                                     the effort. Glad to see an old timer BL411 reader is still alive
2. I'm tired of reading and hearing new comers saying that and kickin' .. We could not agree with you any more about
they're scared to ask questions because of the stigma of who is a lamer and who isn't a lamer. Readers, if YOU have
being called a "lamer" . Who fuckin' cares!!! If the people who a question , ASK! And aont forget to do a DejaNews and
call you a lamer for asking questions and wanting to know Yahoo search on the net first... You will be amazed by the
more about something don't give you answers or at least point amount of info you can find on whatever topic you may have
you in the right direction the fuck 'em , you don't need their in mind. Happy Hacking, everyone!
help, they are too caught up in schooling each other on what
RCMAC (Recent Change Made Adm inistration Center) Well, then again...maybe I'm not done yakin' just yet. While
stands for, and the difference between 5ESS and a 5E (5ESS I'm thinking about the topic of old timer Blacklisted! 411 folks
is a digital switch and 5E is an analog switch) . If you come out there (read the next letter). I was wondering just how
across people like that then stay away from them, because many of you are still around. I know we've bumped into some
                                                                     of you from time to time, but I'd really like to hear from some

   ,                                        l
                                                                     of you that wrote in or hung out with us back in the 80's. What
                                                                     have all you done since those days? Anyone make it bigtime?
                                                                     I guess the idea of the new year coming around is making me
                                                                     feel a bit sentimental about the "old days" So, what do you
                                                                     say? Write in and let me know how you're doing. I'm sure
                                                                     we'd all like to hear from you.

                                                                    Have a good new year, everyone. Be careful and don 't do
                                                                    anything I wouldn't do...(which means, more or less, STAY
                                                                    OUT OF TROUBLE) - if ya can.

                                                                    Dear Blacklisted,

  )                                                                 Greetz dudez! I was reading through the letters section of
                                                                    Volume 4, Issue 3 and noticed the letter you replied to in

                                                                    which you stated that you were around back in 1983 through
                               ,                                    1987 as a photo copied printout version . Well everyone, I
                                                                    was one of the lucky ones who happened to read Blacklisted!
                                                                    back then and I wasn't even from around the west coast area.
                                                                    I have been on the east coast my entire life and during my
                                                                    high school dayz, me and my computer buddies used to hang
                                                                    out, trade the latest Comm ie 64 warez, talk shop and pass
                                                                    your stuff around - we took it upon ourselves to print out your
                                                                    stuff and put it on PAPER so we could chomp on the info
                                                                    while being held hostage at school.

                                                                    Those were the days . I'm glad that you guys are still around
                                                                    and you DO seem to be the same fun lovin' hacker dOOdzwho
                                                                    started me on my hacker quest over a decade ago. Zack , you
                                                                    should remember the chats (Zorgbot) on TCE 's 2 liner back in
                                                                    '85. Yeah, dude. I'm still around!

                                                                    I pretty much owe my career to my hacking days . I never
                                                                    would have learned what I know now if I hadn't been into
                                                                    hacking. Of course , I have a legit job making major $$$ ..
                                                                    N-E-Ways , just checking in and givin' ya da greetz! Cool Red
                                                                    box article , btw. L8Rz
                                                                                                                        on the flip
                                                                                                         Routed> Internet E-Mail

                                                                    Zorgmeister! Noway! (You got the email.ltrust)
                                                                    pretty damn awesome talking to you, dude. Yes, I remember
                                                                    the chats. Did you ever get the credit card terminal hack
                                                                    working or not? We forwarded the hack to you but you never
                                                                    let us know if you actually completed it or not. I'm curious.
                                                                    We know a lot of people who did the hack and it worked out
                                                                    without a hitch. We're glad to hear from ya.

Blacklisted! 411                                    4th Quarter· January 1998                                                      11
FI:.AilS, FIXIlS, ANIiSea.tlll IIIIlAS
            AileUT 2eee
                                                     by Bill Hayes

We've all heard it by now. "Revenge of the COBOL Kids." "Old Programmers' Retirement Fund." A few more, I'm sure. The
media freaks, of course, are having a field day. "The 2000 Disaster." "MillenniaI Meltdown ." "The Year 2000 Bug---The End
of Civilization?" And more that make the technically literate gag.

Those of us who read BLACKLISTED know the problem--old code was dated with a 2-digit year instead of a 4-digit year, to
save hideously expensive memory. It made sense, it was a good idea, and WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that Commodore
Grace Hopper's ancient language for programming database and formulaic commands into old, big, slow mainframes would
still be in use today? Who would have thought, in 1953, that the "00" upcoming IN A MERE 47 YEARS would be read as 1900
and not 2000 Did anyone ever have the idea, up until very recently , that this could be the most expensive error in the history
of the planet?

In some ways, this is incredible hype. Yes, it is a problem, a big one, but hardware upgrades, software upgrades, and the now
well-known COBOL Programmers' Revenge---those consultants and programmers fixing every single line of the soon-to-be
offending code--will fix the vast majority of the problems . Some systems, which could be seriously or catastrophically
affected, will merely be replaced on time or a bit early. Those systems include CAT and PET scanners in hospitals , as well as
hospital and clinic radiotherapy treatments , control systems for nuclear power plants, the submarine, missile launch and
missile guidance, and satellite command and controls systems managed by the Pentagon, and air traffic control computer
systems. Some systems, probably the most capital expansive of all affected items (that we now know of), will be replaced : the
servers, workstations , and high-end PCS that power so much of our economy. As the life spans of such items is so low---far
shorter than, say, a vehicle, a building, or even a corporate or shared satellite. Every one or two or three years, throw em out
and start over. Well, THAT part is easy, at least.

There WILL be some problems affecting us at the consumer level, and some of the newer problem discoveries are just
maddening. I'll discuss those new ones that I'm familiar with, and warn you about some which may get ignored. Do
remember , just because we now know of the Y2K problem, we DO NOT KNOW all of the manifestations of the problems . Just
too many parts of our society are computer-driven . Just too may of the computers are completely embedded systems. Too
many of us technically-employed are out making money, not looking for old glitches that COULD turn into new glitches

What I am about to tell you is not any solution to the various line code problems associated with Y2K. I am not a professional
programmer , but I'll tell you some tricks to lessen the impact ON YOU, lighten the load of the Y2K "events" about to occur to
us, ready or not.

You will have before you several problem areas; items of severe inconvenience . It is up to you to keep the life-threatening
ones---if they're even there-- at bay.

1. Automated Teller Machines:        Security features may cause ATMs to malfunction.

The easiest solution here is probably the best. Have sufficient cash on hand (maybe 2-3 weeks' cash), by no later than
December 28, 1999, so that you won't need to hit the ATM on or shortly after 01/01/2000 (hereafter referred to as That Date).
Well before That Date, have hardcopy printouts, not just disk files, of your bank accounts , balances, and automat ic deposits.
So IF your bank makes insufficient preparations for Y2K, you have paper proof of your standing, account wise . Remember ,
those who have such proof in a possible problem scenario will literally move to the front of the line.

2. Buying groceries: Modern features at a supermarket may go down on That Date.

For those of us who have lived in South Florida for some time, we know to have a hurricane stash, consisting of bottled water,
10 days or so supply of canned/packaged foods (nothing that requires refrigeration) , fill up all the vehicles at the gas station,
fresh batteries for the flashlights and boomboxes, and about $100.00 in one dollar bills. Power can be out for days at a tim
(like from hurricanes Andrew, David, Donna, etc). So, come October of 1999, we won't put our stash of canned foods into th
regular food shelf and eat them . We'll save them for whatever problems the servers, UPC scanners, and computerized cash
                                                                                                                             .- -

                   Do you have aproduct that can be
  Do you have a magazine, a device, booklet, video or something else you'd Iikje to
  have reviewed? If so, send it in and we'l/ write up a review on the product. You'l/ get
  a lot of exposure. Do it/ It's free, afteral/. Send to:
                                   Blacklisted! 411 Magazine Reviews
                                   P. O. Box 2506, Cypress, CA 90630

12                            4th Quarter - January 1998                                                  Blacklisted! 411
registers at the local food stores may encounter with Y2K. They may be ready. If not, are you prepared to go on a serious
diet? After the summer of 1992, my wife and I have had food and cash readily secured; an "insurrection stash" as my wife
calls it. By being prepared for large circular storms from the Caribbean and political or racial disturbances coming our way
from Miami, I have assessed we're in pretty good shape for this problem, should it materialize on That Date.
3. Using elevators: Programmed safety features may cripple them.

One of the very recently discovered problems about That Date is the effect it will have on pre-programmed safety features in
modern electronically controlled elevators . When an elevator has a certain number of operational hours, or it is past a certain
date, it automatically goes to the "service floor" (usually the basement) , opens its front (and if present, rear) doors , and turns
itself off and will not budge until it is reset upon being serviced. Now, this is a great safety feature--I do not want to be in a
moving, unserviced , unrepaired elevator. However, I don't want to be in a building where the elevators control units "know"
they are due for servicing, go to the basement, and await the service crew. According to "an expert" on NPR a few months
ago, the United States has over 50,000 electronic elevators which will have this problem unless corrected. I am not able to
confirm this number, but that's a whole bunch of not-moving people if that number is remotely close. The same person said
Japan and Europe each had almost as many elevators, which will also not be moving much on That Date if the Y2K problem
is not fixed. So, try to avoid elevators, starting on New Years Eve day. All that day, and, all the next day. Know where those
stairwells are!
4. Personal Computers           Will MY Data Die?

I am preparing two backups of my systems. If that sounds a bit paranoid, consider the way I plan on doing them. The first
backup will be a straight backup, on either disks or zip, depend ing on what I have by Summertime 1999. I will make no
changes, just a complete backup of my hard drives. Then , the other backup, which will be another complete backup of my
hard drives, EXCEPT in this case I will first reset the system calendars to 01/01/91 (don't ask me how I know, but WIN 95 will
support this date). My reason for this: my first backups will be dated late 1999, too close to Y2K if there is a problem in my
desktop systems (and I'll tell you: I've been ASSURED , there is no problem with any of my systems--I'm still making TWO
backups). A few extra bucks and an extra hour per system (probably less), and I'm safe with my data. Are you?

5. Bank Balances          Will My Deposit Disappear into Cyberspace?

This one is probably the easiest to remedy, and most likely the one the most people will fumble. Do you keep AT LEAST 12
months worth of bank statements? Start now. Two full years is better, and do have all of 1999's pay stubs or deposit receipts .
While this is one of the least likely events to hit an individual, this can be a near disaster in an age of electronic direct deposits,
and automatic debits for things like mortgage or rent, auto payments or student loans. Banks really SEEM to be up on this
problem, so it's not a GREAT worry, but one to pay attention to. Remember, there are several organizations involved : the
failure of one can bring down your finances, at least temporarily . Banks , employers, and automatic debtors are all in the loop
on this - you cannot just trust them to get everything of YOURS right.

6. My Investments/Pension It Won't Disappear--Will It?

If you are like millions of under-40 Americans , you are heavily involved in your own pension, IF you have one at all. An IRA
means you put in 100% of what is there, a 401(k) means you have to contribute some money for your employer to contribute .
As we all are aware, the days of 30-year employment and a fully funded corporate pension are gone with the wind . This puts
a financial burden on the worker to ensure his retirement fund, to be sure, but even more, it puts the responsibility of tracking
your pension-to-be COMPLETELY on each worker. I'll assume you keep at least quarterly statements in a notebook or folder.
If not, get started the month you read this article--you'li have enough lead time before That Date. A file of statements showing
your automatic depos its and matching contributions (if you're so lucky) will ensure you of a visible, provable track record,
ensuring you are credited for your due.
                                                                                                    CONTINUED ON PAGE 36

                                                    4th Quarter - January 1998                                                      13
                              Taipan Enigma's BBS Revievt- Part S
                      &the Temple ofthe Screaming Electron S10/9JS-S84S
                          NIRVANAnet(tm) 9:900/2/ Fidonet 1:161/211
                                     Last Updated: 11/12/96
If you are interested in running the BBS Review on your BBS System, contact Taipan Enigma at & the
Temple of the Screaming Electron, or download the file BBSREVSY.ZIP (The BBS Review Sysop
Pack) from &TOTSE.

BBSes in the 510 Area Co de:

Call of the Wild         510-625-1882                Oakley, CA
Checked : 10/21/96

Camphor Fountain            510-439-0712 14400 RENEGADE Pittsburg, CA
Sysop :? Validation Req
A board which speaks to the religious divers ity of the Bay Area with many message bases and file areas. They cover a wide range of
religous ideas, from the Sufi to the Jewish and Christian . Unfortunately, if you are not interested in religion, then there isnt much else here.
Review by: J.C. Stanton on 10/01/96 - Checked : 09/01/96

Castle Roogna              510-827 -2752 14400 MAXIMUS Concord, CA
Sysop : Loren Ashby
This is a great bbs to call if you like chain mail. The massages you write are transfered throught the USA, come and enjoy.
Review by: Hellspawn on 10/01/96 - Checked : 11/01/96

Cemetary Gates             5I0-516 -2424 14400 WWIV         Brentwood , CA
Sysop: Master of Puppets Validation Req Real Names Req
Brings out the guitarist in all of us. Not. Metal bent board with small user base who post infrequently , and make lots of Beavis and
Butthead references . Me, I like Beavis and Butthead. Unless you'rel6, really stoned , and you want Marilyn Manson to play your birthday
party, find another board.
Review by: J.C. Stanton on OS   /28/96 - Checked: 09/01/96

CforAT BBS                510-841-5621 14400             Berkeley, CA
Sysop: Stefan Welch     - Checked : 09/09/96

Chaotic Peace         510-455-4738 14.4 RENEGADE Livermore, CA
Sysop : Raul No Validation Real Names Req- Checked : 10/21/96

Chez Loons                510-569 -0666 14400 RA          Oakland, CA
Sysop: Amanda Jaye Validation Req Real Names Req
Where the girls are? Strange board with a couple of games, LORD 3.55, Queen of the Board, Usurper, etc. Haven't figured out if this board
has a focus or not, but log on and take a look at the user list, you'll be as surprised as I was .
Review by: J.C. Stanton on 10/01/96· Checked : 11/01/96

City of Night BBS •        510-521- 7827 2400 HOMEBREW Alameda, CA
Telnetab le - URL: citynight .com - Internet Service Provider
Sysop: Bob 10 lines Validation Req Real Names Req
Excellent BBS that requires voice validation. There are 4 internet ports and the other 10 ports are dial-in. There's live chat and
teleconference in the style of IRC, but until you get validated, you're limited 10 just one teleconference room and have very little access .
There's also a direct command mode for you linux/dos fans.
Review by: Toadstool on 11/06/96 - Checked: 10/21/96

ClawMarks                510-452-0350 14400 WILDCAT Oakland , CA
Sysop: Karl Maurer Validation Req Real Names Req
Damned wierd Furry THINGS! By for and about animals, their place in world, their role in society, all their major speeches from the
United Nations. If I could have one wish before I die, its that this board stays in operaton , so people who think they are animals have a
home. Now where's that Kodiak bear?
Review by: J.c. Stanton on 10/01/96 - Checked: 09/01/96

Clouds Of Evil           510-236 -2970 36600 HERMESII EI Cerrito, CA
Internet Service Provider
Sysop: Tristen 2 lines No Validation
FidoNet - GreyNet - Active Message Bases · Both IBM and MAC Support - Handles Allowed - NO VALIDATION - Complete Freedom
on First Call! - Only Coo l Peop le on this Board, No Lamers - Over 1.2 GIGs of Files - Over 4200 Files!! • Adult Section - Restricted
Areas for a Special Few Role-Playing Games and Discussions - Magic:The Gathering - Jyhad .
Review by: Tristen on 10/01/96 - Checked: 11/01/96

The Clubhouse BBS HayChp 510-785- 1123 14400                     Hayward , CA
Sysop: Tim Wilcox - Checked : 11/01/96

The Clubhouse BBS UC Chp 510-487-9625 2400                      Union City, CA
Sysop: Richard Churchill - Checked: 09/01/96

14                                4th Quarter· January 1998                                                            Blacklisted! 411
Cock Stro ng              510-758-5475 28800 RENEGADE Richmond, Ca
Sysop : Akira 2 lines Validat ion Req
This is a great place to post messages. Has a 5:1 file ratio, with the file areas growing almost daily. Also has registered LORD,
Exitilus, Usurper , and others .
Review by: Dr. Freak on 06/18/96 - Checked : 10/21/96
Common Sense               510-713-7336 28800 MAXIM US Newark, CA
Telnetable - URL: cmnsens
Sysop: Mike Burgett No Validation Real Names Req
Libertarian Party BBS. Good selection of Libertarian files and message bases . "Patriot" and State vs. Federal goverme nt stuff, including
a "Death and Taxes" sub. They say real names only, but looking at their user log doesn't bear this out. They take themselves, their
cause, and consequent ly their bbs just a little too seriously. Web address Voice number 510-713-7057.
Review by: J.C. Stanton on 10/01/96 - Checked : 11/01/96

COMPU-PAL                  510-538-2040 14400            Castro Valley , CA
Sysop : Richard Vim    - Checked : 09/09/96

DA'BomB                  510-278 -2826 14.4 REN

Dance of the DNA            510-526-6193 14400           Albany, CA
Sysop : Stefan Welch    - Checked : 10/2 1/96

Deadly Force BBS          510-540-6726 33600 HERMES Berkeley, CA
Sysop: Santiago No Validation
Deadly Force is an all Macintosh, all free BBS running on a Mac LC III and a USR Courier V.Everything V.34+.
Review by: Santiago on 07/01/96 - Checked : 11/01/96

The Deadly Force BBS       510-540-6726 28.8 HERMES              Berkeley , CA
Sysop: Santiago Validation Req Real Names Req
Private BBS. Hack away.
Review by: Santiago on 06/12/96 - Checked : 09/09/96

Deep Thought             510-674-9 119 33600 RA         Concord , Ca
Sysop: Sybex No Validation
User-Friendly , NO VALIDATI ON, Great Message Base with TONS of areas Great games like Falcon's Eye, LORD, Falcon's Honor,
BRE, SRE, Exitilus, llIuryia, Planets: TEaS, Future Runner, Usurper , and many, many more. Ansi\Asci i graphics supported . HUGE
Filebase with hundreds of games,.
Review by: Sybex666 on OS   /28/96 - Checked : 10121/96

Delta              510-778-3714                 Antioch, CA
Checked : 10/21/96

The Diamond Mind             510-791-8926 2400            Fremont , CA
Sysop: Frank Cwick      - Checked: 11/01/96

Digital Leprosy          510-299-1687 28.8 RENEGADE Lafayette, CA
Sysop : John Doe Validation Req Real Names Req
HIP board, although I dont think they have anything thats not alreadyon TOTSE. New, though, they just started 06/02/96 . Kinda clever
loginscreens......Very sma ll.

                                          IPh 0 tographsl I
                                               DEAD OR ALIVE
  If you have a photo of a payphone, local telephone company vehicle or building, local cable
  company vehicle or building, interior of a telecomm. or other utility building, inside a manhole,
  inside a utility box or some other interesting item, please send them to us along with a short
  "memo" explaining what it is that we're looking atl

  If you send a photo that we end up using in our magazine, we'll mention your name along with the
                                   Sen~ to: Blacldiltedf 411 Photo Gallery
                                                  P Box 2506, Cypress, CA 90630

Blacklistedl 411                                       4th Quarter· January 1998                                                             15
Dimension 99              510-4 41-0919 14400 RA        Union City, CA
Sysop: Alison No Validatio n
Quirky and cool little boa rd. Crazy mix of messages areas from Sign Language to witchcraft to old cars; file areas have the same weird
combinations, from a recent copy of Netscape to pictures of her and her dad's o ld Caddy. A few games, LORD, Barren Realms, Exitilus.
Do yourse lf a favor, Call Here Now.
Review by: J.C . Stanton on 10/01/96 - Checked : 09/01/96

The Dog Patch            5 \0-798-7J28 38400 RAPTO R Concord, CA
Sysop : SirGumshoe No Validation Real Names Req
This isjust a personal BBS i whipped up in about 3 days :).
Review by: Dogso ut on 10/21/96 - Checked : 11/06/96

Down Under               510-790-3432 14400            Newark, CA
Sysop: John Pickens    - Checked : 11/01/96

Dr. Jack's Thing         510-689 -4022 28800 WILDCAT Concord, CA
Sysop : The Mad Doctor 6 lines Validation Req Real Names Req
Requires call back verification for access . Has over 30,000 files, and specializes in GIF's . Also has tournaments in Food Fight, Trade
Wars, and Usurper .
Review by: Dr. Freak on 06/18/96 - Checked: 10/21/96

Dragonhead BBS            510-4\7-8718 14400          Pleasanton, CA
Sysop : Ray Khechen - Checked : 09/01/96
DVC-Internet            510-685-5454 14400 UNIX         Pleasant Hill, CA
Sysop: ?
Diablo Valley College Internet Dialup .
Review by: J.e. Stanton on OS/21/96 - Checked: 11/01/96

DVPCUG-BBS                 510-943-6244 14400 TBBS           Walnut Creek, CA
Sysop: Henry Shaw 2 lines Validation Req Real Name s Req
Diablo Valley PC Users Group BBS . If you need bland and boring, this is the place . Lots of shareware , but the file areas are dull as
dishwater and the message bases are strictly vanilla . If you are looking for anything that smacks of being original or alte rnative , look
elsewhere .
Review by: J.C. Stanton on 10/01/96 - Checked: 11/01/96

exodus                 510-886-6513 14000 ?          hayward ca.
Sysop : Fuzz Validation Req Real Names Req
Lots of base s and great post rates (usually 200+ Or300+ days) Free, costs nothing , we appreciate good posters We do voice validation, we
are quick to validate though On your second call you can post We do have a time limit, talk to "8) or Fuzz ifit's not enoug h.
Review by: "8) on 07/15/96 - Checked : 11/01/96

Eyes on the Skys       510-443 -6146 9600             Livermore, CA
Sysop: Michael Rushford - Checked: 09/01/96

Fortress of Forever      510-682-0154 28800 OfN /2 Concord , CA
Sysop: Displaced Electron Validation Req
Private BBS. Hack away.
Review by: J.e. Stanton on 08/11/96 - Checked : 11/06/96

FRANCOFOLIES BBS              510-651-3192 9600              Fremont, CA
Sysop : Can Vu - Checked : 11/06 /96

Fred Haney&Son BBS         5 10-792-5119 14400              Newark, CA
Sysop : Fred Haney - Checked : 11/06/96

Fremont Area Remote Terminal 510-791 -2961 9600               Fremont, CA
Sysop: George Sandefur - Checked: 11/01/96

The Front Porch        510-432-4183 28800 PWRBBS Pittsbu rg, CA
Sysop : Steve Kelley
Call Back Validation 24 hrs No Ratios Plenty of On line Doors, Adult Areas including on-line doors, Handels permitt ed in all areas,
support for ANSI and RIP, 500 + adult graphic files and growing, message bases of all types soon to be activated . EASY BBS to navigat e,
looks like Windows .
Review by: Puck on 10/01/96 - Checked: 09/09/96

Fubar                 510-264-1286 28800 RENEGADE Hayward, CA
Sysop : Fubar Kid 5 lines Validation Req Real Names Req
Stands for Filled with Unlimited Biscotti And Rum. Or whatever. LORD , BRE, Falcons Eye, Bordello and 5 lines for chatting in
Hayward. Lots of callers and LOTS of messages, plus RIPping it up with sexpot Baby Doll gal pal. Unfortunately, it's serious validation
city, but do stop by for a cool Mai Tai.
Review by: J.e. Stanton on 05/14 /96 - Checked : 10/21/96

the GAME ZONE BBS                 510-785-4263 14400           Hayward , CA
Sysop: Mr. GAME - Checked : 11/01/96
The GIFt Shop             510-689-4686 28.8 WILDCAT Concord, CA
Sysop : Waik Gan 4 lines Validation Req Real Names Req
An adult boa rd, offering a little more than most adult boards . The GIFt Shop has tons and tons of smut, but more than that, they've taken
the time to set up a real BBS, not some horrible prefab board with no character. If you want to subscribe to an adult board , don't waste
your time on a bad BBS, The GIFt Shop is a good place.
Review by: J.C. Stanton on OS    /28/96 - Checked : 11/01/96

16                               4th Quarter - January 1998                                                       Blacklisted! 411
global infonet inc.          510-596-9977 28800 ?  oakland
tons of lines, but still is busy sometimes.
Review by: Checkboy on 03/0 1/96 - Checked: 11/08/96

Goofy Studio West         510-757-0613 14400 WWIV        Antioch, CA
Sysop: NiteOwl Validation Req Real Names Req
Essentially just a hub for these Nets: SEXnet, TAZnet, FREAKnet, FUNGUS net, XANTHnet , LIGHTnet, EAGLEnet, FOXnet and
maybe a fcw more. No games, and the board apparently had a recent crash. which(1 guess) is why there is an abundance of system notices
like C:\GSW\L OGON.MSG where the text files are suppossed to be. Annoying .
Review by: J.C. Stanton on 05/22/96 - Checked: 11/06/96

The Graphics Alternative 510-524-2780 14400 PCBOARD EI Cerrito, CA
Telnetable - URL: - Internet Service Provider
Sysop: adams 4 lines Real Names Req
Dedicated to supporting the computer-graphics communit y. Support for 3D and 20 sharewa re and freeware packages for the PC, such as
POV-Ray, Polyray, Vivid, etc. Support for Auotdesk's 3D Studio - Mesh files, IPAS routines, etc. Specialized support for raytrac ing,
rendering, and 3D animation. Lots of files for you PC! Graphics shareware registration. Fidonet, PCGnet (Professional CAD and
Graphics netwo rk), Usenet News. Internet e-mail for subscribers.
Review by: "Bob" on 0 1/19/96 - Checked : 11/01/96

Great AbysS           510-482-5813 28800 TELEGARD Oakland. CA
Sysop: Keymaster NIRVANAnet(tm)
The Great AbysS is a Telegard Beta Support site. You will lind TG Utilities old and new as well as the latest Gamm a/Standard ver. of
Telegard. The AbysS is part of the TGSDN file dist. Net. Echomail bases are plenty. Fido, GaSp, NIRVANAnet(tm), POD &
Review by: Keymaster on 1010 1/96 - Checked: 09/09/96

Greater Mutant Valley        510-294-9052 28800 MAJORB BS Livermo re, CA
For S IO/year you can have unlimited time online (no daily or call limitations) If you don't pay, you can still chat and play games. For
SI5/year, it is the same as above. in addition to the Adult sections. It's really a great board!
Review by: Carrmu ha on 04/03/96 - Checked: 11/01/96

Henry's Halluc ination        510-827-5958 33600 WWIVMODS Concord, California
Sysop: Henry Pinney/Henry 2 lines No Validation
Henry's Hallucin ation is an interesting place. Although i never call out I gather it's fairly good for a 2 line board. I have modded the wwiv
a lot, so it's not your typical boring wwiv. There are usually 75- 100+ posts a day. There is a fairly good file section. I'm always expanding
the hardware and bbs source. The message bases are pretty,
Review by: Henry on 05/14/96 - Checked: 10/21/96

ImagiNET             510-426-0470 14400                Pleasanton, CA
Sysop: Bill McCauley - Check ed: 09/0 1/96

Blacklisted! 411                                      4th Ouarte r January 1998»                                                          17
The Inferno              510-254-8207 19.2 WWIV

iNFiNiTy                 510-443-2758 28.8 RENEGADE

Inner Circle           510-485-9579 14400 HERM ESII Pleasanton , CA
Sysop : Magic Validation Req Real Names Req
For all you Fantasy and Science Fiction nuts out there. Message bases and file areas that complimen t this angle. FidoN ET access, TAK E
STOCK . Stresses that it is a "famil y oriented BBS" and does not allow any profanity. An oasis of#%!%@%#& ! in Pleasanton .
Review by: J.e. Stanton on 101011 - Checked: 09/09/96

10 Net             510-680-2701                 Concord, CA
Checked : 10/21/96

Jetstream BBS            510-252-9131 28800 WILDCAT Fremont, CA
Sysop: Bill Garrison 2 lines Validation Req Real Names Req
Exploring the well-lit boring of suburban living. Clean and safe, without even a hint of mystery, danger or unrepentant fun,you can call
here and never worry about running into anything out of the ordinary . God Bless this board and the !#@!bag that runs it.
Review by: J.C. Stanton on 10101 /96 - Checked : 09/01/96

Jetstream BBS              510-252-9132 28800          Fremont, CA
Sysop: Bill Garrison     - Checked : 09/09/96

Knight Court BBS           510-946-1049 14400 SLBBS Walnut Creek, CA
Sysop : Eric Kempter
Mainly Door BBS - Registered doors - Tradewars, Global War, The Pit, BBS Chess , Tete-Hang, BBS Crash. Barren Realms registered
soon, and 30 others . Messages Bases - Sports , Las Vegas Gambl ing, NFL.
Review by: Eric Kempter on 10101/96 - Checked : 11/06/96

kRaZyLaNd                510-732-9060 28800 WILDCAT ! Hayward, Ca
Sysop : Notorious No Validation
A tight BBS with Doors messages and files. Many registered doors includ ing LORD BRE, FALCONS EYE, and much much more. Great
ansi's and cool sysOp's. What Else Could You want from a BBS, call today!
Review by: Beserker on 0510 7/96 - Checked: 10/21/96

L-AGS                 510-846-8 I90 14400 RA        Pleasanton, CA
Sysop : Larry Renslow No Validation
Livermore-Alameda Genelogical Society. Very few user with a very specific interest. Message bases and file areas are all geared to the
genelogically minded.
Review by: J.e. Stanton on 10101/96 - Checked: 11/01/96

LamerdOOdz                510-229-9745              Pleasant Hill, CA
Checked: 10/21/96

Legion Of Doom            510-229-2487 28800 WWIV            Martinez CA
Fun bbs, LORD is registerd, has Heat link and Fox net, no file ratios, validation very swift, Lotsa lively subs, Sysop Jim i Hendri x.
Review by: Crash Pir8 on 04/03/96 - Checked : 11/01/96

LZlNightline BBS         510-273-7830 14.4 WC
LZlNightline BBS, 14.4. Veterans Orientated
Review by: WWIV DOOd on 05/14/96 - Checked: 10/21/96

The Machine           510-825-2412 28.8 WWIV         Concord , CA
Sysop: Biohazard Validation Req Real Names Req
THE FLOYD, man. It's all in the FLOYD. LISTEN to the music. HUM the lyrics. KNOW that there will never be any band as cool as the
FLOYD , man. LET's take some A and ride the mechanical bull all the way to the stars......dude .

Macross BBS                510-881-8318 14400           Castro Valley, CA
Sysop : Ed Spradlin     - Checked : 09/09/96

Maddog! BBS                  510-895-8089 14400          San Leandro , CA
Sysop : Troy Earp      - Checked : 11/01/96

Mail Stop                510-684-3747 14400 WWIV            Oakley , CA
Validation Req Real Names Req
90% of the messages are one-liners from the sysop asking "why aren't there any messages ?" You can't post or download files until you are
validated, but the sysop is quick to validate . There are nine files on-line. You cannot add to the BBS list even if you are validated.
On a 1 to 10 scale , this BBS gets a -2.
Review by: Taipan Enigma on 05/17/96 - Checked: 10/21/96

the Main Frame Graphic          510-671-3833 28800 POWER Concord ,CA
Sysop: Steve Brom ley 3 lines No Validation
It's got several gigs of files, doors, messages , NO ratios, NO fees, Basicly NO rules, if it's legal it's ok. Supports ANSI , ASCI, Power

                      Check us out on IRC: #Blacklisted
                                       Weekdays: 2:15pm EST - 5:30pm EST
                                       Weekends: 8:00pm EST - 11 :OOpm EST
Dr. No will be hosting the IRe each evening. If the channel has not been started up by the listed time , feel free to start
it up yourself and wait for some others to jo in in. Enjoy !

18                               4th Quarter · January 1998                                                         Blacklisted! 411
Access for online multitasking graphics and sound, HTML comming soon.
Review by: Robo-Man on 08/01/96 - Checked : 11/01/96

Mike's Mess            510-753-5869 14400 WWIV          Antioch, CA
Sysop: Mike Validation Req
2 CD-ROMs and I gig+ of files, not many messages, and you can't access the files on your first call. The sysop is hooked up to an iron
lung and can only respond by pecking out messages with a pencil held in his teeth, so getting responses or going into chat can take a long
Review by: Taipan Enigma on 05/17/96 - Checked : 10/21/96

The Missing Link          510-370-7160 2400 WWIV            Martinez, Ca
Sysop: Kent Validation Req
This is a message board; one post per call is required. Every other aspect of this board bites. No files, no doors, and worse yet, the sysop
randomly voice verifies people .
Review by: Dr. Freak on 06/15/96 - Checked : 10/21/96

Moon Angel                5 I0-235-8560 28800 PCBOARD Richmond, CA
Telnetable - URL: htlp:llwww
Sysop:? 7 lines Validation Req
With the rise of the information society, many adult bbs' have also arisen, trying to make a fast buck. They stick in some CD-ROM's full
of boring smut and wait for the cash to roll in. No dice. This place is epitome of stupid people dabbling in something they know nothing
about. Even if you want smut, Skip This Stupid Place.
Review by: J.e. Stanton on 05/21/96 - Checked: 11/06/96

The Moose's Den           510-656-3720 33600 WILDCAT Fremont, CA
Sysop: Rick Johnson Validation Req Real Names Req
Fidonet and USENET message bases. Multi CD-ROM changer for all files (but right now it's not working) . Not much in the way ofa local
"feel". Not very customized . Bland and dull. Not only that, Mooses don't live in Dens, they prefer the Living Room.
Review by: Taipan Enigma on 10/01/96 - Checked: 10/21/96

Motherboard 1111586         510-783 -2795 14400          Hayward, CA
Sysop : DeWayne Stuart     - Checked : 10/21/96

NEW USER BBS                 510-881-7678 28800            Castro Valley, CA
Sysop: John Nobriga     - Checked : 11/01/96

The Night Creature BBS   510-481 -9774 14400               San Lorenzo, CA
Sysop : Dan Hornback - Checked : 10/21/96

No Name Yet Genealogy     510-827-5714 14400                 Pleasant Hill, CA
Sysop: Douglas Smith - Checked : 10/21/96

NRDU                    5\ 0-458-1487 36600 RA        Bay Point, CA
Sysop: Nightruler No Validation
Nightruler's Dark Underground is back up (finaly) and coming back stronger then ever! With a new WEB page that is still beging made at:
http://www .geocities .comlSiliconValleylPark/6668/index .htmIWe are also trying to bring the files back up (after a nice crash) and hook
up a message network . We don't care who you are or were your from.
Review by: Nightruler on 09/01/96 - Checked : 09/09/96

OASIS BBS                510-444-8246 14400 RA         Oakland, CA
Sysop: Michael Jacob
Oasis is a recovery and healing-oriented BBS, with echos and files on compulsive eating, recovery from incest and child abuse, substance
abuse (AA, NA), codependecy, spirituality, Buddhism, peace and the environment.
Review by: Michael Jacob on 10/01/96 - Checked: 09/01/96

PC Loading Dock             5\0-676-5359 14400           Port Chicago, CA
Sysop: Drew Blanchar      - Checked : 11/01/96

Paladin's Temple 2        510-372-9039 14400 FORTRESS Martinez, CA
Sysop: Draiden Bansted
The sysop for this board managed to find one of the hardest to use bbs software packages in the known world. FORTRESS is just a pain in
the butt. The messages seem to reflect a libertarian attitude, which is a little odd coming from the Democrat stronghold that is Martinez .
Dont go out of your way for this one.
Review by: J.C. Stanton on 05/22196- Checked : 11/06/96

ParadoX                510-846-7388 28800 RENEGADE Pleasanton , CA .
Sysop: The Insane Warrior No Validation
A nice little BBS in Pleasanton, on Phishnet. Free Access on the first call. Adult access returning as soon as we filter out all the underage
gifs... Photo ID required for Adult files. Mostly messages but 1 would like to expand the file areas and the online games . Free for all,
Local to East Bay. Call now!
Review by: Insane Warrior on 11/01/96 - Checked : 11/01/96

PESTiLENCE                 510-484-1160 14400            Pleasanton, CA
Sysop: Eric Melville    - Checked: 10/21/96

The Phantom Zone BBS      510-538-9586 14400                 Castro Valley, CA
Sysop: Paul Graydon - Checked: 09/09/96

                                                                                              MORE IN THE NEXT ISSUE....

Blacklistedl 411                                      4th Quarter - Jan uary 1998                                                        19
             Wal·....,mart Phones                          BY


Have you ever walked into a store like Caldor or Target , and see one of the employee's on the phone? Ever wonder
what it would be like to phreak the phone system in one of those stores? Well, wonder no further, In this article I will
attempt to explaine to you how the phones at your local Wal-Mart work and hope to answer any questions that you
might have.

First off, it's important to know the type of phone that you'll be dealing with. Most Wal-Mart's use a Lucent
Technologies or AT&T model MLX-I00 or 8102 . For those of you that might happen to see a Bell Labs, phone,
don't pannic, Bell Labs, is the same as Lucent.

Lets start with the AT&T 8102, This is your standard non-display type phone with a series of 10 buttons arrangened
in pairs of two's. These are your programable buttons . They usually contain three outside lines, and the rest are
usually just diffrent departments, or if your realy lucky one of them is for the paging system . (I'll explaine more about
that in a minute.)

The three lines that are for outside calls on these phones are for incoming only. Most of them have a block on the
lines that won't allow you to get an outside dial tone. But will allow you to pick up an outside call. But, you can dial
911 just by picking up and hitting 9 for a dial tone then hit 911.

The next set of buttons you II see, are three in a straight line. These are your flah, redial, and hold . Keep in mind that
the flash button does not give you enough time to truley falsh the reciver, so almost always this has to be done

After your hold button row, is a normal numeric touch tone pad, for you to dial the diffrent extentions on. All the
extentions in every Wal-Mart are the same no matter where you go. Some of which are as follows.

Front Courtisy Desk -Extention 150
Electrontics - 105
Layaway - 181
Mens - 123
Operator - 0 or 129 for the fitting room.

Which brings me to my next point. The Operator. She is located in the ladies fitting room, she has the best phone in
the whole store, so if you want to phreak it you have to get through her.        .

Inter-store communication is possible, simply by picking up any house phone and dialing , the one of the following
numbers .

xxxx stand s for the store's number that you are calling , this is the number of the store in order of when it was built ,
not the phone number. Example store 2046 was bulit before store 2155 so if you wanted to call store 2155 then xxxx
would be 2155 . (Get it?) Any way, the next step will be the store code, you must enter this to compleate the call. Thi s
is in most cases the store number that you are calling from. Example if you dial 1-700-707-2355, it will ask you to
enter your code if the store you are calling from is store number 0042 then 0042 is the code you would enter to
complete the call.

Ok, that just about covers the model 8102, now on to the good stuff, model MLX-IOO. MLX-IOO has all the same
features but it looks totaly diffrent. First noticible thing you'll see is that it has a display screen . Watch out for this
type of phone , it will tell who ever is on it, where you are calling from.

Directly under the screen you will see four buttons (black .) Directly below each of them are another set of four
buttons, home, inspect. menu and more. Each of these buttons does a diffrent specialized function which is of no
relivance to this article. Below it , you will see a set of 10 black buttons, this is the good stuff.

There are as follows , left side, paging, privacy, blank, intercom voice, and intercom ring . The right side has pick up
line one, pick up line two, pick up line three. followed by two blank buttons. Lets start with the paging button . This
button is pre-programed by the store to dial #96, this is the extention on the phones that is used by everyone to notify
other employee's or customers of whats going on. But, please note this is not an extention. Unlike K-Mart who's

20                           4th Quarter· January 1998                                                Blacklisted' 411
paging system is simply an extention on the phones like a department, Wal-Mart's are not. It's uses the # for a reason,
so as not to be confused with any other department that has a 96 in it. This is the only way to page on any of the
phones. If the phone you have does'nt have a paging button, then you must manually dial #96 to activate the P.A.

Privacy, this is used to keep your calls private and not have anyone pick up the line your using, and listen in on your
calls . If the Privacy light is not on, you do not have a secure call.

Blank these are the non-programed buttons. Pressing these will do nothing. However try your luck anyway some of
them are programed with diffrent departments, or other stores.

Intercom voice, this feature allows you to speak to a person in another room (they must also have a MLX-IOO) using
the speaker phone.

Intercom Ring , same as the intercom voice, but used as a prequile to the Intercome Voice, to see if they are available.

Pickup line's 1-3, these buttons are pretty much self explanitory, if you are reciving a outside call you must pick up
one of the three that the call is on .

Now, on some of the MLX-IOO's there is no way to get an outside line with out putting in a 3 digit code . The code is
usually Feature 8xx then you must pick up a free line. This is the only way on the "non-essential" phones to get an
outside line . But, in some cases the only type of line you can get is a inter-store line, no matter what. Some of the
phones (if your lucky enough to get in to the back of the store) don 't even need a code to get an outside line. Just
simply pick up the phone, choose an outside line and dial away.

Ok, so now I've covered most of the buttons on this type of phone, we will move on to, the final group of buttons.
They are:

Feature, HFAI, mute, speaker, transfer, confrence, drop, hold.

Let's start with feature. This in conjuntion with a the code 8xx, allows you to pick up an outside line , the xx, can be
any set of numbers that your heart desires, each one is supposed to be assigened to a diffrent department head so as to
keep track as to who is making what calls , and to where.

HFAI, I have no idea what this does, I can't seem to figure out what purpose it serves, so we will disregard it for now.

Mute, speaker, hold are all self explanitory.

Transfer, this allows you to obviously transfer calls to other areas , of the store, simply by hitting transfer and then
dialing the dept number, you will transfer the call.

Confrence, allows you to make confrence calls , (simmilar to that ofa party line).

Drop, drops a call once its placed on hold.

One last thing before I go, 800 numbers. Most of them are ok to dial on this type of phone, but some of them won't
go through. I can only speculate that the 800 number is one that allows return billing for services, (such as some tech
supports, and phone sex lines). 900 numbers are strickly forbidin and won't work so don't even try.

So wrapping everything up now, we see the ins and outs of the Wal-Mart phone system. So next time your in a
Wal-Mart and a new employee is having trouble with the phones, simply pull out this article and you'll be able to get
the job done. Happy Hacking!

Blacklisted' 411                                4th Quarter· January 1998                                            21
     Unabomber's Manifesto
                                                      P JURY ASSOCIATION                                                                                              0
~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~

True or False?

When you sit on a jury, you may vote on the verdict according to your own conscience ?

"TRUE, you say--and you're right. But then...

(I] Why do most judges tell you that you may consider "only the facts"--that you are not to let your conscience, opinion of the law, or the
motives of the defendant affect your decision?

In a trial by jury, the judge 's job is to referee the trial and provide neutral legal advice to the jury, beginning with a full and truthful
explanation of a juror's rights and responsibilities.

But judges rarely "fully inform" jurors of their rights, especially their power to j udge the law itself and to vote on the verdict according to
conscience . Instead, they end up assisting the prosecution by dismissing any prospective juror who will admit to knowing about this
right--starting with anyone who also admits having qualms with the law.

We can only speculate on why : Distrust of the citizen jury? Disrespect for the idea of government "of, by, and for the people"?
Unwillingness to part with power ? Ignorance of all the rights and powers that trial jurors necessarily acquire upon assuming the
responsibility of judging a case? Actual concern that trial jurors might "misuse" their power if told about it?

[2] How can people get fair trials of the jurors are told they can't use their consciences?

Many people don't get fair trials . Too often, jurors actually end up apologizing to the person they've convicted--or to the community for
acquitting when evidence of guilt seems perfectly clear.

Something is definitely wrong when the jurors feel ashamed of their verdict. They should never have to explain "I wanted to use my
conscience , but the j udge made us take an oath to apply the law as given to us, like it or not."

Too oflenjurors who try to vote their consciences are talked out of it by other jurors who don't know their rights, or who believe they are
required to reach a unanimous verdict because the judge "said so."

I( j urors were supposed to judge "only the facts", their job could be done by computer. It is precisely because people have feelings,
opinions, wisdom, experience, and conscience that we depend upon jurors , not upon machines, to jud ge court cases .

When it's your tum to serve, remember:

[I] you mayo-and should-vote your conscience ;
[2] you cannot be forced to obey a "juror 's oath";
[3] it is your responsibility to "hang" the jury with your vote if you disagree with the other jurors !
THE                                          WHEN THE

                                                                                     BE 01FFERENT!
                                                                                     J. THINK!
                                                                                      ~.                  .                              ~

                                                                                       Be a PAL! ·
                                                                                    ;,S a
                                                                                       h reBACKLISTED!
44                                4th Quarter - January 1998                                                          Blacklistedl 411
                                                             6.500 MHz " Red Box" Crystals
BLOWOUT                                             ECS     QUARTZ CRYSTALS          HC-49:~4~ ~ . ~

                                                                                                        O+=llli3:l 0 17       .192
                                                                                                                h_.''*'Il .... 
                                          Films To End The Age
                                                      By Bill Hayes
A friend of the family made us a real nice offer three years ago. "Bill, I want you and your lovely family to spend the last week
of the century with me. Come on up, we'll have a great time ."

Now, this was a really great invitation. Our friend lives outside Orlando, has a big house, guest house, and is about 20
minutes from Disney. The thought of spending the last few days of 1999 and the first few days of 2000 with him and his family
was really nice. Of course, we'd go to the parks: EPCOT has already promised some neat, forward looking entertainment in
the way of new displays and exhibits. Pleasure Island will have several end-of year, end-of-century, and end-of-millennium
parties, with all kinds of guests, displays, fireworks. Dinners at Dixie Landings, breakfasts at The Contemporary . The whole
thing: it would be great.

My friend told me to punch up December 27, 1999 on my computer, and to decide on what events we'd want to do together,
and on what days over that and the following week. A couple of phone calls later, we'd made all kinds of reservations and
plans. Ahh, the magic of the upcoming celebration. (Oh, by the way, I DO KNOW that this millennium ends on December 31,
2000, not on December 31,1999, but most of the world will celebrate the latter date as the big one, and you do know about
that pesky Y2K problem that ends in "00," not "01.")

Now, my friend , who is in business, has some degree of interest in things private, and has read my book. He likes to look at
the drafts of articles I write for BLACKLISTED . And we have spent some time, in the last year, discussing the millennium bug,
the Y2K problem, call it what you will. My pal was just doing some planning for his own business interests. We've pretty much
agreed to cancel those outings to Disney and other Central Florida sites. We MAY even stay in and celebrate in our own
homes, waiting out all the festivities. I'd really like to live to the year following the great parties. As I mentioned in my other
article for this issue, there will be other, as yet unidentified problems, fears, and concerns that will surface, of which we
currently don't have a clue. I'm not AFRAID of the future, but I'm not going to make it convenient for a future celebration to kill
me, either.

In hospital emergency rooms in Florida (and probably all over the country) holidays are called "amateur hour," because of all
the people drinking who do not normally drink (or at least to that degree) , the shootings that occur due to those who are not
used to weapons having them and displaying them, and other all-around silliness of the dangerous or deadly variety . I think
the upcoming Big NewYears will bring out amateur drinkers, drivers, and shooters like we've never seen before . And then
there's always the prediction of increased suicides. Great expectations of the new millennium not being met, or some such.
Not at all a time to be out with these people.

While I'm not particularly a home body, I do have some entertainment vices that are quite suited to a stay-at-home reveler . My
not-so-secret passion : movies. I have several in mind that I believe will be ideal to carry me through the only millennial
anniversary any of us will ever celebrate. (And still get me and mine safely to the next year, no matter how many zeros show
up in the calendar .)

I think my charming, science fiction addicted wife and I will curl up and watch a few good movies, serious classics worthy of
the end of an age. Sharing these with you might inspire you to do the same, and certainly you can come up with some great
ones, some appropriate films I've missed. In no particular order (yet), my selections are presented for your approval. So, on
that note, here goes .

1. METROPOLIS (1984 enhancement of the 1927 film) Fritz Lang's disturbing classic is, I think, ideal as a kickoff for the
indoor celebrating of the new millennium. Georgio Morodor's excellent rock and roll soundtrack and very mild, almost sepia
colorization make it my choice over the silent original (the update is also silent, but the original has no musical score).

2. BLADE RUNNER (1982) What more needs to be said about this one? Oh, my choice is the original video, not the
director's cut. Harrison Ford's background narration is fabulous.

3. MODERN TIMES (1936) Charlie Chaplin's satire on the future , from nearly three-quarters of a century ago , will give great
comedic perspective to the last weekend of the age. Chaplin's film on the fears of automation (among other things), and his
"Little Tramp" character, were the inspiration of the original IBM personal computer ads, for those of us who can remember
back to August of 1981. Now, most PC users do not use IBM on the desktop (or Apple or Radio Shack for that matter, the only
players that really mattered in the summer of 81), nor do they remember Chaplin's "tramp" character as an adman, just the
tramp .

4. BRAZIL (1986) A lot of people, even many science fiction degenerates, do not like BRAZIL or its British, caustic comedy.
I think if George Orwell were to have written a futuristic comedy (no, "1984" does not count), it would look a lot like BRAZIL.
Bureaucratic in the extreme, dark, weird, governmentally intrusive, dystopian and funny all at once, BRAZIL will make a lot of
2000-eve parties.

5. ALIEN (1979) The original, minimalist space horror show was still the best of the series for me. So many people have
asked me WHY I think so much of the future will look like ALIEN, I have to enumerate: the commercialization of space by
non-astronauts/non-engineers, unions and rules for bonuses, strict rules of contact established by a distant, all-owning
Corporation ("The Company" as it was so mentioned; in a later film we learn its name is Wayland-Yutani, a very global
sounding conglomerate). In my view, H.R. Giger's beast is secondary to the dark view of commercialized , industrialized,
unionized space. A fitting view of the near-future, in my humble opinion . Well, if my plans for new clients and much more
business don't pan out for 2000--maybe Wayland-Yutani will be hiring.

                 Just when you thought it was safe to read BlicK/isletl!/11......
Blacklisted! 411                                   4th Quarter - January 1998                                                   49
6. 2001 - A SPACE ODYSSEY (1968) Since we don't yet have HAL, a manned moon base, an on-orbit port in Von Braun's
classical "double wheel" design , or Jupiter space transport capability, this is in some ways the least prescient of modern
science fiction films. Too clean and too utopian for some, it is still a film of beauty, one I see with my children every couple of
years. I'll see it then, too.

7. BRAINSTORM (1983) Probably the last view we had of the Osbome 1 "luggable" PC, and certainly our last view of Natalie
Wood , this film has yet to catch on, but it struck all the right cords with me. The promise of usable brain downloads is still in
the realm of the Sci-Fi Channel (unfortunately) , but the Research Triangle , N.C. setting, the very believable , very human
scientists and technicians, and the military-industrial -entertainment complex subplot make this a real satisfying movie. I've
watched it a number of times, usually late at night when I'm too wired to sleep. It's part of my permanent video library, and it
will be ready for the party of 2000.

That's right, there are not 10 movies here because this is not a "Top 10" list. This is MY list, one to be enjoyed (that is, the
movies listed thereupon), and one that can be added to by input from friends, business contacts of like mind, and possibly
some ideas from you dear BLACKLISTED readers.

That's about it for my stay-at-home celebrating. There will be many more opportunit ies for me to celebrate by traditional or
alternat ive means AFTER January 1, 2000. Like, getting new clients and having more money to spend . Getting one of those
Cray-imploding Pentium-3 laptops that'll be around by then. Safer, less frenetic trips to visit friends , family, and parks, after the
body count has been tallied and the debris fully removed. And my children entering college, learning who-knows-what that will
be vital to the next phase of our economy .

Have a safe New Years, BLACKLISTED readers; start planning now, and don't be part of the body count. We need ya.
Bill Hayes, author of "Take Back Your Privacy: Getting Your Life Off The Information Superhighway" is preparing for
a safe, edifying millennium eve. If you have any ideas or questions about privacy, or some real good videos to
partake while dug in on That Date, contact Bill through BLACKLISTED or email

                    THE DEATH OF A MYTH,
                    AKA THE RAIN80W 80X
Well I would like to put a stupid myth to death. I was surpprised to see this in the latest issue of Blacklisted4111 In the section
about colored boxes it sayz "Rainbow Kill a trace by putting a 120v into the phone line Ooke). I guess this means that the
rainbox box we though up isn't real and there are on some drug enduced-delusinal trip, wait, that was saturday . Ok, now any
average joe-blow phreaker could construct this thing , it ranks right up there with the red box on the construction difficulty scale.
Without further ado HaRdLiNe presents the rainbox box. Note neither Blacklisted411!, System Error or HaRdLiNe take
responsiblity for you stupidly using this thing with cation as it will take out your fone line, the victems line and modem, not to
mention just about all the fone lines in your neiqhborhood . Lets gol             .

First you are going to need:
1 Rotary telephone wI access to the mouth part
1 Extension cord, your choice of either 120 or 220v
1 wall oullet
1 pair of wire splicers
No 1.0 to actually use this on your own line.

Take off, err unscrew the mouth piece and take out the speaker. All you people just shut up before I say this. Insdie you will
see 2 wires , 1 red and 1 black. Splicing the extension cord will show, gasp a read and black wire. Match and splice the
colored wires together. Wow ,. you just put a myth to rest you don't you feel great. For some cool effects, paint the fone
rainbow colored to, well you know make it a rainbox box.

Ok, if you really need me to tell you how to use this uh, sorry this isn't 2600 ouch, that hurt. Just kidding 26001!Ok, plug into
another extension on your line, then pick the fone off the hook, then plug the cord into the wall, presto, no more trace!!!

The fone holds a charge of about 6v or so. When you plug this sucker in, watch out, there goes 120 or 220v to the bastards .
Here's a bit of advise, USE THIS TWISTED ASS BOX ONLY IN CASE OF EXTREME EMERGENCY, well actully , if you're
being traced and you plug this in, technically, couldn't they just look for the fucked up fone line after the trace fails??, just a
thought. this will not just kill you and your enemys shit, kiss every fone in your neighorhood goodbye, it's a great way to break
the ice at parties, make friends, kill every fone on the block. This can easily start a fire so watch out ok??!

I had an idea on a safer way to use this as a deadly swift way to take out an enemy. Instead of using this at your house, get
in your car and go find and output box that is neer a power source. Mix 1 rainbox box and one beige box and what do you
get???!!! a BEIGEBOX BOX!!!!!!! No, you get an intersting way to fry the fones.

Hell I can think of anything. Hey aol, TOS this you bitch. Plug in the fone listen to the hummm , watch whoever is connected
to the number you fry get disconnected . Great for stress relief.

50                             4th Quarter· January 1998                                                      Blacklisted! 411
• Your enemys fax bothering you plug it in, they'll never get a fax like that again.
- PacBell, how may I help you?
- Operator, may I help you?
- Call up your favorite BBS and give them the upload of their life.

EDITORS NOTE: Has anyone EVER used this? The reason why "joke" was used In our brief description of this box
was because in the last decade of talking to fellow hacker dudes, nobody ever actually confirmed use of thls ...and,
quite frankly, none of us at the office would even attempt use of this .... Not unless we felt like replacing all of
our wiring afterwards. 120V on those Illy bitly phone wires Isn't going to work out too nicely. Perhaps this box does
work? Seems like the phone companies would have circuit breakers installed by this time (With the idea of lightning
in mind) and use of this box would pop a few of these circuit breakers on the line before passing that kind of voltage
to the other end of the connection.. Makes sense to us . Anyhow, we will NEVER recommend the use of this box. Not
only is the use of this dangerous but also pretty lame if you intend on using the phone line again without repairing
it...not to mention ANY device connected to your line on YOUR end of the connection will get zapped, no doubtl

(Yo I
                                                                             by Kroku5
 r: -J                               Thumb is a small zine all about peoples wonderful trips across the land, and their
                                     misadventures. Anything people did when they drove from point A to point B. You'd think
                                     sucha topic would get pretty boring and dry. Well, there are a few dry moments but some
                                     of the crazy things people do while they're stuck in a compact car with three or four other
                                     people who are SUPPOSED to be your friends, driving from South Carolina to Oregon, can
                                     be pretty funny in retrospect.

                                     But there's more than just the stories. Included are pictures of odd things that I'm sure can
                                     only be seen in America. There's
                                     lots of music reviews, mostly bands I personally haven't heard of so they're probably more
                                     local club groups than you're typical touring pop group. There's even some jokes and
                                     humor thrown around here and there. The artwork is all hand drawn. There's even a list of
                                     odd words their spellchecker couldn't handle and how many times it showed up. Fuck is
                                     apparently used 18 times, and "Metalica" (sic) shows up, probably cuz they forgot an L.

                                     The mag cost a buck here in the US, buck fifty for our friends to the north (that's Canada in
                                     case you're geographically challenged) and if you're anywhere else, two bucks. Wonder if
                                     they ship to Papua New Guinea? Anyway, for more info contact Thumb, clo Eric Mast,
                                     2409 SE 51st Ave, apt. #2, Portland, Oregon, 97206.

                                                      By Slacker
I'm sure most of you know what a telephone network interface box is but just to refresh your minds, a telephone network
interface is a small box that the telephone companies put on the sides of newly built houses so it is easier for the phone
company to work on your phone line connections. It is the place were the phone companies phone line connects to your
house. On the outside of the box it says "network interface." On the inside of the box are multiple jacks for the lines from the
phone company to go into your home.

The "telephone network interface box is a hacker's and a phreaker's dream. Think of all the things you can do. The box is split
into 2 parts, the "owner's access" and the "telco access." The telco. access is behind the ower access panel that can be
opened with a screwdriver. The telco. access panel is for the phone compnay and is a lot harder to understand. The owner
access panel is the one you need to know how to use to have fun. It is more basic and easy. First of all don't do you work
when they are home or outside. That could get pretty dangerous . The tools you will need are as follows. A small phone, a
screw driver, a line splitter for certain things, and a light (at night).

The really funny things start now. With screative minds I'm sure yu can think of lots of ideas, but I will give you some ideas.
Just to bug the crap out of them you can just pull out both of the cords so there phones are all dead (which is laim and
dangerous). You could take your line splitter and stick it in the the top jack. Stick a phone cord going to one of the ports on
the splitter and the other end of the cord into your phone. Second of all, stick the short cord that use to go directly into the jack
into the other jack on the splitter Now pick up the receiver on the phone and yuo will hear the dial tone. You are free to do
what ever you want with there phone from the outside of the house.


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 Blacklistedl 411                                   4th Quarter· January 1998                                                    51
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The entire underground archives from the Phoenix Rising Communications
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includes an archive of 3,249 cellular and 14,413 hacking related messages
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Now shipping for $89.00. Next-day Air delivery available for an additional $10.
Mention this ad and receive a free copy of our Tandy / Radio Shack Cellular
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current newsletter, please send an SASE. Orders charged to Visa or Mastercard
are accepted via mail or may be faxed to (209) 474-2600 . Phone number must be
included for credit card verification. Purchase of disc conveys ownership of media
only. Price covers archiving and production costs .

 .ilI-Oi:nIX               =t1~lnG COIi1Ii1UnICALIOn~
                        3422 W. Hammer Lane, Suite C-110

52                     4th Quarter - January 1998                         Blacklisted! 411
                SSN: IlilNI)il'r()Ity ()It vn1..1]N'rillty
                                                            R. Owens
The Social Security Number (SSN) is a strange beast. Ostensibly intended to help distribute government benefits to American
citizens. It therefore seems benign, desirable (of course, cheese also seems "benign, desirable" to mice) .

I first became interested in the use of the SSN about 5 years ago after a company placed an erroneous debt on my credit
bureau of which I did not owe. Being ignorant as hell at that time I sought the council of an attorney. It was told to me that "we
are sorry, but it is not equitable for us to do anything for you!" Well , after being told basically that I would either have to pay this
erroneous debt or not pay and it remain on my credit bureau . I decided to fight these pieces of human shit. I discovered
through extensive study and cross reference of the United States Code (Federal Statutes), American Jurisprudence "Am Jur"
(comprehensive text of American law on both state and federal law). I can say after 5 years of studying this subject that the
biggest lie in history is being forced on the American public and we are too stupid (like cattle) not to know it.

The Privacy Act itself contains an uncodified section within it. This is called a statute at large because congress deliberately
failed to assign this section of the title with a number making it impossible to find it. It states :

  Disclosure of social security number, section 7 of Public Law 93-579
  provided that: "(a)(1) It shall be unlawful for any federal, state or local
  government agency to deny any right, benefit or privilege provided by
  law because of such individuals refusal to disclose his social security
  account number. (2) The provisions of paragraph (1) of this subsection
  shall not apply with respect to-
  (b) Any federal, state or local government agency which requests an
  individual to disclose his social security account number shall inform that
  individual whether that disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, by what
  statutory or other authority such number is solicited, and what uses will
  be made of it. "

To obtain a copy of this statute at large see classified ad in this issue of Blacklisted! 411 .

Now, here is a simple question to ask yourself. If my own government is not entitled to know my SSN except under certain
terms and conditions (there are only 4 instances when you must provide to your government, found at title 42 USCS sec . 301
et, seq., 405(c)(2)(i,iii)), what makes you think that you are going to disclose your SSN to video store to rent a movie, to a utility

    .              WHO Took it THIS time? Itwasn't the guV up there, was it?
Blacklistedl 411                                     4th Quarter - January 1998                                                       53
company for service hookup, to purchase a handgun, to write a check at Wal-mart . The answer to this question is defined in
law as compelled. You voluntarily disclosed the information or submitted voluntarily thinking that if you did not disclose the
information you would be denied service. When in reality law states you cannot be denied any right, benefit, or privilege
provided by law because of your refusal to disclose your SSN. Example, the bank cannot be lending credit unlawfully , the
video store cannot be contracting out movie rentals to the public unlawfully.

Case site
"An agency is a relation created by express or [implied contract] or by law, whereby one party delegates the transaction of
some lawful business with more or less discretionary power to another." State Ex. Real. Cities Service Gas v. Public Service
Commission , 85 SW 2d. 890.

Keeping in mind that it is (presumed) that you knew your rights in not disclosing you SSN to any government agency.
corporation , or individual. Any agency, corp., or individual can ask you for your SSN but. it is (presumed) that you knew your
rights not to disclose your SSN. Law defines this act as presumption .

Obviously nothing in life is simple . You cannot walk into any institution and demand service and simply state "well, I'm not
going to give you my SSN!" You must be able to assert your right, defend it, counter challenge, any objection to the stand on
your right. Law is no guarantee of justice either. This is why I have wrote this two detail booklet to help give the average person
the tools and the laws to defend themselves . A simple way to help you understand whether or not this uncodified section
applies to corporation is for you to go to your local Taco Bell and ask for an employment application. Look at the block where
they ask for your SSN. It states "optional."

The benefit to you in not disclosing your SSN is that the institution cannot access your credit file, track you by computer file in
the creation of a dossier. Prevent intrusions into your right of privacy. And when any institution will not comply with law the
same way you and I must do, I look to the Declaration of Independence for guidance .

  "That to secure these rights , govemments are instituted among men,
  deriving their powers from the consent of the govemed. That whenever
  any from of govemment becomes destructive of these ends, it is the
  right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government ,
  laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such
  form, as to them shall seems most likely to effect their safety and happiness ."

Know Your Rights
clo R. Owens
1403 Sherwood Dr
Bowling green, Ky 42103

  Do you have your own hacker publication or website?
        Are you interested in submitting an article for print?
                         If not, consider it!
              It's a GREAT way to promote yourself!
   IIJ •• • .........
                 -              .... .I "'              ::I   ~   ••• "" ••• • • • ,1   .""        _~~~~~.--~.~
                                                                                                   -- - - -- -          - ~"

                   Sound familiar?
     Are you having trouble finding our Magazine?
Lately , with the increased distribution AND one of our distributors filing bankruptcy , we'd be surprised as hell if you're NOT
having problems locating our magazine in your area ...We know it can be next to impossible to find Blacklisted! 411 in your
local neighborhood bookstore at times like this....there are always exceptions , as most of our subscribers are aware of this.
It's rather easy to get our magazine if you REALLY you want it.

If you're in a place that doesn't carry our magazine and you'd like to see it there in the future, do is one of the following :

1. If you're not sure if the store you're in carries our magazine, ASK THEM! They might be sold out or they may have hidden
the magazine in a special section or behind other magazines . Those pesky anti-hacker type drones might be hiding them.
2. If they do not carry our magazine, tell the store manager that you would like to see this magazine in their store in the future .
Give them our number and tell them they should call us so we can set them up with a nice stock of our magazine. Make sure
you let them know how disappointed you'd be if they didn't stock them or "forgol" to at least call and TRY to get them in stock.
3. If that fails, you can give us their address and phone number AND a contact name if at all possible. Then we will have the
chance to call them and harass, ahem, talk them into carrying our wonderful magazine .
4. Subscribe if you don't want to bother with any of the previous methods.
5. Take a look in Tower Records/Magazines, Barnes & Nobles, Borders or Bookstar..They usually have them in stock.
6. Borrow a copy from a friend - you going to give it back?

                                                Blacklisted! 411 Magazine
                                   P.O. Box 2506 , Cypress , CA 90630
                                Voice : (714 )899-8853 Fax : (714 )899-9283

54                             4th Quarter - January 1998                                                     Blacklisted f 411
_ _ _ _ _ Kool Pies
                                                           "      Before and After· By ZERO LOGIK What you are looking at
                                                                  is the inside and outside of a telephone box. It was found
                                                                  unlocked when the pictures were taken in July 1997 in a
                                                                  housing plan close to my house .

                                                                  Editors note: SECURITY! This is a perfect example of the
                                                                  "problem" we continue to speak of from issue to issue. You can
                                                                  find these unlocked phone boxes just about anywhere you can
                                                                  find phone service. If you're not sure what the problem is, let
                                                                  me explain. You're kicking back one night, talking to your
                                                                  girlfriend on the telephone when suddenly you notice a "click"

or "pop" on the line. You two joke around saying, "whoever is
listening, FUCK YOU!!" or "Gee, I wonder if someone 's listening "
or maybe you disregard it completely. At Blacklisted! 411
Maga·zine, we are NOT in the business of "hype" or any bullshit
like that, but we do like to make people aware of the possibilities .
With the way things are going nowadays , don't be surprised if
someone really WAS listening in on your convo that night you
heard the line noise when talking to your girlfriend or local
hacker buddies. Not even the local authorities can avoid an
occasional tuck up when it comes to a wiretap. Big brother and
next door neighbor are watching you....and LISTENING!

 Are you en emn? Do you like Blecklinedf 411? Do you hate Blecldinedf 411? Well, ityou're looking for work, itdoesn't
 mlltter ityou like us or not, does it? Ityou'd like to show off some ot your telent, why not send us some samples on PAPER
 or send us a FAX telling us ot your interen. We'd be happy to show off your work, g~e you etree subscription or make some
 other arrengement it necesSllry. Ityou're interened, take alook through the megazine and meke note ot the eximng artwork.
 Think ebout itend try to come up with something complete~ original end along the SlIme generel theme ot the magazine. A
 tew ideas to consider: Pirates, Skull & Crossbones, Einstein, Computers, Phones, Cable lV, Satellite lV, Redio, etc.
                                  Here's who you send your artwork to:
                                          Blacklisted! 411 ARTWORK
                                     P.O. Box 2506, Cypress, CA 90630
                                         We WANT to hear from YOU!
  Our artist at the moment is a very busy person and has not been able to produce much new
  artwork over the last year. Have you noticed? Anyhow, we have heard from many people
  showing some interest in helping out in the art dept., so this is your chance....don't delay - just
  send us what you have . We prefer artwork on PAPER, but will accept in high resolution (if at all
  possible) computer graphics formats: TIF, PCX and any other popular IBM format.

          Was it your grandpa? Your nemesis? Your uncle Larry? Possibly.....
Blacklisted! 411                                   4th Quarter - January 1998                                                 55
r - - -- - - - -- -

  ff!iJ&'il ff@@@ @@/JfYf% 'il1J(l@(!!J
    ff@f%@ (!!Jf%tJC?:/Jf%& !fJ!iJ@'il /J/J
Dairy Queen                                McDonalds(Canada)
920.2625 WFM 903.2625 WFM                  30.5800   154.4900
                                           30.8400   151.6700
Dunkin Donuts                              30.8400   154.1450
30.8400   154.5700
33.1600   154.5150                         McDonalds
33.4000   154.5400                         30.8400   154.5700
457.5500   467.7750                        31.0000   170.3050
920.2625 WFM 903.2625 WFM                  33.1400   151.8950
                                           33.1400   170.3050 •
EI Mexicano                                33.4000   154.5400
464 .9625   469.9625                       33.4000   154.5700 •
                                           35.0200   151.8950'
EI Polio Loco                              35.0200   154.4900 '
457.5500     467.7750                      35.0200   154.6000
                                           151.7150   169.4450
Foster Freeze
                                           151.7450   UNKNOWN
31.0000    170.3050
                                           151.7750   171.9050
GO Ritzys                                  151.8650   UNKNOWN
35.1000   UNKNOWN                          154.5700   170.2450
                                           154.6000   171.1050
Hardees                                    457.5375   461.0875 •
30.8400     154.5700                       457.5500   467.7750
31.0000     170.3050                       457.6000   467 .8250
35.0200     154.6000                       460.8875   465 .8875
457.5375     467.7625                      46 1.0375  466 .0375
460.8875     465.8875                      461.0875   466 .0875
461.0875     466.0875                      461.3125   466 .3125
461.1125     466.1125                      462.1625   467 .1625
462.1625     467.1625                      463.2875   468 .2875
469.0125     464.0125                      464.5125   469.5125
                                           469.0125   464 .0125
 Hot Dog Etc                               469.0625   464.0625
 30.8400     154.5700                      469.1125464.1125
 31.0000     170.3050                      469.1375   464.1375
 33.1400     151.8950                      469.1625   464.1625
                                           469.1875   464.1875
Jack in the Box                            469.3125   464 .3125
33.4000     154.5400                       469.3375   464.3375
35.0200     154.6000                       469.3875   464 .3875
457 .5750    467.8000                      920.2000 WFM 903.2000 WFM
469.0250     464.0250                      920.2625 WFM 903.2625 WFM
                                           920.5000 WFM 903.5000 WFM
James Coney Island                         920.9625 WFM 903.9625 WFM
463 .9875  468.9875
                                           Mrs Winners Drive-up
 Kenny Rogers Roasters Chicken
                                           30.8400   154.5700
 469.0125   464.0125
 920.2875 WFM 903.2875 WFM
                                           Pit Stop Food & Beverage
                                           457.5375     468.3875 •
 Kentucky Fried Chicken
 30.8400    154.5700                       461.0375     466.0375
 31.0000    170.3050                       461.0875     466.0875
 33.1400    151.8950
 33.1600    154.5150                       Popayes
 33.4000    154.5400                       33.4000    154.5400
 35.0200    154.6000                       469.0125    464.0125
 457.5375    468.3875'
 457.5875    467.8125                      Rallys
 457.6000    467.8250                      30.8400    154.5700
 460.8875    465.8875                      33.1600    154.5150
 461.0875    466.0875                      457.5375    468.3875 •
 462.1625    467.1626                      461.0875    466.0875
 462.7625    467.8875 '                    461.5375    462.1625 •
 464.0875    469.0875                      469.0125    464.0125

 Long John Silvers
 33.1600   154.5150
 33.4000   154.5400                                                    • Odd frequencies pairing

                        DIJO mill10 i1lvel SV81dlme TODAY!
56                         4th Quarter· January 1998     Blacklisted! 411
      Connecticut BBS Numbers
203-227-8975 CT Westport
203-228-9814 CT Hebron
                                The Edge
                                Cyber iaSystems
                                                   203-622-4740 CT Greenwich
                                                   203-628 -9702 CT Southington
                                                                                  CALADAN OS/2
                                                                                  Cygnus X-I
203-249-8639 CT Hartford        The Pigpen BBS     203 -634-0370 CT Meriden       SharewareProj
203-250-0938 CT Cheshire        OPAL Network       203-635-6569 CT Middletown     Joe's Garage
203-250-7148 CT Chesh ire       Chesh ire Cnxtn    203-647-8967 CT Bolton         Construction Fm
203-257-1960 CT Wethersfield    Libertarian        203-651-9730 CT Simsbury       CyberConnectn
203-261-3130 CT Trumbull        Wacko Board II     203-673-6247 CT Farmington     Phone Henge
203-264-9482 CT Southbury       EmrgncyMedical     203-676-1708 CT Farmington     DownloadAmerica
203-268-3111 CT Trumbull        Lil Frog'sPond     203-688-4973 CT Windsor        Windsor Manor
203-269-2843 CT Wall ingford    Prime Conxtion     203-738-0025 CT Winsted        Excalibur II
203-269-8313 CT Wall ingford    Vamp ire Connxn    203-743-4044 CT Danbury        Creative Edge
203-270-9017 CT Newtown         T.S.C.             203-744-0179 CT Danbury        Hatters Park
203-271-2094 CT Chesh ire       GENSIUS            203-763-0016 CT Somers         Endeavor
203-335-7742 CT Bridgeport      Planet Earth       203-775-0355 CT Brookfield     E.T. Computing
203-354-1263 CT New Milford     KnightslnArmor     203-791-8532 CT Danbury        Treasure Island
203-359-2299 CT Stamford        ModemNews Exp.     203-791-8838 CT Danbury        Rocky Road
203-367-4005 CT Fairfield       EXTRACT!           203-792 -6397 CT Danbury       News-T imes
203-374-0101 CT Bridgeport      Mission FunHse     203-826-5438 CT New Britain    Polish-American
203-388-0507 CT Old Saybrook    Second Ring        203-852 -1986 CT Norwalk       12th Step
203-429-6338 CT Storrs          The Pink Rose      203-879-7122 CT Wolcott        Uncanny - x
203-448-6171 CT Groton          Night"Wat ch       203-886- 1441 CT Norw ich      Sea of Noise
203-483-0348 CT Branford        Fernwood           203-888-4980 CT Seymour        Pigeon Coop
203-488 -2315 CT No. Branford   Interstate BBS     203-924-5603 CT Shelton        SoftParade
203-536 -1300 CT Mystic         K-9                203-926-6168 CT Shelton        Handicap News
203-536-9549 CT Mystic          Mystic SIWNet      203-926-9504 CT Shelton        ENUF ,netware
203-620-0001 CT Southington     Rev. Polarity      203-938-8625 CT Redding        Challenge

                             Ar/idle! lorour/!I8§821pel
              Gol8R 8r/idlefoulllike 10 lee IPour/!I8§82me? SENDITINI
        Oregon BBS Numbers
503-221-1777 OR Portland
503-232-4089 OR Portland
                                Combat Arms BBS
                                Elect Fellowshp
                                                   503-485 -8609 OR Eugene
                                                   503-591 -7701 OR Hillsboro
                                                                                  A KlassM BBS
                                                                                  Crimson I.C.E.
503-232-9202 OR Portland        Banished CPU       503-598-8763 OR Tigard         NeurosisDetect
503-236-4945 OR Portland        Heartbeat          503-620-5910 OR Portland       NWCS
503-239-1663 OR Portland        QuickNet BSS       503-621 -3746 OR Portland      Pro-YAM,HomeDSZ
503-244-7967 OR Portland        Noah's Kitchen     503-625 -5352 OR Sherwood      Resources&Rec
503-266-3177 OR Canby           ACECOM             503-635-3138 OR West Linn      Theory of Kaos
503-286-0893 OR Portland        Utopias            503-636-494 7 OR Portland      Disk Jockey
503-286-5577 OR Portland        Elvira's Club      503-636-9586 OR Portland       Novell UG
503-296-5396 OR The Dalles      Open Mind          503-649-4844 OR Hillsboro      Consciousness
503-297-4070 OR Portland        TradeWinds         503-653 -9068 OR Portland      Real Est NW
503-298-5361 OR The Dalles      Graph ic Express   503-655-3929 OR Oregon City    Transit Center
503-335-3053 OR Portland        Joyful Noise       503-656-9790 OR West Linn      Blue Lake
503-336- 1039 OR Toledo         Fireburners        503-682 -1619 OR Wilsonville   Computer Time
503-343-3825 OR Eugene          West Dominican     503-690 -0972 OR Hillsboro     EDIOniine
503-343-6383 OR Eugene          [assemblypgmg]     503-692 -6505 OR Tualatin      Coliseum
503-346-9833 OR Eugene          PC Toyshop IE      503-693-6547 OR Hillsboro      PC HEIDENS BBS
503-355-8738 OR Rockaway Bch    Tillamook AT       503-697 -0845 OR Lake Oswego   FuNny FaRM
503-357-4758 OR Forest Grove    CyberWare          503-734 -0546 OR Medford       SoftwareGalore
503-359-0335 OR Corne lius      Games              503-735-0528 OR Portland       World Locally
503-362-1602 OR Salem           St.Pauls Church    503-741 -1091 OR Springfield   The Potential
503-362-7398 OR Salem           Trucker's Inn      503-760 -3777 OR Portland      Mike's Mansion
503-363-0171 OR Salem           PageElecBBS        503-761-3003 OR Portland       EastSide Data
503-364-9998 OR Salem           OregonSoftware     503-761 -8100 OR Portland      RAIN
503-371-3640 OR Salem           EL Shadda i        503-777-4931 OR Portland       Cuckoo's Egg
503-389-5404 OR Bend            Metropol is        503-786-0458 OR Milwaukie      THE KEEP
503-393-5580 OR Keizer          Chemeketa          503-883-1239 OR KlamathFalis   Last Frontier
503-484-3135 OR Eugene          Sthn On-line       503-955 -1705 OR Grants Pass   The Lost Island
503-484-9754 OR Springfield     Ortland OPUS

             Was it that damn dog? Maybe Sally the librarian? Who knows!
                                          liuH NOONE/
Blacklisted! 411                          4th Quarter· January 1998                                 57
                                            Monthlv Meetings!
Interested in meeting up with some of the Blacklisted! 411 readers? Well, we're starting to set up meetings in different areas
all over the U.S. and anywhere else. Monthly Blacklisted! 411 meetings are held the first Sunday of each month at 1pm.

Arizona                                                         Colorado
(602 Area Code) - Phoenix                                       (303 Area Code) - Westminster/Denver
Tri-City Mall near food court by the payphones.                 Westminster mall, between food court and payphones.
Hosted by: Cynosure                                             Hosted by: Arsenic

Aorida                                                          Utah
(813 Area Code) - Tampa/Brandon                                 (801 Area Code) - Salt Lake City
Brandon Town Center between the food court and the arcade Crossroads Mall in the food court, north end between Dippin'
by the payphones.                                         Dots and the glass elevator.
Hosted by: Desolated Dream -        Hosted by: Apocalypse and The DFL Hackers!

(407 Area Code) - Orlando
Fashion Square Mall - upstairs by the payphones next to the
Panda Express in the food court.
Hosted by: Whisper                                              (707 Area Code) - Santa Rosa
                                                                Santa Rosa Plaza, 1st floor at the water fountain.

Pennsylvania                                                    Hosted by: Tron

(215/610 Area Code) - Philadelphia
Suburban Station, 16th & JFK Blvd. near the Track 5 sign,
across from the pizza place.                              (216 Area Code) - Cleveland
Payphones: (215) 854 - 9268, 9871, 9873, 9019             The Avenue at Tower City, food court area, 2nd level, in/near
Hosted by: Lionel McGimpy                                 Smoking section.
                                                          Payphones: (will advise)
(610 Area Code)                    Media (outside of Hosted by: Digiphreak -
Philadelphia)                                             Voicemail info #: (216)556-0469 press #3
Granite Run Mall, outside the arcade at the payphones
Hosted by: thegreek (Mark Pappas)
New York                                                        (703 Area Code) - Schantiloy
                                                                Fairoaks Mall - middle of the mall at the Cafe
(516 Area Code) - Long Island                                   Hosted by: Elebom
Walt Whitman Mall by Radio Shack                                Contact: The Conspiracy Quarterly BBS (703)631-1499
Hosted by: Chaos -

(516 Area Code) - Long Island
Roosevelt Field Mall by the Sam Goody entrance, near the
payphones.                                               (301 Area Code) - Silver Spring
Hosted by: GuNDaM -                  Wheaton Plaza - at the Cinnabon
                                                         Hosted by: Pappy

Monthly Blacklistedl 411 meetings are held the first Sunday of each month at 1pm. If you are interested in organizing
a meeting In your area, please contact us, advising us of your interest, where you're located, where you wOl,.lld like to
hold the meetings, etc. (Be sure to include your contact name, area code, city, state and desc. of meeting location) If
you decide to call in and tell us this info, IF you get the answering machine, you will need to slowly S·P·E·L-L your
contact/host name and the city/location you are to hold the meeting. Please leave area code II
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    Blacklistedl411 is published quarterly by Syntel Vista, Inc. P.O. Box 2506, Cypress, CA 90630

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    [ ] Volume 2, Issue 2· Second Quarter· April 1995. *                                             Quantity:                    _
    [ ] Volume 2, Issue 3 - Third Quarter· July 1995.                                                Quantity:                    _
    [ ] Volume 2, Issue 4 - Fourth Quarter - October 1995.                                           Quantity:                    _
    [ ] Volume 3, Issue 1 • First Quarter· January 1996.                                             Quantity:                    _
    [ ] Volume 3, Issue 2 • Second Quarter· April 1996.                                              Quantity:                    _
    [ ] Volume 3, Issue 3 • Third Quarter· August 1996                                               Quantity:                    _
    [ ] Volume 3, Issue 4 - Fourth Quarter· November 1996.                                           Quantity:                    _
    [ ] Volume 4, Issue 1 • First Quarter - January 1997.                                            Quantity:                    _
    [ ] Volume 4, Issue 2 • Second Quarter· April 1997.                                              Quantity:                    _
    [ ] Volume 4, Issue 3 • Third Quarter· October 1997.                                             Quantity:                    _

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    Blacklistedl 411                                   4th Quarte r - Janu ary 1998                                                         59

      This publication brought to you by
               Syntel Vista, Inc.

      The Alternative Hackers Magazine Quarterly
                  714.899 .9283
                P.O. Box 2506
              Cypress, CA 90630