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Topic (#openbsd):
Topic (#openbsd): set by john at Sat Nov 4 19:06:39 2000
[ ~el8 ] [ opcode ] [ influx_ ] [ carica ] [ Intrinsic ]
[ niekze ] [ slipdisc ] [ kahl ] [@obecian ] [ pdo ]
[ sizaym ] [ GoatBoy ] [ cell ] [@toor ] [@jeremie ]
[ binfalse ] [@Ambrose ] [ [rew] ] [ desti ] [ mollusk ]
[@dhartmei ] [ motorola- ] [ bn- ] [ loxariz ] [ _preD ]
[ StJohn ] [ gk ] [@Figz ] [ nj ] [ marc ]
[@hydro__ ] [@ActivatE ] [ joe- ] [ danp ] [@fx ]
[ ~el8 ] [ phidias ] [ Setzer ] [ bugoid ] [@uux- ]
[ tibim ] [ J0hnBlaze ] [ Slower ] [ sariel ] [@john ]
[ genecyst ] [ mogambo ] [ rwxr--r-- ] [ majidf ] [ jwit ]
[ GreyFoxx ] [ TAiNiUM ] [@SmooveB ] [ [frank] ] [ jethro ]
[ ratcorpse ] [ cazz ] [ kajar ] [ malte__ ] [ ar ]
[ Creamore ] [ _mojo ] [@spuug ] [ rys ]
~el8 [] has joined #openbsd
rys:#openbsdm3th: no clue.. running current?
m3th:#openbsd2.7 yes
rys:#openbsd2.7 stable or openbsd-current?
SignOff m3th: #OpenBSD (Read error 73: Connection reset by peer)
m3th [] has joined #openbsd
m3th:#openbsdlet me find a similar system, see if i can find the file
^BBitchX^B: You are now talking to channel #Openbsd
~el8 [] has joined #openbsd
~el8Hello, I was wondering if there is a patch for the local root exploit for OpenBSD (the one on packetstorm) ? And is it remote ?
laggn [] has joined #openbsd
~el8It says 'Vendor notified'
~el8And I don't see any vendor patches..
laggnwhen i go to the ftp mirrors and cd 2.8 there are no install there an ftp that i can go to that has the 2.8 install files?
[cell_X(blah@] just strip off the suid bit
rys~el8: hold on
| rys ( (Internic Network)
| ircname : Joe
| channels : #openbsd #Icons_of_Vanity
| server : (Global Crossing West Client Server)
| away : rys - gone
| idle : 0 hours 0 mins 10 secs (signon: Sun Nov 5 11:54:14 2000)
DesertFoxhi all
dhartmei~el8: which one? libutil was fixed long ago.
DesertFoxrys: there aren't any.
cell_X~el8 are you talking about the /usr/bin/chpass chmod u-s /usr/bin/chpass
DesertFoxrys: i'm running 2.8 and i got it out of the snapshots dir
~el82i see an advisory on the front page of packetstorm
laggnrys : yes, i see it there :)
~el8~el82, yes, that is what I speak of
~el8I don't quite understand it, to tell you the truth
cell_Xgrr..wrong answer..
dhartmei~el82: url?
~el83theo is gay
~el83theo is gay
~el83theo is gay
rysyes he is but this channel is about openbsd not theo
rysjust kidding
~el83 [] has left #openbsd []
~el82i dunnno
SignOff Brandon`: #Phrack ()
mode/#openbsd [+b *!*@*] by dhartmei
dhartmei~el82: where do you see obsd mentioned there? link to the specific article?
DesertFoxfrom what i hear, theo's somewhat crabby.
spuugtheo is not gay.
rystheo is somewhat crabby
rysbit my head off like 1 1/2 years ago
~el82dhart: rys pasted
| dhartmei ( (Switzerland)
| ircname : Daniel Hartmeier <>
| channels : @#openbsd #compsci @#unixhelp #atheism @#C++ @#c/c++ @#cryptonomicon @#informatik
| server : (It's alive, it's AAALIIIIVEEE)
*** OBSDCMNT : ke4p n0te of th1z guy hez supr l4me ***
laggnDesertFox : exploit using ddb
rysregarding that sploit on packetstorm, obviously the author doesn't know what a "local root exploit" is
DesertFoxhmm...the advisory insults openbsd, and says NT and Linux are better.
rysa local root exploit is not the ability to "crash the kernel"
SignOff m3th: #OpenBSD (Read error 73: Connection reset by peer)
ryschrist i could do that with a fork bomb
*** OBSDCMNT : u k0uld r00t obsd w/ a f0rkb0mb ? ***
dew_freak [] has joined #openbsd that supposed to be robin loxley as in robin hood?
DesertFoxrys: perhaps the advsory is fake?
SignOff binfalse: #OpenBSD (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
DesertFoxrys: otherwise the author likes to bs everything.
rysthe author says that after crashing you can use ddb to debug and gain access
laggnDesertFox : im having  a hard time finding it on the athor's you have a url?
SignOff [rew]: #OpenBSD (irc^BN^B 7.24 + 7.0 for mIRC (2000/03/17 22.00))
ryswhich is dumb because the system won't drop to ddb unless you have it setup to do so
rysplus, if you have physical access to the box you can boot -s
rysand then change the root password..
DesertFoxlaggn: didn't see a url...
laggnDesertFox : they list themselves as coming from but there is nothing on that site
DesertFoxrys: you have to HAVE physical access to use ddb right?
DesertFoxlaggn: perhaps the advisory is a hoax?
rysDesertFox: after a kernel crash, i do believe so, unless we're talking about the sparc version and you have a remote console via a console server
DesertFoxrys: never seen a sparc, never used a spark...
DesertFoxoops, "sparc"
nikhouri [] has joined #openbsd
ryssparcs have the ability to use a com port as console instead of a monitor/keyboard
laggnDesertFox : i don't know..i mean, they don't have anything on their site (it reads like a corp. brochure), and whats the difference between this and booting -s?
DesertFoxlaggn: requires crashing the kernel?
SignOff dhartmei: #OpenBSD (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
ryslaggn: probably nothing.. the advisory mentions that you'll need to have physical access..which is quite lame.
DesertFoxtherefore, this advisory is...
dhartmei [] has joined #openbsd
DesertFoxpretty much harmless
~el81Doesn't seem harmless if any user can crash my OpenBSD though, damnit
laggnDesertFox : i guess the code needs to be tested and we'll find out its validity (regardless of how convoluted it is)
dhartmeiwell, it crashes 2.7 release :)
rys~el81: any user can crash your openbsd.. fork bomb baby
mode/#openbsd [+o dhartmei] by Ambrose
the_gh0strys: true, but setting proccess limits could prevent that. a user can crash any os that way anyhow heh
~el81What about fork bomb protection?
opcodespuug: kdb?
DesertFoxdhartmei: what about 2.8?
dhartmeidon't have a -current system ready to test
~el82it crashed my 2.6 box....
rys~el81: try setting a ulimit
~el81Yeah I tested on all of my OpenBSD & one NetBSD, crashed them
SignOff pent: #OpenBSD (ircII EPIC4-0.9.1 -- Accept no limitations)
rysi'm looking at the code right now..
rysit's small enough to figure out
*** OBSDCMNT : th1s guy k4nt figure it 0ut h4h4 watch u'll s33 ***
laggnman, how could they even mention NT? and are they mentioning linux to cover their bases?
dhartmeithey call it a remote exploit: "log in to the remote host, download exploit, run it", lol
SignOff nikhouri: #OpenBSD (^BBitchX^B: the choice of a GNU genertion)
DesertFoxthis advisory is just really, really funny.
rysit's a fork bomb
nikhouri [] has joined #openbsd
rysfd = open(argv[0], O_RDONLY)
~el82how is a security hole "funny"
rys(get the file name)
ryswrite it to a file
dhartmeiand a reference to obecian :)
rysthen execute that file
ryswell write it's own name to a file
rysthen execute it
rysso it's just a bloat program
ryssee the execlp at the end?
*** OBSDCMNT : execlp() fork() bomb? h4m! ***
~el81It's just a fork bomb? Doesn't say so in the adv, and doesn't seem to be
rysread the code
~el81I did, I don't see fork() in there
rysall it does is stat itself for it's own name
ryswell okay it doesn't fork
spuugI'd like to see a pipe(2)bomb.
rysbut imagine a program execing itself over and over again
*** OBSDCMNT : eye'm im4g1n1ng 1t, d0eznt se4m 2 b s0 b4d ***
laggnhrm, its dinner time, and i am glad that the advisory is just an advertisement for themselves
dhartmeiyes, the comments are just utter BS :)
laggnnite all and thanks for pointing me in te right direction rys
ryslaggn: np
DesertFox~el82: no, the way it's written, i'm not say the exploit is funny.
SignOff laggn: #OpenBSD (take care :))
~el81My boxes all have dropped into ddb
rys~el81: but to access ddb you need to have physical access to the boxes
~el81Yes I know
~el81But it's still crashing my damn box
rysin which case you could boot -s anyways
rysset a process and memory limit per user
rwxr--r--resource killer = forkbomb == lame
~el81This is synonomous to that old arp cache DoS
rwxr--r--you could cat file >> file and do the same
*** OBSDCMNT : sure u k0uld p4l ***
~el81Hm, damn, I guess I'll just set limits then
~el82this still crashes all my openbsd boxes... when can i see a fix?
rwxr--r--just will waste the machine's resources and eventually cause a crash ;\
rys744: would probably take longer though
*** OBSDCMNT : h4kr b0nd1ng at 1tz b3st .. "744" ***
~el81and run that forkbomb protector lkm
SignOff hydro__: #OpenBSD (Idle time limit exceeded)
rwxr--r--rys true ;) i didnt see the original beginning of this thread
rys~el82: set process and memory limits per user
rysfake advisory
*** OBSDCMNT : F$KE?! ***
rwxr--r--but from what i do see this is a forkbomb junky script kiddiot rootard script
*** OBSDCMNT : ur a m0r0n, *PAL* ***
| rys ( (Internic Network)
| ircname : Joe
| channels : #openbsd #Icons_of_Vanity
| server : (Global Crossing West Client Server)
| idle : 0 hours 0 mins 12 secs (signon: Sun Nov 5 11:54:14 2000)
*** OBSDCMNT : m4ybe he sh0uld b in #ic0nz_of_stup1dity ***
rwxr--r--bbias will check it now
tequiare [] has joined #openbsd
rwxr--r--rys^B:^B its a stupid lame 0-day forkbomb
*** OBSDCMNT : 0d4y f0rkb0mb ? wh4t sc3n3 do u bel0ng 2 br0?! ***
rys744: well it doesn't really fork but yeah your right
rwxr--r--and i still see what this has to do with openbsd
rwxr--r--rys^B:^B resrouce killer
rys744: seems to be a n advertisment for them
dhartmeithe only original thing about it is the description
rwxr--r--i should download it to my openbox and tinker with it but it was written really lame
*** OBSDCMNT : du0d ur a fukn idi0t ***
rysyeah hehe
DesertFoxtoo much bs?
rwxr--r--and i dont have time ... besides they put down obecian in it and he's cool as shit so fsck them
DesertFoxwell, yes, that too.
DesertFoxoops, :)
rwxr--r--theres little intellect in doing that code since you could code a perl script to open up a shitload of resources and do the same
*** OBSDCMNT : u #openbsd k0q sukrz r quik to the dr4w, det4ilz bub ***
rwxr--r--without writting all kinds of funky shit in a so calle dadvisory
~el82why doesnt obsd have these ulimits by default?
rwxr--r--i should go pimpslap rloxley
*** OBSDCMNT : rl0xley w0uld kiq ur fukn a$$ bytch ***
rwxr--r--~el82^B:^B i didnt write open so i dont know
~el81Holdon guys, something is bothering me
DesertFoxwhere do you edit the settings?
~el81How could re execve()'n over and over crash your box in 1 microsecond?
opcodehaha he tells obecian "to hell with you" specifically..
rwxr--r--but that advisory was half assed as shit... and to quote from the author MY GRANDMOTHER couldve done better
~el81And it doesn't even use fork
ryswhy would you set ulimits
rysi don't want my x session ending every time i run netscape
~el83 [] has joined #openbsd
rwxr--r--anyways... for those sysadmins/sec engineers/fw people I threw up a quickie primer for hardware on stopping/slowing down dos attacks
dhartmeithe only interesting line is "ehdr->a_data += 3;", what's that for?
*** OBSDCMNT : w1ll he succeed?!?!!? ***
ryssee struct exec
rwxr--r--if anyone is interested its at along with all my other crap
bugoidwhere did you get those beeyootiful pictures?
ratcorpserys> 744:
ratcorpse<rys> fake advisory
ratcorpse<rwxr--r--> but from what i do see this is a forkbomb junky script  kiddiot
ratcorpse            rootard script
~el81Hey, you're that antioffline guy? good work :)
ratcorpse1-rloxley is a retard
ratcorpse2-he cant even fucking spell
ratcorpseand its so disgusting that he mentions SSG
rwxr--r--if ( (fd = open("/dev/zero", O_RWDR)) == -0)
ratcorpseCredits       :,,    |
ratcorpseoh my god man
ratcorpsehe even mentioned US
rwxr--r--print "\nHi 3y3 4m rl0xl3y f34r my scr1pt\n";
*** OBSDCMNT : y0u d0nteven kn0w C k1d ***
ratcorpsethis is hilarious
ratcorpseman i feel like puking now
dhartmeiexec.a_data /* initialized data size */, why increase it?
*** OBSDCMNT : he w0nt get it, sory to sp0il the fun ***
ratcorpsethe last thing i want to see is my group written in the same line with hackphreak losers
ratcorpsegod damnit
dhartmeito consume more resources?
ryspossibly, proably just code bloat  ?
rwxr--r--ratcorpse... sinnerz?
rwxr--r--as in coda hale's sinnerz?
ratcorpseopcode: yes
rwxr--r--ahh thought it was frmo the old crew
ratcorpsesinnerz is a non-technical channel tho
opcodeZSH (soon) ? hah
rwxr--r--damn my typos suck
ratcorpsezsh is ded
ratcorpseits now
ratcorpseman rloxley is soo gay
kajarkicks sil
ratcorpsei cant believ he wrote crap like this and used ppls names to rant
rwxr--r--sup raj :)
kajarjust woke up ;) crazy night last night
SignOff marc-: #OpenBSD (Read error 73: Connection reset by peer)
marc- [] has joined #openbsd
rwxr--r--hehe shit i didnt go to sleep till it was 7am EST
rwxr--r--and woke up at 9am EST =[ hehehe
hydro__ [] has joined #openbsd
rwxr--r-- is now known as n1nor_
ratcorpsethsi shits hilarious
mode/#openbsd [+o hydro__] by dhartmei
ratcorpseman oh man
n1nor_ is now known as slutpuppy
rysit only took em a few moments to notice there was an execlp at the bottom
*** OBSDCMNT : y4h du0d m0st people m1ss th4t ***
rysand the funny part is at the top..#define CRASH_FILE "./f0rKb0mB"
*** OBSDCMNT : d1d we fo0l u fatboy? ***
ratcorpsethat guy is a fucking moron
ratcorpsei cant believe he even put caddis and obecian
slutpuppypfffttt what a fucknut
ratcorpseno shit
ratcorpseZSH soon
ratcorpseyah shuuure we need some 50 year old 800 lbs morons to code warez with us ;]
mbhochha [] has joined #openbsd
dhartmeii like the explanation of why this is a _remote_ exploit best
DesertFoxshould we chagne the topic to this?
*** OBSDCMNT : eye w1sh u w0uld ***
opcodedhartmei: yes me too.. it all makes so much sense after his 3 point explanation..
ratcorpse  Theo de Raadt and the OpenBSD Team
ratcorpse        Paedophiles
ratcorpse        Rascists
ratcorpsesee what a fuckign moron he is ,, he cant even spell 'racist' correct
DesertFoxmaybe it's because he can't hack OpenBSD!
ratcorpsehe cant even root his own box
ratcorpsehe knows 0
ryshehe i bet he can
rysboot -s
DesertFoxi'm still learning...
ratcorpsehes a 50 somehting year old 800 lbs guy
ratcorpsei saw him at defcon
~el81Haha, yeh topic'n this dumb adv would be funny, like dissing the morons who wrote the adv
rysratcorpse: are you serious?
DesertFoxthat's very scary...
DesertFoxespecially the fact that a 50 year old wrote this...
opcodeAssume the location of the box which crashed (@ the colo) ?
opcodeis he suggesting you break & enter?
ratcorpserys: i swear to god man
dhartmeiif you look at the typos in the comments, it looks like the author is german, and there were peoples that complained here and on the mailinglists that they were not 'properly informed' about the patches.
*** OBSDCMNT : d4mn, wh0 fukn c4rez? ***
ratcorpsehe even has some pics public
ratcorpsei can understand why he talks shit to zsh but i have no idea why he talks shit to obecian
DesertFoxmove off the advisory for a second, i'm wondering if you have denied access to finger, how do you make it show another filek, instead of "Connection Refused"
ratcorpsehes old enuff to be obecians grandfather and obecians left nut has  more skill than 100 ppl like him
DesertFoxobecian seems like a very nice person.
DesertFoxi've talked with him a few times.
pent [] has joined #openbsd
spuugIt must be the fog in Ocean Beach.
datawar [] has joined #openbsd
SignOff gaurdian: #OpenBSD (Ping timeout: no data for 246 seconds)
ratcorpsepacketstorm is gay for letting him submit this shit
*** OBSDCMNT : y0u are g4y ***
slutpuppyor echo "i am leet" > /tmp/file
DesertFoxwait, how do you make it dislpay a text file?
slutpuppyfinger stream tcp nowait root cat /tmp/file
nikhouri [] has left #OpenBSD []
~el81Damn, I set limits etc, and it still crashs my OpenBSD's
ratcorpse<jimjones> how can you greet SSG and say fuck you to obecian
slutpuppy  <--- rloxley the hacker
slutpuppypfft script kiddiot
rysjohn you been watching?
mode/#openbsd [+m] by john
mode/#openbsd [+o kahl] by john
toorbend over dude
mbhochha [] has joined #openbsd
toori have a hard something to shove up in your gaping orifice
mode/#openbsd [-m] by john
johnn0 thx!
toorplz :(
toorits not like 90% of #OpenBSD hasn't been there :P
toorbrb ;)
rysjohn you seen the fake advisory on packetstorm?
*** OBSDCMNT : F4KE?! ***
rystop right column (hp2.adv)
rysit's a resource eater
*** OBSDCMNT : UR N0T 2 SM4RT ***
johnThat mouseover shit is lame.
ratcorpseddue its so gay
ratcorpsepacketstorm releases anythig u send
ratcorpsew/o checking
ryshehe i released something on the original packetstorm and the guy posted it
ryslame perl script.. he even thanked me..
rysthen antionline killed it
ratcorpsethe funniest part his where he greets ssg and says fuck you to obecian
ratcorpserloxgay is tryint to rant on our name
ratcorpseand slander us
ratcorpse;thanks for zsh for the scripts' heh
slutpuppywelp... mickeysoft was owned again it seems
johnWhat the hell is the deal?
nosaj [] has joined #openbsd
john/#OpenBSD sends grammar.clue ->
slutpuppysorry john
slutpuppydoh i thought you mant me for posting that url
johnYou fuckers can't put a sentence together either.
SignOff xdm: #Phrack (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
shinobi [] has joined #openbsd
ratcorpsejohn did you seee the fake advisory
ratcorpseman i dont know what this retard is trying to do
johnWhat's fake about it?
rysit claims to be a remote exploit
ratcorpselook at the code man
rysit's just a resource eater
ratcorpseif you look at the crap he wrote in the beginning ull see its fake
ratcorpsebefore you even see the code
dhartmeiread the explanation of why it's supposed to be a remote exploit :)
ratcorpseSG helped during the researching of the bug (bind, aempire, cripto)
ratcorpseI would like to thank RootShellHackers and Team ZSH for rigorously testing on many freenets :] (ratcorpse and her great mass testing
ratcorpsescripts, great for analysis: < great site :)
ratcorpsehe put us and gay deface kids together in the same sentence
ratcorpsehe even put solar designer
ratcorpseand i never coded a mass resolution script
ratcorpseits jim's script
*** OBSDCMNT : at th1s point im gonna st0p doing commentz ***
SignOff mbhochha: #OpenBSD (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
ratcorpsethat idiot is just senile
dhartmeiso, packetstorm publishes any submission without checking it at all? so much for that.
ratcorpse        Basically, if the (sz & (PAGE_SIZE-1)) is true, the kernel
mmap`I was wondering
ratcorpsepanic()'s. Not so cool Mr. Theo, my grandmother wouldn't even have
ratcorpsedone something so stupid and all she has is an A+ and CCNA!
mmap`how come bind9 coredumps in a chroot
ratcorpsethsis is hilarious man
mmap`like chroot /home/dns /bin/named -u -g, it runs, 4 secs after, it cored umps.
rysmmap: opcode is looking at the same thing
~el81i looked into the technicalities of the bug and rloxley is DEAD on
~el81When can I expect a patch?
mmap`I think the problem is the new thread implementation
rys~el81: christ, for the 10th time, set ulimits
mmap`if i run the chroot as root user, it doesnt break
~el81I mean, my servers will go down in a heartbeat.
~el81How can I fucking set limits on a kernel bug? Jesus
mmap`the fuck is wrong?
rys~el81: it's not a kernel bug, set process limits per user and it'll log your user out before the program can fork bomb
rysunless, that is, if you're root.
~el81For god sakes man, it's not a fork bomb, I've looked at the code. I see no fork()
mmap`it could be a loop
rysare you fucking retarded.. read the code. it executes itself until it users up all availible memory
rysmmap: openbsd "advisory" on the top
rysit's fake
~el81If you had an ounce of clue, I would continue talking to you
~el81Where is John, he himself even said it is not fake
mmap`~el81, g0 tr4d3 w4r3z, wh3r3z y3r c0ur13r
rys~el81: i do have a clue. do you even know c/c++
~el81I'm being serious, sorry I'm being angry
mmap`rys, where it is?
~el81rys, sorry just calm down
mmap`give me link
[4mat] [] has joined #openbsd
john* Log into the remote host
[4mat]can anyone help me install OpenBSD, man this is getting on my nerves .
john* Log into the remote host
mmap`4mat, read docs
tashie [] has joined #openbsd
dhartmeinice, eh?
john* Grab our exploit
tashieEvenin all.
[4mat]mmap` from ?
johnThree years without a remote hole? Strike that.
dhartmeiwonder what a local hole is, compared to that ;>
[4mat]i switched to open bsd cause no exploit
[4mat]that's mad ghey
mmap`we are not msnhelp, read it, if you got a non documented question, we will help.
[4mat]just got rooted yesterday
rysit's not an exploit
rysi wish someone would explain the code, it's just a resource eater
slutpuppyrys i dont know why your bothering with these rootards
rysslutpuppy: i wonder myself.
tashieI was lookin for someone named cakespoon or something like that
tashiehe invited me to kinda join
tashieis he still here?
slutpuppyint ptr* /* er3et codinh */
tashiew/a different nick?
tashiesorry to bother ya'll
slutpuppyif (Fork() == 0) {
dhartmeirys: i now understand it pretty well, it's pretty much the same as a "execlp(argv[0], 0);"
slutpuppyprintf "\n 3y3 y4m rl0xl3y\n";
rysdhartmei: yeah that's about it
SignOff ar: #OpenBSD (Hmmm. EPIC4-0.9.10-SSL has another bug. Go figure...)
ryshe just bloated it
tashieOk I tried... if u know him... thanks
tashie [] has left #openbsd []
dhartmeiwhich i would call a fork bomp even though it's not using fork(), even the author used the term 'f0rk'
ratcorpsei think its not rloxgay who wrote this shit
ryshmmm my front door is wedged open
ratcorpseits someone else who tried to fuck with us, ssg, teso and rloxgay
rys(apartment complex).. guess i don't have to log out after all
mmap`rys, lol that code is mad newbie
rysmmap`: no shit.. it's just funny that it got posted to packetstorm
~el83 [] has left #openbsd []
rysit's even funnier that there are still clubies in here that are asking when we're going to have a patch
dhartmeii'm beginning to think their trolls
mortay [] has joined #openbsd
dhartmeithey're, even
mortayanyone play red alert 2 online here?
mmap`forkbomb doesnt mean the fork() function is being used, it means something is taking up resources
mmap`send me red alert and ill be glad to play.
mortaymmap`^B:^B hmm, its two cd's
ratcorpserys: packetstorm is retarded and they dot check codes. they just look at the name
mmap`mortay, ic.
ratcorpseu can defeat fork bombs in solaris
ratcorpsei dont know know about obsd
mortaycan i
ratcorpseu can limit stuff  in /etc/system
mmap`another thing that makes me laff
mmap`is the lame faqs on security focus
ratcorpseyah no shit
mmap`they have like part I, then part II is the same as part I
mode/#openbsd [+m] by john
johnAnyone mind?
mode/#openbsd [+oo shinobi nosaj] by john
mortay [] has left #openbsd []
mode/#openbsd [+o jethro] by john
SignOff dew_freak: #OpenBSD (Dead socket)
fatal [~gem@] has joined #openbsd
SignOff batz_: #Phrack (Idle time limit exceeded)
johnWendy's is looking good.
johnBe right back. :)
dhartmeijohn: grammer? lol
johnI know.
~el82theo, anyone: when can i expect a patch for the attack described in the 'hackphreak advisory'
dhartmeire packetstorm: "Thanks for the mail!  I really should have read it much more carefully, it was added in a hurry. -Alan", and gone it is :)
rysobecian: hey you seen the advisory?
rysheh mmap`.. packetstorm removed the advisory
mmap`about time..
rysi had it bokmarked.. it's gone
rysmmap: hey if you ever want to hack theirchannel
rysratcorpse: heh trying to get a copy of the "advisory" from undernet
ratcorpsethey rm'ed  it from packetstorm
ratcorpsecauzsei i found ho wrote it
ratcorpsehe denied it
ratcorpseand it was gone with jet speed
mmap`who wrote it.
ratcorpserash akd m1x of guys are very upset about it
johnratcorpse, quit.
johnI've heard enough of that shit.
ratcorpsewe suspect some other ppl but hat guy is the one who wrote it most likely since the article is 'gonew' right afteer everyone  yelled at him ;]
rysratcorpse: haha
ratcorpsejohn: ok
mmap`echo penis > penis ; while (true) ; do cat penis >> penis ; done is also forkbomb
mmap`its lame.
johnFrom: rloxley <rloxley@HACKPHREAK.ORG>
johnSubject:      OpenBSD Exploit
no_pantsjohn:  what's happening?  bogus bug ?
john        A very smart attacker will:
john                * Crash the kernel
john                * Assume the location of the box which crashed (@ the colo)
john                * Use DDB to gain god status
mmap`john, HAHAHA
zothornjohn: yeah, i read that. But a real smart hacker will somehow remove log entries so he doesn't get arrested
aKt0rnew openbsd hole released
aKt0rpotential remote exploit
whoopsmore like local DoS.
aKt0rby the looks of it yeh
aKt0ra very sarcastic advisory towards the openbsd guys
whoopsall it does is provoke a panic, though.
niles [] has joined #openbsd
no_pantsthey wanted a panic
no_pantsnow they got it
aKt0rhave u tested it ?
whoopsYeah. The box panic'ed and booted.
whoopsas expected.
freite'Once the system has crashed, a local user (with access to the terminal) may in fact hack the system.' <--- ummm
no_pantsconsole access
no_pantscan't you mark console as insecure ?
rewben [] has joined #openbsd
ratcorpseaKt0r: its gone have access to the kernel debuger
whoopsthat is, _if_ the kernel is compiled to drop into DDB on panic.
no_pantswhat's DDB ?
kkenn [] has joined #openbsd
ratcorpseits some idiot kid who was pissed at zsh, ssg , teso and obsd alltogether
freitei have ddb.panic=0
kkennNEWSFLASH! You can root an openbsd box if you have access to the serial console and it's got DDB in the kernel! :-)
ratcorpseis there anything like solaris /etc/system in obsd that u can tune stuff with?
zb^3i'm on thier channel
zb^3we're trying to find out how you telnet into DDB on OpenBSD
genecystwow, #hackphreak is amazingly lame
whoops(nice cards :)
kkenngenecyst: :-)
SignOff newsham: #Phrack (zzz)
defileI can see why, it's got like seven people in the channel
defile6 now ;-)
kkenn<vac_> tomorrow attrition is going to be filled with defaced openbsd sites
`AthlonSo what there is a big fucking bug in it?
Feanor_unfortunately realweasel cards are 250$/pop
nosajvac_ must be portraying some sarcasm.. he knows better
aKt0ris openbsd2.7 vuln to it ?
whoopsaKt0r: yes.
genecystthe funny thing is rloxely used Outlook to mail the advisory
genecysttalk about security holes...
whoopsthis is what I got, btw, after rebooting
whoopsNov  6 07:48:02 wintermute savecore: reboot after panic: AMAP_B2SLOT: invalid by
whoopste count
no_pantsget this
no_pantsyou don't need realweasel cards
no_pantssome of the new intel 2u rack mount chassis
no_pantsyou can set up in the bios to use the serial port instead
Feanor_no_pants: but that shit is even more expensive
zb^3we do that
SignOff vac_: #Phrack (I'm too lame to make a quit message)
Feanor_oh that ya...but you can't use a serial port to reboot a misbehaving box
no_pantsfeanor:  not really
zb^3i hope we don't get rooted through this 'DDB' thing
no_pantsthe intel 2u shit
`AthlonAt lest they cant do that if they dont have acess to the box
Feanor_aleph's getting lazy ;P)
zb^3#openbsd jerkcity'd aleph a couple of weeks ago
lumpy_rloxely seems to think all exploits are remote exploits
SignOff kyoorius: #Phrack (Leaving)
ratcorpseits not rlox who wrote it
ratcorpseits some gay kid
ratcorpsehe knows what hes doing, he wrote it to bash ppl but it backfired anyway
no_pantsrloxely is gonna get dos'ed
ratcorpseit is NOT rloxlyt
no_pantsi hope someone roots his ass and reports to bugtraq howmuch of a moron it is
genecysthah, that would just be lame
ratcorpsethe kid who made it is a .lifeless dork
ratcorpsei mean
ratcorpsewhatever john will kb me if i keep talking about this shit
ratcorpseno comment
lumpy_well, that all makes sense now
SignOff rewben: #OpenBSD (gotta go)
mindsport [] has joined #openbsd
zb^3i'm making a yahoo club for rloxley fans
lumpy_because the last time ive seen people talking to rloxley
lumpy_he didnt seem to know very much
aKt0rsomebody might have ripped him off
zb^3#openbsd forges a post from alpeh1 to bugtraq about the evil ctrl+alt+esc break to DDB sploit on freebsd!
aKt0rdid someone dos everyone with the new sploit
SignOff cpt: #Phrack (moff moff)
defilenot that I know of
aKt0rprobably coded a quick script
bind [] has joined #openbsd
aKt0rbind heh
seifriedsplork time
bindhow rediculous
aKt0rthe new sploit worked fine in a shell script against all the bots :P
binddude, you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
bindyou have been misinformed.
SignOff drkspyrit: #Phrack (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
SignOff Lionel_: #Phrack (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
seifriedfresh pooh
ratcorpse* zb^3 forges a post from alpeh1 to bugtraq about the evil ctrl+alt+esc
ratcorpse   break to DDB sploit on freebsd!
FigzBAHA, everyone read this:
FigzFrom: rloxley <rloxley@HACKPHREAK.ORG>
FigzSubject:      OpenBSD Exploit
FigzMan, that group gives OpenBSD-haters a bad name.
FigzI especially like the bit about it being a "remote hole"..
FigzYou see, just log in remotely, crash the kernel, drive out to the colo, repair all the vm damage from ddb, set euid to 0 in some shell, set the system running again.
FigzHmm, oh yea, "remote hole"!
Ober_ok made it
Ober_is there a security mailing list for obsd?
Ober_I would prefer to remove myself from bugtraq for obvious reasons
code9today openbsd local dos released from bugtraq
Ober_did not see one
freiteis there a patch for the DOS?
Ober_which dos?
Ober_I did not see a reference to obsd this morning.
code9openbsd exploit article
Ober_so what is the exploit.
Ober_I can not click on the adv file without it wanting to d/l it. :(
SignOff renz: #Phrack (Ping timeout: no data for 250 seconds)
Tal_ is now known as Kaki
StJohnWhat? The panic-thing?
rewben [] has joined #openbsd
dhartmei [] has joined #openbsd
SignOff rewben: #OpenBSD (Client Quit)
Ober_#openbsd does not see the exploit
Ober_time to add this new one
Ober_so how the hell is this a "remote" exploit?
Ober_#hackphreak has too much of an agenda.
dhartmeistill arguing about the fake exploit? :)
Ober_is it fake?
Ober_I have not tried it yet
dhartmeithe one that was remove from packetstorm? yes, for exactly that reason.
code9Ober,me too
code9#hackphreak article - Section 5 [TO HELL WITH YOU'S]:
code9Theo de Raadt and the OpenBSD Team
Ober_"get root remotely"
code9what's mean?
code9"get root remotely"?
torqumada [] has joined #openbsd
Ober_it means that they say you can get root on openbsd with this exploit remotely
Ober_dropping a box to ddb from a ssh login does not count as root
seiki [] has joined #openbsd
Ober_if it does actually crash it, then its still a local dos
FigzI haven't been able to make it work.
dhartmeiit's a simple execlp() bomb, aka forkbomb
Ober_hey figz
Ober_figz the bomb?
dhartmeiFigz: remove the user limits :)
Ober_so its not a real uvm bug?
FigzThere may well be something to it, but that exploit isn't even close to doing anything weird or dangerous.
Ober_hell I got some of those
dhartmeino, it's completely fake
FigzRead the exploit, it does nothing.
code9dhartmei,Figz, hi
Figzober, is that the one on bugtraq last night?
Ober_figz the ones I have no.
Ober_but some of them do the same thing
Figzsame thing as the one on bugtraq?
Ober_I have a sh script that
Figzwtf are you talking about, the one on bugtraq doesn't do anything at all
Ober_well same sort of resource exhaustion
Ober_mine are mbufs
Ober_figz ahh..
seiki#openbsd tested it.. did nothing
Figz"yours" are mbufs? what does this have to do with the one on bugtraq?
code9dhartmei, this article is only fork bomb?
Ober_you said that what they had was just a forkbomb.
Figzober, I saw the url, you haven't answered my question
FigzI said no such thing.
Figzshow me where I said this
Figzand answer my question
dhartmeicode9: i'm not sure we're talking about the same one. but yesterday there was much chattering about one one packetstorm that was completely fake, well, just a forkbomb with exaggerated comments (not remote)
SignOff tequiare: #OpenBSD (Ping timeout: no data for 247 seconds)
Ober_sorry it was dhartmei that said it
code9dhartmei, aha
Ober_<dhartmei> it's a simple execlp() bomb, aka forkbomb
Figzdhartmei, the "exploit" on bugtraq last night doesn't even work as a for kbomb
Vik_ [~co@] has joined #openbsd
Ober_and I was just commenting that I had a collection of simular scripts
Figzit would need to write its image back out to a file first
Figzit doesn't do that
Ober_ok. I stand corrected.
Figzinstead it casts the data to a struct exec, and then does nothing with that pointer
Figzie, it's totally useless, does nothing
Figzis not obvious how it COULD do anything
dhartmeioh, there are several, then. a DoS on this channel, at most :)
code9dhartmei, openbsd able forkbomb attack
Vik_is 2.8 out ?
code9use ping
dhartmeithey sound related, they posted to bugtraq first, then extended it and posted it to packetstorm, it seems. the one on packetstorm did execlp() a copy endlessly.
seiki2.8 is due out dec 1st.
Vik_it says on the web page under errata that it is 2.8
Ober_they say it was a prank
Ober_<p0lar> freebased he listen, you shouldnt take that bugtraq thing too serious, its some prank thing against rloxley heh
dhartmeicode9: of course you can forkbomb on obsd, if you don't set user limits. i crashed myself running the thing as non-limited user :)
dhartmeicode9: the same code works on nearly any unix, including Linux for instance. it's a prank.
StJohnfreite: Oh.
Vik_there is no major change in 2.8 except new drivers , bug fixes ?
gaius [] has joined #phrack
SignOff Pie: #OpenBSD (^B[^BBX^B]^B The birds kept calling his name, thought Caw)
krapht [] has joined #openbsd
gaius:#phrackjakarta rules
Ober_figz it works?
gaius:#phrackif you are interested in remote work or coming here fucking some indonesian pussies.. send bio resume to
*** OBSDCMNT : shutup fukko ***
noppaopenbsd: (clueless admin required to add holes)
is-(if you have read through this you have now more reason to switch to Linux).
FigzWe don't get ctcp floods here.. when this channel gets attacked it's usually DDoS...
Ober_figz did you ever find how to "fix" the bugtrack "sploit" so that it did anything at all?
Figzober, the "fix" is "include <sys/stat.h>"
FigzI just pasted when I was trying it out.
Figzpastoed even
Ober_that would just prevent it from compiling thought right?
Figzthat is all
Ober_so it was just fud then. heh
Figzno, the exploit works
Figznot enough sanity checking on the a.out header values
is-        I hope this advisory brings you closer to NT / Linux, rather than
is-        OpenBSD. Linux & NT are way better anyway.
coaxheh. the app guesses where a structure's data is.
seikiwhat poor lost soul wrote that
typo [] has joined #openbsd
Figzit's a pretty silly post alright..
Riedel [] has left #openbsd []
coaxNaw. OpenBSD's the better choice. obviously. heh.
dhartmeii can part when i see it split
Figz#2  0xe0127465 in panic (fmt=0xe01e0170 "AMAP_B2SLOT: invalid byte count") at ../../../../kern/subr_prf.c:214
Figz#3  0xe01e062e in amap_alloc (sz=4099, padsz=0, waitf=1) at ../../../../uvm/uvm_amap.c:230
Figz#4  0xe01e0cf6 in amap_copy (map=0xe277d25c, entry=0xe277ea30, waitf=1, canchunk=1, startva=8192, endva=8193) at ../../../../uvm/uvm_amap.c:603
FigzAnyone know any opers? That'd do for getting the channel back..
wkz [] has joined #openbsd
wkz [] has left #openbsd []
slutpuppyfor (i = 0; i > f0rbomb; i++) { Sem_wait(&ptr->mUtEx); printf("my n4m3 is rl0xl3y 4nd 3y3 4m a h4x0r3r %d\n") } exit(0); }
bugoid [] has joined #openbsd
slutpuppy:) hello yall
Soal_Reapwhat ever -q does..
dhartmeiit does what man dhcpd says
mmap`#define NTHREADS 500
mmap`ulimit -n 600
f0rkbomb is now known as sil <--- new OpenBSD advisory (shhhh)
fxit was fake? i thought it was too stupid to be true
fxthe bug was already fixed though.
bindyea, it wasnt by rloxley, ssg or anyone
bindsome dude named lore wrote it
bindto attempt to embarrass some people
fxoh, lore.
bindstupid fuck
bindim pretty pissed off
fxlore of.. b4b0?
bindi guess so
bindsome stupid fuck
Wangster"a smart attacker will.......... walk up to the console...." ROTFL
WangsterI think if you have an attacker walking up to the console you have much larger problems... haha
rwxr--r--finished... completely done...
Soal_Reapthnks all fer yer help
rwxr--r--someone send me a million $US now
rwxr--r--or i'll post it to bugtraq
| rys ( (Internic Network)
| ircname : Joe
| channels : #openbsd #Icons_Of_Vanity
| server : (Global Crossing East Client Server)
| away : rys - gone
| idle : 1 hours 3 mins 18 secs (signon: Sun Nov 5 22:15:00 2000)
~el81rys, What happened to all that talk of the bug being only a 'fork() bomb' and calling everyone cluebies, its valid, now give me patches
dhartmei#openbsd makes fire to roast the troll
toorfork bombs can be stopped by limiting resources before the shell is executed
~el81The bug on bugtraq, I first heard about it on packetstorm
~el81This really sucks people have crashed two of my machines
~el81troll? dhartmei, if I recall correctly, you also thought it was a fork() bomb
Figz0h H0, 1tz ob3ci4n..
dhartmeii still think it is. or does someone _serious_ confirm that the "ehdr->a_data += 3;" is the relevant part of the code. apart from that, it _is_ just a forkbomb, that much i can tell.
~el81Uh, earlier I saw figz confirm the a_data+=3 is the actual bug.
~el81He pasted backtrace from what I saw.
obecianfigz: ssg is so pissed about being mentioned in that bogus hp2.adv
obecianyeah the original advisory that got pulled off packetstorm within a few hours
~el81You should go crash yourself again.
samurii [] has joined #openbsd
Figzthe "advisory" showing up on bugtraq when it did probably got it fixed in 2.8
Figzso it's probably just as well.
obecianfigz: yup
~el81Good, it is patched in 2.8 already?
Figzyea, 2.8 will be patched
Figzbut it was close
~el81oh, will be
kajarer good god, there was actually a bug in that mess?
~el81Good they released before 2.8 at least
shinobithat bugtraq post was goofy as shit
shinobippl like to embarrass themselves there
kajarthat adv was totally silly, i still have trouble believing it is real
obecianshinobi: yeah i wish my name wasn't on there sheesh
fxWhy was your name on there?
obecianshinobi: the "real" advisory has me on the "fuck-you's" list for reporting the uvm bug too early to theo
~el81Well, all I'm saying is I need patches for 2.7, because these guys are crashing my kernel, anyone have an estimate?
fxWell, it was all bull.
fx"Private release date: Nov 5, 1998". Uh, uvm wasn't even in the tree in 1998.
SignOff Ghostwhee: #Phrack (SendQ exceeded)
toor~el81 - get out of the shell bizz
obecianright ;)
~el81shell bizz?
~el81oh :)
obecianand i never mailed theo about a uvm bug, and ssg never helped out with the advisory or code to the advisory
SignOff saw: #OpenBSD (night)
obecianas far as i know hackphreak didn't have anything to do with it... it's someone that is pissed cuz of xlock from a while back
obecianthat could only be adm in my mind
obecianwell whatever, as long as we got something out of it
xav [] has joined #openbsd
~el81Yeah toor, I had to remove three people, for crashing me every minute
ratcorpseholy fucking cow
seifriedthat is so incredibly ugly
johnratcorpse, don't you have something better to do?
johnprintf(*size = d%\nwOrD tO bIgBiRd 3y3 0wN ev3rYtHinG\n);
obeciantoo much leet speak for one day =/
SignOff obecian: #OpenBSD (end of line)
Topic (#OpenBSD):
obeciandid you see the second piece of code off of
jZZzZZz#openbsd sticks his long hard fat FLAG POLE into the CUNT of #hackphreak
obecianshit that's horrid
jZZzZZzAs a joke, I'm going to post a letter to Bugtraq about a new vulnerability in OpenBSD..... The one where you can walk up to the console, and take it.
jZZzZZzThe only solution is to use TCFS.
SignOff datafirm: #OpenBSD (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
jZZzZZzAnd of course the OpenBSD developers were hiding this from everyone.
obecianfive finger discount vulnerability
obecianversion 1.0
jZZzZZzI am working on it nowl.
jZZzZZzdoes anyone have an archive of the original lame vulnerability so i can use it as a template for my lame-O advisory ?
SmooveBdo you want that with the 2 blank messages attached (text and html)?
jZZzZZzi want the fucking advisory
SmooveBon its way
jZZzZZzi am stupid and i dont want to learn mutt
jZZzZZzi am so used to pine that to switch would make my brain leak acids
jZZzZZzOK, i figured it out
jZZzZZzthey attached the advisory as a separate tex tfile
jZZzZZz- :Leet Advisory % :Leet Advisory % :Leet Advisory % :Leet Advisory % :Leet -
jZZzZZz| Version   : Leet advisory #2666 of many
jZZzZZz| Author    : LarFoxley[lamedork / condemned / ESP / AH / PPTP (soon)]      
jZZzZZz| Contributed : All of Team Leet (thanks alot) & UVM
jZZzZZz| Topic       : A non-priviledged user may gain physical access to the      
jZZzZZz|               system, thus exploiting what is known in innner circles as  
jZZzZZz|               "the five-finger discount"
jZZzZZz| Effected    : All Operating Systems which use a computer
jZZzZZz|               * OpenBSD, and possibly others
jZZzZZz| Prvt Release : October 1, 1995
obecianhahaha i will laugh if aleph1 lets that through
dxmdjZZzZZz: post it to pakcetstorm too since those dorks dont check anything at all
dxmdok im off to bed
dxmdnite all
SmooveBnot enough 0 and 3 and z in there.
jZZzZZzShut up Dave, I'm trying to keep true to the original Skript
jZZzZZzg0tta Keep 1t R3al!#@())!@#(
obecianyeah noone will believe it's a real advisory with all that proper english
obecianwhere's that leetspeak lex filter
dxmdblame it on obecian
jZZzZZz        I would like to thank bass of BEER.  He started the whole OpenBSD
jZZzZZz        religion.  Keep up the good work.
jZZzZZz        Special thanks to obecian and his DoS 3.3 System.  It has made my
jZZzZZz        job so easy that I think I should not be paid anymore.
jZZzZZz        I would also like to thank: NSA, CIA, FBI, Jammu Siltavuori,
jZZzZZz        Kettutytt, Somali, Dorkex (h0rze :), ISS, Solar Designer, #blowjob,
jZZzZZz        #hotsex, #eatshit, #42, #conf, Al Hugher, Alpeh1, and Jello Biafra.
jZZzZZzhow do you spell diahrheah
jZZzZZzhow do you spell diahrheah
obeciandiarea or diahrea  not sure
jZZzZZz        I would also like to thank: NSA, CIA, FBI, Jammu Siltavuori,
jZZzZZz        Kettutytt, Satan, Dorkex (h0rze :), ISS, Solar Designer, #blowjob,
jZZzZZz        #hotsex, #eatshit, #42, #conf, Al Hugher, Alpeh1, communism, the
jZZzZZz        US Air Force, OJ Simpson, Ralph Nader and Jello Biafra.
jZZzZZzshooop$ grep diah /usr/share/dict/words
jZZzZZzshooop$ grep diarh /usr/share/dict/words
dxmdthis rocks
dxmdum what about chlamidia?
jZZzZZzWhat C code should I put into the new openbsd exploit ?
jZZzZZz#include <stdyo.h>
jZZzZZz#include <streengs.h>
jZZzZZzprentf("hello, world!!!!!\n");
jZZzZZzPS: The expoit is broke very slightly, so it takes some knowledge ;)
FigzDon't forget, private release date: Jan 23, 1979
jZZzZZzwhat's significant about Jan 23, 1979
FigzThat it's 16 years before openbsd's inception, of course.
jZZzZZzYou want to see what I got now ?
FigzYea, "hello world" tekniq..
jZZzZZzwant me to email you what i got?
jZZzZZzi ned comments
jZZzZZzabout to go to sleep
jZZzZZzbut i want to fire this off to bugtraq first
jZZzZZzFuck this, i'm sending it, gotta go to sleep
jZZzZZznight night
sean-wtf is this bullshit i'm reading on bugtraq
mmap`sean, whats bs?
criptofake, obviously.
sean-the 'openbsd machine can be stolen' advisory
criptoboth are fake.
sean-i know
sean-but who the hell would approve that?
criptoi'm dissapointed that elias approved them
jeremiesame guy who approves every other post
criptobut oh well, he's the moderator.
jeremiehe'll refund your subscription cost if you're pissed
jeremiei bet
criptohah ;)
sean-btw cripto sean called me ;)
SignOff highvolts: #OpenBSD (return 0;)
mmap`more like canceling
mmap`and cp'ing your subscript data to /dev/null
mmap`yo sean
mmap`wheres the article
shureRunning make depende echo : is a directory *** Error[1] -- Come one..
sean-dunno, it just came through i believe..
sean-subject is 'Another OpenBSD vulnerability!!'
dxmdcan u do me a favor and give me the url
mmap` idont see it
dxmdchris posted  that article to prove what a moron aleph1 is
sean-dxmd: it's in my mailbox, i don't have a url :)
dxmdgive me the fucking url
dxmdok then dcc me
dxmdill put it on my site
sean-ok hang on
Intrinsicwhy don't you look at the BugTraq archives?
jeremiedxmd whats your email
dxmdchris rules
zb^3that advisory is leet
zb^3-- leet -- leet -- leet --
zb^3does Aleph1 even care anymore?
mmap`dood this faq is the best, mad funny
fx*** Mode for channel #eatshit is "+tin"
mmap`Three years without a remote hoe? Strike that.
toorSubject: ANOTHER OpenBSD security vulnerability!!!!
toor- :Leet Advisory % :Leet Advisory % :Leet Advisory % :Leet Advisory % :Leet -
silhope that wasnt for me toor
silahh yea i read that one but it wasnt me this time
sili only write *snicker* real advisories
no_pantsi've got an advisroy
no_pantsi can crack any obsd box
no_pantsall i have to do is sit on it
no_pantstime to email bugtraq!
genecystyou must be very fat
sili can hack openbsd with a jigsaw
no_pantsmy ass has no bounds checking

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