
You've stumbled upon my website. Maybe i'll post some stuff of interest later on, right now, you may find the list of trunked/regular frequencies for Appleton (where I live) more than enough.

dpp.irc, It's a weird little mIRC script i whipped up one day, which i tweeked out constantly and fiddled with. It's no where near complete, and you'll probably have trouble running it. But if you want mIRC to look somewhat like bX or ircII, this will do it. download[dpp-irc.ini - MISSING]

A list of a few interesting scanner freq's in Appleton, WI: appleton-freq.txt

Here's a few peices of artwork that i drew while my modem was blown up: hyperspace.jpg and mind.jpg

And in case anyone cares, here[music.txt - MISSING] is a list of CD's i own. I'm also into classic vinyl, and i'll maybe scan some of that stuff in later. On a similar note of stupidity, here's my random.txt file from back in the day when i used to hang out on efnet.

Some of my interests include Programming in C/C++, The Linux OS, telephone phreaking, Amateur Radio, Encryption, PERL Programming, Electronics, Gameboy Crap. Oh, and i drink massive ammounts of Coca-Cola.
I dabble in a few other things too, but those vary from week to week. One that I'm currently working on is a homebrewed magnetic swipe card reader, more info here. Check out the eMTG's project page if you really want to know what stuff i'm doing. Most of it is casual R&D, and probably shouldn't be taken seriously. If i manage to complete something, I'll make a big deal out of it probably. =)

bitchs/flames/complaints/whines/complements/etc. can be sent to hatredonalog@hotmail.com