_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ / / / /(_)_ __ ___ /\ \ \___ (_)___ ___ \ \ ___ __ \ \/ (_) | / / | | '_ \ / _ \/ \/ / _ \| / __|/ _ \ | (_) \/ / _ > < _| | / /__| | | | | __/ /\ / (_) | \__ \ __/ | |_ > < _ (_)_/\_(_) | \____/_|_| |_|\___\_\ \/ \___/|_|___/\___| | (_)_/\_(_) \_\ " K e e p U p T h e N o i s e " /_/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++OFTEL+++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++JF@linenoise.org+++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You may be wandering What the fuck or Who the fuck OFTEL is, well... OFTEL stands for the 'Office Of Telecommunications' and it is basically the "neutral" organisation orignally setup by the government when the British Telecommunications Privatisation act was laid down in law. OFTEL was basically created to make sure all is running well and that the numerous fone companies (mainly BT) stick to the Monopolies and Mergers committee Acts, which basically means that they exist to stop one fone company dominating the market by offering ridiculously different prices that other companies. OFTEL are like the g0ds of pricing within the fone companies and although they do not directly effect the prices that companies charge for fonecalls they can indirectly make a difference by saying that the prices are breaching the acts conditions, although this rarely happens. OFTEL does not just regulate BT, it regulates all the other fone companies - Mercury, Orange, AT&T, Cable and Wireless etc. and if OFTEL do not like the prices that the companies they charge they are well within their rights to make it known, and therefore cause certain problems within the fone companies. Oftel also indirectly own ALL the numbering space in the country, from normal fone Area Codes to the expensive Service Networks, although they delegate 98% of this space to BT due to BT's massive hold over the UK fone network. Although this text has been very short, it is important for people to know who indirectly controls the fone prices that affect our everyday lifes. It is clear from this text alone that the truth is OFTEL owns us all, and BT still live in the shadows of OFTEL although most people do not see this truth... OFTEL can be contacted at the following Address, Fone Number, Fax Number... Office of Telecommunications 50 Ludgate Hill LONDON EC4M 7JJ Tel: 0171 634-8888 Fax: 0171 634-8943 Jf_ JF@linenoise.org http://www.linenoise.org