Give Up Exclusives!

Give Up! is proud to present Exclusives! - A series of writings, which you will not find anywhere else on the Web, about Kevin Mitnick. If you do find them elsewhere on the Web, they are in violation of copyright laws. Please email with the infringing URL.

Kevin Mitnick: The Willie Horton of Computer Crime?
from Spectacular Computer Crimes

by Jay Bloombecker
Jay Bloombecker has written a thought-provoking book, which, anong other things, raises good questions as to the ethics involved in the incarceration and treatment of Kevin Mitnick, questions every computer user should think about.

Perversion of the "Hacker Ethic"

by Richard Peek
Richard asks, "What happened to the "hacker ethic?":
He concludes that, "due to the change in times and the way computers and hackers are perceived, Mitnick is a criminal while those early hackers are heros."

Shimomura's Glory;
A Pursuit of Legend-Hood at the Expense of Kevin Mitnick

by Richard Peek
Richard gives a biting review of Takedown:
The phrase, "Just imagine what he might do?" seems to be the theme and provide the motivation for Shimomura's pursuit and relentless aggression which leads to Mitnick's ultimate capture, but what, exactly, did Mitnick do?

In Mitnick's Defense, Annotation on "The Fugitive Game"

by Richard Peek
A review of The Fugitive Game:
Littman portrays Mitnick as intelligent, arrogant, and curious to the point of trespass, but not as "a twenty-first-century Frankenstein," the way he is portrayed by "the media and our government".

Give Up Exclusives! is seeking original writings on the subject of Kevin Mitnick. If you have written a book, an essay, a term paper, or any other form of original text, and would like to submit it to Give Up Exclusives! for inclusion here, please email it, in ASCII text form, to:

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