IP Sorcery (phric@legions.org) March 2004 Version 2.0.1 - Working on integrating snooping into GUI, TCP finished Too bad UDP gets ICMP returns! - Fixed more stuff Feb. 15th 2004 - Version 1.7.8 - Fixed a bug in RIP thanks to Manu V(manu@teneoris.com) - Cleaned up some more stuff - Fixed bug in TCP sequence size was using atoi, now using strtoul, YIKES! Thanks Yao-Jen Cheng(changyj@rtfiber.com.tw) - Has it really been this long? Nov. 10th, 2002 - Version 1.7.5 - Added the ability to send packets with a src broadcast address - Some code cleanups with sending the packets Nov. 8th, 2002 - Version 1.7.2 - Nicholas Jombart is going to help me maintain the FreeBSD port of the code(Nicholas.Jombart@hsc-labs.com) - Bug fix for GTK data problem(Thanks, Nicholas) - Fixed a bug with sending Broadcast packets 1.7 - Next release I might remove my code from the GPL and put it under the ISL(IP Sorcery Lis.), making it complete freeware under the agreement that it in itself cannot be sold or commercially used unless consented to by me. (Companies can use it just not for money unless I consent) Any questions or comments mail (phric@legions.org) - there is way too much to mention... but for starters - fixed error in S_TCPIP macro - totally changed the GUI to tabbed format - Added none TCP flag option in GUI for sanity sake 1.6.8 - Fixed -D before specifying protocol bug, thanks (csmacd@hotmail.com) - Made an rpm, if you use Slackware try the rpm --nodeps option - Fixed bug in IGMP packets IP header options Thanks Robert Lynch (rmlynch@pacbell.net) - Removed IGMP from GUI until further notice - Added -v option in console for version 1.6.5 - Fixed a big bug nulling out all data payload (Thanks Stephen Dunn, sdunn@stephendunn.com) - Added ability to send basic OSPF format packet - Fixed wand.h for NetBSD compatibility(Thanks Janne Snabb, snabb@iki.fi) - Added RIP to the HOWTO and -h rip for more info - Minor feature enhacments and cosmetic changes 1.6 - Added ability to send number of packets with GUI - Total Code makeover, making it so eventually the code can be modularized for the different protocols - Added Ability to send up to 25 RIP entry tables in console 1.5 - Fixed problem in GTK version a bug with changing protocols and a problem in the Makefile(Thanks AlexX) - Added the Ability to send RIP Packets with the console yes i know i have been slacking on the GUI that will come soon - Various otheer bug fixes and feature enhancements 1.4.4 - Fixed allocating more memory then needed in some packet headers - Started working on IP options. Note:(Not fully functional) - Added in the command line version the ability to specify the number of packets you want sent with -N. - Problems I have found is with ICMP packets where an IP packet header should be returned. what should I do. Maybe I need to rearrange GTK interface. Also would make command line a KILLER! But oh well don't mess with it if you don't want to! - IGMP is still being hacked, added router alert IP option and Type-of-service as internetwork traffic these fields can be turned on and off. I'm kinda staying away from the GTK version until I figure all of this IGMP stuff out its alot let me tell you. - I'm trying to clean up the source more and more because this project is getting bigger and bigger ugh! Added icmp.c tcp.c and udp.c which is just source from ipmagic.c. Took out ingredients.h and magic.h and made them one in wand.h 1.4.3 - Been hacking up IGMP in my free time I don't have all the packet format specifiable with command line arguments so use -D for to put the stuff in you want. 1.4 - Added ability to send data with packets in console version - Minor feature enahancements(see README) - Added tutorial and some usage ideas in README 1.3.4 - Added error windows for users enjoyment! - Minor feature enhancements - Took out total length for IP packets it is calculated auto because of data 1.3 - Fixed problem with checksum function - Fixed compatibility issues not compiling because of no new line at end of file (Thanks karlox@libero.it) - Integrated clalloc in console version 1.2 - Fixed install mistakes in README 1.1 - Forgot to add tcpmagic.c to tarball :/ (Thanks all who sent an email) - Extracts to ipsorc-1.1 and fixed so its gziped (Thanks doj@ns32.mine.nu) 1.0 - Added Ability to send data payload with packets 0.99 - Added ICMP to console version - Fixed bug with Host TOS redirect in GTK version - Added IP to GTK version for giggles - Minor feature enhancements - Fixed some BSD compatibility issues