_ _ _____ ________ __ | | | |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ \ / / | |_| | | | \ \ /\ / /| | | \ V / | _ | |_| |\ V V / | |_| || | |_| |_|\___/ \_/\_/ |____/ |_| These are nifty files that the fine folks at PoC||GTFO thought you'd enjoy but didn't have the room or the rights to include on paper. README.txt -- Bet you don't know what's in here! coda.txt -- Ray Bradbury's afterward to Fahrenheit 451 feeling.txt -- Feeling of Power by Isaac Asimov harrison.txt -- Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. pgpquine -- Code for producing Brother Myron Aub's PGP quine. rfc4880.txt -- PGP standard. tamagotchi.zip -- Tamagotchi hacks. thewub.txt -- Here Lies the Wub by Philip K. Dick pocorgtfo00.pdf -- Our first issue, a CFP with some POC. pocorgtfo01.pdf -- Our second issue, also a .ZIP.