Allow any size skin (and possibly brought back some bugs with skin scaling) Remove record AVI option which is not currently working Fixed bugs with skin scaling Performance improvements Fixed issues with 86 Fixed issues loading group files Added support for TI-84PCSE Support for exporting PNG files Extra debugger tabs Improved debugger reponsiveness Improved hardware support Added skin scaling Numerous bugfixes Added some error checking to loading skin files Fixed so the urls of OS downloads are correct Added error checking for using real rom option Fixed some crashes in keypress history Fixed a crash loading a large app then loading a smaller version of the same app Fixed a bug with lcd decrement not wrapping Fixed a bug with wizard crashing when loading an invalid OS during copying option Fixed labels on emulator key remapping Sanity checks on resource extraction Fixed a crash in debugger header on wine Fixed so command line files do not default to archived Fixed so invalid characters don't show up in browse dialog on wizard Fixed so rerunning the setup wizard again doesn't leave buttons in improper states Added progress bar when downloading os in the wizard Fixed crash loading label files Changed so that execution violations during stepover/out are caught and stop stepping Added reset command to the debugger Minor code refactoring/improvements Minor code updates Changed to use ATL to register Temporarily disabled flash write delay emulation Fixed keys not working on first run Fixed compile issues with unicode Fixed a crash in port monitor on XP Fixed a crash in updater with unicode paths Changed ImportVarData to fix version if it seems invalid Fixes to better compile for Mac Fixed a crash trying to copy last answer Fixed so custom emulator keys are restored properly Added missing accelerator Added bits 3 and 4 to port 0 for 83p and above Fixed so gif frame rate is saved between sessions Fixed so that opening the save screenshot dialog causes emulation to pause Fixed so bootfree is version 11.246 again Added what's new dialog Added modified BootFree source Fixed a bug with loading apps Fixed bug with ix/iy offsets Changed alu instructions to use hex values instead of decimals Cleaned up some warnings Fixed an issue with step over when sp was 0 Fixed a bug with goto dialog box Renamed newimportvar to importvar Fixed reading bad data on 86 hw init Fixed a bug loading 8xg files Fixed a bug in the symbol83p_t struct Fixed exporting groups Fixed bug with exporting non 83p files Fixed issue with timings on certain commands Fixed a bug in updating bootfree Refactored the debugger to allow multiple instances Added option to disable automatic check for updates Fixed some files in the solution Added ability to view sprites in watch tab Added some error checking to dragging the screen. No more crashes in wine Fixed a bug closing wabbit when minimized Fixed a crash doing file->exit with cutout mode enabled Fixed a major bug in Forceload OS that overwrote the bootpage Expanded dump section to include global vars and gzipped it Added code for making a zip file Worked on AVI compression Fixed a memory leak for SENDINFO Fixed a bug loading files from the commandline Fixed a bug in WM_COPYDATA Added support fot the TI-81 Updated skin for the 81 Fixed some issues loading from zip files Reworked Find Removed error dialog in CheckForUpdates. Moved to WndProc IDM_HELP_UPDATES Fixed some crashes with setup wizard Fixed some issues with flash writing Merged all the flash writing functions Added check for updates on startup Fixed some crashes in the debugger Refactored getting appdata path to a common function Added code to dump and upload crashes Added dialog to submit bugs