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Electrical and Information Engineering

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Vulnerabilities go mobile

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Information security incidents plague the Internet. Our society depends on phone networks. Today, the Internet has gone mobile. There will be an inevitable clash between these two worlds. Mobile phones have transformed into interconnected computing appliances and information about their security vulnerabilities begins to roll-in. We explored the vulnerability scene of the mobile phone networks. What would be characteristic to the mobile phone network vulnerabilities? What security problems in mobile phones have been publicly announced? How did WAP implementations survive test-suites constructed to find flaws with security implications? We realised that despite its pecularities, such as patch deployment problems and a lack of real market diversity, the mobile phone vulnerability scene resembles its Internet counterpart. We encourage you to keep-up your security methodology and level of scrunity even in mobile context.

Publication details and availability
Title: Vulnerabilities go mobile
Publication details: Laakso M & Varpiola, M. "Vulnerabilities go mobile". Invited presentation in AusCERT Asia Pacific Information Technology Security Conference. Gold Coast, Australia. May 21, 2002.
Availability: [HTML] Whitepaper for the presentation
[PDF_] Presentation (original)

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