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Electrical and Information Engineering

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The Vulnerability Process: a tiger team approach ...

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Security vulnerabilities that affect widely deployed software emerge frequently. Addressing these maladies requires coordination and communication. The purpose of this work was to explore a systematic approach to reporting and resolving vulnerability cases, from a tiger team perspective. A life-cycle model with checkpoint-based metrics was developed, a case study was carried out and observations were gathered. The vulnerability process was found to be complicated but manageable. The role of the FIRST teams as coordinators is encouraged and a shift from undisciplined, reactive vulnerability work towards a professional, proactive approach is promoted.

Publication details and availability
Title: The Vulnerability Process: a tiger team approach to resolving vulnerability cases
Publication details: Laakso M., Takanen A., Röning J. "The Vulnerability Process: a tiger team approach to resolving vulnerability cases". In proceedings of the 11th FIRST Conference on Computer Security Incident Handling and Response. Brisbane. 13-18 June, 1999.
Availability: [HTML] Full paper (revised, do not use for reference purposes)
[PDF_] Full paper (original)
[PS__] Full paper (original)
[PDF_] Accompanying presentation (original)
[PS__] Accompanying presentation (original)

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