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Electrical and Information Engineering

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A Case for Protocol Dependency

$RCSfile: index.html,v $ $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2005/12/11 11:26:44 $


Vulnerabilities infest information technology. There is a lack of tools in risk assessment for understanding the impact that the disclosed vulnerabilities have on the critical information infrastructures. To address this need, this work derives a new dimension of dependency from practical vulnerability work, namely that of protocol dependency. Classic technology dependency views were reviewed, a chain of systematic vulnerability disclosures was followed as a case study and analysis revealed evidence of protocol dependency. Extrapolating from the experiences of a complex case, this new dependency dimension can be modelled. The model will benefit from going beyond a narrow technical view.

Publication details and availability
Title: A Case for Protocol Dependency
Publication details: Eronen J., Laakso M. "A Case for Protocol Dependency". In proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Critical Infrastructure Protection. Darmstadt, Germany. November 3-4, 2005.
Availability: [PDF_] Full paper (original)
[PS__] Full paper (original)
[PDF_] Accompanying presentation (original)
[PDF_] The presentation with slide notes

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