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Simulation of Quantum Computation on
Intel-Based Architectures
Yan Pritzker
Revision A
...trying to nd a computer simulation of physics, seems to me to be an excellent
program to follow out...and I’m not happy with all the analyses that go with just the
classical theory, because NATURE ISN’T CLASSICAL, dammit, and if you want to
make a simulation of nature, you’d better MAKE IT QUANTUM MECHANICAL, and
by golly it’s a wonderful problem because it doesn’t look so easy.
-Richard P. Feynman (1981) (International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 21,
p. 486)

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1 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
1.1 The Wave-Particle Duality of Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.1 Young’s Double-Slit Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.2 The Discovery of the Electron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.3 Blackbody Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.4 The Photoelectric Eect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.5 The Wave-Particle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.1.6 The Double-Slit Experiment, with Electrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Philosophical Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3.1 The Copenhagen Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3.2 Many Worlds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.4 Dirac Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Quantum Computers
2.1 Inside the Quantum Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.1 The Qubit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.2 Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1.3 Quantum Gates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Quantum Computing Pros/Cons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.1 Usefulness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.2 Feasibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.3 Quantum Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Quantum vs. Classical Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.1 Eciency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.2 Shor’s and Grover’s Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Quantum Computer Simulation
3.1 OpenQubit Model Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 OpenQubit Main Class Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.2 Sample Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 OpenQubit Documentation

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About the OpenQubit Project
This project began as a hobby but quickly got out of hand. The idea for this project came to me
after I had read several books on quantum physics several months ago. I was always interested in
the subject, and my honors chemistry class sophomore year gave me some foundation to understand
it. Several of the books mentioned quantum computers and simulation thereof. I was disappointed
to nd out that quantum computers wouldn’t be realized physically for several decades, but the
prospect of simulation of such computers was very exciting.
I didn’t have the mathematical or physical background to even begin to understand quantum
computing, so I decided to nd help in the Linux community. Linux is a free operating system which
has been historically used by mostly programmers.
I founded the OpenQubit organization on December 9, 1999 when I posted an article to a large
news site on the Internet (, which gets more than a million hits a month), stating my
intentions to create a quantum computer simulation. I was immediately ooded with requests for
more information. I organized a mailing list which in the rst day gained eighteen members, and
within a week was well over 100. Currently, there are 183 subscribers to the list.
The list became a place for physicists, computer scientists, hobbyists, and laymen to discuss
a multitude of topics. After talking with some of the physicists, I began to understand quantum
mechanics and quantum computing much more. I started writing some basic code for the simulator,
and within several days released it to the mailing list. Several other programmers on the list helped
me with some other code. Everyone worked on a piece of the simulator. The computer scientists
(myself and about ve others) would write some code, post it to the list, and then the quantum
physicists would tell us where we were wrong and where the code didn’t make sense. On February
9, 1999 we nally had a working, stable simulator. It could run Shor’s factoring algorithm, which
was one of my original goals for the project. Two days later, we released the code to the Linux
community through another news site (
Currently, the OpenQubit software is in its third revision (series 0.3.x). An article about quan-
tum computing, which will mention OpenQubit, will be published in PC World in May of 1999. The
OpenQubit web page is located at
(Denmark mirror at
and the latest source code can be downloaded from
Although the goal of this paper is to introduce the concepts of quantum computing, a rm
understanding of the basic concepts of quantum theory is necessary in order to comprehend the
nature of quantum computers. A kind of summary of quantum theory is packed into the rst ten
or so pages in the rst section of this paper.
1 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Anyone who is not shocked by quantum
theory has not understood it.
-Niels Bohr
Quantum theory is, without question, the one greatest achievement of 20th century physics. It is far
more signicant, direct, and practical than perhaps its rival in greatness, the theory of relativity. Yet
it makes some very strange predictions. So strange, in fact, that even Albert Einstein found them
incomprehensible and refused to accept the implications of quantum theory, spending a large part of
his life trying to nd a way around it. Einstein, like many physicists of the time thought quantum
theory to be nothing more than a mathematical trick which happened to explain the workings of
atomic and subatomic particles, but had no real physical signicance (Gribbin, 1984).
In the world of quantum mechanics, nothing is real until an observation is made, and one cannot
make statements about things while one is not observing them. Events are governed by probabilities;

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a radioactive atom, for example, might decay or it might not. One cannot say what will and will
not happen, but can only talk about probabilities of these events occurring. Even Schroedinger, one
of the founders of quantum theory, was upset at its implications. He tried to show the absurdity of
quantum theory by setting up a thought experiment which would tie together the microscopic world
of quantum mechanics with the macroscopic world (Gribbin, 1984).
In this experiment, a radioactive atom which had exactly a fty percent chance of decaying or
not was placed in a room with a radioactivity detector (a Geiger counter) which when set o would
break a vial of poison, releasing it into the room which contained a live cat. Quantum theory says
that while the atom is not observed, it has neither decayed nor not decayed, and thus the detector
has neither been set o nor not set o. Consequently, the cat neither lives nor dies. If one accepts
quantum theory and all of its implications, then the cat in the room is neither dead nor alive until
someone looks into the room and observes it. Thus, nothing is real until it is observed. This may
be a bold claim to make, but this theory nonetheless accurately explains scientic observations.
The next several sections will introduce the reader to the concepts of quantum mechanics, and why
scientists today believe that quantum theory is a valid explanation for everyday events (Gribbin,
1.1 The Wave-Particle Duality of Matter
Newton thought that light was made of particles, and he had good reason to believe so. Rays of light
were observed to travel in straight lines, as particles do. Light also bounces o of a mirror much
like a ball from a wall. However, a contemporary of Newton, Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens
developed the idea that light was not made of particles, but was rather a wave, moving through a
substance he called the \lumeniferous ether." This wave theory explained refraction and reection
just as well as the particle theory did. However, certain observed eects could only be explained
by the particle theory, so the wave theory was forgotten and discarded. By the early nineteenth
century, however, the status of the two theories had become almost completely reversed (Gribbin,
1984; Guillemin, 1968).
1.1.1 Young’s Double-Slit Experiment
In 1801, British Physicist Thomas Young designed an experiment that would test whether or not
light propagates in the same manner as a wave of, say, water does. Let us examine the nature of
water waves in order to understand his experiment better. Suppose one drops two stones into a pond.
The stones produce tiny waves, or ripples, in the water. When they are dropped close together, the
ripples of one stone interact with those from the other. Because of the oscillating nature of a wave,
it happens sometimes that two crests meet and create a bigger crest (or two troughs to create one
trough equal in amplitude to the sum of the two). Other times, a crest from one wave meets the
trough of the other. In this case, the amplitudes of the waves cancel leaving no wave in their place.
This eect of adding and canceling amplitudes is known as
(Gribbin 1984; Guillemin,
Young decided to test the wave nature of light by setting up an experiment much like the dropping
of the stones in the water. He placed a wall with two tiny slits in front of a detector screen. At this
wall, he directed a light beam. Because of the eects of diraction, light on the other side of the wall
would spread from each slit in semicircles. Young found that the pattern observed on the detector
screen when light was passed through the slits was an interference pattern much like that of the
rocks in the water, which appeared on the detector screen as a series of light and dark bands. Thus,
Young proposed that light must be a wave since a clear interference eect was observed between the
light coming from the two slits (Gribbin, 1984).

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There was a remaining question however, if light was a wave, what was the medium through which
it propagated? For example, water waves use water as a medium, and radio waves propagate through
air. The wave theory seemed to be at last completed when James Clerk Maxwell established the
existence of waves as uctuating electromagnetic elds. This answered the question of what exactly
is \waving" in a beam of light. It was the electromagnetic uctuation that gave light its wave-like
characteristics (Gribbin, 1984).
1.1.2 The Discovery of the Electron
In the late 1800s, studies were being done on the discharge of electricity through rareed gases.
During these studies, it was discovered that when very high voltage was put through gases, a beam
of something appeared to travel from one end of the gas chamber to another. These beams were
cathode rays
because they appeared to originate at the cathode, the negative electrode in the
gas chamber
At the time, no one really knew what these rays were, but merely that they existed.
Some scientists thought that the rays may be a form of light. However, when magnetic elds were
brought near the spot the beam made on one end of the chamber, it was deected. This suggested
that cathode rays could be charged particles. The direction of their deection was consistent with a
negative charge. Cathode rays soon became recognized as beams of particles which today are called
(Guillemin, 1968).
1.1.3 Blackbody Radiation
In the early 1900s, many scientists were attempting to explain
blackbody radiation
which is basically
the phenomenon of hot objects glowing with dierent colors. At this time, the best scientic view of
the world required that material objects must be described in terms of particles, but electromagnetic
radiation, including light, must be described in terms of waves. Scientists sought to unify the wave
and particle theories by looking at how radiation interacts with matter. But instead of unifying,
classical physics broke down almost completely (Gribbin, 1984).
A hot object radiates electromagnetic energy, and the frequency of the radiation emitted increases
with temperature. Thus, a warm piece of iron emits infrared radiation, invisible to the eye, which
gradually increases towards the frequency of red light (at which point we call the object red-hot)
and then towards blue and ultraviolet. The electron had only been recently discovered, but it was
quite easy to see how a charged part of the atom such as the electron could vibrate and produce a
stream of electromagnetic waves. At higher temperatures, it would oscillate more rapidly and thus
produce higher frequency waves. The only problem with this theory, a combination of the best of
classical theories{statistical mechanics and electromagnetism{was that it predicted a very dierent
form of radiation than was actually observed coming from hot objects (Gribbin, 1984; Guillemin,
The classical theory predicted that the radiation given o by hot objects would approach innity
as the temperature of the object increased and drop o at zero at extremely low frequencies (low
temperatures). This was not the case however; instead of the radiation becoming more and more
ultraviolet at high frequencies, it dropped to zero after a certain cuto point. Thus the predictions
of the theory were incorrect and this dilemma is sometimes called the \ultraviolet catastrophe"
(Gribbin, 1984).
The theory was not a complete failure, however, as it could explain things at low frequencies. At
least the classical theory was half right. The reason for radiation dropping o to zero at high fre-
quencies was somewhat of a mystery. This puzzle attracted many physicists including Max Planck,
a conservative scientist whose primary interest was thermodynamics. In 1900 he made a mathemat-
ical discovery through desperation, luck, insight, and a slight misunderstanding of the mathematical
tools he was using. Planck’s formula explained the curve of blackbody radiation, but no one could

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explain the physical assumptions that went with the formula. In other words, the solution to the
problem was known, but nobody knew why it was the solution. After some more work, Planck
found the reason behind the \ultraviolet catastrophe" in what became known as
Planck’s quantum
(Gribbin, 1984).
Planck said that energy inside the atom could only be emitted in lumps of a certain size, called
quanta, which could be described quite nicely by the equation
is what we now call
Planck’s constant and is the frequency. Planck explained that for very high frequencies, the energy
needed to emit one of these energy packets was very large, and thus only a few of these quanta were
emitted. This, of course, explains why at high frequencies there was not a lot of ultraviolet radiation
given o, but rather the radiation level dropped to zero (Gribbin, 1984).
1.1.4 The Photoelectric Eect
In 1899, Phillip Lenard showed that electrons can be produced by light shining onto a metal surface
in a vacuum. This was called the
photoelectric eect.
Lenard looked at the way the intensity of the
light aected the way electrons were stripped from the metal. He hypothesized that if he used a
brighter light, more energy would shine on the surface of the metal, and thus electrons should be
knocked o the metal more rapidly and y with a greater velocity. However, he found that as long
as the wavelength of the light remained unchanged, the electrons ew o with the same velocity.
Only the number of electrons ejected increased (Gribbin, 1984; Guillemin, 1968).
Einstein realized that there was a simple way to explain this, provided that Planck’s equations
were taken as physically meaningful. Einstein simply applied the equation
to electromagnetic
radiation. He said that light was
a wave, contradicting scientic thought for hundreds of years.
He said that light comes in packets of energy (quanta) just as Planck proposed the oscillations inside
the atom do. Every time this quanta of energy hits an electron, it gives it the same amount of energy
and therefore the same velocity. Increasing the brightness of the light means simply increasing the
amount of light quanta emitted and thus increasing the ejected electron count. These light quanta
are known today as
This was the work for which Einstein received his Nobel Prize in 1921
(Guillemin, 1968).
1.1.5 The Wave-Particle
So, there seemed to be two conicting theories. Young’s experiments seemed to show that light
was a wave, and yet Einstein found that light was made of particles, or quanta. For some time,
many scientists struggled with this problem but no one could explain how it could be possible that
light was sometimes a wave and sometimes a particle. Physicists nally gave up and came to the
conclusion that this
wave-particle duality
simply exists and it must be accepted (Gribbin, 1984).
Niels Bohr proposed the famous
principle of complementarity
which states that one cannot
observe both the wave and particle nature of an object at the same time. If one is performing an
experiment to test the wave nature of light, he or she will verify it to be a wave. If, on the other
hand, one is testing for particle properties, those are the only properties he or she shall observe
(Gribbin, 1984).
Louis deBroglie later generalized that all matter has both wave and particle properties and came
up with mathematical ways of describing the wavelength of any object. Even macroscopic objects
such as tables and chairs have a wave nature; their wavelength is just so tiny that we do not observe
them \waving." However, with microscopic objects such as electrons and other small particles, the
wave nature is quite visible (Gribbin, 1984).
Although some scientists seemed bothered by the idea that light should behave sometimes like
a particle and sometimes like a wave, there really is nothing to worry about. Nature seems to have
no problem with light being both a particle and a wave. It is only because of the way we visualize

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things that we are confused when we are told that light is both particle and wave in one. There is
no reason for light, electrons, or anything in nature to be like anything that we can visualize, or any
model that we can invent. So we must simply accept this existence. In fact,
electrons do not really
exist, but they could exist, and it is this potential for existence that we call \an electron
" (Gribbin,
1.1.6 The Double-Slit Experiment, with Electrons
Now, as a conclusion to the wave-particle duality principle we shall examine what happens when
we perform Young’s double slit experiment with electrons. This experiment really demonstrates
quantum theory in its full glory, and Feynman noted that if one comes to terms with the mysteries
of this experiment, then every other situation in quantum mechanics can be explained by referring
back to this simple, yet interesting experiment (Feynman, 1965).
Recall Young’s double-slit experiment discussed in (1.1.1). First let us imagine what happens
when we re bullets, as suggested by Mr. Feynman, at a double-slit setup. Bullets, are of course
particles and thus can travel through either one hole or the other. We will place a wall on the other
side of the slits, and a detector box on this wall that will count how many bullets land inside it.
Thus, if we count the total bullets that passed through the hole and the bullets inside the box, we
can calculate the probability that a bullet will land in the detector box (Feynman, 1965).
When we cover one of the holes, we can determine the probability
that the bullet will go
through the uncovered hole and hit the detector. Doing the same with the other hole, we discover a
for the bullet to hit the detector by going through the second hole. If we now open
up both holes, we nd that the probability of nding a bullet in the detector is simply the sum of
the individual probabilities:
Now we will set up a similar experiment with electrons instead of bullets. An electron gun will
be the source of electrons. In front of the detection screen we place an electron detector that will
make a \click" on a loudspeaker, for example, when an electron arrives. We will also place a detector
box as in the bullet experiment to count the probability of an electron landing in there (Feynman,
When we run this experiment we notice two things. First, we always hear a click when an electron
arrives. We always hear a full click, and no half-clicks, for example. We conclude that whatever
arrives at the detection screen comes in lumps, or quanta so it must be indivisible, consistent with
the particle theory (Feynman, 1965).
Now we close one hole, obtain the probability of the electron striking the detector box and do
the same with the other hole. When we open both holes we notice that something strange has
happened. The overall probability
the sum of the individual probabilities! This eect
comes from interference. If we treat the electron as a wave instead of a particle, then we can no
longer talk about the probability of the electron arriving at the detector. Instead, we can talk about
the amplitude of the probability wave. In quantum mechanics, this probability wave is called the
\wavefunction" of a particle. Standard convention is to label the amplitude of the wave as (\psi")
or (\phi"). To obtain the probability of the electron arriving at the detector, we must square the
wavefunction. Thus,
. Now, the sum of the probabilities is the sum of
the squares of the amplitudes:
+ 2
1 2
There is a third term introduced, 2
1 2
which is the term that causes the interference. One can
see that if one of the waves is negative (at a trough), the probability sum will be decreased, and if

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two troughs or two crests meet, then the probability will increase at that point. How could it be,
though, that the electron \clicked," on the detector, registering as a particle, yet still managed to
interfere with itself like a wave? (Feynman, 1965).
The answer to this is simple, yet strange, and that is the world of quantum mechanics that
we must accept. The electron
sometimes appears as a particle, and sometimes appears as a wave
When we hear it click, we are measuring the particle nature of the electron. When we observe the
interference pattern, we see that the electron traveled as a probability wave through both holes.
This apparent state of being in both holes at once is called a \superposition of states" (Feynman,
1965; Gribbin, 1984).
Perhaps there is a way to \trick" the experiment. What if we place some sort of detector at
the holes so that we can actually observe which hole the electron goes through. We may place a
light source at the holes so that we may \see" the electrons coming through. We nd, much to our
surprise, that the electron now acts just as an ordinary particle, and does not form an interference
pattern. It acts like a bullet instead, and the resulting probability distribution on the detection
screen is the simple sum of the individual probabilities. What we have done by observing the
electron is collapse its wavefunction
restricting its probability wave to a certain subspace. In this
case, we have determined the hole that it went through, and thereby turned the wave into a particle
because there are no more choices to be made. The reason for this quantum trickery is called the
principle (Feynman, 1965; Gribbin, 1984).
1.2 Uncertainty
Quantum theory places a limitation on the accuracy of measurement. Werner Heisenberg originally
stated that if we know an object’s momentum
we cannot know its position,
more accurately
h= p;
is a constant called Planck’s constant and equals approximately 6
J s
. The units (Joule-seconds) seem strange but they are known as \actions" and are not
everyday features of classical physics. An action has an interesting property{it is absolutely constant
and has the same size for any observer (this property is shared by the speed of light). The signicance
of actions became apparent only after Einstein’s theory of relativity because it turns out that actions
are conserved in space-time. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle talks about the uncertainty of any
action measurement (such as that of momentum and position, or energy and time) (Gribbin, 1984).
Basically, Heisenberg said that if we know an object’s position with innite accuracy, we have
absolutely no idea about its momentum (i.e. how fast it is moving). Similarly, if we are very sure of
its momentum, we have no idea where it is. The physical reason behind this theory is this: in order
to \observe" something we need photons to bounce o of this object and enter our eye. For example,
I only see a book on my table because millions of photons are bouncing o of it. On the macroscopic
level, this seems to have no implications. However, on the atomic level, a photon striking an electron
will knock it o course. Thus, if one wishes to measure the position of an electron, the photon we
send at it will strike it and modify its momentum (Gribbin, 1984).
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, in a sense, protects quantum mechanics. Heisenberg realized
that if it were possible to measure position and momentum at the same time, quantum mechanics
would collapse. We would be able to, literally, nd out which hole the electron went through and still
observe an interference pattern. Thus he proposed that it was impossible. Then, many physicists
tried to imagine creative ways to defeat the uncertainty principle, but no one could do it (Gribbin,
Imagine for example that we allow the wall through which the electrons pass in the double-slit
experiment to move. When an electron comes in, it will deect from a certain part of one of the
hole and thus the wall will get a kick and move in the opposite direction of the deection. Thus,
by not touching the electrons at all and merely by observing the wall we can apparently gure out
where they hit (Feynman, 1965).

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However, to do this we will need to know accurately the momentum of the wall. The uncertainty
principle says that if we measure the momentum of the wall with great accuracy, we will lose accuracy
in its position. Thus, an electron ying through will knock the plate o to one side and we will be
able to tell either where it is or how fast it is moving, but not both. And we need both to accurately
judge where the electron went through (Feynman, 1965).
As a nal example, let us see why atoms do not collapse. Although many of us take atoms for
granted, the idea of atoms is completely illogical. If a negative charge is orbiting a positive one, it
would spiral into the nucleus and the atom would collapse. Atoms are completely impossible from
the classical point of view. However, if an electron were to fall into the nucleus, we would then know
its position with innite accuracy, and we would know its momentum at the same time, and this, is
quantum-mechanically impossible (Feynman, 1965).
1.3 Philosophical Implications
1.3.1 The Copenhagen Interpretation
The view of quantum mechanics presented above, utilizing wavefunctions and observers collapsing
them is known as the Copenhagen Interpretation, named after the home city of Niels Bohr. The
Copenhagen Interpretation says that unlike, in the classical world, nothing exists in a determined
state until we observe it. In fact, the observer interacts with the system being observed to such an
extent that the system cannot be thought of having an independent existence. We cannot say what
a particle does, or even if it exists while we are not looking at it. When we perform an experiment
we get a set of readings or properties which suggest to us that a certain type of particle exists.
Almost every time we repeat this experiment, we get similar readings. But as John Gribbin put it,
\the interpretation in terms of particles is all in the mind, and may be no more than a consistent
delusion." If we cannot say what a particle does when we are not looking at it, then it is even
reasonable to say that the electron did not
before the late 1800s when it it was discovered
(Gribbin, 1984).
In quantum physics, one cannot describe the position of a particle in space-time precisely, so in
this sense even the theory of relativity is regarded as a \classical" theory. Newton thought that if
we could ever measure all the properties of all the particles in the universe, we could determine the
future state of the universe because they would follow classical laws.
In quantum physics, we cannot
perform such a measurement in principle because by measuring position we disturb momentum, and
by measuring energy we lose precision in the time the measurement took place. Thus, quantum
theory says that the future of the universe is undetermined, a thought that was deeply unsettling
for Albert Einstein whose view on the subject was: \I cannot believe that God would choose to play
dice with the universe"(Gribbin, 1984).
1.3.2 Many Worlds
However strange the Copenhagen Interpretation is, it seems to be the most widely accepted inter-
pretation, for the second interpretation of quantum physics is perhaps even more unsettling. This
second view involves parallel universes existing alongside ours, and although that may sound unusual
it is in fact less strange than the Copenhagen Interpretation if looked at closely (Gribbin, 1984).
One of the features of the Copenhagen Interpretation that doesn’t make much sense is the concept
of the collapse of the wavefunction by the observer. What happens when an observer enters the room
where Schroedinger’s cat is residing? The wavefunction of the cat is collapsed, but now this observer
becomes part of the wavefunction. If he chooses not to tell anyone about what he saw, to the outside
world the room with the cat remains in a superposition of states. If he calls up his friend and tells
i.e. objects in motion would remain in motion unless aected by an external force, etc.

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him the news, now they are both part of the wavefunction. And this spreads and spreads until, say,
the entire universe knows about the cat. But who shall collapse the wavefunction of the universe?
By denition, the universe contains everything, so there cannot be an outside observer. Indeed,
the Copenhagen Interpretation seems to imply that there is scientic reason to believe in a God!
(Gribbin, 1984).
The many worlds theory gets rid of wavefunctions and the need for an observer. There is no such
thing as a dead-alive cat paradox because the cat is both dead and alive. It is simply alive in one
universe and dead in another. The many worlds theory proposed by Hugh Everett in the 1950s says
that wavefunctions do not collapse. All of the possibilities in a quantum state are real all at once,
and each exists in its own part of \superspace" (and supertime). When we make a measurement
at the quantum level, we are forced by the process of observation to select one of the alternative
universes which then becomes real for us (Gribbin, 1984).
Let us visit Schrodinger’s cat one more time. The conventional Copenhagen Interpretation tells
us that both possibilities of the cat being alive and dead are equally unreal, and only one of them
becomes a reality when we collapse the wavefunction of the cat inside the box. Everett’s many
worlds theory says that both possibilities are equally
and that both exist in their own worlds.
There is both a live cat and a dead cat, a decayed atom and an atom that never decayed; but they
are located in dierent worlds. Faced with the decision of whether or not the atom should decay,
the whole universe split into two versions of itself, identical completely except for the fact that in
one the atom decayed and in the other it did not. It sounds like science ction, but it is really only
the consequence of taking the equations of quantum mechanics literally (Gribbin, 1984; Guillemin,
1.4 Dirac Notation
Without going too deep into the mathematical reasons behind it, Paul Dirac proposed a simple
system of notation for describing quantum systems called
(read \bracket") notation. An
initial state in a quantum system is represented in bra-ket notation by the symbol
which is called a
and a nal state is represented by the symbol
which is called
When these two are put together we get a braket, which represents the phrase \the amplitude
that" (Feynman, 1965).
So, if we wanted to describe, in the double-slit experiment with electrons, the amplitude that an
electron would arrive at detector
after leaving its initial position
we could write it as.
Particle arrives at
Particle leaves
It is often convenient to simply abbreviate this to single letter notation such as
. When we talk
about describing a quantum system, we are talking about describing the wavefunction of the system
which is the sum of all of the amplitudes for every outcome in the system. Quantum states can be
treated as vectors. A completed bracket denotes a dot product so it is is just a number. Because of
the nature of waves, this number must be complex
(Feynman, 1965).
Let us describe Young’s double-slit experiment with electrons using this notation. If we wish to
describe a specic route the electron takes, for example from the initial position to hole one to the
detector, we can write it as the product of the amplitude to get from the initial position,
to the
rst hole and from the rst hole to the detector at position
via hole
In general, we can describe the complete amplitude of going from
by using the sum of all
the individual routes, conveniently represented with summation notation:
The real part describes the amplitude of the wave, while the imaginary part describes the phase.

Page 11
The vectors represented by
are referred to as base states (base vectors). A base state is one
from which all future behavior of the state is determined. i.e. we can say that the base states in
our system are the state of the electron arriving at hole one and the state of the electron arriving at
hole two. It does not matter where the electron started because whether it arrives at the detector
only depends on which hole it went through. Base states must always be
, i.e. their dot
product must be zero. This means that we cannot jump from one base state to another (Feynman,
As shown above, we can represent the wave function of any system by listing the amplitudes
from going from any initial state to each of the base states. So, to generalize from (Eq. 3):
h j i
h j
j i
Notice, that since this equation uses only closed brackets, it is dealing entirely with complex
numbers and no vectors. This is the equivalent of re-writing the all-too-familiar vector equation for
into real number form by taking the dot product of both sides by an arbitrary vector
but since this is true for any vector
there is hardly a use for writing the
. Going back to
our wavefunction equation, we see that both sides are multiplied by the vector representing the nal
h j
So we can simply discard that term from (Eq. 4) to result in the equation:
j i
j i
Also, observe that there is a complete bracket, which is the amplitude that is in the base state
which is also referred to as the coecient for the base state
. This coecient can be written simply
. Thus, our nal general formula for describing a quantum system is:
j i
Remember, that the probability of an outcome is the square of the magnitude of the amplitude
so the probability of outcome
. So, to represent Young’s double-slit experiment, once more,
with the electron having equal probability of arriving at either hole 0 or 1, denoted by the states
, respectively:
j i
And that concludes our excursion into quantum physics (Feynman, 1965).

Page 12
2 Quantum Computers
Quantum Computation is a very new eld in science. It relates as much to quantum physics as
it does to computer science. The concept of quantum computers is currently at a very theoretical
stage, as working quantum computers may not be realized for another couple of decades. However,
there have been several very promising proposals on their implementation, namely the
linear ion
esonance) architectures, which will be discussed later. Today,
quantum computing is approached largely from the standpoint of simulation, which allows for the
development of programs for a quantum architecture on
Quantum computers will be radically dierent from the computers of today. Classical computers,
as the computers of today are referred to in the quantum computing eld, interpret the movement of
thousands of electrons, or lack thereof, as ones and zeros or
. A quantum computer, on the other
hand, may function using only several quantum objects such as atoms, ions, or photons, interpreting
their states, or polarizations as ones, zeros, and superpositions of ones and zeros(i.e. it is neither
one or zero until observed; or, if one follows the many-worlds theory, it is
one and zero until
observed). Either way, each quantum bit, or
can exist in a superposition of states with dierent
probabilities of seeing a one or a zero when one observes the qubit (Steane, 1997).
A quantum computer, operates in a memory and eciency space exponential to its resources.
In other words, while a standard computer with three bits can store the numbers 0 through 7, a
quantum computer can store all of these numbers in a coherent superposition. The power of such
computers comes from the idea of
quantum parallelism.
Classically, we can decrease the time of
computation of a certain process by increasing number of processors working in parallel. However,
in order to achieve exponential parallelism, we need to add an exponential amount of processors. In
a quantum computer, parallelism increases exponentially with the size of the system. Thus, a linear
increase in physical space causes an exponential increase in computation power (Steane, 1997).
2.1 Inside the Quantum Computer
If one wishes to keep a superposition of states, one must not observe the state he/she is working
with. Thus, it is impossible, for example, to set up a superposition of the numbers one through ve,
and add it to a superposition of the numbers six through ten, and expect as a result a superposition
of the results of each individual addition. This is not possible because by observing the outcome, we
will only get
of those values. It would seem that this fact removes all superiority from quantum
computers, but there is a way around this limitation. Sometimes, we do not need to know the \sum"
in order to solve a problem; there may be some other thing that we can observe and use it indirectly
to solve the problem at hand. This is the technique employed by Shor’s polynomial-time factoring
algorithm which shall be discussed shortly. Another technique is to transform the state in order to
\amplify" the likelihood of certain outcomes of interest. This technique is used by Grover in his
database searching algorithm (Steane, 1997).
2.1.1 The Qubit
The basic unit in a quantum computer is the
, analogous to the bit of classical
computers. The qubit can be represented by any two state system such as the ground and excited
state of an ion, the spin of an electron, or the polarization of a photon. For the purposes of quantum
computing, the base vectors (states)
in a two dimensional vector space are used to encode
the classical bit values 0 and 1, respectively. However, this is where all analogies to classical systems
cease, for quantum bits may exist in superpositions of states such that
= 1

Page 13
If such a superposition is measured, one will get
with probability
with probability
Thus, a qubit can be in an innite number of superpositions, as long as the probabilities of the
states add to one (Steane, 1997).
Although a qubit can be in an innite number of states, it can still only encode a zero or a
one. The limit is because one must still measure it to obtain a value. Thus, if one needs to store a
number larger than a zero or one, he/she must use several qubits. In a classical physical system of
particles whose states can be described by a vector in two dimensional space{basically, a system
with only two outcomes such as one or zero{forms a vector space of 2
dimensions. In other words,
if there are two classical bits, they can each alone represent only the state zero or one. But when
they are put together, they can represent the numbers 00 to 11, which in decimal are zero to three.
Thus, two particles can represent four states (Steane, 1997; Rieel and Polak, 1998).
In a quantum mechanical system, though, the vector space grows
with the size of
the system. Thus, a three qubit system has an eight dimensional vector space. This system can store
all of the numbers zero through seven in a coherent superposition. To understand this better, think
of a macroscopic objects that suddenly breaks into pieces. It is possible to describe this object by
describing each of its pieces. In a quantum system, this is not true. It is possible to have states that
are not describable by their individual particles, which are called
entangled states
which have no
classical counterpart whatsoever and which contribute to the exponential space (Rieel and Polak,
2.1.2 Measurement
The process of measurement of one or more of the particles in a quantum system results in the
vector space of the system being reduced to a subspace which is restricted to the measured value.
For example, suppose that there is a two qubit system such that
This is a coherent superposition of all of the numbers zero through three. If one measures the
rst (rightmost) qubit of this system, the system will reduce to one of the following superpositions:
or =
The vector space is reduced because the measurement has restricted the value of the rst qubit
to either zero or one. Thus the system has gone from being a superposition of four states, to a
superposition of only two states. Another measurement will result in the complete collapse of the
wavefunction into one value in the set
(Rieel and Polak, 1998).
Measurement can be used to show the entanglement between particles. For example, the rst
state in this section was entangled because measuring one part of it aected another (i.e. measuring
the rst qubit to be zero caused the probability of measuring zero in the second qubit to increase
from 1
4 to 1
2. On the other hand, neither of the two states resulting from the measurement
is entangled because measuring a one or zero in the rst qubit of these states does not aect the
probability of obtaining a one or zero in the second qubit (Rieel and Polak, 1998).
2.1.3 Quantum Gates
It is possible to transform quantum states without measuring them. The mathematics of such
transformations is complex and will not be discussed, but the ideas will be. Any transformation
on a quantum state must be unitary. One can think of a unitary transformation as simply the
rotation of the complex vector space. Another requirement is that quantum transformations must be
reversible which is due to laws of thermodynamics (classical systems dissipate heat when performing

Page 14
computations, but a quantum system must maintain its superposition and thus cannot lose any
heat, and operations must therefore necessarily be reversible). This is not important to understand
in order to accept (Barenco et al., 1995).
Adriano Barenco, et al. showed that all quantum transformations can be built from a basic set of
gates which consisted of one bit gates (such as negation and qubit rotation) and the two bit exclusive-
or gate (also known as the controlled-not, or CNot).
The one bit gates suggested by Barenco, et.
al. are the qubit rotation (
), the phase rotation (
), and the phase shift (
). These operations
are particularly nice because they are easily implemented using a laser, for example. Using these
fundamental operations it is possible to perform any imaginable quantum transformation. It was
also noted that any unitary transformation may be represented by a matrix (Barenco et al., 1995).
2.2 Quantum Computing Pros/Cons
2.2.1 Usefulness
Building a quantum computer will be a great technical challenge; are the advantages of building such
a computer great enough to face this challenge? One of the primary goals of a quantum computer will
be to act as a factoring engine, using Shor’s polynomial-time factoring algorithm to quickly factor
large numbers. Currently, the best known algorithm for factoring numbers runs in exponential time
(i.e. the time to factor increases exponentially with the size of the input) (Preskill, 1996).
Shor’s algorithm reduces this time to polynomial time.
This means that large numbers that took
years to factor before may be factorable in hours or even minutes. The factoring of large numbers is
used as a base for todays most secure encryption algorithms including the infamous Triple DES and
RSA. A quantum computer will make cracking codes as easy as multiplying numbers. A quantum
computer can also be used to create a cryptographical system which is completely uncrackable by
any methods but has certain limitations (Preskill, 1996).
Another application, proposed by Grover is a database search algorithm for unsorted data which
runs in a time proportional to the square root of the input size. Conventional approaches require a
number of comparisons equal to the number of items in the database. This type of algorithm does
not have an exponential speedup over the classical search, but it is a large speedup nonetheless.
There has not been much more proposed for the use of quantum computers, but as they become
more and more developed, new algorithms are bound to show up (Preskill, 1996).
2.2.2 Feasibility
Because a superposition of states may only exist while it is not being observed, a quantum computer
must be completely isolated from its environment. If it does interact with its environment, the
quantum state is said to
, or lose its meaning and information. Because of this, it has
proven very dicult to build a true quantum computer physically. Optimistic scientists speculate,
however, that such a computer may be built within several decades, when technology is sucient
(Preskill, 1996).
Entangled states are especially vulnerable to decoherence since an error in one of the qubits can
aect the whole state. In order for a quantum computer to function, it must employ very eective
error-correcting techniques. These error-correction techniques must be eective enough that not
even one qubit fails during the course of a computation. A problem with error-correcting is that it
requires enormous
(extra resources) both in terms of the number of qubits involved and
The exclusive or is dened as follows: For bits
is set, then
is ipped; otherwise
is not changed.
The exclusive-or leaves the state of bit
intact, and thus this is a reversible operation because one can always deduce
the inital state from the nal state.
Specically, the time to factor increases only as the cube of the input size.

Page 15
the number of quantum gates needed. This increase in resources, by itself causes more errors to
appear. Thus, error-correction will, at best, be very dicult to implement (Preskill, 1996).
2.2.3 Quantum Hardware
There are currently two very promising architectures for physical quantum computers, known as
linear ion trap
and NMR, respectively. Both have shown results that are impressive, but both have
their intrinsic limitations. Quantum hardware of the future, will probably not be similar to these
proposed architectures (Preskill, 1996).
Simply put, the linear ion trap uses trapped calcium ions (positively charged atoms) and manip-
ulates them by sending photons (in the form of a laser pulse) at them. The frequency and duration
of the laser pulse determines how the ion will be aected. Through careful use of the laser, it is
possible to perform a controlled-not operation, which has been shown to be universal for quantum
computers. The speed of such a computer, however, is limited by the frequency of the laser, which
at high frequencies causes instabilities and errors (Preskill, 1996).
NMR, or Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, quantum computer uses the fact that nuclei in a molecule
act as tiny magnets when placed in an electromagnetic eld and detects their spin (aligned or
antialigned to the eld) as a logical one or zero. Because this signal from an individual molecule is
very small, NMR has to use a group of molecules which are presumed to be in a similar state, and
uses \majority rules" to decide which way the atoms are spinning. The problem with NMR is that it
is dicult to make sure that all the molecules start in the same state, but two separate solutions to
this problem were published in 1997, giving a great push to NMR architecture development (Preskill,
2.3 Quantum vs. Classical Algorithms
2.3.1 Eciency
An algorithm is called \ecient" if it runs in polynomial time or faster. What does this mean? Let
us examine the task of nding the factors of a number. Consider the following problem:
? ? = 29083
Using paper and pencil this problem will take approximately one hour to solve. However, to
solve the reverse problem:
127 229 =?
Takes less than a minute. This is because an ecient algorithm for multiplication is known, but
there is no such algorithm for factoring. In order to classify problems by eciency, they can be
analyzed by the way the time to perform increases with the size of the input. For example, adding
another digit to the factoring problem will increase the work to several hours, while another digit
added to each of the factors in the multiplication problem will only increase the work by less than a
minute. Multiplication is a polynomial-time algorithm; factorization runs in exponential time (Shor,
2.3.2 Shor’s and Grover’s Algorithms
Shor’s algorithm, published in 1994, solves the problem of factorization by using a method which
runs in polynomial time. There is one catch, however: this polynomial speedup can only be achieved
on a quantum computer. Shor reduces the problem of nding the factors of a number to nding the
period of a certain function. This is an \indirect" approach which measures a property of a function

Page 16
in order to solve another problem. The mathematical details of this algorithm are beyond the scope
of this paper, but in brief Shor uses the exponential parallelism of quantum systems to compute the
period of a certain function. Classically, this period computation would take an exponential number
of steps by itself, and thus the algorithm would run in exponential time. A quantum computer allows
for this computation to take place in polynomial time. This period is then obtained with fairly high
probability (if it is not, the algorithm is simply repeated). This period can then be used to factor the
number at hand. Thus, Shor’s algorithm is exponentially faster than any known factoring algorithm
for classical computers (Shor, 1996).
Grover’s algorithm, presented in 1996, applies to searching an unsorted database. It provides
only a polynomial speedup, but this speedup is very important nonetheless. Grover sets up a
superposition of all of the entries in the database and then makes several rotations and special
operations so that the output is the item that is being looked for with a probability of at least 0
(Steane, 1997).
3 Quantum Computer Simulation
Although quantum computers, at this point in time, are not technologically feasible, this minor
setback does not prevent the development of quantum algorithms, i.e. programs that will run on
a quantum computer once it is built. In order to develop such algorithms, a quantum computer
is necessary.
The OpenQubit core development team, consisting of the author and several colleagues around
the world has developed such a simulator. It is currently in the stages of its infancy, but there
is a working prototype of Shor’s algorithm, and very recently proposals for the implementation
of Grover’s database search algorithms have been submitted. At this time, the stable version of
OpenQubit is 0.2.0 and this is the version that was used in the eciency tests. There is also a test
version in development (0.3.x, a.k.a. NewSpin) which has a better model, and so this will be the
version that is discussed.
3.1 OpenQubit Model Overview
OpenQubit uses an object-oriented model
to describe the workings of the quantum computer. The
main class in the QState class which describes the quantum state of the machine. For an
machine, it stores 2
amplitudes as complex numbers in order to describe all the possible outcomes
of the state. This class provides memory management facilities for the class QRegister, which is a
substate, addressing several or all the qubits in the QState. The basic set of operators (
, CNot) is provided through a set of classes. Because the act of applying an operator is the same
for any gate class
, this application process has been abstracted away into a separate class, and
all the gates
from this class. A detailed description of the software follows. It consists of
documentation generated from source code and a diagram representing the class structure.
A simulator or emulator is a program which runs on top of classical hardware and provides a working environment
like that of a quantum computer. Thus, the user may then develop a program as if the computer he was using was of
a quantum nature.
Briey, object oriented programing (OOP) centers heavily on the modeling of physical entities. Traditional
programming methods concentrate on algorithms and procedures, but OOP concentrates on describing objects and
their interactions. Each object is described by a set of properties and a set of methods (functions that it can
perform). The basic unit of object oriented programming is the
For example, a person might be modelled by
a class containing properties to describe the person’s hair color, etc, and methods such as walk, talk, and eat.
In order to apply the gate, just multiply the quantum state by the matrix which represents the gate.
An OOP term. If a class inherits from another class, then it will gain all the properties and methods of that class
as its own, and more can be added as seen t by the designer.

Page 17
The OpenQubit software was developed by the OpenQubit core development team consisting of
Yan Pritzker, Ralf Podeszwa, Peter Belkner, Chris Dawson, Igor Kofman, Jonathan Blow, and Joe
Nelson. It was developed for the Linux operating system. OpenQubit is an organization which I
founded on December 9, 1998 as an attempt to bring together physicists, computer scientists, and
laymen together in order to create a quantum simulation API (Application Programmer Interface).
At the time, I had little experience with quantum physics, and approached the matter from largely
a computer science standpoint.
The OpenQubit software library is released under the GPL2 (GNU Public License Version 2)
which, in brief, requires the software to always include source code and to always be distributed
free of charge. A copy of this license can be obtained at
OpenQubit is a work in progress, so certain parts of documentation or diagram may be inaccurate
by the time this paper is read.
3.1.1 OpenQubit Main Class Diagram
-_nQubits: static int
-_nStates: static int
-_Available: static int
-_qArray: vector<Complex>
-_RNG: RandGenerator<_RNGT_>*
+Initialize(nQubits:int=1): static void
+Print(): static void
+Save(filename:char[]): static void
+Read(filename:char[]): static void
#_Collapse(): static int
#_CollapseBit(bit:int): static int
#_CollapseMask(mask:int): static int
#_CollapseRange(start:double,end:double): static int
#_Allocate(numbits:int): static int
#_Coef(index:int): Complex&
#_Reset(): static void
-_Normalize(): static double
-_Reset(): static void
+SetState(c:vector<Complex>): void
+Measure(): int
+Measure(bit:int): int
+Measure(start:int,end:int): int
+Coef(bit:int): Complex&
+Reset(): void
QRegister is a relatively indexed
interface to QState. Thus, bit 0 in
a QRegister may be bit 5, say, of
the entire QState.
OpenQubit 0.3.x [NewSpin] Class Diagram
3.1.2 Sample Output
Provided here is the output from a sample run of Shor’s factoring algorithm using OpenQubit.
OpenQubit version 0.2.0, Copyright (C) 1999
Shor’s algorithm for factoring numbers
Enter number to factorize: 15
Enter a number from 1..14: 4
Preparing equal superposition in the first register
Modular exponentiation
Fourier transformation of the first register
Measured state is:
1.000000 |000100000001>
The result is 128

Page 18
Fourier domain is 256
Extracting the period using continued fraction expansion...
Period guess is: 2
Period guess is probably correct
Factors found! 15 = 5 * 3
4 OpenQubit Documentation
The documen+tation following this paper was generated using the PERCEPS documentation genera-
tor from OpenQubit source code. The full source code to OpenQubit is available at

Page 19
[1] Barenco, Adriano et. al. (1995, December 18).
Elementary gates for quantum computation. e-Print Archive.
[2] Feynman, R., Leighton, R. B., Sands, M. (1965).
The Feynman lectures on physics.
[3] Gribbin, John (1984).
In search of Schroedinger’s cat.
New York: Bantam Books.
[4] Guillemin, Victor (1968).
The story of quantum mechanics.
New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
[5] Preskill, John (1996, December 17).
Quantum computing: pro and con. e-Print
[6] Steane, Andrew (1997, September 24).
Quantum computing. e-Print Archive.