"root zine: The Cure for the Summer Time Blues ... "

Summer is here once again and with summer comes an unusual urge to expose ourselves to the sun's dangerous rays in hopes that our skin tone will get darker. Oh, fun! May I suggest a healthy alternative? root zine! Four out of five doctors recommend it. So, why stray from that air-conditioned computer room? Sure, it smells bad because you haven't showered for five days while you've been trying to get Win98 to act "friendly." But bad B.O. is no match for the summer issue of root zine.

For once we're on time ... kinda. Don't all the better party guests come "fashionably late?" This issue is a 12-gauge super blast of stuff which is sure to hold your attention: a list of pirate stations; sendmail fun; this just in; webwatch; Whistles, Tones, and phones - The Cap'N Crunch interview; Reading root's mail; and more!@#

If you pre-subscribed to this issue expect to see it in your mailbox in a couple of days. If you didn't, then what the hell are you waiting for?! Join our quickly growing readership and secure two consecutive issues of root zine for only $4.

ATTN: We are NOW offering BACK ISSUES! That's right, get rid of that nagging feeling that you've missed out on something just because you weren't with us at the beginning. Check out the new pricing structure!

ATTN2: We are constantly looking for article submissions -- get yourself published, support root zine, and score a free issue. Write something for us today.

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