
Although we most often associate SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport
Layer Security) with "secure" versions of our favorite Internet services
(HTTPS, IMAPS, SMTPS), it can be used to secure arbitrary applications. In
fact, it is used quite often in the online gambling world to secure
the connection from the game client to the game server. Unfortunately it
is often used in an incorrect manner, which leaves it open to
man-in-the-middle attacks, where an attacker can read/modify/insert their
own data into the connection.

SSL provides methods for endpoint verification and traffic privacy for
network communications. Endpoint verification is done by validating a
"peer certificate" from the remote host by checking the signature with a
trusted third-party (such as Verisign). Traffic privacy uses symmetric ciphers
to (en|de)crypt data between the two hosts.

Traffic privacy is obvious - you don't want someone with a sniffer to see your
passwords or credit card number when you're ordering your 2600 subscription. 
Endpoint verification is extremely important also, but many developers
(obviously) don't think of it. In fact, the endpoint verification is exactly
what prevents man-in-the-middle attacks - if the peer (remote server) that
is being connecting to can't be verified, then the client should quit.
Unfortunately, this option is turned OFF by default! Any client software that
has this flaw can then be attacked.

The man-in-the-middle attack is three steps: redirecting network traffic,
answering requests from the client on behalf of the server, and answering
requests from the server on behalf of the client. I chose to use ARP-cache
poisoning and iptables mangling for the redirection, and socat to actually
execute the man-in-the-middle attack. I managed to break Virgin Poker, and
City Poker's client, viewing all client-server traffic in clear text.

Traffic Redirection

Getting network traffic from the victim isn't too hard. If you're on the
same LAN you can use ARP cache poisoning or DNS hijacking. Rootkits are
another avenue - there are kernel based rootkits for UNIX and Windows
which can be made to redirect network traffic to an attacker. Insecure
routers are another option; that Linux router the neighbourhood geek set up
for pizza and coke looks like a juicy target...

My traffic redirection solution involved a perl script for nemesis, which
injects unsolicited arp requests, and iptables packet mangling 
to rewrite the destination server IP address/port with a local one. All
you need to do is figure out which IP the poker client talks to and rewrite
it to your waiting MITM process. For example, City Poker uses IP port 443. If I'm running my socat process on port 10007, 
the firewall rule becomes:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
/sbin/iptables --policy FORWARD ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 443 -j \
   REDIRECT --to-ports 10007

The first two lines allow us to forward traffic, and the third line is our
firewall rule.

Man-in-the-middle Process

Although we can roll our own man-in-the-middle process, I chose to use
socat for simplicity. If you're going to write your own, you simply need
to have it listen for SSL connections on one side, and establish them on
the other. You will need to generate a fake server certificate that will
be given to the client - self-signed/expired doesn't matter since the
client isn't checking! Here are the commands to generate a self-signed
cert, and set up socat to perform the MITM logging data in cleartext to

openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:1024 -days 365 -keyout fakecert.pem \
  -out fakecert.pem

socat -v -x openssl-listen:10007,certificate=./fakecert.pem,verify=0,fork \ 
  openssl:,verify=0 2>&1 | tee ./cityPokerCapture.txt

When generating the cert, I just chose all the defaults. The "-nodes"
argument means you don't want to enter a passphrase (password) for the key.
The socat line sets up an openssl-listen socket on port 10007 with the
fake certificate we generated above. It will log packets to stdout ("-v
-x" arguments) and establish an openssl connection to the REAL game server
without verifying the peer certificate (verify=0).

You should now be able to fire up the poker client and see a nice cleartext
version of everything running between the client and server.


My original motivation was to take a look at poker protocols, to see how 
"chatty" they are and what information is transferred. For example, what if
the protocol designer thought it would be ok if all a player's "hole cards"
(two cards dealt before the first round of betting) were sent to each client
before the hand began. We can reverse engineer the protocol, and see what the
command structure is like. Is there a debug mode or special admin commands
that we can send? The server process now loses any client-side filters
for things like data lengths and types. Can you say "fuzzer"?


I wrote a tool to check for expired/self-signed certificates, and scanned
645 SSL ports on a /19 network well-known for hosting gambling-related
sites. It found 304 ports that were misconfigured, and are therefore open
to this type of attack. Some companies do this the right way - Party Poker
for example, verifies the peer certificate and checks the subject name in
the client.

This flaw is actually quite easy to fix. On the client side, developers
should always validate the peer certificate (at least in production!) and
servers should have SSL certs signed by real CAs. Protocol developers should
ALWAYS assume that the protocol can be viewed, and treat input from the
client as tainted. Data should be checked with a default reject policy -
even though the client and server were written by the same team, that doesn't
mean you shouldn't sanitize data before using it.

Snippet of data from City Poker dealing the turn card:

< 2006/09/07 13:51:21.162331  length=114 from=18964 to=18963
 00 00 00 22 00 01 33 08 32 35 36 35 32 31 34 30  ..."..3.25652140
 00 00 4d 00 44 65 61 6c 69 6e 67 20 74 75 72 6e  ..M.Dealing turn
 2e 00 4c 00 39 00 00 00 00 48 00 02 31 37 08 32  ..L.9....H..17.2
 35 36 35 32 31 34 30 00 00 5f 44 00 42 6f 61 72  5652140.._D.Boar
 64 20 63 61 72 64 73 20 5b 51 68 20 54 63 20 35  d cards [Qh Tc 5
 64 20 4b 63 5d 00 43 32 00 31 36 00 43 30 00 33  d Kc].C2.16.C0.3
 36 00 43 33 00 31 31 00 43 31 00 38 00 5f 4c 00  6.C3.11.C1.8._L.
 39 00                                            9.

Snippet of data from Virgin Poker client doing a ping and reply:

< 2006/08/09 08:36:32.414723  length=17 from=492 to=491
 50 43 4b 54 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 50 69 6e 67  PCKT........Ping
 00                                               .
> 2006/08/09 08:36:32.439287  length=17 from=864 to=863
 50 43 4b 54 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 50 69 6e 67  PCKT........Ping
 00                                               .