I am going to use a common trick that's known to, its not known to everybody but at least its known among phone phreaks of calling to a certain place and then rerouting the call through wherever i want to route the call too. Maybe that number can be suggested to me or I'll just call a friend in the states or anywhere else for that matter.

Its actually a fairly simple procedure. Alot of the PTT's throughout the world, the home company direct numbers, which you simply just call and get home country direct numbers. Then it either saves you the hassle as one MCI commercial says of foreign language and foreign exchange and other imaginary reasons that you would not want to use the local service and sometimes it may even save you money. I mean most of the places that are on C5 are long distance and their probably is a savings in cost if you use the direct service.

I've known about C5 for many years. When I came out here people were trying to, in fact, pleak off MCI and that's where it started, here, and then alot of other services became available, we have access to C5 which is essentially toll free. I experimented around alot and as new ones got added I experimented with them and kept up with it. Lately I have not been doing alot with this so there are probably more tricks that i am not aware of.

I mean at present I know that only Malaysia and South Africa work well though there are about a half a dozen other places that you can call and reroute your call to a few places. I am going to pull

Demon Dialer by Hack-tic Technologies

out a Demon Dialer. This is a an old experimental version. Its fairly small, it goes with the dialer with some other things with it. The battery has been added externally because the little batteries that came with this didn't last too long.

Now we are going to go into the phone.

I am going to try and get the microphone into the earpiece of the telephone so everyone can hear what is going on and demonstrate making a call. I will put in 25 cents. I will call a direct number. I will attempt to pleak it off and then make the call. I will call a friend in SF, hopefully he will answer and hopefully you will be able to hear how it sounds.

I'm cold. We should make note that i think it is below freezing. It's very cold today. We'll try to record it like this, put in 25c I have dialed Malaysia direct. OOps it must be busy. (dials again) Let it connect. You first hit 2600 (puts in tones) Oops. Sometimes it doesn't work, we will try it again.

We need to get it ready. In this case [2600] clears the local system in Malaysia.

You should start hearing the call connecting. Sometimes it takes a few seconds for it to connect overseas. You can hear a ringing in the States. Hopefully they will answer. You'll hear what happens when they answer. (machine) Well, we get a machine. "Hi, I just wanted to leave a message. I am being videotaped to demonstrate how to play at a phone booth. Hopefully your machine will hang up on me so it will beep at the end. I guess not." But I am going to hang up the phone and demonstrate the best part, that when the phone is hung up 25 cents will come back! We hang up, I made a call to the US, and of course, my 25 cents comes back. Right here 25 cents. OK, I am freezing my ass off!!

- End of File

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