#!/usr/bin/perl # # ws.pl # Web Server Discovery Tool. Boris Loza, 2002 # Discover Web Servers. # Hostname can be specified by an IP address or a DNS name. # # Options: -v :verbose # -p :specify a port (default 80) # -C :scan class-C subnet # # Examples: ws.pl -v # ws.pl example.com # ws.pl -p 8000 example.com # ws.pl -C 192.168.0 # ws.pl -p 8000 -C 192.168.0 # # use HTTP::Response #Encapsulate HTTP responses # use LWP::UserAgent #Dispatch WWW requests # $ua = new LWP::UserAgent #User agent object is created # $ua->agent('Mozilla/5.0') #Using Mozilla/5.0 as agent's name # $req = new HTTP::Request(GET,"http://$ARGV[0]") #Encapsulate a request using GET method # $headers = $ua->request($req)->headers_as_string #Read response from the web server use HTTP::Response; use LWP::UserAgent; use Getopt::Std; $usage = "Use:\tws.pl [-v] [-p port] hostname\n\tws.pl [-p port] -C IPaddress\n"; getopts ("C:hp:v") || die $usage; print $usage if $opt_h; my $port = 80; # Default port to scan if ($opt_p) { $port = $opt_p; } my $host = $ARGV[0]; # Create Request Headers my $req = new HTTP::Request(GET, "http://$host:$port"); my $response = $ua->request($req); # Use verbose mode. For single host only! if ($opt_v) { print $response->headers_as_string; exit; } # Scan Class-C Network $count = 1; if ($opt_C) { (my $subnet, my $node) = ($opt_C =~ /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)/); if ($node) { print $usage; exit; } while ($count <= 254) { my $host = "$opt_C.$count"; # Skip unreachable hosts for speed (for Windows users only) # Comment out for UNIX! if (`ping $host` =~ m/(timed out)/) { $count++; next; } my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent('Foo'); my $req = new HTTP::Request(GET, "http://$host:$port"); my $response = $ua->request($req); if ($response->header('Server')) { print $host, "\t", $response->header('Server'), "\n"; } elsif ($response->header('Proxy-Agent')) { print $host, "\t", $response->header('Proxy-Agent'), "\n"; } elsif ($response->header('Title')) { print $host, "\t", $response->header('Title'), "\n"; } elsif ($response->header('Client-Peer')) { print $host, "\t", "Web Server not found, but port $port is open.\n"; } $count++; } exit; } if ($response->header('Server')) { print $ARGV[0], "\t", $response-header('Server'); } elsif ($response->header('Proxy-Agent')) { print $ARGV[0], "\t", $response-header('Proxy-Agent'); } elsif ($response->header('Title')) { print $ARGV[0], "\t", $response-header('Title'); } elsif ($response->header('Client-Peer')) { print $ARGV[0], "\t", "Web Server not found, but port $port is open.\n"; }