Fun With the Nokia 3360/3361

by FragSpaz  (

When I first got my Nokia 3361, I was immediately annoyed by the "AT&T" label (alpha tag) permanently displayed while the phone was in standby mode.

This article will outline how to change the alpha tag and network settings on the Nokia 3360 and 3361.  Also, I will expose the "secure" menu options for what they are: wide open.

Nokia 3360/3361

The Nokia 3360/3361 are, to the best of my knowledge, identical.

The 3361 phone is sold exclusively to prepaid customers (no contract).  The 3360 can be purchased by any AT&T customer willing to sign a contract.

My guess is that the label 3361 is simply a way for AT&T and Nokia to identify prepaid customers by model number.

Field Test Mode and Security

The alpha tag can only be changed while in Field Test mode.

To enter Field Test mode, type *3001#12345# at the main standby menu.

This will take you to a menu with the following options: NAM1, NAM2, NAM3, Security, Emergency, SW version, Serial No., Programmed, and Field Test

NAM1 is where the alpha tag can be changed.  Before getting into the details of this option, let's take a look at the other menu options.

The Security setting is ironically anything but!

The Security setting allows the security code to be changed, without verifying the original PIN.  The default code is 12345 and is probably the same on all Nokia phones (so as not to confuse those cell phone sales people too much).

As far as I can tell there, is no way to change the Field Test PIN from the default *3001#12345#.

Since entering Field Test mode does not require knowing the security PIN, this effectively leaves the door open for anyone to change the security PIN on any Nokia phone without knowing the original PIN, thus locking out the user from "secure" options such as restricting all incoming and outgoing calls!

Notice the string 12345 appears both in the Field Test mode PIN and as default Security PIN.  I was hoping that changing the security code would carry over into changing the Field Test PIN, but no such cigar!

On a final note, the security PIN must be a 5-digit number, no alpha or special characters are allowed.  Thus, the total range of possible PINS range from 00000 - 99999, leaving exactly 100,000 possible PINs.

The Emergency menu contains three slots.  Emergency 1 is set to 911, Emergency 2 is set to *911, and Emergency 3 is blank.

All three can be changed to an 1-8 digit number.  What, no long distance emergency service?

SW version lists: V 03.06 16-08-02 NPW-1PA

Serial No. is, well, the 11-digit serial number.  It matches the ESN number on the label below the battery.  It cannot be changed.

Programmed supposedly contains the date of programming, but my phone had MMYYYY listed.  I changed mine to 052003 and learned that once changed it cannot be changed again!

Field Test lists a sub-menu with Enabled, Enabled+Lights, and Disabled.  It is set to Disabled by default.  I was unable to do anything different, or detect any differences with Field Test Enabled.

Changing the Alpha Tag and Programming Alternative Networks

Now that we have looked around the main menu, it's time to change the alpha tag.

While in Field Test mode, select NAM1.  Here there are several options, including an Alpha Tag option.  Changing the alpha tag in this menu will not affect the alpha tag displayed on the phone screen.  Apparently, the default tag "AT&T" is programmed out of reach, even in Field Test mode.  We need to go one level deeper by selecting PSID/RSID lists.  This will open up a list of P/RSID slots, numbered 1-5.

These slots allow alternative network settings to be programmed in, which in turn can be selected in the System menu later on.  Thus, it is possible to program in five separate possible network connections.

This is great for maintaining your custom alpha tag when traveling in and out of different areas.  Simply set up a P/RSID slot for each geographic area you frequent.

Select a P/RSID slot and we get to the area where an alternative network can be set up.  Here you will have to enter a Private (PSID) or Residential (RSID) System ID value (also known as Home System ID), usually a 5-digit number, a Connected System ID, a 3-4 digit value, an Operator (SOC) value, as well as a country code.  The SOC value appears to be 2049 in all U.S.

AT&T service areas and the U.S. country code is 310.  The P/RSID and Connected System ID differ from area to area.  To find the P/RSID (Home System ID), Connected System ID, and SOC in your area, you'll have to do some info gathering.

You could try practicing your voice skillz and see if you can tease it out of your local service provider, or let your fingers guide you through a couple of Google searches.  I was unsuccessful in soliciting the info from AT&T, but the info is available on the web.

I suggest searching Google for [p/sid list] and that should get you on your way.

Once these values have been entered, you are ready to enter your custom alpha tag in the Alpha Tag slot.

All characters are available when entering your alpha tag.  To set the network in effect, reboot the phone by turning it off for a few seconds and turning it back on.  There is no other way out of Field Test Mode.

Now it is time to test your new tag and connection.

Go to the System menu (Menu 5) and select Manual.  The phone will do a search for available networks.  Scroll through the search results of all programmed networks, and if your NAM1/P/RSID info is correct, you will see your custom alpha tag listed as "Available."

Now back out and select Automatic and the 3361/3360 will prioritize your network settings and default to them whenever possible.

The only time you will see the "AT&T" alpha tag will be when the phone is in an area with really poor reception.

Now take a break and go see The Matrix Reloaded again.


ok i go...step by step

1. (like you are dialing a number) type in *3001#12345#
2. Select NAM 1
3. Go down to PSID/RSID lists (6) and click Select
4. Click Select on P/RSID 1
5. go down to PSID/RSID click Select, put in 40121 as the value, click OK.
6. Go down to Connected system ID, click select, enter in 587, click OK.
7. Go down to Alpha tag, put what you want it to say instead of AT&T, click OK.
8. Go down to Operator code (SOC), click Select, put in 2049 as the code, click ok.
9. Go down to Country code, click Select, put in 310 as the code, click OK.
10. Hold on to the power button until the phone shuts off.
11. Turn on phone.

Whatever you put in Alpha Tag should be there instead of AT&T.
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