Getting 2600 the Safe Way

by daColombian  (

According to my family, I am a very paranoid person.

I really don't think I am paranoid; rather, I classify myself as "careful."

One of the things that I tend to be careful about is purchasing the latest 2600 Magazine.  While I truly believe that the 2600 staff protects the identities of their subscribers, I live in a very small town where everyone knows everyone's business and I can only imagine the uproar that the arrival of 2600 would cause.

So in order to protect the "peace," I have been relegated to going to a bookstore in another town to purchase it (with cash).  The biggest problem with this method is being able to know when the new issue is released.  I have to periodically stop by the aforementioned bookstore and check to see if the new issue is out.  This quickly became troublesome due to the distances involved.  So I had to look for another answer.

I started by checking the 2600 website every day at work (because I only have dial-up at home) but even that was troublesome because the network admin is one of them "ass-backwards" folks who thinks "hacker" is a dirty word and would have made my life miserable if they found out.

What I needed was a way to view the cover image without logging any suspicious activity.

So what I ended up doing was writing a small ASP page (see code below) that would grab the cover image of the latest issue from the 2600 website and display it so that I would know instantly when the new issue was out.

This would allow me to know this by only going to my personal website.  Basically the page takes a given URL, searches for a given token, and then returns the associated image as a link to go to that page.

As you can see from the sample code, I also get a couple of other images for my reading pleasure.

Good luck, stay safe, and keep your powder dry...


Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim oHttp, sTemp, iComic, iStart, iEnd, aUrls(3), aSrch(3), aComics(3), a
Set oHttp = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0")
aUrls(0) = ""
aSrch(0) = "images/covers"
aUrls(1) = ""
aSrch(1) = "TODAY'S COMIC"
aUrls(2) = ""
aSrch(2) = "comics/tmqui"
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Comics page</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<table width=590 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5>
<tr><td class='linetop' colspan=4 align=left valign=bottom>Comics</td></tr>
' loop through all of the URLs in the array
For a = 0 to Ubound(aUrls) - 1
	aComics(a) = ""
	' get the text from the given page
	sTemp = getLink(aUrls(a), oHttp)
	' if there is text
	If Len(sTemp) > 0 Then
		' look for the token
		iComic = InStr(UCase(sTemp), UCase(aSrch(a)))
		If iComic > 0 Then
			' look for the image tag
			iStart = InStrRev(UCase(sTemp), "<IMG", iComic)
			If iStart > 0 Then
				' look for the closing > of the image tag
				iEnd = InStr(iStart, sTemp, ">") + 1
				If iEnd > 0 Then
					' get the image tag text
					aComics(a) = Mid(sTemp, iStart, iEnd - iStart)
					' replace the src with one pointing to the originating website
					If InStr(aComics(a), "SRC=""/") > 0 Then
						aComics(a) = Replace(aComics(a), "SRC=""/", "SRC=""" & aUrls(a))
					ElseIf InStr(aComics(a), "SCR='") > 0 Then
						aComics(a) = Replace(aComics(a), "SRC='", "SRC='" & aUrls(a))
						aComics(a) = Replace(aComics(a), "SRC=""", "SRC=""" & aUrls(a))
					End If
					' write the image tag out with a hyperlink to the originating website
					Response.Write "<tr><td align=center><a href=""" & aUrls(a) & """>" & aComics(a) & "</a></td></tr>" & vbcrlf
				End If
			End If
		End If
	End If
<tr><td class='linebottom' colspan=4 align=center valign=top>&nbsp;</td></tr>
Function getLink( sUrl, oHttp )
	Dim RefPage
	On Error Resume Next
	getLink = ""
	' open the url
	oHttp.Open "GET", sUrl, False
	If Err.Number = 0 Then
		'send the request
		If Err.Number = 0 Then
			' get the response
			RefPage = oHttp.responseText
			' return the response if the page is found
			If InStr(RefPage, "NOT FOUND" ) = 0 Then getLink = RefPage
		End If
	End If
End Function

Code: getting-2600.asp

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