How to Get Free Gogo In-Flight Internet Access

by Big Bird

The standard disclaimer applies to this information.  Use it at your own risk, and don't be surprised if some hulking Air Marshal comes down on you hard (let's hope not).

While on an American Airlines flight equipped with Internet access, I was dismayed to learn that any sort of lame 1990s-era speed connection costs far too much money ($8.95, are you serious?).  So I thought I'd try a few things to circumvent this cost.  Turns out it was quite easy.

To do this, connect to the obligatory Gogo in-flight Wi-Fi signal.

On your iDevice (your mileage may vary with other types of devices), launch a browser and get to the capture portal.

You'll want to scroll down and look for the "Entertainment" titles.  Look through the titles or find one that is free.  This might mean tapping "View All."  Often these can be previews of shows or perhaps even a movie.  It must be free for this process to work.

Once you've requested that free title, you'll get an "Install this app" screen.

This comes up regardless of whether you actually have the app installed.  Tap the "Continue" button.  You'll go through a CAPTCHA process and when tapping "Submit" you'll see the "Open this page in App Store" prompt.  Do it.  This is likely where your MAC is authenticated for access.

Once the "Gogo Video Player" application opens in the App Store, leave all of this and enjoy your unencumbered Internet access.

You'll be connected for a short time, but when the time runs out, simply repeat the above process to reconnect.  This is not going to be great if you plan to Skype grandpa for an hour, but for most typical things you could do online, you'll have access for the entire flight (if you want it).

Naturally, this is a real oversight on the part of American Airlines/Gogo.

They simply open up everything instead of only Apple's App store installers.

If they are going to gouge people for Internet access, they ought to get their technical shit together.

Happy flying, be safe, and enjoy.

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