Group 42 Sells Out!

Red Box Tones

for the C64

Group 42, 1987

The following is a program for the Commodore-64 that will produce Red-Box tones (Nickels, Dimes, and Quarters.) Record these with a tape recorder and play at your favorite fone booth.

Group 42 has used these tones succesfully up and down California, we hope you have success also. Enough of the small talk, here is the program.

10 s=54272: pokes+6, 240:pokes+4,32:pokes+24,15:pokes+13,240:pokes+11,32
20 pokes,229:pokes+1,140:pokes+7,239:pokes+8,108
30 goto500
40 rem *** quarter tone code
50 fori=1to5:pokes+4,33:pokes+4+7,33
55 pokes+4,32:pokes+4+7,32
60 forj=1to25:next:nexti:return
63 for j=1to25
99 rem *** dime tone code
100 fori=1to2
110 pokes+4,33:pokes+4+7,33
120 forj=1to30:next
130 pokes+4,32:pokes+4+7,32
140 forj=1to35:next
150 nexti
160 return
199 rem *** nickel tone code
200 pokes+4,33:pokes+11,33
210 fori=1to30:next
220 pokes+4,32:pokes+11,32
230 return
499 rem *** menu code
500 print"Group 42 Red Box Program"
501 print" q for quarter"
502 print" d for dime"
503 print" n for nickel"
510 getx$:ifx$=""then 510
520 if x$ = "q" then gosub 50
530 if x$ = "d" then gosub 100
540 if x$ = "n" then gosub 200
550 goto 510