Computer Aided Technologies Since 1989, the recognized Leader in Computer Control [Image] The contents of this page are intended for information only. Any mis-use of this information to circumvent the ECPA ban on reception of frequencies prohibited by law is totally the legal responsibility of the end user. Computer Aided Technologies will not be held responsible for any misuse of this information. Scancat-Gold Software comes with a menu driven utility program to upload a new EEPROM (bandplan) to the AR-8000. This program is capable of restoring any blocked frequency segment. The AR-8000 Utility program comes with a built in loader that will essentially enable full modification of all or any part of the radio's EEPROM. As you can see, this page is under construction, and we depend upon your information and support. Any and ALL feedback or information is welcome. We will format your suggestions and feedback on AR8000 info to this page. To help us with the job of including your "stuff" into our page, please send your information in TEXT format (Please no HTML tags) to: [E-MAIL Reply] Send E-Mail to Computer Aided Technologies ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloning an AR8000 from another AR8000 The below information has been transfered in part from the AR-8000 Home Page, as well as contributions from uploads. The below information is presented here for the interest of those that want to know all the intricate workings of their equipment. It is NOT recommended that you attempt to use these instructions unless you are capable in SOME programming skills. It IS possible to render your radio "useless" if you make errors in loading a "faulty" EEPROM infomation file to your AR-8000. It is also not the intention of this information to be used to circumvent ECPA laws and regulations. Since Scancat-Gold has a menu drive utility to facilitate unlocking blocked areas of the AR-8000, it is much easier to use the "pre-loaded" software than to try and "roll your own". That being said, on to the "workings" of the AR-8000. The AR8000 allows individual banks, the system area, or the entire EEPROM to be copied from one radio to another using the following procedure. This procedure is described in section (19) of the AR8000 Hand Portable Radio Receiver manual on page 102. To copy directly from one radio to another, one must have the AOR CU-8232 (UK) interface. The description below assumes that the radio has been set to EXPERT status. The procedure is as follows: The receiver is placed in [FUNC][COPY]SET COPY/RCV-MODE, with one of ALL-DATA, SYS-DATA, or BANK-DATA indicated as the mode. If BANK-DATA is selected, a specific bank must be selected on line four of the LCD display. This menu initially appears as follows: SET COPY SEND-MODE ALL-DATA BANK --- When the desired mode has been selected, press [ENT]. The receiver will enter receive mode, and await data from the sender. The sender must be placed in the mode that the receiver expects, using the [FUNC][COPY]SET COPY/SEND-MODE menu. The options are the same as for the receiver. Once the desired mode has been selected, press [ENT]. The transfer will begin. The status of the transfer will be indicated by progress indicator on the AR8000. When the transfer is complete, the AR8000 will return to the mode it was in prior to the copy operation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloning an AR8000 using a Computer When the AR8000 is connected to a computer via either the AOR CU-8232 (UK) interface OR another compatible interface, the computer may assume the role of either the sending or receiving radio, and copies may be made in either direction. By using the computer as a surrogate receiver, the ENTIRE contents of the AR8000's EEPROM may be backed up. Using the computer as a surrogate sender allows ALL or PART of the AR8000's EEPROM to be restored or modified. Scancat-Gold's software will support both Copying of the entire EEPROM to the computer and Also Transfer of EEPROM data saved with Scanat's software to another AR-8000. It is important to note that by using a computer as an intermediary, a full clone from one AR8000 to itself or another may be performed using a computer interface. In particular, a full clone, with or with modifications, may be performed using ONLY equipment that can be purchased over-the-counter in the United States. All you need is a PC, an interface and your AR8000. You DO NOT need another radio. As far as is known, the British, Japanese, and American models of the AR8000 itself are distinguished internally only by the contents of their EEPROMS (not taking into account rumored option boards). Of course, accessories will differ. The US model comes with accessories that are suitable for 110 VAC, and a bandplan suited to the USA (more or less). The US model also sports a sticker on the back giving EDCO's address, along with a real FCC ID (ICX AR8000) that renders it "street legal" in the USA. This is somewhat comforting, if you find yourself in situations where toys have been scrutinized by security types of various stripes. It might also make things less complicated should you try to leave the country with it. In any case, if you've been avoiding US gear because you thought there was no way to modify the EEPROM without a UK interface and a second radio, and you've got a computer, you should instead cut your best deal on a radio and interface without regard for the whether the equipment is foreign or domestic. To copy in either direction, the AR8000 must be set up to play the role of sender (SND) or receiver (RCV), and the PC must be set up to play the other role. The setup instructions for the AR8000 side of the transaction are as for the two radio case above, while the instructions for the PC side will depend on the software being used. Among others, the following software options are available: 1. Scancat-Gold 2. Terminal Emulation (by hand) 3. Custom Software (do-it-yourself) Scancat-Gold supports saves, modifications and restoration of any location in the AR8000's EEPROM. It will permit changes to global parameters, as well as bandplan table inspections and modifications. Demo versions of Scancat-Gold can be found at this we site, in the Scanning area of the HamNet forum on CompuServe, Genie's Radio & Electronics Library, and on the Computer Aided Technologies BBS at (318) 631-3082. The AR8000 Copy Protocol The following holds regardless of whether a COPY is being done between two AR8000s, or an AR8000 and a computer. 1. The receiver is placed in the appropriate SET COPY mode as per above to await data. 2. The sender is placed in the mode the receiver is expecting, and initiates the copy. 1. Transfers begin when the SND unit sends the starting address of the block it wants to transmit. Such addresses are four digit hex values between 0x0000 and 0x8000, delimited using % and # characters. The AR8000 has 32kb of user accessible EEPROM. 2. The receiver must reply that it is ready to receive the given block by sending the same six character string back to the transmitter. 3. If any other address is returned, the transmitter will repropose its current address. Similarly, the receiver will acknowledge out-of-sequence requests from the sender with the address it is prepared to handle next. Moral: You've got to plow through entire banks and areas in full, in order. 4. In reply to the handshake from the receiving unit, the sender sends a data packet. 5. Each AR8000 packet consists of 128 hex digits, and represents 64 bytes of AR8000 EEPROM memory. 6. The example shown above is formatted into separate lines for readability. CRs and LFs are not present in the data stream itself during copy operations. The SND: and RCV: tags are illustrative only, and are not part of the protocol proper. 7. The sender follows each data packet with a request to send the next block of EEPROM data. 8. Thus the transfer proceeds, 64 bytes (128 hexadecimal characters) at a time. Once all the data have been sent, the transmitter sends the address of the byte immediately after the block it has just transferred. 9. The receiver acknowledges this address just as it does any other, hence completing the transfer. If these final handshakes are omitted, the AR8000 will not exit the transfer progress display and resume its previous mode. 10. The above example employs actual data from a more or less out-of-the-box US AR8000. 11. A US AR8000, after receiving a full copy, replies to the final handshake from the sender with %0u (where u is a mu character, 0181), or some other character, rather than a full handshake. It is not sure if this is a bug in transfer software, a flaw in the unit, or a feature of the current version of the microcode. While it is possible to conduct a COPY operation, in either direction, "by hand" using cut-and-paste commands and a terminal emulator, this approach can be tedious, and is error prone. Nonetheless, given a fair bit of patience, this is certainly possible. An ALL-DATA copy requires 513 (512+1) distinct transactions. A BANK-DATA copy requires 21 (20+1) transactions, while a SYS-DATA copy requires 113 (112+1) transactions. Given that one has the requisite programming skills and tools, the construction of a computer program that implements this protocol is preferable. ----------------------------------------------------------------- AR8000 Memory Map DATA AREA 0x6400 = 25600. bytes = 400. 64 byte chunks There are 20 0x500 = 1280. byte SCAN/SRCH banks %0000# Bank A (SCAN/SRCH banks A) %0500# Bank B %0A00# Bank C %0F00# Bank D %1400# Bank E %1900# Bank F %1E00# Bank G %2300# Bank H %2800# Bank I %2D00# Bank J %3200# Bank a %3700# Bank b %3C00# Bank c %4100# Bank d %4600# Bank e %5000# Bank f %5500# Bank g %5A00# Bank h %5F00# Bank i %6400# Bank j SYSTEM AREA 0x1C00 = 7168. bytes = 112. 64 byte chunks %6400# Empty %6900# Signature Data (64. bytes) %6940# Empty %7000# System Data (256. bytes) %7100# Empty %7400# SEL-SCAN data (100. 2 bytes entries = 200. bytes) %7500# Empty %7800# Bandplan Data (128. 16 byte entries = 2048. bytes) %8000# End of EEPROM The layout of these constituent parts is as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------- SEARCH/SCAN BANK Each bank contains both the SCAN and SRCH data for the corresponding letter (ABCDEFGHIJabcdefghij) Bank Offset/Contents (e.g. Axx) 50. 16 byte SCAN entries 0x000 A00 0x080 A08 0x100 A16 0x180 A24 0x010 A01 0x090 A09 0x110 A17 0x190 A25 0x020 A02 0x0A0 A10 0x120 A18 0x1A0 A26 0x030 A03 0x0B0 A11 0x130 A19 0x1B0 A27 0x040 A04 0x0C0 A12 0x140 A20 0x1C0 A28 0x050 A05 0x0D0 A13 0x150 A21 0x1D0 A29 0x060 A06 0x0E0 A14 0x160 A22 0x1E0 A30 0x070 A07 0x0F0 A15 0x170 A23 0x1F0 A31 0x200 A32 0x280 A40 0x300 A48 0x210 A33 0x290 A41 0x310 A49 0x220 A34 0x2A0 A42 0x230 A35 0x2B0 A43 0x240 A36 0x2C0 A44 0x250 A37 0x2D0 A45 0x260 A38 0x2E0 A46 0x270 A39 0x2F0 A47 2 16 byte SRCH header entries followed by 5 64 byte Pass Frequency Banks Bank Offset/Contents 0x320 SRCH Header Entry 1 0x330 SRCH Header Entry 2 0x340 SRCH Pass Frequency Entries 00-09 0x380 SRCH Pass Frequency Entries 10-19 0x400 SRCH Pass Frequency Entries 20-29 0x420 SRCH Pass Frequency Entries 30-39 0x440 SRCH Pass Frequency Entries 40-49 0x480 Unused (I believe) 0x500 Next Bank Begins ----------------------------------------------------------------- SCAN TABLE ENTRY Each of the 50 Scan Table Entries in each of the 20 banks has the following format: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ |TG6 TG5 TG4 TG3 TG2 TG1 TG0| F | | F | S | S |Q S| Q | Q | Q | Q | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Bytes 0-6 (TG6-TG0): The Text Tag for this entry. The last byte of the tag appears in byte 0 of the entry, while the first byte appears in byte 6. Any unused bytes should be filled with blanks (0x20). This backwards tag presentation is a trifle unconventional, but that's what's out there. Maybe the microcode worked out better that way for some reason, or perhaps the authors are more comfortable reading dumps from right-to-left. Byte 7 (F Flags): + Bit 7: Empty Entry Flag (0: Not Empty, 1: Empty) + Bit 6: Pass Flag (0: Pass Off, 1: Pass On) + Bit 5: Step Offset Flag (0: + Off, 1: + On) + Bit 4 ATT (Attenuation) Flag (0: ATT Off, 1: ATT On) + Bit 3: AUT (Auto Bandplan) Flag (0: AUT Off, 1: AUT On) + Bits 2-0: Mode: 0: WFM (Wide FM), 1: NFM (Narrow FM), 2: AM, 3: USB (Upper Side Band), 4: LSB (Lower Side Band), 5: CW Byte 8 (Flags): + Bit 7: AUT (Auto Bandplan) Co-occurs with byte 7/bit 3. + Bits 6-0: Unknown/Unused Bytes 9, A and the low-order nibble (bits 3-0) of B (S Step): + Bytes 9 and A, together with the low-order nibble of byte B contain the STEP information for the SCAN entry. Since steps must be multiples of 50Hz, only the 5 most significant digits are given. The lowest order digit (0) is implicit. The significance is as follows: 21435. That is, the most significant digit is the low-order nibble of byte B, the next most significant digit is the high-order nibble of byte A, followed by the low-order nibble of byte A, followed by the high-order nibble of byte 8, followed by the low-order nibble of byte 8. While this convention may appear odd when inspected as a hexadecimal dump, it is in keeping with the conventions for Packed BCD on little-endian processors. For example, the step ST125000 would appear as: tg tg tg tg tg tg tg fl fl fl 00 25 q1 qq qq qq qq where "tg" represents tag data, "fl" represents flag data, and "qq" represents frequency data. Bytes B (high-order nibble) and Bytes C, D, E, and F (Frequency) + Bytes C through F, together with the high-order nibble of byte B contain the FREQUENCY information for the SCAN entry. Since frequencies must be multiples of the STEP size, and steps must be multiples of 50Hz, frequencies can be encoded using 9 digits. The low order explicit digit will always be 0 or 5. This digit is stored in the high-order nibble of byte B. This digit is followed by an implicit (i.e. unrepresented) zero. For example, the frequency 9876.543210 would be rounded to 9876.543250 and stored as tg tg tg tg tg tg tg fl fl fl st st 5s 32 54 76 98 where "tg" represents tag data, "fl" represents flag data, and "st" represents STEP data. Examples: The first entry in the SCAN memory of a US AR8000 out-of-the box is as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 20 20 20 20 56 57 57 0A| | 80| 00 01| 00| 00 50 02 00| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ _ _ _ _ V W W . . . . . . P . . This corresponds to the entry: MXA00 MP0 RF0002500000 ST001000 AU1 MD2 AT0 TMWWV____ (Blanks display as underscores, and non-ASCII characters as blanks in these memory layout figures.) Note that byte 7 contains 0A = 0x8 | 0x2, where bit 3 is the AUT bit, and 0x2 is the 3 bit MODE in bits 2-0. The step is composed of the low-order nibble from byte B together with bytes A and 9: 0x 01 00 (0) together with the implicit low-order zero to yield 001000. Likewise bytes F, E, D, C, together with the high-order nibble of B, and an implicit zero yield the following 10 digit frequency: 00 02 50 00 00 0(0). Empty entries are encoded as follows: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Note that both the EMPTY and PASS flags are set in byte 7 for empty entries. The 0x20 bytes are ASCII BLANK/Space characters. Unused entries, it seems, must have this format. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SEARCH BANK The data for each search bank begins immediately after the last SCAN table entry. Search banks are comprised of a 32 byte header, followed by a 320 byte PASS table. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SRCH Header Entry One (Search Parameters) The SRCH bank header is located at offset 0x320 (800.) from the start of each bank. The first 16 bytes of a SRCH bank have essentially the same format as a SCAN table entry. See the description above for this information. Thus this block determines the TEXT (block name), the various flags, the STEP and OFFSET. The FREQUENCY entry for this block caches the CURRENT search frequency for the search bank. Hence, a search may be resumed even after the power has been turned off. The values given by this entry apply to the entire search. Empty SRCH tables have the following format: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Cx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx where bytes marked as "x" may contain left over data. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SRCH Header Entry Two (Search Limits) The search limit block is a 16 byte block that is located at offset 0x330 from the start of each bank. This block has the following format: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | FF FF FF FF FF FF| LB LB | | LB LB LB| UB UB UB UB UB| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ LB is the Lower Bound, while UB is the Upper Bound. Since they seem to have had a little more room here, all 10 digits of each frequency are represented in what should by now be the familiar Packed BCD format. For example, a limit bank for a search bank with the limits 425.010000 to 469.000000 would be encoded as: UB UB UB UB UB FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 01 25 04 00 00 00 69 04 LB LB LB LB LB Unused limit entries are encoded as: UB UB UB UB UB FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 LB LB LB LB LB The Search header is followed by the Pass Frequency List (see Chapter (14) FREQUENCY PASS on page 91 of the AR8000 manual. Each entry in this list has the following format: 0 1 2 3 +---+---+---+---+ | 32 54 76 98| +---+---+---+---+ The digits above represent the 8 high order digits of each pass frequency. Since pass entries within 10kHz of each other are folded together, pass entries can be squeezed into 4 bytes of EEPROM. This would suggest that the criterion is not that pass frequencies with +/- 10kHz of each other are folded, but that frequencies with the same 8 digit representation are folded (which is not quite the same thing). Pass banks, are, by the way, an extremely handy feature. Entries are stored at the following offsets: 0x340 SRCH Pass Frequency Entries 00-09 0x380 SRCH Pass Frequency Entries 10-19 0x400 SRCH Pass Frequency Entries 20-29 0x420 SRCH Pass Frequency Entries 30-39 0x440 SRCH Pass Frequency Entries 40-49 Unused entries contain 4 bytes of FF. Since each bank of 10 4 byte entries takes 40 bytes in all, the last 24 bytes of each bank are padded with FF entries. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unused Bank Memory The last 32 bytes of each bank, from offset 0x480 to 0x500, are evidently unused. In the US AR8000, some of the bytes in three of these banks (A, D, and I) are filled with scratch data that never seems to change. The rest of the banks contain all FFs in this area. I suspect that the data in the three banks in question has propagated unchanged, from load to load, for some time. There is little need to master these formats, since the data in them can be manipulated from the AR8000's front panel, as well as via commands to the computer interfaces. The same is NOT true for parts of the SYSTEM AREA. Example: The following example shows the layout of the out-of-the-box values for SCAN Memory entries A08 and A09 in the US AR8000: %0080# 20204E4150414A0A8000010050530900 204144414E41430A8000010050750900 _ _ N A P A J . . . . . P S . . _ A D A N A C . . . . . P u . . ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM AREA The SYSTEM AREA begins at offset 0x6400 from the beginning of the EEPROM. It is a total of 7168 bytes long. Unused space (and there is a fair bit of it) is filled with FF bytes. I've identified the following areas (to recapitulate): %6400# Empty %6900# Signature Data (64. bytes) %6940# Empty %7000# System Data (256. bytes) %7100# Empty %7400# SEL-SCAN data (100. 2 bytes entries = 200. bytes) %7500# Empty %7800# Bandplan Data (128. 16 byte entries = 2048. bytes) %8000# End of EEPROM ----------------------------------------------------------------- %6900# SIGNATURE AREA (64 bytes) This area of EEPROM contains the names and callsigns for some of the members of the AR8000 design/programming team. An amusing touch. ----------------------------------------------------------------- %7000# SYSTEM DATA (256. bytes) This area is where the AR8000 stores its state when it is turned off, along with the bank linkage information for both SCAN and SRCH mode, as well as who knows what else. ----------------------------------------------------------------- %7400# SEL-SCAN DATA (100 42 byte entries) The area from 0x7400 to 0x74C7 contains up to 100 SEL-SCAN [FUNC][S SCAN] entries. Memory from 0x74C8 to 0x74FF is FF filled. Each entry has the following format: 0 1 +---+---+ | 35| 02| +---+---+ The entry above indicates SCAN Entry C35. The SCAN bank entry number for the list entry is given in the first byte (offset 0) of each entry. Note that the BCD for the SCAN entry is encoded in reverse BCD. The second byte (offset 1) contains the SCAN bank. The bank letters ABCDEFGHIJabcdefghij are represented as numbers from 0 to 19, respectively, in the second byte of each entry. Unused entries are represented as FF FF. ----------------------------------------------------------------- %7800# BANDPLAN (AUTO) TABLE (128. 16 byte entries) The 2048. byte Bandplan Table contains the entries that determine the parameters that are automatically set for various regions of the radio spectrum when AUTO mode is in effect. The bandplan data cannot be accessed via any computer interface commands I am aware of. It can, however, be changed via a SET COPY/RCV-DATA operation. Using this feature, one can customize the automatic bandplan as one sees fit. Each entry in the bandplan table has the following format: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | FF FF FF FF FF FF| SM| 00| | SS SS 0S| QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Bytes 0-5 are Unused, and always FF. Byte 6 (Split/Mode): + Bit 5: Split (1: Split, 0: No Split) BS or Step Offset (0: No Offset, 1: Offset) BF. This nibble is almost always 0, and occasionally 2. + Bits 2-0: Mode: 0: WFM (Wide FM), 1: NFM (Narrow FM), 2: AM, 3: USB (Upper Side Band), 4: LSB (Lower Side Band), 5: CW Byte 7 (Unused): The function of this byte is unknown. It is evidently unused. Bytes 8, 9, and A: + Step for this band. The step is represented as a 5 digit BCD number. An implicit zero must be appended to this value to get the 6 digit step. The high-order nibble of A is always zero, and is evidently unused This layout presumable allows them to use the same step extraction code that is used for SCAN and SRCH entries, despite the fact that they had room to explicitly represent the entire STEP value. Bytes B, C, D, E, and F: + Base Frequency for this band. All ten digits are represented as packed BCD. The step and mode given above are in effect in AUTO mode for any frequency between this value and the next frequency in the AUTO table. Unused bandplan table entries consist have the following format: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ----------------------------------------------------------------- UNITED STATES BANDPLAN The US Bandplan Table is comprised of 95 entries. Some of them are a bit odd, such as the one that straddles the broadcast AM band. In the loader that comes with SCANCAT-GOLD, we have hand tailored the individual differences to match closely the full US plan, including the "T" bands in California and elsewhere. Ironically, the entries for the US cellular telephone bands are dead-on, right down to the step size, and would function correctly were the block mechanism not present. The table below gives the entry offset, the EEPROM address, the 16 byte entry, followed by a semicolon and an annotation of the entry's contents. ### Addr Unused +/MD Step Frequency Frequency Step + MDn --- ------ ------------ -- -- ------ ---------- -------------- --------- --- 0:%7800# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000100000 ;0000.100000MHz 000050Hz CW 1:%7810# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 100000 0030150000 ;0000.153000MHz 000100Hz AM 2:%7820# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000410000 ;0000.410000MHz 000050Hz CW 3:%7830# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 000900 0020520000 ;0000.522000MHz 009000Hz AM 4:%7840# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0090620100 ;0001.629000MHz 000050Hz USB 5:%7850# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000800100 ;0001.800000MHz 000050Hz CW 6:%7860# FFFFFFFFFFFF 04 00 050000 0020840100 ;0001.842000MHz 000050Hz LSB 7:%7870# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 000100 0000300200 ;0002.300000MHz 001000Hz AM 8:%7880# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000500300 ;0003.500000MHz 000050Hz CW 9:%7890# FFFFFFFFFFFF 04 00 050000 0000620300 ;0003.620000MHz 000050Hz LSB 10:%78A0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 000100 0000000400 ;0004.000000MHz 001000Hz AM 11:%78B0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000000700 ;0007.000000MHz 000050Hz CW 12:%78C0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 04 00 050000 0050040700 ;0007.045000MHz 000050Hz LSB 13:%78D0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 000100 0000150700 ;0007.150000MHz 001000Hz AM 14:%78E0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000101000 ;0010.100000MHz 000050Hz CW 15:%78F0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000141000 ;0010.140000MHz 000050Hz USB 16:%7900# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 000100 0000651100 ;0011.650000MHz 001000Hz AM 17:%7910# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000001400 ;0014.000000MHz 000050Hz CW 18:%7920# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000071400 ;0014.070000MHz 000050Hz USB 19:%7930# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000101400 ;0014.100000MHz 000050Hz CW 20:%7940# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0020111400 ;0014.112000MHz 000050Hz USB 21:%7950# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 000100 0000101500 ;0015.100000MHz 001000Hz AM 22:%7960# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0080061800 ;0018.068000MHz 000050Hz CW 23:%7970# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000111800 ;0018.110000MHz 000050Hz USB 24:%7980# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000002100 ;0021.000000MHz 000050Hz CW 25:%7990# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000152100 ;0021.150000MHz 000050Hz USB 26:%79A0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 000100 0000452100 ;0021.450000MHz 001000Hz AM 27:%79B0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000892400 ;0024.890000MHz 000050Hz CW 28:%79C0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000932400 ;0024.930000MHz 000050Hz USB 29:%79D0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 000100 0050512600 ;0026.515000MHz 001000Hz NFM 30:%79E0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 000100 0050962600 ;0026.965000MHz 001000Hz AM 31:%79F0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000002800 ;0028.000000MHz 000050Hz CW 32:%7A00# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000202800 ;0028.200000MHz 000050Hz USB 33:%7A10# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 001000 0000202900 ;0029.200000MHz 010000Hz NFM 34:%7A20# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 000500 0000003000 ;0030.000000MHz 005000Hz NFM 35:%7A30# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000454700 ;0047.450000MHz 012500Hz NFM 36:%7A40# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 000500 0000804900 ;0049.800000MHz 005000Hz NFM 37:%7A50# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000005000 ;0050.000000MHz 000050Hz CW 38:%7A60# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000105000 ;0050.100000MHz 000050Hz USB 39:%7A70# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 002500 0000005100 ;0051.000000MHz 025000Hz NFM 40:%7A80# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000005400 ;0054.000000MHz 012500Hz NFM 41:%7A90# FFFFFFFFFFFF 00 00 002500 0000005500 ;0055.000000MHz 025000Hz WFM 42:%7AA0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 00 00 000001 0000008800 ;0088.000000MHz 100000Hz WFM 43:%7AB0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 005000 0000000801 ;0108.000000MHz 050000Hz AM 44:%7AC0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 002500 0000001801 ;0118.000000MHz 025000Hz AM 45:%7AD0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 000100 0000053601 ;0136.050000MHz 001000Hz NFM 46:%7AE0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000003801 ;0138.000000MHz 012500Hz NFM 47:%7AF0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000004401 ;0144.000000MHz 000050Hz CW 48:%7B00# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000154401 ;0144.150000MHz 000050Hz USB 49:%7B10# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 002500 0000504401 ;0144.500000MHz 025000Hz NFM 50:%7B20# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000854401 ;0144.850000MHz 000050Hz USB 51:%7B30# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 002500 0000004501 ;0145.000000MHz 025000Hz NFM 52:%7B40# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000005201 ;0152.000000MHz 012500Hz NFM 53:%7B50# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 501200 0000005401 ;0154.000000MHz 012500Hz AM 54:%7B60# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 002500 0000005601 ;0156.000000MHz 025000Hz NFM 55:%7B70# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000406301 ;0163.400000MHz 012500Hz NFM 56:%7B80# FFFFFFFFFFFF 00 00 002500 0000007901 ;0179.000000MHz 025000Hz WFM 57:%7B90# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 002500 0000002202 ;0222.000000MHz 025000Hz NFM 58:%7BA0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 002500 0000002502 ;0225.000000MHz 025000Hz AM 59:%7BB0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 002500 0000001004 ;0410.000000MHz 025000Hz NFM 60:%7BC0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000502504 ;0425.500000MHz 012500Hz NFM 61:%7BD0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000003004 ;0430.000000MHz 000050Hz USB 62:%7BE0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000003204 ;0432.000000MHz 000050Hz CW 63:%7BF0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000153204 ;0432.150000MHz 000050Hz USB 64:%7C00# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 002500 0000503204 ;0432.500000MHz 025000Hz NFM 65:%7C10# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000004004 ;0440.000000MHz 012500Hz NFM 66:%7C20# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 002500 0000506004 ;0460.500000MHz 025000Hz NFM 67:%7C30# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000506104 ;0461.500000MHz 012500Hz NFM 68:%7C40# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000006504 ;0465.000000MHz 012500Hz NFM 69:%7C50# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 000500 0000007004 ;0470.000000MHz 005000Hz NFM 70:%7C60# FFFFFFFFFFFF 00 00 005002 0000001506 ;0615.000000MHz 250000Hz WFM 71:%7C70# FFFFFFFFFFFF 21 00 002500 0000000608 ;0806.000000MHz 025000Hz+ NFM 72:%7C80# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000002108 ;0821.000000MHz 012500Hz NFM 73:%7C90# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 000500 0000002408 ;0824.000000MHz 005000Hz NFM 74:%7CA0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 003000 0000012408 ;0824.010000MHz 030000Hz NFM 75:%7CB0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000004908 ;0849.000000MHz 000050Hz USB 76:%7CC0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 21 00 002500 0000005108 ;0851.000000MHz 025000Hz+ NFM 77:%7CD0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000006608 ;0866.000000MHz 012500Hz NFM 78:%7CE0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 000500 0000006908 ;0869.000000MHz 005000Hz NFM 79:%7CF0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 003000 0000016908 ;0869.010000MHz 030000Hz NFM 80:%7D00# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000009408 ;0894.000000MHz 000050Hz USB 81:%7D10# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000009608 ;0896.000000MHz 012500Hz NFM 82:%7D20# FFFFFFFFFFFF 02 00 000005 0000006209 ;0962.000000MHz 500000Hz AM 83:%7D30# FFFFFFFFFFFF 00 00 005000 0000004012 ;1240.000000MHz 050000Hz WFM 84:%7D40# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000006012 ;1260.000000MHz 000050Hz USB 85:%7D50# FFFFFFFFFFFF 00 00 005000 0000007212 ;1272.000000MHz 050000Hz WFM 86:%7D60# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 002500 0000009112 ;1291.000000MHz 025000Hz NFM 87:%7D70# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000509112 ;1291.500000MHz 000050Hz USB 88:%7D80# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000009612 ;1296.000000MHz 000050Hz CW 89:%7D90# FFFFFFFFFFFF 03 00 050000 0000159612 ;1296.150000MHz 000050Hz USB 90:%7DA0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 05 00 050000 0000809612 ;1296.800000MHz 000050Hz CW 91:%7DB0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 002500 0000009712 ;1297.000000MHz 025000Hz NFM 92:%7DC0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 00 00 002500 0000409912 ;1299.400000MHz 025000Hz WFM 93:%7DD0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 00 00 005000 0000000013 ;1300.000000MHz 050000Hz WFM 94:%7DE0# FFFFFFFFFFFF 01 00 501200 0000002914 ;1429.000000MHz 012500Hz NFM 95:%7DF0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 96:%7E00# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 97:%7E10# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 98:%7E20# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 99:%7E30# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 100:%7E40# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 101:%7E50# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 102:%7E60# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 103:%7E70# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 104:%7E80# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 105:%7E90# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 106:%7EA0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 107:%7EB0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 108:%7EC0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 109:%7ED0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 110:%7EE0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 111:%7EF0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 112:%7F00# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 113:%7F10# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 114:%7F20# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 115:%7F30# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 116:%7F40# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 117:%7F50# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 118:%7F60# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 119:%7F70# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 120:%7F80# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 121:%7F90# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 122:%7FA0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 123:%7FB0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 124:%7FC0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 125:%7FD0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 126:%7FE0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF 127:%7FF0# FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFF JAPANESE BANDPLAN It would be interesting to see this. ----------------------------------------------------------------- UNITED KINGDOM BANDPLAN The following examples are taken from a previous post regarding the UK AR8000's bandplan layout. NS means "no split", while S means "split" (or perhaps, + or no +). %7800# ;10 digit freq, 6 digit step, 1 digit mode, 1 digit split=2 %7800# ;Start of AUTO tables, 128 entry table, UK uses 101 entries FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000100000 ;000.100MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 000900 0030150000 ;000.153MHz, 9KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000800100 ;001.800MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 4 00 050000 0020840100 ;001.842MHz, 50Hz step, LSB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 000100 0000300200 ;002.300MHz, 1KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000500300 ;003.500MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 4 00 050000 0000620300 ;003.620MHz, 50Hz step, LSB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000800300 ;003.800MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 000100 0000900300 ;003.900MHz, 1KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000000700 ;007.000MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 4 00 050000 0050040700 ;007.045MHz, 50Hz step, LSB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 000100 0000100700 ;007.100MHz, 1KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000101000 ;010.100MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000141000 ;010.140MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 000100 0000651100 ;011.650MHz, 1KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000001400 ;014.000MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000071400 ;014.070MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000101400 ;014.100MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0020111400 ;014.112MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 000100 0000101500 ;015.100MHz, 1KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0080061800 ;018.068MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000111800 ;018.110MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000002100 ;021.000MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000152100 ;021.150MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 000100 0000452100 ;021.450MHz, 1KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000892400 ;024.890MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000932400 ;024.930MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 000100 0050512600 ;026.515MHz, 1KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 000100 0050962600 ;026.965MHz, 1KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 000100 0000602700 ;027.600MHz, 1KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000002800 ;028.000MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000202800 ;028.200MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 001000 0000202900 ;029.200MHz, 10KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000003000 ;030.000MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000454700 ;047.450MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 000500 0000804900 ;049.800MHz, 5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000005000 ;050.000MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000105000 ;050.100MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 001000 0000415100 ;051.410MHz, 10KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000855200 ;052.850MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 002500 0000006800 ;068.000MHz, 25KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0050126800 ;068.125MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000007000 ;070.000MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000037000 ;070.030MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 001000 0000257000 ;070.250MHz, 10KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000307000 ;070.300MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000807200 ;072.800MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000007400 ;074.000MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0050128400 ;084.125MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000008500 ;085.000MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 0 00 000001 0000008800 ;088.000MHz, 100KHz step, WFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000300501 ;105.300MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 005000 0000000801 ;108.000MHz, 50KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 002500 0000001801 ;118.000MHz, 25KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 000100 0000053601 ;136.050MHz, 1KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000003801 ;138.000MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000004401 ;144.000MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000154401 ;144.150MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000504401 ;144.500MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000854401 ;144.850MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000004501 ;145.000MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000804501 ;145.800MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000004601 ;146.000MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 000500 0000954901 ;149.950MHz, 5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000005201 ;152.000MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 501200 0000005401 ;154.000MHz, 12.5KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000005601 ;156.000MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000406301 ;163.400MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 002500 0000002502 ;225.000MHz, 25KHz step, AM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000001004 ;410.000MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000502504 ;425.500MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000003004 ;430.000MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000003204 ;432.000MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000153204 ;432.150MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000503204 ;432.500MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000803204 ;432.800MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000003304 ;433.000MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000003504 ;435.000MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000803904 ;439.800MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000004004 ;440.000MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000506004 ;460.500MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000506104 ;461.500MHz, 12.5KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000006504 ;465.000MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 0 00 000500 0000007004 ;470.000MHz, 5KHz step, WFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 0 00 005002 0000001506 ;615.000MHz, 250KHz step, WFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 0 00 002500 0000755408 ;854.750MHz, 25KHz step, WFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 2 0 00 000001 0000006508 ;865.000MHz, 100KHz step, WFM, S FFFFFFFFFFFF 2 1 00 002500 0000007208 ;872.000MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, S FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 2 00 000005 0000006209 ;962.000MHz, 500KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 0 00 005000 0000004012 ;1240.000MHz, 50KHz step, WFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000006012 ;1260.000MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 0 00 005000 0000007212 ;1272.000MHz, 50KHz step, WFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000009112 ;1291.000MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000509112 ;1291.500MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000009612 ;1296.000MHz, 50Hz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 3 00 050000 0000159612 ;1296.150MHz, 50Hz step, USB, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 5 00 050000 0000809612 ;1296.800MHz, 50Hz step, CW, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 002500 0000009712 ;1297.000MHz, 25KHz step, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 0 00 002500 0000409912 ;1299.400MHz, 25KHz step, WFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 0 00 005000 0000000013 ;1300.000MHz, 50KHz st, WFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 00 501200 0000002914 ;1429.000MHz, 12.5KHz st, NFM, NS FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 101) ; End of AUTO tables in UK AR8000 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ;End of AUTO tables %8000# ----------------------------------------------------------------- As explained at the top of this document, is is not recommended that a "lay person", unfamiliar with programming and/or serial communications, attempt to "roll his own". Scancat-Gold's software utility makes it easy (and error free), to modify your AR-8000's bandplan. We acknowlege the above authors contributions, Bill Gates, and Brian Foote, as well as B. Sinclair for his information on both the US and UK Bandplans. Please feel free to upload other AR-8000 information to us as you see fit. We will credit your contribution in our next revision of this page. You can reach us by Sending E-Mail to Computer Aided Technologies Also....visit the other areas of our Web Page or download Product Demos. Thanks.....! 3. SCANCAT-GOLD Reviews 4. AR8000 information 5. Scancat 6.0 On line Description 6. Scancat-Gold On line Description 7. CopyCat 2.1 On line Description 8. CopyCat-Pro On line Description 9. HOKA's CODE-3 On line Description 10. Accessories 11. Download Demos 12. Ordering Information o