From: KC4JCZ@WA4ONG To: KJ6FY@KJ6FY Hello from Richmond, Va. I noted your message about looking for a mod. Un- fortunately I don't have that mod. I do have, however, the mod for the Ken- wood TS-140S HF all band radio if you want it. Snipping diodes D29 and D31 not only will permit all-band, all-mode transmit, but it will also unlock the 40 and 60 watt limit for FM and AM power max respectively. I am, however looking for a mods for the Kenwood 2m mobile rig (221 I think) that will allow it to TX/RX up to 170 MHz or higher. I am already aware of the mod for that rig where you snip the wire looking around the display to mod for MARS/CAP (up to 151 MHz). Also am interested in a mod to unlock the Yaesu FT-212RH 45 watt mobile rig for TX/RX up to 170 megs or higher. A friend would rather buy one of these rigs than buy a mobile 2m and a marine radio. (he is aware of 25 watt ceiling for marine). Many thanks..will keep you informed of any future mods I hear of. (P.S. cut diode D81 on Kenwood 440 HF rig for all-band MARS/CAP..almost forgot!). Bill KC4JCZ @ WA4ONG (aka RICBBS)