Pro 2036 can pick up cell in the 400-512 range with this mod. Find IC 11, locate it on the bottom of the main board(where its pins come through). Cut the trace between pin 7 and the base of Q17 and solder a wire to pin7 and base of Q17. Cut the trace between pin9 and the base of Q18. Solder a wire to pin9 and the base of Q18. Then solder one more wire to pin8(ground). You now need a dual pole dual throw switch (6 leads on the underside) Solder the free wire ends in this order. pin9 o o base of Q17 base Q18 o o pin7 N/C o o pin 8 (ground) BACK OF SWITCH o = switch legs N/C=no connection When the switch is connecting the top leads to the center leads all is normal.When you switch to the opposite connection or center leads to bottom leads the 800 BPF is hotwired on.When you search between 400-512 with the switch in the latter position the radio picks up cell.The step is off a little but alot is on there. Do this at your own risk.I did it last night and listened for awhile to make sure it wasnt a fluke.There is about a 435 MHZ spread between what you hear and what the display reads.Enjoy If you have concerns or questions e-mail me here on AOL.Ira