Comparison Forest vs Farmland
katyn cremas
Hidden graves in Katyn Forest Birkenau camp on farmland

1. Proven by international investigation agency that soviet state police secretly executed 4,300 prisoners (average 118 per day) during 5 weeks in April and May, 1940

2. To ensure there would be no witnesses, Soviet police selected the center of a one sq. km. (5/8 mile) densely treed forest, beside a narrow winding road, where entry was forbidden and the closest farms were 2 kms (1.2 miles) away.

3. From April to June, 1943, the Germans assisted doctors from 12 European countries, and the Polish Red Cross, to examine the exhumed bodies. They also transported American, British, and Canadian officers who were prisoners-of-war. They then published a 275 page book entitled 'Amtliches Material zum Massenmord von Katyn' (Official Record of the Mass Murder at Katyn), with autopsy reports, 80 photographs, and 4,143 victims names, to show the world that, contrary to articles in Soviet, American, and British newspapers, the Soviets, and not the Germans, murdered the prisoners. Evidence included the pre-April, 1940 dates of newspaper clippings found in the victim's clothing, when the Soviets occupied the area, and the star-shaped puncture wounds from bayonets unique to Soviet army rifles.
1. Alleged that Germans murdered 750,000 during 1 1/2 years (average 1400 per day), from April, 1943 to Sept., 1944.

2. Alleged that mass murder kept secret for one year, however mass murder for even one day would have been seen by hundreds from open roads across flat, treeless farms, and through wire fences.

3. It would have completely defeated the purpose that the Germans worked for at Katyn, if at the same time they were working to prove to the world that the Soviets, not the Germans, murdered unarmed prisoners, they were themselves murdering prisoners at visible work camps where the Germans knew that spies were continually reporting to Allied governments. The evidence is that the Soviets invented the German mass murder stories, with millions of victims, to make the Katyn Forest and other proven Soviet mass murders, appear insignificant by comparison. It would then invoke a response 'the Soviets were cruel, but the Germans were much worse!'