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Siege James Mason

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In Reverse

It's gotten to sound like an old cliché to say that the Right Wing has been going about things backwards but, upon real examination, that turns out to be precisely the case. Blueprints for successful revolutionary movements have been set down for us from Hitler to Rockwell to Tommasi and any number of other great revolutionaries not of the National Socialist spirit. Why then has the Movement continued to attach itself to the decrepit and utterly ridiculous Right Wing and chosen a course that has perennially doomed itself to failure?

In the monumental classic film of inspiration, "Triumph of the Will", Hitler says words to the effect that in our belief and our overview we must be rock-hard, but in our tactics we must always be flexible. The essence of genius is the ability to spot the super-obvious principles of life– things so obvious that the majority can't see them– and to put them into as few simple words as possible. Hitler did that when he made this observation of revolutionary procedure. But the Right Wing would rather dress up like him and go on about things dead backwards than heeding his words from the start.

It's been a case in the past of the two approaches of totality and flexibility misapplied and misdirected- quite literally inverted in a strategy and overview tailor-made for defeat, which can only be termed "out of this world". When a person or group flies in the face of established and proven principles, the results are entirely predictable. I came to see the predictability of it all long before I was able to figure out "why" it was so. Never for an instant did I doubt the truth of the Cause and never did I relent in my hatred of the System. At first, one was almost compelled to state that the entire Movement was made up of idiots and born losers as being the reason for all the flat, dismal failures of such a noble Cause in the midst of such a dire situation. But wait! The System and the Establishment are LOADED with the same kind of fools and retards and, as far as the power structure is concerned, are doing quite nicely. We've got our share of real bums but that, however, is not the explanation.

The leadership, up till now, has been responsible for the failure, as leadership or lack of it– always is. And a great deal of these people were and are highly educated, formerly professional men who could compare quite favorably against most System bureaucrats with regard to personal ability and qualifications. But it matters not how brilliant or well-trained you are, how many good people you have or how hard you all work and sacrifice IF your basic premise is off. And it is that above all other causes for the consistent Right Wing failure over the decades. I'll attempt to examine exactly why it is.

The Right Wing– which includes most of what I call the Movement– fights its battles with the System on a piecemeal basis, choosing a "cause", an "issue", a "crusade" here and there. It's always a lost cause going in and by the time the Movement gets its teeth into the meat of it, something new has come along. They actually play poor runner-up to the shell-gaming of the System media. At the same time, Movement groups go after their members with a raging demand for total conformity to a pattern that is unreal and call for perfection in their human material. Regulation haircuts, clothing standards, minimums of (worthless) literature to be bought and– presumably– distributed, a certain percentage of their income to be pledged (wasted) each month, demonstrations (ridiculous) to be staged minus the necessary personnel to do it right and minus a public which gives a damn. PLUS, I should add, strict adherence to the "Fuhrerprinzip" (regardless of what any non-Nazi group may wish to call it). To even QUESTION is an automatic out. Is this not about the size of it?

A revolutionary organization would do it the other way around. To a revolutionary there are no "issues", no "campaigns". The only concern is the destruction of the existing order, the existing power. In complete truth, most if not all of the "issues" the Movement has wasted its time and effort coming out against in the past are some of the very things which will HELP DESTROY the hated System! From Vietnam to drugs to abortion to bussing to illegal immigration, etc., they have willingly adopted the LOSING SIDE of the "issue". The System is historically DOOMED and these things are just a part of the TIDE OF DESTRUCTION that is going to engulf it. Sure a bunch of Jews may be cashing in on it, as they have historically done, but so what?! Of course we all know the REASON that the Movement has taken the stance it always has in the past- because these things were all "bad" for the White people and, through our public demonstrations against these things, we hoped and expected to gain massive White support for our cause. THIS STRATEGY NEVER, AT ANY TIME, HAS EVEN COME CLOSE TO WORKING!!

The Movement has been indulging in a lot of wishful thinking and, very basically, has been thinking with its heart, emotionally. A revolutionary thinks strictly with his brain, his highest intelligence, with regard for practicalities alone.

A revolutionary also assumes a vastly different approach to the matter of human resources. This is not the future. This is the present. Even as Robert Lloyd once commented to me in 1969, not a single one of us is even a reflection of the kind of person we want to see inhabit the planet in centuries to come. To go even further, there's no use even worrying about it or trying to "fake it". Rather, work for the fall of the monster System that, if it keeps itself in power indefinitely, will spell the absolute end for any hope of a better future. That is primary. NOTHING can be done for our people as long as the System lives and exerts its influence. Now, I ask you, what kind of "clean-cut, moral, law-abiding and upstanding citizen" does it require to tackle a job like that? The great Russian anarchist, Bakunin, described the qualifications well:

"The lost man, who has no belongings, no outside interests, no personal ties of any sort– not even a name. Possessed of but one thought, interest and passion– the revolution. A man who has broken with Society, broken with its laws and conventions. He must despise the opinions of others, and be prepared for death and torture at any time. Hard towards himself, he must be hard to others, and in his heart there must be no place for love, friendship, gratitude or even honor."

As for leadership, Tommasi put it best when he wrote that the leaders are those who are DOING IT. Those with backgrounds in National Socialism reaching back more than a decade will recall the so-called "leader" who ousted Tommasi from the Party for being "too revolutionary", for having had women in the headquarters (horrors!), for having had marijuana in the headquarters (more horrors!), for using the System in order to strengthen the revolutionary organization (unethical), and for attacking the System, destroying it physically and materially (illegal). It's only been ten years since his death and the blossoming of the full-scale revolution may yet be a long way off but his name is remembered and known in more quarters than the "leader" who dismissed him.

The only totality we can apply currently with success is in our own view toward the System, the Enemy. When we attempt to apply it to new people, new adherents to the Movement, we achieve only an inward-looking cult; we alienate good people who are committed but still of a level-headed, reasoning nature. We open the field for nuts and tin-horns who are willing to put up with, and even add to, the nonsense in order to be a bigger part of it and, worst of all, we stifle fresh genius. It is a low view, held only by those who can't handle the Enemy and choose instead to tyrannize the membership and make people over while pretending to attack small surface symptoms of a far more serious problem (and falling flat even at that).

In applying a strategy of totality toward the System instead, we find ourselves keeping up a constant pressure against it where it counts; on a never-ending, day-to-day basis, we begin to lay the groundwork for a truly popular front and rid ourselves of the label of "kooks", "reactionaries" and "fascists"; we develop a true ideology, a world-view, arid in living it rather than playing at it we eventually become larger, greater than the Enemy itself; we assume the advantage, the OFFENSIVE, and through our self-discipline and diligent efforts, we become the embryonic government-to-be, more than worthy and capable of taking over the reigns once the present government is gone.

To the opposite side, the only area in which we can AFFORD to be flexible is that of our own people. The System is ruthless, unfeeling, unrelenting and so must we be toward it. We are our only best hope, we are our only best friends, we are all that we have and it would behoove us all to take better care and have better regard in our mutual dealings. Decency, intelligence and plain practicality when applied to new people– and current ones as well– would result in the attraction of new talent and better exploitation of existing talent, it would encourage initiative, it would encourage greater overall loyalty, and through the feeling of community, it would make us far less vulnerable to System attacks. Only through these means will we be able to enjoy and employ the equally primary principles of selection in building an effective Movement: only through dealing with larger numbers– by not driving them away– can we develop the levels of action and leadership necessary to a revolutionary movement. The best will discipline themselves and work harder and meet with greater success. The rest will serve to augment these successes.

When, as it has been, the Movement imagines it can assume a flexible stance and approach to the vicious beast that is the System, then a sense of directionlessness, aimlessness and general confusion reigns. The System calls every shot. No one knows what's next. There is a lack of seriousness, of real purpose, not to mention an unending series of defeats. Because of this there develops the "clubism", conservatism, reaction. The group is, in effect, a PART of the Establishment and, because there is no real, long-range attack plan, it becomes full of dabblers. Flexibility when applied to the AIM absolutely precludes decisive action. (And a lot of idealistic hopes do not constitute an AIM.)

Revolutionary discipline must mean that WE will be the single survivor in a war against the System, a TOTAL WAR against the System. Revolutionary lenience must mean that we will gladly accept the help of all who are willing to work and to fight; we will enlist the help of all.

[Vol. XIV, #9 – Sept., 1985]


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