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Siege James Mason

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Taken along with all the rest it would be difficult to try and tag any one symptom as the major one with regard to the entanglement the American people finds itself in as to regaining control over their lives and their future, but I would have to offer lack of discipline as certainly among the foremost. Of course, when a society has lost its normal health and vigor and no longer cultivates true discipline upon its citizens, then it has to come from within: SELF DISCIPLINE. This is also the key element that has ever been lacking in the building of a successful political movement in this country. This is the cement among the sand, gravel and water, without which all the rest is but soup.

Among Movement members and organizations it manifests itself in those not holding a steady course or pursuing effective, long-range goals. It prepares the way for the endless mutinies, splinters and factions; the "You can go to hell!" attitude which prevails. When the only discipline that can be exercised from inside these organizations is mere expulsion from same, then the cycle is foredoomed to be repeated out into infinity. Only SELF-DISCIPLINE can correct the mess. And again, approximately one in ten thousand possesses the capability to muster it from within and bring it to bear.

Among the remainder it shows itself as "Uncle Tom-ism". Conforming and staying in line doesn't require discipline. It instead takes a lack of initiative and vision. The biggest, the baddest, the roughest and the toughest... ALL will never step out of line, not really. A bar fight and a weekend in jail for "drunk and disorderly" hardly constitutes a revolutionary act. They cannot and they will not conceive of taking a revolutionary departure from what Big Brother expects of them. Beyond that, it is most often seen in the population as everyone informing on everyone else. Isn't this the scenario they painted for Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia?? What's so different here? Maybe it's in a good cause. Every man an Uncle Tom. "Pinch the Pusher", "Take a bite out of crime", etc. And what constitutes a criminal? Hot-lines and toll-free numbers. Whisperers and dime-droppers everywhere. Infiltrators, spies, finks, snitches, pimps, both on the official payroll and off. Keeping safe by ratting out to Big Brother. It's the national pastime. No honor, no discipline, no guts.

Look at Ireland where White is pitted against White over idiotic issues such as religion and geography! They are tar-and-feathering Irish girls who date British soldiers!! They are bombing British installations and killing people in high places regularly. AND NO ONE BREATHES A WORD ABOUT IT!! A Negro and a White renegade parade down Main Street here and what occurs? Usually nothing. And if something did occur? A hue and cry such as has not been seen for any rape or murder. Not only would the populace not offer any aid to the revolutionists, they'd be all-out helping the Pigs run them into the ground.

I'm not about to say that this can be overcome. It simply is a fact of life and something that we will have to learn to recognize and work around. To me, it represents the sign of the very lowest of low. The mark of a people who no longer hold any claim to freedom or liberty. In short, people who are fit only as slaves.

[Vol. XIII, # 3– March, 1984]


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