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Siege James Mason

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A Thousand Plagues, A Thousand Curses

Among the things I have been since I first opened my eyes at birth is an atheist. But I've always been able to wax very "religious", quoting scripture and even going so far as to get myself ordained, for whenever the occasion demanded. It seems as though I'm always ready with a Biblical connection to anything. Then too was one of the very first realizations I ever made on my own as a child: that this world and especially this society were on their way out. It irked me then only because I didn't want to share in its fate. I hated it, I wasn't part of it, I didn't want to go down with it. Then I encountered the Movement with all the high plans of turning the mess around for the common good. Only then began my real education. And today here I am with my own conclusions. I'm afraid it's back to the Bible connections, childishly simple hopes and fears, plus what was learned in a long sojourn with the Movement.

I've learned all the "whys and wherefores". I have found out that historic trends are irreversible (unless you happen to be Adolf Hitler). And I still marvel at what can happen to a civilization and a people that defies and blasphemes "God" (or you could read it as "tempts fate") once too often.

One of the Christian tenets that invariably sticks in the craw of any real White Man– second only to "turn the other cheek"– is that "the meek shall inherit the earth". A lot has to do with definition of terms. "Meek", in this instance, refers to those with their eyes and ears open and their mouths shut. It has a lot to do with, quite simply, ceasing to butt one's head into a brick wall. While the rest "speak out" in meaningless blurbs, tomorrow's survivors will observe very carefully but choose very wisely to stand mute and not "cast pearls before swine".

Did not the "Lord" state quite plainly that "vengeance is mine"? Upon considering our somewhat less than omnipotent position, who are we to argue that? It's too much to expect that these fools will be aware– or are aware now– of what's happening to them. There'll be no opportunity for "I told you so". But if we drop ALL nonsense right now and take only appropriate steps henceforth, we might just be able to hope that we will ESCAPE a wretched fate in common with those vast multitudes who so richly deserve it. If you're caught out there amidst the throngs when the time approaches, madly, futility screaming and waving your arms in warning, you too will be trampled by the same Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

You may be getting the distinct impression by this time that I'll have no difficulty in grinning at all of this. As I said before, I'm no idealist.

What we may hope for– realistically– is the total consumption of these people, together with their rotten System, before our eyes and through their own evil. What we may work for– realistically– is our own physical salvation, the maintenance of the quality of our lives, in order that we or our posterity may be the last on the scene, to have, in essence, inherited the earth.

I don't know how many are familiar with the Serenity Prayer but a decent paraphrasing of it would go like this: "Teach me to change the things that lam able; Teach me to accept those which I cannot; And teach me to know the difference between the two". During recent months, two things have loomed up unmistakably in my mind and I have seen that most matters which used to cause so much sweat and anxiety, not to mention so much useless activity, can be bound up and dispensed with in two theses: if you have in the past disassociated yourself from any kind of mess, then just allow it (them) to be their own best answer; if you are presently working to rid yourself of or extricate yourself from an entanglement, then proceed to do so with the same amount of care and consideration– and afterthought– as you would to evacuating your bowels.

The fight to survive will be a full-time job. Leave the rest to themselves. That is the worst penalty. Slime to slime. In the end, we will remain and our hands will be perfectly clean.

[Vol. XV, #6– June, 1986 (this was the final issue of SIEGE )]



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