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Siege James Mason

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Promise Destroyed; Promised Destruction

At the height of Western development, that is, during the mid and latter Nineteenth Century, the best brains and philosophers accurately predicated what the next century would hold for Western Man, the White Race. And that was Adolf Hitler, National Socialism and the Third Reich in Germany. As hard as it is for many of us today to view the affairs of Western life in the Nineteenth Century as anything but grand and glorious, those great philosophers, such as Nietzsche, hated their own times and projected towards something much brighter to come over the next two or three generations in Europe. Come it did like a miraculous resurrection following the disaster of the First World War and the future could hardly have appeared more secure. Hitler was the embodiment of that which the best had foretold, from Wagner to Chamberlain, from Gobineau to Grant. Not only the fulfillment of German national destiny but the answer to the total dilemma of the West, the promise of the future of Aryan Man to be built upon the foundations already laid from the time of the Renaissance, the Crusades and even before, to complete the compassing of the globe and to go on to reach out for the universe.

Only a lunatic or an otherwise fevered brain could have conceived even a tiny glimpse of the Gotterdammerung of Europe, the Second World War, which ended– for all time– that promise that had begun with the very beginnings of the West itself following the collapse of Rome and of Classical Civilization. In that sense, true history came to a halt in 1945.

Since that time, what we have witnessed has amounted strictly to the decomposition of the dead body of what had been traditionally known as the West. And the process enters high gear as we look about us today. Our best latter-day philosophers, from Francis Parker Yockey (author of Imperium) to William Gayley Simpson's excellent work, Which Way Western Man?, and even including Commander Rockwell's contribution to the field, White Power, all trace the growth, the decline and the final destruction in their sagas of the West- the world in which they each matured and lived. They analyze the death symptoms and place the blame and responsibility squarely where they belong. But with regard to the future they all agree on the same thing as well: either the suicidal trends are reversed mighty shortly or all culture perishes forever. None of them are able to offer any bright ray of hope, any assurances whatsoever, as did their predecessors one hundred years ago. They pose the challenge of whether we will be able to put the lie to that maverick of thought among them, Oswald Spengler, who said so long ago that we were finished after all. And that is precisely where we stand today.

Above: Francis Parker Yockey, author of the Spenglerian tome, Imperium.

Perhaps the one solid development that has occurred within the Movement in recent years– very recent years– is the consensus that not only is the total destruction of the world-wide System and Establishment inevitable now, but it is our only best hope. Not even Spengler himself could have foreseen a twist like that.

Those of us within the traditional Movement are today running a dangerous risk of going down with a past that we refuse to turn loose of. The old NS phrase that announces that we are not the last star of the evening but the first start of the morning is hollow and "trite" by contemporary, smug definitions of "past" and "future". Adolf Hitler represented the END of one world-historic era and the man who represents the START of a new one either has not appeared or he has not yet been recognized. This man, whoever he may be, will however definitely pick up where Hitler left off, of that we may assure ourselves.

There have been in the past, and still are today, many men who can be considered as great leaders and "pointers of the way". So far though they have all been of a single mould and, so far, none of their results have even approached the spectacular, much less the epoch-making, which is after all what is required. We must have a TOTAL break with the past if we are to survive it. This means in very practical terms that we should, we must, take up looking in places OTHER than those to which we've become too familiarly accustomed. We must broaden our scope

Now if our latter-day prophets in the line of Yockey, etc., were unconsciously saying something profound when they apparently left us hanging with the specter of desolation, then it would mean that a man would one day come to take all these loose, unexplained, incomprehensible ends into his hands and make something of them that we could use, that we could understand and follow. If a man never wrote anything of his own then that would make it all the much harder for the rest of us to see and know him. But there was once before a prophet who wrote nothing in his own lifetime and who was recognized only after his death. In our supposed present level of higher enlightenment, we might hope to avoid the repeat of such a tragedy and embarrassment. But can we?

Historic phases come and go but the pattern, the historic pattern, doesn't change. Rockwell might say that unless we were able to be ABANDONED by Providence itself– as he frequently referred to it– then it seemed impossible to believe that we could be kept thus down forever. That would have to be then the kernel of our essence that keeps us believing. And in line with this thought would be the repeating historic pattern of a man being sent in amongst us at the moment of crisis to make the critical difference. We must not fall into the trap of stereotyping the kind of individual, from where and in what manner, who might fulfill this historic promise.

First of all, would he not have to be totally APART, right from birth, from this System and this Establishment if he truly were to be a prophet for the future of our Race? And, in terms of practicality, what would this mean? Might not it mean someone you'd hesitate to sit next to at a coffee counter? Would it not mean a total outlaw? Second, would not a man with such an historic mission to accomplish be one of extraordinary powers of personality, mannerism and speech? Would he not be a LEADER of exceptional magnitude? And would the System– could it– afford to allow such a man to roam free to do his natural work? Third, would this man with a sacred awareness act the part of our typical Right Wing fakers, i.e., a pretentious lout all decked-out in gaudy uniform and demanding fealty from a handful of pitiful defectives like some idiot? Or would he be found to be LIVING in his one-on-one existence in a microcosm of the exact same position as our whole people lives in, in harsh reality, at the very BOTTOM? He would be FOR REAL and in this world in its current state, "for real" means not very pretty. Have we the guts to look it in the face even if it means our own LIVES?

This is only another way I am trying to show the Movement of approaching Charles Manson, for there is a great deal more to him than is generally supposed. I say only that the case merits a closer look on the part of each and every National Socialist who desires to be part of the future. To scorn the strange man in the shaggy beard who sits locked in a System jail cell simply because he doesn't fit some set standard for what we might be expecting or hoping for is to be very foolish indeed. Be on the lookout for the thief in the night. It isn't that we've been looking in all the obvious places because, from an historic standpoint, we simply haven't been. We've been looking in all the easy places, rather like sitting in one's living room at home and watching the progression of clowns pass before the screen of the TV over a period of years. The stakes themselves and the nature of the circumstances should tell anyone of logical mind that nothing about this will be pleasant or easy, let alone conventional.

I've been assured that things will happen fast when they begin to happen.

[Vol. XI, #7– July, 1982]


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