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Siege James Mason

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A New Phase, A New Course

One long-time veteran of this Movement commented to me about two years ago when I sprang on him my new "discovery", "Jim, I'll just consider that this is your latest fantasy and that it'll be gone in a couple of months." I responded that if indeed this were a "fantasy", it was only my second one in fourteen years– the first having been everything ever represented by Adolf Hitler and George Lincoln Rockwell.

Quite apart from being a fantasy, I was not long in finding out that I was not first in my unorthodox and thus far self-kept findings. Since then others have come to the same conclusions and conviction. Finally, today, it has reached the point where it has broken the surface on its own and people are going to have to start taking a stand on the issue.

Above: Adolf Hitler, The revolutionary "Man Against Time".

Who recognizes history being made? Who would have guessed that a wellestablished National Socialist Movement in Europe would have latched onto, or been latched onto by an ex-vagabond from Austria named Hitler? Who in 1919 would have foreseen the social, political, economic and military MIRACLES that were to mark the next twenty-five-year period? Greater than that, who could have imagined to what extent the name and accomplishments of Hitler would be DISTORTED and MISREPRESENTED by a media totally in Jewish hands? We are at least supposed to be enlightened to where we CAN see these things. But are we?

Hindsight alone is more dangerous than it is useless. Are we to say it can't happen again in a totally unpredictable way? Do any among us still seriously think we can do it alone, using the past and current methods, without some new, difference-making input? I quote from Hitler: "I know that some man capable of giving our problems a final solution must appear.. And that is why I have set myself to do the preparatory work, for I know that I am myself not the one. And I know also what is missing in me (to be the one). But the other one still remains aloof, and nobody comes forward, and there is no more time to be lost." That was a statement made by Hitler in 1928. In 1924, in Mein Kampf, as all National Socialists must be aware, Hitler also said this: "THE MAN THEY HAVE MOST REVILED STANDS CLOSEST TO US, AND THE MAN THEY HATE WORST IS OUR BEST FRIEND."



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