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Siege James Mason

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A Combination Impossible Ten Years Ago

Those who have read thus far in SIEGE will know what I have put forth regarding myself, being a former member of the American Nazi Party, and the Charles Manson Family and, I would hope, by now begin to understand the why and how of it. For the rest, the revelations of such things may come as quite a shock, you can be sure. It could almost pass as "shock for shock's sake alone"– the two most defamed, sensationalized groups in contemporary America now linked together, not just by a few in the Movement, but by the System Press as well. Needless to say, it couldn't have happened much before now.

The Manson people look upon and accept the NS Movement in America with curiosity, some admiration and some dismay. "Hate", they say, "is not going to get it". Trying to live in another time and place isn't going to get it either. To our charges of a monstrous, Jewish conspiracy, they simply counter with the stated belief that people today have a death wish for themselves. We say that without unpolluted, White blood, there'll be no civilization left. They say that without an unpolluted world, there can be no White Race... or any other race for that matter. Most importantly though, they show understanding and are willing to have a dialogue.

The same cannot be said for the majority in the Movement. A nasty commentary when it becomes clear that media brainwash has not effected their view of us but has, on the other hand, for the most part, effected almost totally our view of them. For me, for all those who are in the least bit perceptive, this fact is most revealing. No one condemned bigotry, prejudice and knee-jerk, snap reactions more roundly than did Commander Rockwell. It comes down to reinforced blindness and ignorance– "redneck-ism". Manson says that the Truth is One. The Movement, for the most, obviously places the codes of dying, decaying, Jewish-subverted "tradition" and "morals" first, ahead of Truth or reality. An even nastier commentary because it has always been so and that remains one more prime reason for the failure of the Movement.

And now– lo and behold– we see it that the arch-reactionaries of the Movement can no longer ignore the mile-high writing on the wall, have admitted that theirs is no "party" at all, have indicated that no such "party" is any longer possible or even desirable under present conditions, and have announced the founding of an "order" of their own, approximately ninety days after the appearance of Universal Order. An admission that the old, phony pretenses of a "party" not only hadn't been producing any results in many years but that the cultist remains from the mid-1970's were in immediate danger of evaporating into thin air. Hence, a new name and a dropping of some false pretenses.

Reality does have a way– after having been ignored and put off long enough of making its presence felt much like a sledge hammer right between the eyes. You can also get a stubborn donkey to move by building a fire under him. How many steps that donkey will take away from that fire, or in which direction, is an uncertainty. But such a dramatic– if long delayed– reaction should be proof positive of the changing times. Blue-skying for fun and profit has been rendered practically extinct by ever-harsher realities that NO ONE can ignore or escape. I regard all this merely as a confirmation, not as anything too encouraging, as I do still expect to see the same, old sales pitch as before for some variation of "Spanky and Our Gang" ideals and mentality. Regulations for how you have your hair cut will most likely persist even while Manson continues to speak in terms of Life versus Death. For the rest of you, those who, as long ago as I, dropped out of the more overt brand of nonsense, I urge again to look beyond the media-created images to the Truth of the matter and you'll see how those differences which may exist between the Movement and the Manson Idea are minor; how survival is everything.

[Vol. XII, #2– Feb., 1983]



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