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"All The News That Sulzberger's  Propaganda Rag  Saw Fit To Distort"
A Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,

Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Front Page Headlines





"We read and rebut their vile crap so you won't have to!"





The Armenian genocide memorial complex in Yerevan, Armenia’s capital. The House vote was bound to infuriate leaders in Turkey.
The Armenian genocide memorial complex in Yerevan, Armenia’s capital. The House vote was bound to infuriate leaders in Turkey
 NY Times: House Passes Bipartisan Resolution Recognizing Armenian Genocide
NY Times: In Another Bipartisan Rebuke of Trump, House Votes for Sanctions Against Turkey


Trump may like him, but up and down the New York - DC corridor, there is now "overwhelming" and "bipartisan" hatred for Turkish "dictator" Recip Erdogan. It's gotten so bad that, all of a sudden, Congress, after 104 years, is recognizing the World War I ethic cleansing / genocide of the Armenian Christians -- a tragic but exaggerated event engineered primarily by secular Turks under Jewish leadership, not Muslims. Here are the opening lines from each of the two above-listed articles -- with trade-marked buzzwords in red:


"The House voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to impose a series of sweeping sanctions on Turkey over its brutal assault on the Kurds in northern Syria, dealing its second bipartisan rebuke to President Trump this month for pulling back American forces to allow for the Turkish incursion."


"The House voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to formally recognize the Armenian genocide and denounce it as a matter of American foreign policy, a symbolic vindication for the Armenian diaspora made possible by a new torrent of bipartisan furor at Turkey."


When nearly the whole of the otherwise contentious Congress and/or Senate of the United States put aside their Blue vs Red / Donkey vs Elephant differences and suddenly and "overwhelmingly" become "bipartisan" ™ --  it can only mean one thing, namely, that the "usual suspects" are united behind it. (cough cough).


Image result for young turks Image result for trump erdogan Image result for trump erdogan cartoon

1. The Young Turks was a political reform movement in the early 20th century. Their followers, including army officers, favoured the replacement of the monarchy with a more "democratic" government. After the 1908 revolution, the Young Turks established a political party -- the Committee of Union and Progress. During World War I, the "liberal" secularists took a hardline against the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire whom they accused of helping their Russian adversaries during World War I. Whatever happened to the Armenians should be blamed on the left-leaning / Jewish-led Young Turks --- not today's Turks and certainly not "the Muslims." // 2 & 3. Trump's respect and admiration for "strongman" Erdogan has been the subject of much scorn and ridicule by the Establishment scum of NY-DC.



Image result for kim kardashian armenian genocide Image result for saturday night live erdogan
1. 2015: The Kings of Jewish Hollywood -- who are now anti-Turkey -- dispatched the vile Kardashian whores, Kim & Chloe, to Armenia to lay flowers at the "genocide" memorial (as if these idiots give a rat's ass). The "Armenian" Kardashian skanks are descended from Armenian immigrants, on one branch of their father's line only, from 140 years ago! // 2. The unfunny Saturday Night Live mocks the Erdogan-Trump alliance.



Here's the scoop on Erdogan: His chumminess with Putin, his nationalism, his "authoritarianism ," and his cultural conservatism are all positions which the Soros-type Jews of the Globalist Mafia absolutely detest. And his blistering condemnations of Israel in general and Satanyahoo in particular are equally offensive to the Israel Firster faction of the American PRC (Predatory Ruling Class). Hence, the "overwhelming"   and "bipartisan" hate on Turkey. The following headlines paint the picture very clearly.


  • Foreign Policy Magazine: (October 28, 2019) / Erdogan and Putin Made a Deal for Syria
  • The Hill (October 17, 2019) / Trump Praises Turkey's Erdogan After US Announces Cease-Fire Deal
  • The Independent (UK): (June 30, 2019) /  Turkish Police Fire Tear Gas at Istanbul Gay Pride March
  • Haaretz (Israel) (March 13, 2019): / Erdogan Accuses Netanyahu of Being Child-Killing Tyrant
  • The Hill (December 33, 2018): / Netanyahu Calls Erdogan "Anti-Semitic Dictator"
  • Haaretz (Israel): (November 26, 2018) / Erdogan's Latest Target: "Infamous Hungarian Jew," George Soros
  • Bloomberg News (November 21, 2018): / Erdogan Joins in on the Vilification of George Soros
  • Think Progress: (July 10, 2017) / Turkey Won't Ratify Climate Accord
  • New York Slimes (June 19, 2013) / Turkish Liberals Turn Their Backs on Erdogan
There are countless similar articles -- but "youse guys" get the point.
Image result for erdogan vs netanyahu  Image result for erdogan vs soros
Globalist Soros and Ultra-Nationalist Satanyahoo hate each other -- but they BOTH hate Erdogan.
In addition to similar policies / ideology, there is an interesting parallel between Trump and Erdogan which Trump must surely appreciate -- and, hopefully, can emulate. In 2016, the Deep State -- working hand-in-hand with Turkish libtards and traitors in their media, academia and military -- attempted a "color revolution" coup in Turkey, but Erdogan saw it coming (some say he either staged it or let it happen in order to crush his enemies). He quickly incited his supporters to come out into the streets and counter the coup. Traitors were rounded up and / or fired from their jobs by the tens-of-thousands. In a July 2016 interview with the demonic duo of David Sanger (cough cough) and Maggie Haberman (cough cough) of Sulzberger's Slimes, then-candidate Trump, to the dismay of Sanger and Haberman, praised Erdogan's crackdown. Here's part of the relevant exchange:
HABERMAN: How closely did you watch last week as events were unfolding in Turkey with the coup? Is there anything you would have done differently in how it was handled?

TRUMP: The coup was not successful, and based on the fact, and I give great credit to him for being able to turn that around.

SANGER: Erdogan?

TRUMP: Yes, some people say that it was staged. You know that?

SANGER: We’ve heard.

TRUMP: I don’t think so, but I do give great credit to him for turning it around. You know, the first hour, it seemed like it was over. Then all of a sudden, and the amazing thing is the one that won that was the people. They came out on the streets, .... The people came out of their homes, and they were not in favor of what the military was doing. So that was quite impressive .... I will say this: I think Turkey can do a lot against ISIS, and I would hope that if I’m dealing with them, they will do much more about ISIS.

SANGER: Erdogan put nearly 50,000 people in jail or suspend them, suspended thousands of teachers, he imprisoned many in the military and the police, he dismissed a lot of the judiciary. Does this worry you? And would you rather deal with a strongman who’s also been a strong ally, or with somebody that’s got a greater appreciation of civil liberties than Mr. Erdogan has?

TRUMP: I think right now when it comes to civil liberties, our country has a lot of problems, and I think it’s very hard for us to get involved in other countries when we don’t know what we are doing and we can’t see straight in our own country. ...When the world looks at how bad the United States is, and then we go and talk about civil liberties, I don’t think we’re a very good messenger.


Hmmm. Maybe Trump is hoping to one day turn his own followers "out in the streets" to crush the Communist scum of America? One thing is for certain, he stands virtually alone in his defense of "authoritarians" Erdogan and Putin. The "bipartisan" opposition on foreign policy will be hard to overcome.


Image result for turkey 2016 counter coup Image result for sanger deavid Image result for haberman

1. 2016: Erdogan's conservative legions took to the streets to stop the coup against him. This allowed him to crush the Deep State traitors and neuter the Turkish Left. // 2. Slimes Jews Sanger & Haberman were shocked by candidate Trump's approving defense of Erdogan's crackdown and purge.



  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that there is now overwhelming bipartisan Congressional support for sanctioning Turkey and recognizing the Armenian genocide of 1915.

 Boobus Americanus 2: Erdogan --- bad.



Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com



The Kincade Fire in Sonoma County has forced nearly 200,000 people to flee their homes.

 NY Times: Fears of More Extreme Weather as Kincade Fire Swells
Up and down the state, wildfires are driving residents from their homes.


Yet again, "wildfires," in perfect syncronicity, are simultaneously ravaging suburban / rural areas not far from the major population centers of Los Angeles in the south and San Fagsicko in the north. What many geographically-challenged Boobuses don't understand is that California's two largest cities are almost 400 miles apart -- roughly the distance between "Yankee" Princeton, New Jersey and the state line of "Dixie" North Carolina. Hence, the fires aren't being sparked by errant wind-driven embers crossing small areas. This peculiar statewide synchronization also occurred last year -- with the epic Woolsey Fire, within driving distance of LA, destroying 97,000 acres, and the even worse Camp Fire, within driving distance of SF, burning 153,000 acres. Both fires ignited on November 8, 2018.

Everything from "high winds," to "excessive underbrush" to "Climate Change" were blamed and are still being blamed for the horrific infernos . Always conveniently omitted from the list of theories is one minor detail --- the cause of ignition! From the article:

"The worst kind of weather for wildfires — strong, gusty winds and very low humidity — will return on Tuesday after a relative respite on Monday, the National Weather Service said, raising the prospect of more fire outbreaks. The agency has posted “red flag” warnings for most of Northern California and much of Southern California"

You catch that? The National Weather Service is now predicting (and has been accurately predicting) "fire outbreaks" as if it they were approaching cold fronts or rain showers. How is that even bloody possible without advance knowledge of an ignition event?


Image result for la to sfImage result for nancy pelosi kamala harris dianne feinsteinImage result for nancy pelosi kamala harris newsome

1. San Fagsicko and Los Angeles are so far away from each other that they have very different climates. Yet -- on several occasions over recent years --  MASSIVE fires, not far from the two cities, ignited at the same time? // L-R: Speaker Pelosi, Senator Feinstein, Senator Harris, Governor Newsome --- Commiefornia is home to the most wicked brand of Satanic Demonrats in the country.


We have yet to detect images from the current fires which might show signs of suspicious, hi-tech origins or freakish burn-pattern anomalies; but numerous photos and videos from the 2018 blazes clearly revealed that some sort of advanced weaponry (Directed Energy) was used to blast so many California neighborhoods out of existence. Have a look:


FROM 2018

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Entire neighborhoods reduced to ash while nearby trees remain unscathed?

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Impossible burn patterns

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Cars melted -- trees and leaves not even singed?



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1.  Blue beam captured on I-phone video (here) // 2. Caption for CNN Video: "Watch as Fire Burns Inside of Hollow Tree" (here)


The idea of driving people out of the center of the state while crashing property values fits perfectly with the United Nations "Agenda 21" initiative for eventually herding humanity into controllable, corruptible urban areas while depopulating all of the small towns (the true America) in between. Communist California, as it is for so many other Satanic schemes, represents the perfect test case for such a societal conversion. Flashback:


Forbes Magazine (December 16, 2013)

Elon Musk And Jeff Bezos' Not-So-Secret Land Grab

"With the Hyperloop in place, SF-to-LA ... the entire center of the state (possibly) becomes gutted in the center, as big city living becomes accessible to any and all.... And one way or another it’s coming. Or something very much like it.
"With drone delivery (Amazon), rural residents can get what they need far faster than they can drive into town. So what do you think this means for the future of most small towns?"
It has been observed that the statewide pattern of the fires which have displaced so many tens of thousands of California suburbanites resembles, "coincidentally," the proposed routes for both the proposed Los Angeles to San Fagsicko "Hyperloop" and the high-speed rail. Hyperloop is a form of ground / underground transportation currently in development by several companies.  The concept involves floating pods within low-pressure tubes that would transport passengers at airliner speeds.
One of leading competitors to build the LA-SF Hyperloop is the Boring Company -- headed by the shady CIA front-man Elon Musk, of the even shadier SpaceXFor the LA-SF loop, "The Amazing Musk,"  -- who also runs Tesla Motors, Solar City and Nueralink --  estimates a price tag of about $6 Billion for a system that would provide a 30 minute ride between the two major cities.
Could these DEW fires be a form of "Eminent Domain" --- an "Agenda 21" clearing-out of large inhabited areas (mainly Republican voters too) to open the path for Musk's Hyperloop?
Image result for hyperloop Image result for route for hyperloop california Related image 
The respective routes for the proposed Hyperloop (Image 2) and the depopulating "wildfires" (Image 3) match up very closely. Coincidence?
It will be interesting to see if, in the coming months and years, a Musk Hyperloop system. Or, will "Sir" Richard Branson -- whose "Virgin Hyperloop" is also in the running for the LA-SF project -- be the chosen one? .. Or, -- will it be a high-speed rail system (which Diane Feinstein's husband is linked to (here)) that gets established along the route of these fires? The most discouraging part of these tragedies is that no one -- neither Trump nor the "The White Hats" -- seems able to put a stop to these suspicious fires and bring the perps to justice. Even if DEW attacks from air or space were to be neutralized, how do we stop Deep State actors with gasoline cans in the middle of the night? You can't.



  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that they are expecting more fires to break out all across California.

 Boobus Americanus 2: It's amazing how they can now predict the outbreaks of these fires.

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Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com



NY Times: Art Looted by Nazis Gets a New Space at the Louvre. But Is It Really Home?


The World War II song that never ends has many recurring stanzas. The main one, of course  -- outnumbering the other well worn-out verses by a ratio of 1000 to 1 -- is, as we all know, that tiresome refrain about the 6,000,000 Jews who died in "zee gas chambers." But as for that second tier of recycled myths that the "the powers that be" (cough cough) have crapped into the well of public consciousness for the past 75 years or so, the fairy tale of "Nazi looted art" ranks very high on the repetition meter.
As long as the slandering scribblers of Sulzberger's Slimes insist of repeating this looted-art libel, St. Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board of The Anti-New York Times will just have to keep on rebutting it. Most of "youse guys" already know the background -- but here's a quick refresher to set the context for the art-scam end game presented at the end of this rebuttal.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-nV_Xol4dH24/U7Cm1WexyDI/AAAAAAAAAW8/vd8Mk4jH9JM/s1600/07.gifhttps://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51JscfP26EL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51ZuMYjcCrL._SX334_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg http://sideonetrackone.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/the-monuments-men-poster02.jpg
The song that never ends will be countered by ANYT rebuttals that never end.


During World War I, under Kaiser Wilhelm II, the highly cultured Germans had gone to great lengths to protect and preserve artworks located in combat zones. The German word to describe this principal of saving Europe's cultural and artistic treasures during wartime is "Kunstschutz" (art protection). At the end of World War I, rescued artworks were returned voluntarily. Unlike World War II, anti-German propaganda actually faded away following World War I. As a result, Germany was later praised for "Kunstschutz" / art protection during "The Great War." 


1 & 2: Kaiser Wilhelm tried to avert the war which was forced upon Germany. Even while winning the war, the Kaiser held out an olive branch to the Allies, while his Kunstschutz units protected artworks belonging to enemy nations. // 3. World War I was very destructive. Thanks to Germany, many works of art located in Belgium and France were saved.  


A talented painter himself, Adolf Hitler has a great appreciation for art and culture. He saw Churchill and FDR as uncultured barbarians with merciless disregard for innocent life, architecture, and works of art. As the Germans had done during World War I, Hitler too ordered the protection of artworks throughout the combat theatres of Europe. The task of protecting the art was handed over to Air Force Marshal Hermann Goering

As Allied terror bombing ravaged Europe, thousands of paintings and sculptures from Italy, France, Belgium, Russia, Romania, and Poland were gathered and meticulously inventoried by the Germans. This process only began in the fall of 1943. Had the Germans wanted to "loot" the art of Europe, they could easily have done so in 1940, 1941, 1942, and the first 9 months of 1943. It was only after Allied carpet bombardment was unleashed upon Italy (later on France), and the Soviets began advancing from the East, that the German began gathering up the artwork and evacuating cultural centers such as Athens, Rome and Florence so that no battles would take place in them.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/78/Tizian_011.jpg/380px-Tizian_011.jpg  Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1568) The Blind Leading the Blind.jpg

 As men of culture, Hitler and Goring placed high priority on art protection. Rescued from Naples: 'Danaë' by Titian (l) and "The Blind Leading The Blind" by Pieter Bruegel

After the war, the American Art Looting Investigation Unit (ALIU) of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) issued 13 reports on the German “looting” of artworks.  By the way, this is the same OSS (forerunner of the CIA / "Deep State" ) that also accused the Germans of using dead Jews to make “shrunken heads,” “lamp shades,” and “bars of soap” - allegations which are today universally acknowledged as false. In the decades following the war, endlessly repeated propaganda has elevated the OSS-CIA fable of “looted Nazi art” into a virtual reality in the minds of the brainwashed public. 
There is also a financial twist to this lie. See if you can detect it in the following excerpts from this article. We'll even put the hints in bold for "youse guys":
"Critics, while praising the intention, say the new rooms represent a missed opportunity because they do little to further the search for the rightful owners of the paintings or their heirs....
An estimated 100,000 objects in France alone were looted by the Nazis or sold under duress and transferred to Germany — paintings, but also drawings, sculptures and antiquities. Many had belonged to Jewish families whose homes were raided during the Nazi occupation, or who were forced to sell art to survive or to flee the country."
See the scam? We knew that you could. Here's a headline from this past July:
  • New York Slimes: (July 10, 2019): Court Says Heirs of Holocaust Victim Can Keep Nazi-Looted Works 
And another from this past May:
  • New York Slimes: (May 20, 2019)A Painting Looted by and Returned to Nazis Finally Goes to Its Jewish Owners
And another from last year:
  • New York Slimes: (October 31, 2018): (The Rosenberg) Family Recovered Most of What the Nazis Stole.
And another:
  • New York Slimes: (March 7, 2017): German Foundation to Help Jewish Heirs in Search for Nazi Looted Art
And many more articles like these. Evidently, only Jews owned art. Oy frickin' vey! These money-grubbing shysters would lay ancestral ownership claims to Leonardo's Mona Lisa and Michelangelo's David if they thought they could get away with it.

https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/Bt0AAMXQAx9RLJUj/s-l300.jpg    https://render.fineartamerica.com/images/rendered/search/metal-print/images/artworkimages/medium/1/generals-bradley-patton-and-eisenhower-examine-nazi-looted-art-stored-in-a-salt-mine-in-germany-1945-david-lee-guss.jpghttp://therealistreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Merchant.jpg
 1. The "Cloak & Dagger" Logo of the OSS says it all! This agency -- whose stated purpose involves strategic deception and propaganda -- crafted the "looted art" lie. 2. The mass-murderer Eisenhower (shown examining "looted art") also helped to sell the post war lie. 3. Schemer says: "Oy vey! Zee paintings in the Louvre actually belonged to my Great Uncle's first cousin twice-removed. Zee whole family vas gassed in Aushvitz so I am zee only remaining heir. I svear to God!"


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that an exhibit of Nazi-looted art in the the Louvre may be displaying artworks whose rightful owners may be Jewish families.

Boobus Americanus 2: Perhaps they should sue the Louvre to get them back.


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St. SugarThey will Boobuss, they will. Jusst give it time.

 Editor: And they would win too. They always win.



Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com

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A frame from an April video posted on a militant web site shows Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the Islamic State. A day after an American raid killed him, a separate attack was reported to have killed the man considered a likely successor.

NY Times: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIS Leader Known for His Brutality, Is Dead at 48

NY Times: Watching the Raid Was Like a Movie, the President Said. 



Pulling a page from his Deep State adversary's own play-book of hysterical hoaxery fit for credulous cretins, Donald Trump just staged a so-called “killing’ of the so-called “founder” of ISIS. We say “so called” because, as regular readers of The Anti-New York Times all know by now, ISIS is just a mercenary front group assembled, trained and funded by a collaborative effort of CIA and Mossad. The “Baghdadi” character is just that – a character in the show.

The timing was oh-so-perfect too. Just when all of Libtardia and Neocondom were wringing their blood-soaked hands over "impeachment" and the expected "resurgence" of ISIS that Trump’s "controversial" Syria pullout idea was supposed to cause, now comes word that the king of terrorist bogeymen has been killed (again!). With Trump watching via live-feed, the Evil One, we are told, while "crying, whimpering and screaming," detonated his "suicide vest" (ha ha ha ha) as he was being pursued by commandos and their dogs. One of the fearless canines, we are also told, was injured in the blast (cue sad music -- rolling eyes) but is expected to recover (yay! -- a happy ending!). It sure was a stroke of good fortune for the good guys that Mr. Baghdadi didn't think of detonating his explosive vest (which, he just happened to have handy)  while bum-rushing the Delta Force heroes who came to get him. He could have taken a few of them, and their doggies, out with himself. Evidently, he wasn't thinking. (rolling eyes)

Just for good measure, we got his "Number 2" also. And so, just like that, the “ISIS-will-now-come-back-to-Syria” mantra / argument has been countered and smashed to bits as Trump’s approval numbers will surely pop up a bit. Merikans just luuv to see Muslim "bad guys" get whacked, dontcha know? -- "USA! USA! USA!"

Well played, Trump. Well played.


Image result for saturday night live isis thanks trump Image result for baghdadi dead Image result for baghdadi dead headline cnn

1. As scripted by CIA -- the unfunny Saturday Night Live featured an "ISIS terrorist" (Pete Davidson) thanking Trump (played by Alec Baldwin) for bringing jobs back to ISIS in Syria. // 2. Trump's pre-hyped Sunday morning announcement of the "killing" of the "leader" of ISIS blows a big hole in the CIA's scripted argument. // 3. CIA / CNN was forced to report what Trump wanted them to.


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"Trump! You'll never take me alive! Allah Akbar!"


As part of the Trump-Killed-Baghdadi made-for-TV farce, Trump, in that classic “trolling” form that he has become known for, mimicked the Obama-Killed-Osama made-for-TV farce of 2011 -- a scam which -- as we covered last week -- was necessitated by the fact that Trump, at that time, was heavily pressuring Obongo to release his Birth Certificate. The beauty of this trick is that the Deep State media, in spite of the disbelief of its mouthpieces, has to sell Trump's fairy tale. They wouldn't dare accuse Trump of staging a hoax because that would open a counter-charge of Obongo staging a hoax in 2011. The phrase "hoisted on one's own petard" (bomb) applies here.

However, Peter Souza, the photographer who took the clearly staged “Situation Room” photo of Obongo and friends, has openly accused Trump of staging a similar photo to publicize his raid. To be clear, Souza did not say that the raid itself was staged, just the photo. Note below -- the similarities between the Obama-Killed-Osama group photo and the Trump-Killed-Baghdadi group photo. Again, it is obvious that Trump is “trolling” Obongo.


Image result for Peter Souza photographer   Image result for trump situation room

1. Peter Souza -- Obongo's sycophantic photographer - knows A LOT about staging photos. // 2. It was Souza who staged (or perhaps even photo-shopped) the bizarre 2011 "Situation Room" shot of Obongo's team watching the "Bin Laden Raid." // 2. The Trump "Situation Room" photo is an obvious mockery of Souza's farce (with similar laptops and wires strewn about) - and Souza knows it!


The Anti-New York Times, as an independent blogger, enjoys the luxury of always, though sometimes imperfectly, presenting the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – and without the slightest trace of any apologetic anesthesia for the easily offended. In an ideal world, we could and should all demand the same standard from government officials.

But ours is not an ideal world – far from it. While demons in human form infest the highest tiers of our critical institutions, dumb animals in human form constitute the broad mass of the “electorate" . Therefore, if the Trump-Killed-Baghdadi charade succeeded in countering deceitful Deep State propaganda while wowing the boobs out there in TV land – well, so be it.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


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Trump's righteous scam amounts to a "noble lie" which simultaneously neutralized the Deep State operatives -- while satisfying the patriotards over the alleged shed-blood of some big bad "Islamic Terrorists."


This just in....

 Trump: "After the mission was accomplished, we took highly sensitive material and information from the raid, much having to do with ISIS origins, future plans, things that we very much want."


Information about "ISIS origins," eh? That ought to make certain people nervous. Hmmm. Stay tuned.




  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump just killed the leader of ISIS.

Boobus Americanus 2: Well, I guess the critics were wrong about ISIS making a comeback in Syria because we were leaving. Good for Trump.


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   St. Sugar: Boobuss, you frickin' .....


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Soldiers digging fresh trenches and bunkers after recently withdrawing about 500 yards from their previous position in Stanytsia Luhanska.

NY Times: The Cost of Trump’s Aid Freeze in the Trenches of Ukraine’s War

 As President Trump froze military aid to Ukraine and urged it to investigate his rivals, the country was struggling in a bare-bones fight against Russian-backed separatists.




For the few remaining Trump-haters who haven't abandoned us yet, this story too will likely fall upon deaf ears. But facts are facts. Trump has ended the Korean Cold War; ended the Syrian proxy war; and, for all intents and purposes, also ended the Ukrainie vs East Ukraine War which had the potential to enlame all of Europe in a NATO vs Russia conflict. Exactly as he did to the CIA/Mossad proxies "rebels" in Syria (here), he brought about peace by cutting off funding and military supplis to the CIA/Mossad proxies terrorist proxies of Ukraine. See the pattern summarized by the two headlines posted below:
NY Times: (July 19, 2017): Trump Ends Covert Aid to Syrian Rebels Trying to Topple Assad

NY Times: (October 25, 2019): The Cost of Trump’s Aid Freeze in the Trenches of Ukraine’s War

The latter story explains:

"Ukraine, politically disorganized and militarily weak, has relied heavily on the United States in its struggle with Russian-backed separatists. But the White House abruptly suspended nearly $400 million in military aid to Ukraine in July and only restored it last month after a bipartisan uproar in Congress.

Ukrainian soldiers here at the front line were jolted by the suspension, too. While the aid was restored in time to prevent any military setbacks, it took a heavy psychological toll, they said, striking at their confidence that their backers in Washington stood solidly behind their fight to keep Russia at bay."

Some of youse guys can keep saying that Trump is a Rothschild stooge and a Globalist psyop if you insist, but facts are facts --Trump, in fulfullment of his 2016 campaign promises; and in the face of "bipartisan" Congressional opposition, prevented a world war which the demon George Soros (cough cough)  openly threatened (here); and a President Killary would surely have kicked-off. The fact that Trump won't be able to magically save, heal and restore a badly diseased, degenerative and decayed White western civilization -- which is already too far gone -- is neither his fault. nor under his control. Just be thankful that millions of innocent people alive today, on multiple continents (including Americans), would have been dead, crippled or homeless had he not been elected in 2016.


Image result for hillary world war 3 Image result for trump zelensky Image result for trump peace prize

1. Killary Clinton openly screamed for "no fly zones" in Syria and also for supplying Ukraine with more arms as well as tactical support from U.S. "advisers." // 2. The new American boss brought the new boss of Ukraine (Zelensky) to heel, and soon, start a dialogue with Putin. -- Trump on Zelinsky: “I think he’s going to make a deal with President Putin, and he will be invited to the White House.” // 3. Were it not for the fact that the Nobel Peace Prize is a Globalist scam, Trump should have three of them by now (one each for Syria 2017, Korea 2018, Ukraine 2019)


With the warmongering Globalists now in desperate attack / "impeachment" mode against Trump, now would be a good "teachable moment" for a crash-course review of the engineered events which drove the two brotherly Eastern European nations of same blood, same history, same culture and similar language to become enemies -- mainly due to the "annexation" of Crimea -- and nearly drove the U.S. into war in Europe.
Image result for russia ukraine friendsRelated image Image result for crimea russia navy
The demonic drive to set brotherly states Russia and Ukraine against each other over the Crimean peninsula was engineered by the usual suspects.
The following, point-by-point contextual analysis will serve to unravel a seemingly complex knot of information. This information is critical to understanding what was recently a potential World War 3 hot-spot -- which is why these facts have been downplayed, totally buried, or unnecessarily complicated by the seditious scum at Sulzberger Slimes.
1. 1600's - 1900's: Dating back to the earliest days of the Russian Empire, through the seven decades of the Soviet Union, the region known as Ukraine, along with Belarus, has always been a brotherly part of the Russian-Soviet state. Ethic /tribal ties among the three go back as many as 1,000 years.
2. 1954: As part of a symbolic gesture marking the 300th anniversary of Ukraine becoming a part of the Tsardom of Russia, an administrative action transferred the government of the Crimean Peninsula from the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
3. 1991: Under Globalist pressure from without and the treason of Mikhail Gorbachev from within, the Soviet Union dissolved into 15 republics. Suddenly, the Russian-speaking people on the Crimean Peninsula were no longer affiliated with Russia. Crimea, given no say in the matter, thus became an unwilling region of the new nation of Ukraine. The Russians did however maintain a vital naval base on the peninsula -- one which NATO was already coveting.
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1. Crimea: A strategically vital part of Russia for centuries.  2. Kruschev's gang symbolically transferred it from Russia to Ukraine. 3. Russian Crimeans, against their will, were abandoned to the new state of Ukraine after the demise of the U.S.S.R.

4. 1991-2009: The post-Soviet period was marked by constant back-and-forth power struggles within Ukraine between its CIA-Globalist "color revolution" puppet faction and its Russia-friendly faction. On election days, the Russian-speaking Crimean people always voted against the Globalist puppets in overwhelming numbers
5. 2010: Viktor Yanukovich is elected the 4th President of Ukraine. He tries to establish good ties with both Russia and the West. The Globalists believe that they can court Yanukovich and eventually lure him into the European Union / NATO web.
6. 2013: The Yanukovich government stuns the Globalists by ending the process of integration into the European Union and embracing Putin's multi-lateral worldview instead.
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1. The 2004 "Orange Revolution" was made in the USA, by the CIA. // 2. After power changed hands again in 2010, Obongo and his handlers thought they could control the new president, Victor Yanukovich (above, with Mr. and Mr. (not a typo) Obongo) // 3. Yanukovich tries to escape the NWO plantation and buddy-up with Putin.

7. Late 2013: The Soros-Rothschild-CIA crime syndicate flips a switch and BOOM -- HUGE "spontaneous" pro-EU, anti- "corruption" protests erupt in the Ukrainian capital city of Kiev. 
8. December, 2013: Soros agent Senator John McStain (with the full blessing of Obongo) arrives in Ukraine to fire up the ugly rent-a-mob. He pledges American support for their cause.
9. February, 2014: The mob turns violent. Yanukovich -- the duly-elected president -- is forced to flee for his life to Russia.
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1. The "spontaneous" anti-Yanukovich protests in Kiev's "Maidan Square" -- with EU flags and many English-language signs -- was a Western "Deep State" production all the way. // 2. Bastard McCain lit the fuse! // 3. Death and destruction overthrew the legitimate anti-EU government of Ukraine -- and the Fake News cheered it as an "anti-corruption" movement!


10. February, 2014: The hand-picked stooges of U.S. Under-Secretary of State Vicky Nuland (Nudelman) -Kagan (cough cough) are installed. NATO is on a path toward establishing first strike missile capability right on the border of Russia.


11. February, 2014: Spooked by the criminal events and bloodshed in Kiev, the predominantly Russian people of Crimea take to the streets to protest for a clean break from Ukraine and a return to Russian sovereignty. When Crimean self-defense forces deploy in support of the people against Soros-CIA agitators based in Ukraine, the Fake News shrieks about a "Russian invasion" of "little green men."
12. March, 2014: Crimea holds a referendum with international observers present. By a vote of 97% to 3%, they choose to separate from the gangster government of Kiev and return to Russian sovereignty. Russia accepts their Crimean brothers and vows to protect them. And the Fake News and all the political whores of the New World Order haven't stopped bitching and whining and sanctioning and threatening Russia over Putin's "annexation" of Crimea ever since.
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1. After the violent coup, Nudelman and her hand-picked Ukrainian puppets formed a new dictatorship in Kiev -- answerable only to the Globalists. // 2. The Crimean people celebrated their democratic return to Mother Russia. // 3. "Putin is Hitler" --- blah blah blah... blah blah blah.
There --- see how bloody darn simple it can be to understand the truth about the world when the main data points are presented in basic sequential format? Lies complicate. Truth simplifies. Oh if only TomatoBubble.com / ANYT were better-funded! What a much larger audience we could build (hint hint).



  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump abandoned our brave Ukrainian allies in their fight against Putin.

Boobus Americanus 2: I saw on televison that he also abandoned our brave Kurdish allies in Syria. Horrible... just horrible.


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   St. Sugar: Boobuss, you frickin' dim-witted dolt!  The only people that Trump hass abandoned are the Deep Sstate warmongerss who engineered thesse endlesss warss.


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Image result for Trump Calls Impeachment Inquiry a ‘Lynching’
 NY Times: Trump Calls Impeachment Inquiry a ‘Lynching’


Following the lead of Sulzberger’s Slimes, all of the obedient operatives of Marxist Libtardia have got their pink panties in a bunch over Trump’s use of the term “lynching” to describe the Demonrats unremitting efforts to “impeach” him in advance of the 2020 QFS (Quadrennial Freak Show).

Other than to again note that the Communists have walked right into Trump’s trap with this impeachment circus they are running, we’re not going to get into the latest developments of this drama down in DC. Instead, let us use this manufactured uproar over the word, “lynching” as a “teachable moment” to clarify what the past practice of lynching was really about; and to also recall what was done to another anti-Globalist historical figure after he used that term.

Hazmat suits and hip waders on, boys and girls. Into Sulzberger’s seditious cesspool we go for a bit of historical clean-up.


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1. Slimes House "shiksa" Eileen Sullivan is troubled over Trump's use of the word "lynching" to describe what his enemies are trying to do to him. // 2 & 3. Not a day passes without the scum of the Left playing "The Race Card."


Slimes (Eileen Sullivan): President Trump on Tuesday called the impeachment inquiry into him a “lynching,” using a term associated with the murders …

Rebuttal: Correction! With the exception of any rare cases in which an innocent man may have been killed by a frenzied mob, these were not “murders.” They were executions of murderers, rapists and, in the West, horse thieves.

Slimes: … of black people

Rebuttal: Wrong again! Actually, many, if not more, Whites were lynched in the old South and also in the “Wild West” than Blacks. In some cases, Black criminals were lynched by righteously indignant fellow Blacks.

Slimes: … to describe a process enshrined in the Constitution.

Rebuttal: Notice how solemn the hack-writer tries to make this silly spectacle sound -- “enshrined in the Constitution.” Always amusing to see Constitution-hating Marxists invoke the suddenly-sacred “Constitution” when it fits their purposes, isn’t it? Ironically, it is the lawless Demonrats with their false accusations, anonymous witnesses and secret hearings that are truly violating the Constitution.

By the way, Ms. Sullivan,  you do realize that James Madison -- the primary author of the Constitution -- was a slave-owner? Don't you think it is "insensitive" to be promoting the work of a "white supremacist "?

Slimes: The term lynching invokes the decades-long racist history of white mob murders of black people beginning in the late 1800s and through the late 1960s.

Rebuttal: Oh sure. Mobs of Christian White folks in the South would just wake up on any given day, pluck an innocent Negro off the street, and then hang him from a tree --- just for the fun and giggles of it, dontcha know? In the words of that 1980’s song that sticks in the head, “Come on, Eileen.” --- Cut the crap!

And by the way, regular occurences of lynchings ended about 1920, not "the late 1960's."

Slimes: “I know the history of that word,” Representative James E. Clyburn, Democrat of South Carolina said on CNN Tuesday. “That is a word that we ought to be very, very careful about.”

Rebuttal: Lighten up, Congressman. When ya boy Bill Clinton was impeached back in the day, all of your Demonrat colleagues were using that very same term. It was OK then, right?

Slimes: It was a remarkable term for the president to use ...  .

Rebuttal: A “remarkable term,” eh? Oh the bloody drama!

Slimes:  ... to describe a legal process laid out in the Constitution

Rebuttal:  Again with the phony reverence for "the Constitution?!" ---  which is supposed to restrict the size of government and limit the power of the Feds -- that document which you filthy totalitarian-minded commies and brain-dead libtards have long told us was "antiquated" and "insufficient" for the needs of the modern world?

Bitch, please.


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1. Most of the Blacks who were lynched had raped White women. // 2. When "men was men." // 3. Many White criminals were also lynched -- so why make the word racial?


A Tale of Two McCarthy's
Kevin McCarthy Wets the Bed

Slimes: The top Republican in the House, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, said of Mr. Trump’s lynching comparison, “I don’t agree with that language,” adding, “It’s pretty simple.”

Rebuttal: Mr. McCarthy. You sir, are a pussy! (as in frightened cat Image result for wink emoji).

Trump has always backed you 100% and you can’t even straighten your spine to defend him against this ridiculous firestorm over a harmless word so commonly used as a metaphor? Pathetic. Not to be outdone by McCarthy, the Republican't leader in the Senate, Creepy Mitch McConnell, later referred to Trump's remarks as "an unfortunate choice of words."

There was once another man named McCarthy. And unlike the pants-wetting Kevin McCarthy, that McCarthy -- Joseph -- had balls of steel and the heart of a lion – which leads us to our conclusion.


Joe McCarthy Fights Back


In late 1954, the operatives of the very same New World Order which are trying to take down Trump via “impeachment," were attempting to take down Senator Joseph McCarthy via “censure” (an official reprimand). As the committee tasked with concocting a legitimate-sounding reason to censure McCarthy floundered, the feisty Senator, on a live TV CBS interview, mocked the Senate committee (chaired by Eisenhower stooge, Ralph Flanders of Vermont) as a “lynching bee.” One of the interviewers, a hack from Sulzberger’s Slimes named Bill Lawrence (cough cough) -- feigning stunned incredulity -- responded: “You call a meeting of the United States Senate a lynch bee? ... The Senate is an institution of government. It's part of the Congress. You call a meeting of the Senate a lynch?”

To which, McCarthy, without batting an eyelash responded, counter-attacked and repeated: “Yes. I consider that a lynching bee. ….. When they say, ahead of time, regardless of what the evidence says, how they're going to vote -- this man has been fighting communism. He has been showing that for over twenty years that the Democrat Party has been infiltrated, therefore we're going to get him, then I think a lynching is a good name for it, Bill” (Video Here)

Flanders’ committee then pounced upon that word -- not for any “racist” overtones but because McCarthy had mocked such a “revered legal process.” A censure resolution, based in large part upon the use of the term "lynch" was drafted up and then passed.

Excerpt from Senate Resolution 301: Sec 2. "The Senator from Wisconsin, Mr. McCarthy, ..... in stating to the press on November 4, 1954, that the special Senate session that was to begin November 8, 1954, was a "lynch-party"; in repeatedly describing this special Senate session as a "lynch bee" in a nationwide television and radio show on November 7, 1954 ...  acted contrary to senatorial ethics and tended to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute."

So you see, McCarthy was officially censured for calling what was truly a lynch mob  -- which couldn’t find anything substantive to charge him with -- well, a lynch mob. That’s what (((they))) are trying to do to Trump now over his own use of the same word -- with the “racism” angle added to the “disreputable” charge. This time around, it won’t work.


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1. When asked about Trump's "inappropriate" use of the term, "lynching," Rep. Kevin McCarthy was quick to shit his pants and distance himself from the President.  // 2. When challenged, on CBS TV, over his use of that same term in 1954, Joe McCarthy immediately counter-attacked and doubled-down. // 3. Eisenhower with Senator Flanders (R-VT) -- Acting as Eisenhower's proxy, Flanders used McCarthy's "lynch" comment to censure him in November, 1954. The anti-McCarthy "lynch bee" helped to give the Demonrats control of the Senate in the November election (which is exactly what "Republican" Eisenhower wanted) and thus cost McCarthy his position as Majority Chairman of the Investigations Committee.



  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump's use of the term 'lynching' to describe the impeachment inquiry has offended many African-Americans.

 Boobus Americanus 2: It's not only racially insensitive, but it disrespects the Constitution.

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E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com



Representative Tulsi Gabbard at a campaign event last week in New Hampshire.
 NY Times: Why Hillary Clinton Shouldn’t Trade in Conspiracy Theories About Tulsi Gabbard
NY Times: Tulsi Gabbard Lashes Back at Hillary Clinton After Claim of Russian Influence


Remember when Killary Clinton accused "the Russians" of hacking some embarrassing Demonrat E-mails and funneling them through WikiLeaks? Remember when Killary claimed that "the Russians" had conspired with Donald Trump to rig the 2016 election and deny her the presidency? Now that nasty rancid harridan (a $10 word for bossy old hag) is accusing "the Russians" of grooming Congressgal and aspiring presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) as a mole and potential third-party spoiler for the 2020 QFS (Quadrennial Freak Show).
Killary's obsession with Russia and her fear of Russian agents hiding under every rock has earned her the mockery of not only the entirety of "the Right," but also some of her fellow Demonrats. Her accusations against Gabbard were certainly not her best moment. And when the feisty counter-attacking 38-year-old Congressgal strongly twitter-trashed Killary as "the queen of warmongers, the embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democrat Party" -- it represented the hardest bitch-slap laid down on the Satanic witch since the Trump-Killary debates of 2016.
Ironically, once one understands that "the Russians" is code for the "White Hats" of the NSA (National Security Agency)  and other agencies; Killary, we believe, is actually telling the truth, albeit in cryptic form. Add Ms. Gabbard to the long list of character actors playing an assigned role in the ongoing mother of all "sting" operations against the Deep State. Join us for a ride on St. Sugar's "Crazy Train" as we explain.
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1. Killary: "The Russians have got their eye on somebody who’s currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate.”  // 2. Gabbard strikes back --- hard!
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* Over the course of the past two years, Gabbard has been invited -- MULTIPLE TIMES -- to appear on FOX's Tucker Carlson show. This is noteworthy because the contempible pedo-monster, Adam Schiff has accused Carlson -- a pro-Trump, anti-war conservative -- of being a "Russian agent" as well. (here)
Tulsi's background -- degree in Business Administration, Hawaii National Guard, Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Army Military Police, and Officer School training at Alabama Military Academy -- is more consistent with Military Intelligence that that of a Demonrat Party operative. Her father, Mike Gabbard, is a very rare bird indeed. He was elected to the State Senate in 2006 as a Republican in the Communist-dominated state of Obongo's Hawaii. The following year, Gabbard, known for his patriotism and anti-sodomite marriage activism, switched parties because he felt he could be more effective as a member of the permanently majority-party Demonrats of Hawaii. Nonetheless, he has angered many Demonrats by opposing parts of their platform.
In 2012, daughter Tulsi was elected to Congress. Since that time, she has talked and voted like any other Demonrat libtard, except in one very important area -- foreign policy. Gabbard's anti-war "isolationist" position, while appealing to many pro-peace Leftists, is intolerable to Party leadership. And her 2017 trip to Syria to meet with -- and later publicly defend -- the heroic President Assad drew heavy condemnation from the Piranha Press and fellow Denonrats.
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1. State Senator Mike Gabbard and daughter Tulsi. // 2. Tulsi's patriotic and military background would be more consistent with Military Intelligence than Demonrat politics. // 3. Her open support of Assad earned her the animosity of the Establishment.
Since becoming a candidate for the Demonrat nomination, Gabbard has scraped and clawed her way into debate notoriety by knocking out Tim Ryan over his "we-must-stay-in-Afghanistan" policy; and verbally bitch-slapping Kamala Harris over her tyrannical record as a former prosecutor. So bad was the smack-down on Harris that it caused the Commiefornia Senator's poll numbers to crash overnight. Gabbard has also called the Demonrat Primary process corrupt; claimed that Google and CNN are biased toward Establishment candidates;  condemned the elite foreign policy makers as "warmongers;" and taken some strong debate shots (over foreign policy) at "Mayor Pete" Bootyfag and Loony Lizzy Warren -- which CNN dutifully cut off! Hmmm. When you put aside her cosmetically necessary libtarded positions on domestic issues, and her obligatory attacks against Trump, it does appear that Ms. Gabbard is attacking the very same people and institutions that "Russian agent" Trump is -- and drawing upon herself the same manner of vicious counter-attacks and smears from the same crowd. Some headlines from the Piranha Press:
  • The Independent (UK): Tulsi Gabbard Is A Letdown
  • The Daily Beast: Tulsi Gabbard Campaign Boosted by Putin Apologists
  • Yahoo: Joy Behar Says Russia Is Using Tulsi Gabbard As A 'Useful Idiot'
  • New York Times: What is Tulsi Gabbard Up To?
  • Washington Post: Tulsi Gabbard’s Syria Record Shows Why She Can’t Be President
  • Rolling Stone: Tulsi Gabbard's Campaign May Be Over Before It Starts
And on and on the attacks -- which Killary has now taken to a whole new level -- go. The Demonrats cannot ignore her; but if they attack (as Killary did) it just raises her profile. What to do -- What to do about a girl like Tulsi? But guess who is not attacking her --- Trump! In fact, he even came to her defense:
"I don’t know Tulsi, but she’s not a Russian agent... These people (attacking her) are sick.  There’s something wrong with them.” 
The Maestro knows that Gabbard's candidacy has the potential to cause a serious rift among Demonrat voters between the anti-Establishment (or so they fancy themselves) "peaceniks" of the rank & file on one side -- and the Establishment warmonger types on the other. The Demonrats are already afraid of alienating the demented devotees of the chaos-queens of the ultra-left "Squad" (whom we also suspect of being NSA sleeper agents). Now they have to contend with agent Tulsi causing further havoc and division within the Party. Ain't we got fun?
Though few Gabbard primary voters will end up voting for Trump over another Demonrat, many could stay home or vote for a third party candidate (like Gabbard?). Killary may be sick and evil, but she is not stupid. "Russians" = NSA / Military Intelligence. She knows it, but can't exactly say so.
 Image result for tulsi gabbard kamala harris Image result for trump and tulsi
1. On the debate stage, Tulsi Gabbard absolutely savaged a clearly shaken Kamala Harris by bringing up the fact that Whore Harris, as an ambitious prosecutor, once tried to conceal evidence that would have exonerated a murder suspect -- and had also laughed about the fact that she prosecuted hundreds of marijuana cases although she herself smoked marijuana. // 2. Trump defended Gabbard, but at some point, we suspect that he will strategically attack her in order to boost her standing among Demonrats. The Demonrat Party and the Fake News will NEVER allow her to win, but the internal havoc she can cause could be devastating.



  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today about the war of words between Tulsi Gabbard and Hillary Clinton.

 Boobus Americanus 2: Hillary was way out of line in calling her a Russian agent. I happen to think that Tulsi's condemnation of perpetual regime-change wars is valid.

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E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com




NY Times: Thousands of Theodore Roosevelt’s Papers Are Now Online


Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times have long said that there's no history like original source history. Think about it. If you really want to get inside of the minds of the men who made history; then why rely on an endless, repetitious circle-jerk of academic ass-clowns if you can access the actual writings and speeches of the history-makers themselves? Original source data is especially useful if the writing artifact is a private one. You see, communications intended for public consumption don't always reveal the true man and his beliefs. But the stuff that a man inks for personal friends / co-conspirators or private diaries -- well, that reveals the true man.

With that investigative maxim (a $10 word for a short statement expressing a general truth) always in mind, this story about the Library of Congress' recently added digital archive of many of Teddy Roosevelt's private papers and letters really got our investigative juices flowing. Just a few minutes into this article was all it took to learn something fascinating about Teddy Psycho that we included in our recently relaesed book on the wretched monster. We thought we should share it with "youse guys."

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1. Fake historians only know how to follow each other in an endless circle-jerk of orthodox groupthink. // 2. True investigative historians search for original source material, and then analyze every line for clues and patterns. //  3. Teddy the Terrible -- (here)


Among the historical files is a 1915 private letter in which TR criticizes President Woodrow Wilson’s policy of "neutrality" regarding World War I. Of course, regular readers of the ANYT should all know by now that Wilson's early "pacifism" was fake. Evidently, ex-President Teddy did not know at the time that Wilson's handlers were waiting until after the back-room Zionist-British verbal deal to steal Palestine was made -- and after Wilson's November 1916 re-election was completed -- to join the European bloodbath. In the letter, TR also reveals his contempt for the millions of German-Americans who sympathized with Germany in its purely, 100% defensive war (started in August, 1914) against the aggressive British-French-Russian alliance.

Excerpted from the February 12, 1915 letter, which the Slimes' web version linked us to:

"My dear Cecil. Do not feel too badly over things. I am bitterly humiliated over what this administration has done. I am not merely humiliated, but profoundly angered by the attitude of the professional German-Americans. But don't forget, there are lots of Americans of German descent who do not sympathize with these men..... who are emphatically against Germany in this fight and resent being called German-Americans.
When a President misleads us as Wilson has done, some very good people tend to follow him."

"Cecil" is Sir Cecil Arthur Spring Rice -- a diplomat who served as Britain's Ambassador to the United States from 1912 to 1918. We learn from Establishment historians that "Cecil," in that capacity, was responsible for British efforts to end American neutrality and bring America into the First World War. And, get this -- he was not just a close friend of Psycho Teddy, he had actually served as his best man at his second wedding (TR's first wife had died) way back in 1886 when few people had even heard of TR. 

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1. Ambassador to the U.S. Cecil Rice --- He and his buddy TR were upset with Wilson (Image 2) for not warmongering against Germany. // 3. Little did they know that Wilson's handlers were actually planning to join the war after his 1916 re-election -- a dishonest campaign which was based on Wilson's "achievement" of keeping America out of the war!
This letter constitutes clear evidence that ex-President TR -- who was still influential within American elite circles -- was already treasonously "colluding" with foreign agents, for the purpose of dragging the U.S. into the grand war for Globalism -- a full two years before the U.S. officially entered the war. To cover his ass, the sneaky bastard purposely left his name off of the envelopes sent to "Cecil."
From the very opening line of that same letter:
"Dear Cecil,
Your two letters have come. My letters to you will hereafter go in envelopes without my name on them, so as to attract as little attention as possible." (full letter, here)
It doesn't get any more Deep Statish than that! Conspire much, Mr. President?
But the real kicker for us was the date stamped on the letter -- February 12, 1915. That's three full months before Lord of the British Admiralty Winston Churchill set up the arms-smuggling Lusitania to be sunk by German U-boats (or a British time-bomb?). So, even before the phony pretext that served to turn public opinion away from Germany, TR and his crowd were already anti-German and pro-war. That's no surprise to us, of course, but oh what a powerful argument it makes in contradiction of the fake history which holds that the U.S. government was originally neutral. No. Both the open-warmonger Roosevelt and the closet warmonger Wilson wanted to join the war all along -- a war which, ironically, broke TR's heart and may have led to his sudden death soon after the war's end. For it is said that he never recovered after his youngest son's death in the very war that he had so passionately agitated for. Two other sons were badly injured.

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1. The letter to "Cecil" proves that even before the Lusitania tragedy and other "incidents," TR's crowd was already hostile toward Germany and angling for ways to join the war in Europe. 2. Psycho dad's wished-for war got his own son, Quentin, killed in reckless aerial combat (attacked three planes at once) in July, 1918 (and two other sons badly wounded). TR was broken by the news of his son's death, and died in his sleep just 8 months later, at age 61.


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1. Eager to live up to the fake legend of their "war hero" dad, Teddy Jr. and Archibald (also known for their fanaticism on the battlefield) were also badly injured in the war that "Father" demanded they volunteer for. -- Said TR of the children of elites who did not volunteer for the unjust war on Germany: "If they were my sons, I'd strangle them, because we have principles in this family."  //  2. Crazy Papa loved death.



  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the Library of Congress is digitally publishing 1000's of documents and images from Teddy Roosevelt's collection.

Boobus Americanus 2: Teddy Roosevelt was one of our most eloquent and intellectual presidents.




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Image result for WILLIAM h. McRAVEN OBAMA
 NY Times (Op-Ed): Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President

If President Trump doesn’t demonstrate the leadership that America needs, then it is time for a new person in the Oval Office.


Admiral McRaven is a former commander of the United States Special Operations Command.


A few weeks ago, we covered the story of the underhanded attack on Donald Trump by the oh-so-estimable Globalist tool, Colon Rectum Bowell. Now comes yet another Deep State retired military mole to launch yet another ineffective and platitude-filled assault -- this time in the form of an opinion-editorial diatribe puked-out by Admiral William McRaven. Here's the nasty punchline:

"These men and women, of all political persuasions, have seen the assaults on our institutions: on the intelligence and law enforcement community, the State Department and the press. They have seen our leaders stand beside despots and strongmen, preferring their government narrative to our own. They have seen us abandon our allies and have heard the shouts of betrayal from the battlefield. As I stood on the parade field at Fort Bragg, one retired four-star general, grabbed my arm, shook me and shouted, “I don’t like the Democrats, but Trump is destroying the Republic!”

You too with the anonymous sourcing, eh Admiral? Assuming, just for argument's sake, that this arm-grabbing, shouting "four-star general" quoted by Raving McRaven even exists, this quote represents the worst form selective sourcing (cherry picking) imaginable because the U.S. Military, from top-brass on down to fresh recruits, is an institution which at least 2-1 pro-Trump. Take out the "people of color" and lesbian females from the military polls, and its easily 3-1.


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1. Most of the military is strongly behind Trump // 2. The same goes for the top brass. // 3. But only Obongo-loving anti-Trumpers like Raving McRaven gets to write Op-Ed pieces in Sulzberger's Slimes.


McRaven's ravings represent the same old-same old Globo garbage about Trump being "unfit" for office and his "abandonment of our allies" etc. Therefore, we won't get into rebutting the text of this ass-clown's hit-piece. Instead, let us expose McRaven by summarizing his close connection to Obongo and the pivotal role he played in perpetrating a 2011 hoax which saved Obongo and embarrassed then-citizen Trump.


APRIL 2011: Using press conference and TV show appearences, famous businessman and TV personality Donald Trump launches a blistering and sustained attack campaign upon President Obongo. At issue is Obongo's 3-year-old refusal to produce a copy of his Birth Certificate to dispel rumors that he was born in Kenya, and hence, ineligible to be president. Trump then publicly produces his own Birth Certificate; and on FOX's Bill O'Reilly show, challenges Obongo to do likewise:

"This guy either has a birth certificate or he doesn't. I didn't think this was such a big deal, but I will tell you, it's turning out to be a very big deal because people now are calling me from all over saying please don't give up on this issue.  People have certificates; he doesn't have a birth certificate.

APRIL 28, 2011: In direct response to Trump's relentless and intensifying demands, Obongo calls a press confrence and finally releases a FAKE Birth Certificate which the Piranha Press does not question. Later that same day, Obongo, oozing arrogance and deceitfulness, appears on the Oprah Winfrey show (video here) to proclaim victory and mock Trump as a "carnival barker." Trump is subdued, but still raises questions about its legitimacy: "We'll have to see if it is proper."


Image result for obama on oprah winfrey birth certificate Image result for obama on oprah winfrey birth certificate

1. Internet sleuths quickly exposed the Birth Certificate as a FAKE. ///  2. Soon after releasing the phony document, Mr. & Mr. Obongo took to the Oprah Winfrey Show to mock Trump as a "carnival barker."


APRIL 30, 2011: Just two days after the release of the fake certificate, in supreme arrogance, Obongo mercilessly mocks Trump and his "conspiracy theories" at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. The audience roars in laughter as Trump, present at the dinner with his wife, stews in humiliation. (video here)

MAY 1, 2011: Just one day after the public humiliation of Trump, the make-believe "mastermind" of 9/11, Osama Bin Laden (already dead for many years!) is "killed" in a Navy Seal raid carried out in Pakistan. Out of "respect for Islam," the body is quickly disposed of -- but at sea (forbidden by Islam!) Obongo is hyped up to hero status by the Piranha Press -- "Obama killed Osama," gush his groupies. Now, Trump really can't touch him. The "birther" controversy is dead. How convenient!


Image result for trump at correspondents dinnerImage result for osama bin laden killed headlinesImage result for osama bin laden killed headlines

1. Trump was publicly humiliated by the Imposter-In-Chief as the room full of journalists and official Washington laughed. // 2. The day after, Obongo continued on his roll by announcing the killing of Bin Laden. He was by now at peak popularity and immune to Trump's attacks.


Image result for osama bin laden porn headline daily newsImage result for osama bin laden porn headline daily news

Fake News about the Obongo-McRaven raid reported that an extensive collection of pornographic videos was found in Bin Laden's hideout.


There is a rumor afoot, started by a retired Air Force Colonel named Field McConnel, that Obongo was recently executed , at Camp Gitmo by firing squad, on Trump's orders, a la John McStain -- and that his recent communications and infrequent images are not of him. At this time, we take no position on this claim.



So, what has all this got to do with Raving McRaven, you ask? Well, about two weeks after Trump began demanding Obongo's Birth Certificate, on April 11, 2011 to be precise, McRaven was promoted, by Obongo, to Vice Admiral and also commander of USSOCOM (United States Special Operations Command.) In that high position, the ever-self-aggrandizing McRaven planned and commanded that mysterious "SEAL Team Six" raid which may have killed someone, but it sure wasn't Bin Laden!

In June, he was promoted to full Admiral. Later that same year, on August 6th, a helicopter "crash" in Afghanistan  kills 15 Navy SEALS from the legendary "SEAL Team Six." (here) Reasonable speculation has it that some of those killed had participated in McRaven's phony raid which killed a phony Bin Laden. Dead Seals tell no tales!

And finally, just two days later, on August 8th, Obongo's favorite Admiral McRaven -- a man who, ironically, was once kicked out of the Navy SEALS for complaining about its culture - was honored by Obongo's Offense Secretary Leon Panetta at the ceremony marking his new title. McRaven took care of Obongo -- and Obongo took care of him.


Image result for navy seals killed afghanistan  Image result for mcraven and obama Drag to pan

1. Under McRaven, SEAL Team 6 "killed" a phony Bin Laden. Two months later, a bunch of SEALS die in a mysterious crash. // 2. Over a span of weeks, Obongo made McRaven a Vice Admiral, and then a full Admiral. // 3. Honored by Secretary of Offense (and former CIA boss) Panetta.




Image result for admiral mcraven book Related imageImage result for cash stack

The "hero" McRaven who "killed" Bin Laden later parlayed his good fortune into book sales.



  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that a retired Admiral has come out against Trump.

 Boobus Americanus 2: Well, military men know that he isn't qualified.

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Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com

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Image result for WILLIAM h. McRAVEN OBAMA
 NY Times (Op-Ed): Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President

If President Trump doesn’t demonstrate the leadership that America needs, then it is time for a new person in the Oval Office.


Admiral McRaven is a former commander of the United States Special Operations Command.


A few weeks ago, we covered the story of the underhanded attack on Donald Trump by the oh-so-estimable Globalist tool, Colon Rectum Bowell. Now comes yet another Deep State retired military mole to launch yet another ineffective and platitude-filled assault -- this time in the form of an opinion-editorial diatribe puked-out by Admiral William McRaven. Here's the nasty punchline:

"These men and women, of all political persuasions, have seen the assaults on our institutions: on the intelligence and law enforcement community, the State Department and the press. They have seen our leaders stand beside despots and strongmen, preferring their government narrative to our own. They have seen us abandon our allies and have heard the shouts of betrayal from the battlefield. As I stood on the parade field at Fort Bragg, one retired four-star general, grabbed my arm, shook me and shouted, “I don’t like the Democrats, but Trump is destroying the Republic!”

You too with the anonymous sourcing, eh Admiral? Assuming, just for argument's sake, that this arm-grabbing, shouting "four-star general" quoted by Raving McRaven even exists, this quote represents the worst form selective sourcing (cherry picking) imaginable because the U.S. Military, from top-brass on down to fresh recruits, is an institution which at least 2-1 pro-Trump. Take out the "people of color" and lesbian females from the military polls, and its easily 3-1.


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1. Most of the military is strongly behind Trump // 2. The same goes for the top brass. // 3. But only Obongo-loving anti-Trumpers like Raving McRaven gets to write Op-Ed pieces in Sulzberger's Slimes.


McRaven's ravings represent the same old-same old Globo garbage about Trump being "unfit" for office and his "abandonment of our allies" etc. Therefore, we won't get into rebutting the text of this ass-clown's hit-piece. Instead, let us expose McRaven by summarizing his close connection to Obongo and the pivotal role he played in perpetrating a 2011 hoax which saved Obongo and embarrassed then-citizen Trump.


APRIL 2011: Using press conference and TV show appearences, famous businessman and TV personality Donald Trump launches a blistering and sustained attack campaign upon President Obongo. At issue is Obongo's 3-year-old refusal to produce a copy of his Birth Certificate to dispel rumors that he was born in Kenya, and hence, ineligible to be president. Trump then publicly produces his own Birth Certificate; and on FOX's Bill O'Reilly show, challenges Obongo to do likewise:

"This guy either has a birth certificate or he doesn't. I didn't think this was such a big deal, but I will tell you, it's turning out to be a very big deal because people now are calling me from all over saying please don't give up on this issue.  People have certificates; he doesn't have a birth certificate.

APRIL 28, 2011: In direct response to Trump's relentless and intensifying demands, Obongo calls a press confrence and finally releases a FAKE Birth Certificate which the Piranha Press does not question. Later that same day, Obongo, oozing arrogance and deceitfulness, appears on the Oprah Winfrey show (video here) to proclaim victory and mock Trump as a "carnival barker." Trump is subdued, but still raises questions about its legitimacy: "We'll have to see if it is proper."


Image result for obama on oprah winfrey birth certificate Image result for obama on oprah winfrey birth certificate

1. Internet sleuths quickly exposed the Birth Certificate as a FAKE. ///  2. Soon after releasing the phony document, Mr. & Mr. Obongo took to the Oprah Winfrey Show to mock Trump as a "carnival barker."


APRIL 30, 2011: Just two days after the release of the fake certificate, in supreme arrogance, Obongo mercilessly mocks Trump and his "conspiracy theories" at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. The audience roars in laughter as Trump, present at the dinner with his wife, stews in humiliation. (video here)

MAY 1, 2011: Just one day after the public humiliation of Trump, the make-believe "mastermind" of 9/11, Osama Bin Laden (already dead for many years!) is "killed" in a Navy Seal raid carried out in Pakistan. Out of "respect for Islam," the body is quickly disposed of -- but at sea (forbidden by Islam!) Obongo is hyped up to hero status by the Piranha Press -- "Obama killed Osama," gush his groupies. Now, Trump really can't touch him. The "birther" controversy is dead. How convenient!


Image result for trump at correspondents dinnerImage result for osama bin laden killed headlinesImage result for osama bin laden killed headlines

1. Trump was publicly humiliated by the Imposter-In-Chief as the room full of journalists and official Washington laughed. // 2. The day after, Obongo continued on his roll by announcing the killing of Bin Laden. He was by now at peak popularity and immune to Trump's attacks.


Image result for osama bin laden porn headline daily newsImage result for osama bin laden porn headline daily news

Fake News about the Obongo-McRaven raid reported that an extensive collection of pornographic videos was found in Bin Laden's hideout.


There is a rumor afoot, started by a retired Air Force Colonel named Field McConnel, that Obongo was recently executed , at Camp Gitmo by firing squad, on Trump's orders, a la John McStain -- and that his recent communications and infrequent images are not of him. At this time, we take no position on this claim.



So, what has all this got to do with Raving McRaven, you ask? Well, about two weeks after Trump began demanding Obongo's Birth Certificate, on April 11, 2011 to be precise, McRaven was promoted, by Obongo, to Vice Admiral and also commander of USSOCOM (United States Special Operations Command.) In that high position, the ever-self-aggrandizing McRaven planned and commanded that mysterious "SEAL Team Six" raid which may have killed someone, but it sure wasn't Bin Laden!

In June, he was promoted to full Admiral. Later that same year, on August 6th, a helicopter "crash" in Afghanistan  kills 15 Navy SEALS from the legendary "SEAL Team Six." (here) Reasonable speculation has it that some of those killed had participated in McRaven's phony raid which killed a phony Bin Laden. Dead Seals tell no tales!

And finally, just two days later, on August 8th, Obongo's favorite Admiral McRaven -- a man who, ironically, was once kicked out of the Navy SEALS for complaining about its culture - was honored by Obongo's Offense Secretary Leon Panetta at the ceremony marking his new title. McRaven took care of Obongo -- and Obongo took care of him.


Image result for navy seals killed afghanistan  Image result for mcraven and obama Drag to pan

1. Under McRaven, SEAL Team 6 "killed" a phony Bin Laden. Two months later, a bunch of SEALS die in a mysterious crash. // 2. Over a span of weeks, Obongo made McRaven a Vice Admiral, and then a full Admiral. // 3. Honored by Secretary of Offense (and former CIA boss) Panetta.




Image result for admiral mcraven book Related imageImage result for cash stack

The "hero" McRaven who "killed" Bin Laden later parlayed his good fortune into book sales.



  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that a retired Admiral has come out against Trump.

 Boobus Americanus 2: Well, military men know that he isn't qualified.

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Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com

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A park in Hénin-Beaumont, France, is part of the community’s environmental program.
 NY Times: France’s Far Right Wants to Be an Environmental Party, Too


So, the perpetually defensive-minded, criticism-sensitive, weasel-worded weanies of the French "Far Right" are now embracing "environmentalism" and "alternative solutions" to "Global Warming" / "Climate Change" eh? Awww -- Isn't that special? How "courageous" of them to buck those stubborn uneducated "deniers" in their ranks -- in full view of the Piranha Press, of course -- "Hey, look at us everybody! We are not anti-clean air and anti-clean water like everyone says we are. We're cleaning up litter .. and we even care about "Climate Change" now. Honest we do!"

Ah, such good fortune for the French Jacobin Communists that their female and beta-male infested adversaries "on the Right" cannot appreciate one of the most profound yet simple maxims of France's greatest son -- Napoleon Bonaparte.

"The purely defensive is doomed to defeat."

Tell it, le grand Empereur, Tell it!


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1. "Oh Monsieur de Rothschild! I do believe in the science of climate change. I swear I do! I do! I do! I just think that there are are some market-based solutions to the problem of CO2 emissions that we might want to consider." // 2. The French sure ain't what they used to be.


Ms. Marine Le Pen is a shadow of her "Far Right"father, Jean-Marie Le Pan. Under her quintessentially female leadership, the National Front Party which daddy founded (renamed in 2018 to the more nice-nice sounding, National Rally Party) has watered down its doctrine and pulled punches in a manner that evidently pleases Sulzberger's Slimes, and must also be very reassuring to Boy King Emanunel Maricon (not a typo, Spanish for fag). From the article:

"A close ally of Ms. Le Pen, Herve Juvin is trying to take back the environment for the right, or at least for the National Rally; he is its leading voice on climate. His efforts begin inside the party itself, where many remain skeptical of climate change, he said.

“I’m trying to fight against that,” Mr. Juvin said. “It’s changed a little. I hope to have contributed to that change."

Translation: "Listen guys! We have to pretend that we believe in climate change or else we will be ridiculed by the Left as "climate deniers."


Meanwhile, over in occupied Germany, the "Far Right" is also "acknowledging" the leftist hoax. More from the article:

"In the run-up to the European elections, Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, denied human-driven climate change and dismissed environmental worries as elitist. That caused a backlash from its youth wing in Berlin.

Vadim Derksen, the head of the wing’s Berlin chapter, said there were 'tough discussions on how we should position ourselves' on climate change. We acknowledge there is climate change,' Mr. Derksen said in a recent interview, 'and we would rather like to focus on how to adapt to this climate change.'"


The suddenly environmentally enlightened Mr. Juvin and Mr, Derksen of the French and German "Far Right" are no doubt basking in the temporary glow of this relatively favorable puff-piece in Sulzberger's Slimes and, we assume, various European newspapers. ("They like us! They like us! The Times likes us!") But just wait until the Fake News rips their respective parties to shreds as "Nazis" and "racists" when their snowflake candidates square off against their nasty Globalist Marxist opponents in the next election. Idiots!


Image result for marine le pen “Ecology is about people living on a territory, who are attached to it and who make plans for the long term,” said Hervé Juvin, who was elected to European Parliament for the National Rally. Image result for vadim derksen

1. Marine Le Pen has watered down the French "Far Right" // 1. From behind Ms. Le Pen's pantsuit, Herve Juvin now "acknowledges" the problem of "Climate Change"   // 2. Young Vadim Derkson of Germany also dutifully "acknowledges" the "science" behind the non-existent crisis.


What is so particularly frustrating about this mealy-mouthed effort to outmaneuver the Globalists is that is as unnecessary as it is ineffective. Unlike emotionally charged and deeply-rooted mythologies such as the Holohoax or World War 2; and unlike seemingly complex and hard-to-explain matters such as the fraud of central banking -- the criminal hoax of "Global Warming" / "Climate Change" can still be easily toppled -- but only if it is boldly called out as a hoax and supported with the easy-to-understand evidence summarized in Climate Bogeyman, by yours truly.

The Left understands the house-of-cards vulnerability of their Fake Science -- which is why they fearfully squeal in collective agony whenever real men like Trump or Bolsanaro of Brazil openly say the word "hoax." You can be sure that Mr. Bonaparte would say that too.

 Image result for nice guys finish last durocher Image result for climate bogeyman Image result for trump and bolsonaro

1. Legendary baseball personality Leo Durocher had it right when he said: "Nice guys finish last." --- We should not be yielding an inch on this criminal HOAX. // 2. Time for someone to translate Climate Bogeyman into French and German. (here) // 3. Unlike the pussified European Right, Trump and Bolsonaro refuse to make mealy-mouthed "acknowledgements" of manmade Climate Change and openly refer to it as a hoax.




  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the European Far Right is finally acknowledging the reality of Climate Change.

 Boobus Americanus 2: Well, better late than never.

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Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com



Image result for Sina Weibo

NY Times: ‘I Am Gay, Not a Pervert’: Furor in China as Sina Weibo Bans Gay Content


Image result for xi with children Image result for putin with children Image result for hitler with children

1. Strongman Xi Jinping is a man of culture, honor and tradition who will not allow China's children to be corrupted by "western" (cough cough) moral cancer. // 2. Vlad is the same way. // 3. And so was The Great One.


"With hashtags like #Iamgaynotapervert (is there a difference?) and images of hearts and rainbows, tens of thousands (probably less than 100) of Chinese residents (probably all in western-influenced Hong Kong) took to social media over the weekend to protest efforts to censor gay-themed images, videos and cartoons.

The uproar (a hussyfit among a few queers) was in response to a vow on Friday by Sina Weibo, one of China’s most popular social media sites, to delete posts relating to gay culture, part of a three-month “cleanup” effort.

Sina Weibo, a site similar to Twitter, said in its announcement that it was trying to limit the spread of sexually suggestive and violent content ..... The site said its aim was to promote a “clear and harmonious” environment and to comply with stricter cybersecurity laws put in place by President Xi Jinping.”

Go Xi, go!

Contrary to the exaggerated claims of China’s microscopic “LGBT community” , the deviants of China are not in any way facing “persecution.” Homosexuality was actually decriminalized back in 1999. But what Xi will not “tolerate” is this business of pumping perversion (straight or queer) into the minds of the general public and defenseless children, 24/7.

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South Korean "gay pride" -- Japanese "gay pride" -- Taiwanese "gay pride"
Organized LGBT was deliberately exported by the West, into conservative Far East Asia. But in China, Xi the "authoritarian" ain't havin' it! 

Based upon what we observe of Chinese society from afar, it certainly does appear that the public is with Xi on this. And as a Slimes hit-piece from 2017 confirms, the Chinese, unlike we here in the “free” West, have nothing to fear from speaking their mind on the issue of homosexuality.


Headline: New York Times: (April 20, 2017):

Furor in China Over Team’s Banner: ‘Keep Homosexuality Far From Campus’

“A message of intolerance emanated recently from the university’s main campus in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province.

“Protect traditional Chinese morals,” said a banner carried on campus by members of the women’s basketball team. “Defend core socialist values. Resist corrosion from decadent Western thoughts. Keep homosexuality far from campus.”


Can you imagine a group of students hanging such a banner at an American, Canadian, Australian or Western European college campus? Every last student participating would be expelled and, in some countries, brought up on charges of “hate speech!”

We are truly happy for China – yet saddened at the same time because the nation’s positive culture, “can-do” spirit, optimistic and clean youth, and spreading moral/religious ethic remind us of what we in the West -- those of us over 45 at least – once had but have now lost. Thanks, Jews.


Related image“126 PERVERTS DISCHARGED,” The New York Times, March 26, 1952. @nytimes. On February 28, 1950, members of the Senate Appropriations Committee grilled Secretary of State Dean Acheson about the recent conviction of Alger Hiss, a political controversy...Image result for new york times pervertsRelated image

 1950 -- 1950 -- 1951 -- 1992
Amazing (when looking back) headlines about "perverts" and "lesbians" from Sulzberger's Slimes


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that China is censoring gay content on social media.

Boobus Americanus 2: Evidently, they don't believe in freedom and tolerance like we in the West do.


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St. Sugar: Freedom my asss, Boobuss! When Christians Aaron and Melissa Klein of Oregon refussed to bake a wedding cake for a pair of demented dykess, they got fined $130,000 and had to closse down their frickin' businesss!

 Editor: And it all started about 30 years ago, with tear-filled pleas for just a bit of "tolerance."


Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com



Syrian troops entered Tel Tamer on Monday shortly after the government forged an agreement with Kurdish forces.
 NY Times: Assad Forces Surge Forward in Syria as U.S. Pulls Back


An amazing event just happened in Syria – one which perhaps not even 1 in 20 specimens of Boobus Americanus would even understand, let alone appreciate. Donald Trump, to the dismay of both the Greater Israel and the Globalist factions of the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) has (for the most part) given Syrians their country back -- and in so doing, deactivated what was, only a few years ago, a potential World War 3 trigger point.

From the article:

“Syrian government forces streamed into the country’s northeast on Monday, seizing towns where they had not set foot in years and filling a vacuum opened up by President Trump’s decision to abandon the United States’ Syrian Kurdish allies.” (emphasis added)

Now as for this already worn-out hateful mantra -- emanating from both the western and the Israeli Fake News -- about Trump “abandoning” the CIA-Mossad-backed Kurds; all that really means is that the Deep State has lost the last of its proxy mercenaries in Syria. What Soros and Satanyahoo (for different purposes) created, Trump and Russia and Turkey and Iran have, through a combination of maneuver, manipulation and force, successfully dismantled.


Image result for SOROS Image result for NETANYAHU IRAN Image result for TRUMP CHESS

1. George Soros sought the destruction and enslavement of nationalist Syria for his New World Order. /// 2. Bibi Satanyahoo's hatred for Syria is linked to his schemes for Israeli expansion and domination of the region. // 3. Bringing peace to the Middle East required a few years of chess-playing by Trump -- who recently and very suddenly dumped Satanyahoo like a load of dog shit. 


To better appreciate this accomplishment, let us review the key events of the past decade which led up to it.


2009: Obongo kicks off his “apology tour” – apologizing on three different continents for the "arrogance" and sins of America and his presidential predecessor. What this really signals is that he prefers secret proxy wars to the in-your-face bombardments and invasions of Clinton and the Bushes.

2010: Planned years in advance, the CIA-Mossad “Arab Spring” is unleashed. Paid and controlled “spontaneous” mobs take to the streets in Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya and other states to protest "corruption" or "human rights abuse."

2011: NATO jets bombard Libya in support of CIA-Mossad mercenary terrorist scum on the ground. Qaddafi is eventually captured and slaughtered on camera. Libya is plunged into chaos.


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Obongo's "Apology Tour" upset the pro-war Neo-Cons and convinced many peace-lovers that he was going to be a different kind of U.S. president, and not a warmonger. In reality, his presidency only marked a transition away from direct wars -- promoted by the Bush-Cheney-Neo-Con types --  to the Deep State secret proxy wars which Fake News sold to us as "spontaneous revolutions."


Image result for iraq in ruins 2003 Image result for libya bombed Image result for syria in ruins

1. Iraq after Bush's DIRECT war. /// 2 & 3. Libya & Syria after Obongo's PROXY wars.

For the Arab people, the bloodshed, destruction and suffering of either style of war were all the same.


2011: The “Arab Spring” comes to Syria – first in the form of rigged “protests” against Syrian leader Assad– and then in deadlier form of armed and well-orgainized Deep State mercenaries imported, armed and trained from all dark corners of the Arab world.

2013: These destructive mercenaries are later split into “moderate rebels” and terrorist “ISIS.” The purpose of the phony divide is to use the brutality of ISIS as a phony pretext for bringing US forces into Syria -- allegedly to fight ISIS --- but actually, to fight Assad.


Image result for arab spring Image result for arab spring Image result for arab spring

CIA-Mossad fake protests and revolutions "spontaneously" erupted throughout North Africa and the Middle East. The subsequent destabilization -- and, in some cases, violence -- caused a refugee "crisis" that was used as a pretext to flood Europe with migrants.


http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/front82014.jpghttp://www.imediaethics.org/ckfinder/userfiles/images/nypost(4).JPG http://www.helpfreetheearth.com/img/ritaKatz.jpg

The fake 'beheading' videos (produced by Mossad and "discovered" by Mossad agent, Rita Katz (Image 3)) cut to black just as the throats of the strangely calm 'victims' are about to be cut by the really bad actors in black. The 'victims' don't even squirm! Intense media pressure builds for Obama to "do something" in order to "stop ISIS". ISIS atrocities (both real and faked) are how U.S. troops came to be deployed to Syria -- the real target being Assad!


2013 – 2016: Russia, Iran and the heroic Hezbollah fighters of Lebanon assist Syria in fighting both the “moderate rebels” and ISIS (same thing). China also makes it known that it will defend Syria if necessary. The Israelis openly provide assistance to the “rebels” and periodically bomb Syrian targets. Meanwhile, the Turks begin to move closer and closer to Russia as relations sour with Israel.

2016: Soros' warmongering psychopaths like Killary Clinton and John McStain openly call for a “no fly zone” to shoot down Russian planes.

2017: Trump takes office and cuts off CIA funding for the “rebels” (here) as Russia continues to bomb ISIS positions. In order to mask his true intentions of making peace, Trump -- in response to a Deep State / Fake News hoax which framed Assad for a "chemical weapons" attack -- launches harmless missile strikes against empty Syrian fields while making theatrical verbal attacks on Assad and his Russian protector.

*Trump's current Twitter attacks and threatened "sanctions" against Turkey -- as well as past threats against and insults of North Korean leader Kim represent variations of this same strategic tactic.


Image result for mccain in ISIS Image result for tomatobubble russia china will pay Image result for putin assad
McStain with ISIS scum in Syria // 2. Killary openly threatened Russia and China over their support of Assad in Syria. // 3. Putin and his close ally, Assad



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1. The comical "chemical attacks" on "the children" were all fake -- but Trump had to pretend that he was "doing something." // 2. Trump then launched harmless missiles while continuing to work with Russia through back-channels. // 3. Trump's anti-Assad and anti-Putin "tweets" were all part of the necessary and just deception.

2018-2019: The Syrians recapture most of the country as Israel is held at bay by Russian defense systems.

2019: Trump removes the remaining US presence, thus green-lighting the Turks to take out of remaining Kurd CIA-Mossad proxies – as the Greater Israel crowd and the Globalists whine about Trump’s “abandonment” of the Kurds and phony “atrocities .” In time, we expect the outgunned Kurds to make a deal with Syria.


In short, whereas Obongo preached peace, peace, peace to conceal the fact that he was secretly waging war, war, war --- Trump preached war, war, war to conceal the fact that he was secretly waging peace, peace, peace. And that’s all you need to know about how Syria was saved, and World War 3 was averted. Any questions?



  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Syria is reclaiming territory in the wake of Trump's abrupt betrayal of the Kurds.

 Boobus Americanus 2: Trump stupid, Assad, bad -- Kurds are our allies

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Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com

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Image result for SuperM

NY Times: K-Pop Group SuperM Takes a Rare Path to No. 1: CD Sales


The slow-moving western cancer of cultural / moral decadence (aka Frankfurt School / aka Cultural Marxism) is now clearly detectable in the tradition-rich land of "democratic" South Korea. Marriage rates are falling; divorce rates are spiking; pornography is spreading; sodomite “pride” is on full display; abstract art is proliferating; and birthrates have absolutely crashed to worldwide lows.

The same symptoms of the same degenerative disease are also visible throughout "democratic" Japan and "democratic" Taiwan. Now, in areas such as technology and industry, Asians, to their credit and benefit, have always been quite good at copying the West, and even tweaking things for improvement. But this time, the consequences of aping Judeo-Western "modern" culture will have deadly consequences for them.


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1. In the name of "social development," the degenerate Marxist Jewish "intellectuals" of the pre-Hitler "Frankfurt School" promoted the idea of subverting morality and culture (via the impressionable youth) as a means of fundamentally remaking a people. This revolutionary concept has since spread to Asia. // 2. South Korea and Japan now have birth rates well below replacement levels. // 3. South Korean sodomite "pride" on display.


Image result for confucius if your plan is for one year

Confucius say.


Though seemingly harmless -- relative to the above-listed manifestations of decay -- in our view, the single most dangerous cultural trend to take hold in these “developed” Asian countries is the popular mania surrounding the cringe-worthy phenomenon of the “Boy Band.” Held up as icons for the impressionable children of these Asian states to worship and emulate, these sissified, multi-colored-haired, preening, primping, prancing, dolled-up fairies are redefining masculinity by erasing it altogether. Parallel to this overt pussification of the boys, South Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese girls are being encouraged to become more assertive, to prefer sports over domestic activities, and, of course, to pursue “careers” over family life.

In due time, the male-dominated society (which is God-ordained) of these ancient countries will be completely transformed into soulless, Swedish-like androgynous culture. You see, the New World Order isn’t just about corrupting, harmonizing and then seamlessly integrating the economic and political systems of the enslaved world. No, in preparation for the big merge, the various cultures must be made uniformly degenerate as well. And the wildly popular “Boy Bands” -- much like Brian Epstein's (cough cough) hyped-up “Beatles” band of the 1960’s -- serve as an important cultural weapon in this silent war on societal sanity.


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Korean Boy Band --- Japanese Boy Band -- Taiwanese Boy Band


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 "I know, guys. I know."


It’s fascinating how the flow of history plays out. Directly or indirectly, everything foul and wrong in the modern world grew out of "The Good War" aka World War II. For it was out of the ashes, rubble, blood and tears of that history-altering event that Japan and South Korea came to be placed under U.S. / Judaic dominance – whereas North Korea became part of the Soviet communist sphere. In 1949, as a consequence of prior agreements made at that same 1945 Yalta Conference which divvied up Korea, nationalist China fell to the Reds and the government fled to Taiwan (aka “Free China”).

And now, many decades later, in an amazing twist of irony, the youth of North Korea and China are brought up to respect and abide by traditional values, strong family life and natural gender roles --- whereas more and more boys of “democratic” and “developed” South Korea, Taiwan and Japan are being changed into queers, sissies, eunuchs and weaklings. In retrospect, one has to wonder -- perhaps it would have been better had these dying Asian nations been handed over to "Uncle Joe" and Murderous Mao back then. Better Red than to be in a colored-haired, Western wannabee, half-a-faggot "Boy Band" if ya ask me.


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1. At Yalta, it was agreed that, after the war, the Soviets would occupy North Korea and the Americans, the South. // 2. As a result, the western cultural cancer would eventually, though very slowly, spread to culturally conservative Asian states -- but not to mainland China and North Korea. // 3. Asian Girl Bands in street-walker whore outfits, dyed hair and surgically adjusted 'white girl' eyelids are becoming very popular too.


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that a South Korean "K-Pop" Boy Band is having record sales for their music.

Boobus Americanus 2: Hopefully, when North Koreans get a taste of how much fun the Koreans of the South are having, they might open up their culture too.


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St. Sugar: Lil' Kim of North Korea needs to be very careful about the sshit that will start seeping out of the Ssouth as relationss improve.
Editor: The Frankfurt School commies understood that cultural subversion is more powerful than an invading army.

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Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com



NY Times (Climate Fwd): One Thing You Can Do: Smarter Laundry


This particular item isn't actually from the Slimes newspaper edition. It's a weekly Slimes E-mail bulletin called "Climate Fwd:" that jewspaper-worshippers are asked to sign up for and then forward to other idiots. Here's the description:
Welcome to the Climate Fwd: newsletter. The New York Times climate team emails readers once a week with stories and insights about climate change. Sign up here to get it in your inbox.
Is it just the perception of the depleted 'Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times, or does it also seem to "youse guys" that, ever since Trump pulled the United States out of the treasonous "Paris Climate Accords," (((they))) have been pushing the 40-year-old hoax of Global Warming / Climate Change harder and more frequently than ever? 
According to Mark Simone -- a long-time New York City radio talk show host and friend of Trump -- the president is planning to launch a direct assault on the hoax early in his second term. If that is true, then perhaps this recently intensified propaganda is the Deep State's strategy to preemptively counter whatever offensive that Trump may be planning.
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1 & 2. Trump's "controversial" pull-out from the Globalist Climate Scam of Paris struck a big blow against the New World Order. // 3. Radio personality Mark Simone has been a New York City socialite and friend of Trump's for many years. On a recent show, he flat-out stated that Trump has plans to attack the hoax directly.
In this issue of Climate Fwd:, Kyla Mandel (cough cough) suggests, essentially, that we should reduce "emissions" (plant food) by not washing our clothes as thoroughly -- that is, using cold water instead. A few excerpts with rebuttals:
Mandel: Heating the water and running the machines can consume enormous amounts of energy, and that means plenty of greenhouse gas emissions.
Rebuttal: Apart from the fact that "greenhouse gas emissions" are harmless, Mandel doesn't explain how washing machine "emissions" compares, in quantity, to non-made forms of "emissions ."
Mandel: One study estimated the nation’s residential laundry carbon dioxide emissions at 179 million metric tons per year.
Rebuttal: Ooooh --- "179 million metric tons" -- such a scary sounding number! But what exactly does that mean? How does that quantity compare to, say, "emissions" from volcanic eruptions, geo-thermal activity, natural forest fires, animal aspiration, termites, carpenter ants, earth worms, oceans, mammal farts, etc? (Hint: It ain't even close to any of the natural sources!)

Mandel: There are steps you can take to reduce those emissions. “Laundry temperature is a big deal ... That’s because about 90 percent of the energy a washing machine uses goes toward heating water."

Rebuttal: For now, (((they))) are asking us to use cold water to wash our clothes. In time, if not exposed, (((they))) will use smart-technology to mandate our compliance.

Mandel: There are some situations where you probably should use hot water: cleaning bed linens after being sick, for instance, or washing sweaty gym gear. An occasional hot wash can also help with general hygiene,

Rebuttal: It sure is mighty gracious of (((them))) to allow us a hot wash now and then, isn't it?


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1. Kooky Kyla -- who used to work for the Soros-funded website, ThinkProgress -- uses the meaningless phrase "metric tons" to sound intelligent and to scare her stupid readers. // 2 & 3. Ad Campaign: Washing with cold water will save the penguins and polar bears.


Mandel: The benefits of cold washing are numerous.. Drying, though, is the major contributor to emissions..... dryers often use five to ten times more power than a washing machine.

Rebuttal: Then what's the point of using cold wash water instead of hot if the real planet-killer is the dryer? Why not just bring back old-fashioned clothes lines?

Mandel: The Energy Department also recommends only doing full loads.

Rebuttal: Again, what the Federal government "recommends" today, it will mandate, by force, tomorrow. That is why it so important that the HOAX of Global Warming / Climate Change ™ gets exposed. Let's hope that Smone is right.

Mandel: But the most efficient drying method requires almost no energy; just enough to haul your basket to a rack or clothesline. Air drying could save millions of tons of greenhouse gas emissions each year.

Rebuttal: I was being sarcastic with that earlier rebuttal about clotheslines! Remind me not to give these insane Marxists any ideas.

Mandel: Old laundry routines can be hard to break, but a few simple changes could reduce emissions sharply.

Rebuttal: Here's some real science for you to chew on, Kyla --- If we were to completely eliminate humanity itself -- with all its cars, planes, backyard BBQ grills, factories, washing machines, dryers etc -- from the face of the Earth --- just the natural year-to-year // decade-to-decade // century-to-century variance in "emissions" could easily exceed the removed "metric tons" of CO2 caused by man-made activity. Than what?

Oops... I just gave these Satanic genocidal lunatics another idea.


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Clotheslines are not going to offset the plant-food emitted by termites and volcanic activity --- NOT EVEN CLOSE! (Though air-drying is indeed better for the clothes, both in terms of freshness and preservation).


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that we can help save the planet by washing clothes in cold water and using clothes lines.

Boobus Americanus 2: My wife will never go for that.


 Editor: Nor will she ever give up her blow dryer, curler and blender.

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Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com



Slimes Caption: Shannon Hettinger, 32, of Washington, D.C., said she definitely wanted children but for now was focused on her career. “Once I achieve a certain level of success,” she said, “then I’ll start thinking about a family.”

NY Times: U.S. Birthrate Drops



This article represents a classic case of a hand-wringing libtard identifying a serious problem while remaining totally oblivious to its causes and hence, to any real solutions. Let's go through this woefully incomplete (though generally accurate) piece by dingbat Sabrina Tavernise and reinforce it with some badly needed analysis.


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Though better known for her anti-Russian garbage, this article by Sabrina Tavernise accurately tells about America's rapidly declining birth rate --- but it has many missing pieces.


Tavernise: The fertility rate in the United States fell to a record low for a fourth straight year, federal officials reported Thursday, extending a deep decline that began in 2008 with the Great Recession.

Analysis: Correct. The only implied half-truth here is that the drop relates purely to the economic erosion of the past 10 years. Though certainly an important contributing factor, the problem is really more cultural than it is economic.

Tavernise: The fertility rate fell to 60.2 births per 1,000 women of childbearing age...  It was the largest single-year decline since 2010, when families were still feeling the effects of a weak economy.

Analysis: Again, with libtards, everything is materialistic. Silly Sabrina ignores the fact that many women from high middle and upper income brackets are also not having children. 

Tavernise: Fertility rates are essential measures of a society’s demographic balance. If they are too high, that can strain resources like housing and education.

Analysis: Marxist mumbo jumbo! During America's "baby boom" decades, housing and education were actually far more affordable relative to today's costs. The "strain" on education and housing "resources" is caused by economic factors relating to state mismanagement, inefficiency and fraud.

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Not too long ago -- before the age of "alternative lifestyles," -- young people were expected to get married and start a family.


Tavernise: If they are too low, a country can face challenges replacing its work force ....

Analysis: True.

Tavernise: ... and supporting its older adults.

Analysis: Only because of the pyramid schemes of Social Security and Medicaid -- which essentially robbed every retired worker of at least a million dollars in potential savings / compound returns. That is why hospitals are purposefully mass-morphine-murdering senior citizens under the guise of "comfort care."

Tavernise: In the United States, declines in rates have not led to drops in the population, in part because they have been largely offset by immigration.

Analysis: In other words, Whites are being self-genocided and replaced -- by design!

Tavernise: The country has been living through one of the longest declines in fertility in decades and demographers are trying to figure out what is driving it.

Analysis: Amazing, isn't it? Egghead "demographers" -- being university "educated" libtards -- are unable to "figure out" that a post-religious feminist society that urges young women to ditch "old fashioned" family models, pursue "careers" and have casual "protected" sex (thus making it unnecessary for the boyfriends / lovers to grow up and marry in order to satiate the sex urge) are the main causes of falling marriage / birth rates.

Tavernise: Rates tend to drop during difficult economic times as people put off having babies, and then rise once the economy rebounds. But the rate has not recovered since the Great Recession.

Analysis: Again, always fixating on economic factors, libtards are at a loss to explain why birth rates continue to fall, even though the economy is not as bad as 5 years ago.


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The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Police Woman, Murphy Brown and many other TV shows glorified single career women as traditional wives and mothers began to disappear from the airwaves.
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Feminist icon, Gloria Steinum (cough cough)
Tavernise: “Every year I look at data and expect it will be the year that birthrates start to tick up, and every year we hit another all-time low,” said Kenneth M. Johnson, a demographer at the University of New Hampshire. “It’s one of the big demographic mysteries of recent times.”

Analysis: It's a "mystery," eh professor? What a dork! It's only a "mystery" to one who doesn't understand the devastating social and moral implications of the cultural Marxism that has so infected western society.

Tavernise: Social forces are also at work. Women are postponing marriage, becoming more educated and are more likely to be the primary breadwinners for their households.

“It’s hard to tell whether this is a dip that we periodically see in fertility or this is a long-term trend due to major social changes,” said Donna Strobino, a demographer at the Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore.

Analysis: It's "hard to tell, eh?" Another diploma-decorated egghead.

Tavernise: It could be that the new generation of millennial women is delaying having children even longer than the women who came before them, as prime childbearing years are also critical years for advancing in a career.

Analysis: There it is! The "career" -- that over-rated illusion now forced upon little schoolgirls as the be-all and end-all of human existence. By the time our manly career women have figured out that they've been suckered into becoming disposable tax-paying / interest-paying "human resources" instead of devoted wives and satisfied mothers, it's already too late for most of them.

Tavernise: Shannon Hettinger, a 32-year-old from Washington, D.C., said she definitely wanted children. ....  But she moved to Washington, and spent her 20s deciding on a career. Now that she has one she loves — she works in residential real estate sales — she is not going to stop until she gets established. That means not having children for a while.

“I just want to build my book of business and see where I can go from here,” she said. “My whole focus is career growth. That’s my No. 1 priority. Once I achieve a certain level of success,” she added, “then I’ll start thinking about a family.”

Analysis: You go ahead and build that "book of business," sweetie. And see how that works out for ya when you get old and alone.

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Millions of single middle-aged women were led down the dead-end paths of careerism and foolishly waiting for "the perfect man" that never existed. Later years of pain, solitude and despair await many of these childless and grandchildless women.


Tavernise: Ivy Gray-Klein, 26, who works at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design, said she was open to having children but cannot imagine doing so until she is 30 or 35. She wants to feel settled in her own life first. Now she has three roommates, is paying down her student loans and is working to build a little bit of savings.

“I’m just really trying to get myself to a place that is solid,” she said by phone. “Having a child right now would be so destabilizing. Children just seem like such an enormous financial undertaking.”

Analysis: Poor Ivy. Not only corrupted by careerism, but buried in the student debt required to finance the "education" upon which the career is built. May God forgive us for what we have done to our young women -- and men too.

Tavernise: The biggest falls have been among younger women, but last year the birthrate even declined for women in their 30s, an unusual development, demographers said.

“I was surprised to see that reversal,” said Gretchen M. Livingston, a demographer at the Pew Research Center.

Analysis: Another "intellectual" who is "surprised." (face-to-palm, shaking head, sighing) Cheese and crackers! These frickin' academic ass-clowns must go to college to get stupid, before moving on to grad school to get even stupider.

My dear diploma-decorated demographers -- this ain't rocket science. The formulas for both defining and rectifying this very serious long term dilemma are very basic:

  • Problem: Cultural Marxism + Massive Tax & Debt = Declining Birth Rates
  • Solution: Traditional Culture + Low Taxes / Sound Money = Rising Birth Rates 

With Marxists and their libtarded dupes running all of the West's key institutions, it sure doesn't look like this crisis will be corrected anytime soon -- even if they wanted to do so.

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1. "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" was used to promote careerism to young girls.The event is now "Take Your Child to Work Day." // 2. As the song says, "Girls just wanna have fun!" (and raising children isn't always fun!) -- While away at college to get "educated" for a future "career," daddy's little girl is introduced to a selfish hedonistic drunken lifestyle which she may never grow out of. // 3. For both young men and women, student debt acts as a further disincentive for marriage and young parenthood.
A reader cites some other very important elements behind this problem:
"What the women didn't count on was getting into their 30's, hitting the wall and loosing all that youthful beauty, and they've had sex with so many guys by then and sh*t on so many guys by then the guys won't risk it. The guys have learned they're lesson too. If they haven't been through a nasty divorce yet its a sure bet they've seen one or more of their buddies go through it."


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that birth rates have fallen to record lows.

Boobus Americanus 2: That's strange, considering how much the economy has improved in recent years.


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St. Sugar Life ain't all about money, Boobuss. I was frickin' homelesss when I had my litter!

 Editor: An animal's survival instinct is not as easily suppressed as that of us oh-so-intelligent humans.

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Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com



Homes on Pawleys Island, S.C., some damaged in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian last month.
 NY Times: Rich Counties Get More Help to Escape Climate Risk, New Data


Another day, another "study" about this or that dire consequence of Global Warming / Climate Change . This particular paper, farted out of the rectum of the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School (cough cough) of Marine and Atmospheric Science, accomplishes a Marxist "twofer." In addition to spreading -- by way of prior assumption fallacy -- the usual alarmist nonsense about sea-level rise and more frequent hurricanes, the "study" concludes that the big bad "rich" are given preferential treatment when it comes to mitigating "climate risk." This useless study and the subsequent media hype about it dovetails nicely with Loony Lizzy Warren's recent proposal to fight "environmental racism." ( pending)

Katharine J. Mach, the lead "professor" behind this propaganda paper, claims that wealthier beach communities are given prefernce in accessing Federal "buyout" funds and relocation assistance after a weather disaster which the professorette, as well as the Slimes scribbler, automatically assumes to be related to "Climate Change" .


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1. Young Professorette Katherine Mach -- not bad looking at all, sweetie. Not bad. In a sane world, instead of playing "scientist" while wasting time and grant money on stupid "studies," Katie would be at home making babies, cleaning house, dolling herself up and preparing suppers for a nice handsome and happy young man. // 2. Loony Lizzy of 1/1024 Cherokee fame -- the new Demonrat front-runner of the month --just started promoting similar nonsense about "environmentalism racism." // 3. Classic Marxism: "Climate Change" is now an issue of race and class.


There is a line in this article which really caught our attention. See if you can infer what's wrong with the observation:

"In many coastal states, flood-prone areas continue to see the highest rates of home construction. "

Hmmmm. Now, if the idea of rising sea-levels and intensified storms in the near future is truly the stuff of "settled science" which the ass-clowns of Academia and Fake News insist that it is; then why are mortgage lenders -- as well as the institutional investors who purchase loans on the secondary market -- continuing to finance "the highest rates of home construction" in coastal areas with 15 and 30 year mortgages? Bankers are smart guys -- and every major bank & brokerage house in America proudly states that they are doing their part to fight "Climate Change ". (Enter the name of any large bank or brokerage house and "Climate Change" into a search engine and see).

Yet not a single lender has pulled out of or even restricted its coastal lending. Don't they realize that even a slight but observable change in sea-levels would instantly trigger a panic-collapse in the value of collateralized real estate assets? Or can it be that all of their high-sounding corporate propaganda about "concern" over "Climate Change " is all fake -- and intended to keep the commie crazies at bay?


Homes on Pawleys Island, S.C., some damaged in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian last month. Image result for coastal construction Image result for banker loan

Stable-valued collateral is critical to bank balance sheets. That is why -- even if a borrower has excellent credit -- a bank won't provide a mortgage for the purchase of a boarded-up crack house in Baltimore. If the banks and the Wall Street investors actually believed in the environmental alarmism which they claim to be so concerned about, they would have stopped making and re-buying 10, 15 and 30-year loans on beach-front properties by now --- or at least added some steep interest rate bumps and/or increased downpayment requirements. The reason for the total lack of concern is that they know it's all a hoax and that the properties are NOT at unusual risk.


"Across the pond," in the severely libtarded European province of France, even the boy-king Emmanuel Maricon (not a typo, Spanish for faggot) of "Paris Climate Accords" fame cannot deny that the properties along the French Riviera continue to be in high demand and eagerly financed by banking giants like Monte Paschi and various Rothschild-affiliated institutions. Imagine that! The very same money-grubbing Rothschilds who created and funded the Global Warming / Climate Change hoax haven't the slightest concern about long-term beachfront financing, nor do they seem worried about one their own personal residences located on the French Riviera.

And further north in the clinically insane Sweden of Greta "How Dare You" Thunberg, coastal properties are more than holding their value and attracting finance there too. Money talks, as they say --- and the big money boys, by way of their heavy long-term financing of coastal construction, are telling the more astute among us, quite clearly: "Global Warming / Climate Change is a hoax!"


Image result for french riviera Image result for rothschild riviera Image result for rothschild global warming survival guide by rothschild david

1. The libtards and money lenders of the French Riviera don't seem too concerned about their long term beachfront investments. // 2. A Rothschild home in the French Riviera. // 3. David de Rothschild of Britain wrote "The Global Warming Survival Handbook." Ya better warn your cousins in France, David.



Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times that wealthier communities can access money to deal with the effects of Climate Change much easier than poorer areas.

Boobus Americanus 2: Climate Change, bad. ... Racism, bad.


       Editor: Boobus just bought a vacation home at the Jersey shore.



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Image result for trump syria
 Time Magazine: Israelis Watch U.S. Abandon Kurds, and Worry: Who’s Next?


Lots and lots of butt-hurt emanating from the highest quarters of International Globalism and International Zionism over Trump's surprise move to pull out of Northern Syria and "abandon" the rebel Kurds in the process. That the One-Worlders despise Trump is not news; but for the sake of any remaining Trump-haters among our readership, this attack piece by David Halbfinger (cough cough) should (we hope) cause them to reconsider their deeply-held belief that Trump, though not a Globalist-Marxist, is still Israel's slave. From the article:

"President Trump’s abrupt order to withdraw American troops there and abandon Kurdish forces, who have been stalwart American allies against the Islamic State, set off clanging alarm bells among officials in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. And for a simple reason: If such a betrayal could befall the Kurds, Israelis from across the political spectrum are suddenly asking, what prevents the same from befalling another staunch American ally?" (emphasis added)

From whence this sudden love for the stateless Kurds, by the way? Dating as far back as World War I, the US / UK "foreign policy establishment" (for which, Sulzberger's Slimes serves as propaganda mouthpiece) has cruelly played the Kurds for chumps by always, with the false promise of giving them a state -- inciting them to revolt against Ottoman Turkey, Iraq or Syria but NEVER delivering.



http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2007/10/19/world/19kurds.600.jpg http://cinemadan.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/football.jpg http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100523172400/peanuts/images/a/a0/1107charlie_brown_lucy_football.jpg
Knuckle-headed Kurds; played for fools 7 times over the past 100 years -- yet Charlie Kurd still falls for the "fight-for-us-in-exchange-for-statehood" trick.


The detestable Dore Gold, a former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations and top foreign-policy official under the suddenly neutered Benjamin Satanyahoo, whined in an interview yesterday: “I feel like a Kurd today.” And speaking of Satanyahoo, have "youse guys" noticed how Trump has dropped the man he once pretended to adore like a hot matzoball?  He never even called Bibi after the Israeli election which clipped his wings! Our favorite paragraph from this Slimes piece says it all:

A knife in our back,” screamed the headline over a column by Shimon Shiffer in Yediot Ahronot, Israel’s biggest mainstream paper. “The conclusion we draw needs to be unequivocal: Trump has become unreliable for Israel. He can no longer be trusted,” the column read.

Yes, as he did in the shark-infested world of New York City real estate, the Maestro has out-Jewed the Jew  ---- and the Jew ain't happy about it. More delightful headlines, direct from the major mouthpieces of the shitty little state:


  • Haaretz: Trump's Decision to Abandon Syria's Kurds Is Bad News for All U.S. Regional Allies
  • Haaretz: Israel Surprised by Trump's Decision to Withdraw
  • Haaretz: Trump's Decision to Abandon Syria's Kurds is Bad
  • Jerusalem Post: After Trump's Decision, Israel Cannot Depend on Anyone
  • Jerusalem Post: Trump's Syria Plan: Disaster in the Making
  • Jerusalem Post: Trump Gives Turkey Green Light to Take Over Syria
  • Times of Israel: U.S. Pullout From Syria Puts Israel at Risk
  • Yedioth Ahronoth: Trump's Decision is a Defeat for Israel

  • Yedioth Ahronoth: A Victory for Iran, a Defeat for Israel

  • Israel Today: A Catastrophic Mistake

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As vomit-inducing as Trump's overt ass-kissing of (((them))) was to behold -- in the final analysis, the posturing served the purpose of positioning him to make the moves he is making now because no one can say that he is "anti-Israel."


To a newbie, all of this "oy veying" might give the impression that the Israelis are now afraid for their safety. In reality, it is not fear of Iran, nor Russia, nor Syria, nor Turkey, nor Hezbollah (Lebanon) that's got the usual suspects doing their usual hand-wringing. No sir. What the ultra-Zionists are pissed-off about is the realization that the shitty little state will, henceforth, be confined to its stolen kennel and not an acre more of another nation's land. With its U.S. attack-bitch giving up its foothold in Syria, Israel is boxed in by a mighty coalition. We shall see if this new state of affairs helps lead to a just deal with the Palestinians -- but as for a U.S. war for Israeli expansion, that dream is over. Thanks Mr. President.

Even more telling than the reactions of the Israeli Piranha Press were the swift condemnations from some of Zion's reliable Gentile frontmen in the United States. Though all generally pro-Trump, Christian-Zionist televangelist Pat Robertson, as well as FOX talking heads Kennedy Montgomery and Brian Kilmeade all slammed Trump's "betrayal" of the Kurds (as if anyone give's a rat's ass about the Kurds!). It will be interesting to see if some of these Israel Firster pro-Trumpers hop off the Trump Train -- or opportunistically stay on board as Trump grows stronger and stronger.

There was a post made by Q Anon (Military Intelligence) 19 months ago: "We are saving Israel for last." More and more, that mysterious "crumb" is starting to make sense.


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Worried that peace may finally take hold in the Middle East, (((he))) -- feigning love for the Kurds -- has activated his talking goys "on the right" to trash Trump for pulling out of Syria and leaving the Kurds "vulnerable" to the Turks.




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1. To neutralize the false accusation that he is allowing Turkey to crush the Kurds, The Maestro did his usual strategic act on Twitter --- threatening to "devastate Turkey's economy" if they harm the Kurds.

2 & 3. Trump really likes and respects Turkish "strongman" Recip Erdogan -- whose colorful Israel-bashing and "anti-Semitism" is well known (here).



This just in.... From Trump's Twitter

 "The United States has spent EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS fighting and policing in the Middle East. Thousands of our Great Soldiers have died or been badly wounded. Millions of people have died on the other side. GOING INTO THE MIDDLE EAST IS THE WORST DECISION EVER MADE.....
....IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY! We went to war under a false & now disproven premise, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. There were NONE! Now we are slowly & carefully bringing our great soldiers & military home. Our focus is on the BIG PICTURE! THE USA IS GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE!"


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times that Israel is worried about Trump's pullout from Syria.

Boobus Americanus 2: He is betraying the Kurds to the Turkish dictator.


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  St. Sugar: Boobuss, you sanctimoniouss simpleton! Nobody cares about the frickin' Kurdss --- leasst of all, you!

 Editor: Boobus wouldn't know a Syrian Kurd from a Bean Curd.



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Image result for colin powell new york times on trump
 Time Magazine: Colin Powell: The Republican Party Needs To 'Get a Grip' and Stand Up to Trump


Well, well, well --- look at what the Deep State has dragged out of mothballs to dump on Trump. It's none other than the Magic Mulatto -- the military "genius" who brought the world the genocidal "Highway of Death" in Gulf War I, and then, as Secretary of State a dozen years later, followed up on that montrous infamy by giving a crucial assist to the Bush-Cheney Mafia in bringing about the disastrous Iraq War II. Boys and girls, the oh-so-estimable creation of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) -- put your hands together for Colon Rectum Bowell! (cue the trumpets of Mount Olympus)

Glib as always while speaking smoothly at a forum with contemptible Pakistani Globalist, Fareed Zakaria (CFR) and the equally odious Madeline the Murderess Albright (CFR), Colon Bowell had this to say:

“They (the Republican Party) need to get a grip, and when they see things that aren’t right they need to say something about it. Because our foreign policy is a shambles right now, in my humble judgement. And I see things happening that are hard to understand.”

Plugging the above comment into our computerized Globalese-to-English translation engine yielded the following result:

Translation: The Globalist wing of the Republican Party has got to find a way to stop Trump. Peace and stability are breaking out all over the world and that's very bad for our Globalist designs."


Image result for highway of death colin powell Image result for highway of death Image result for colin powell new york times

1 & 2. 1991: The Affirmative Action general eagerly and senselessly slaughtered thousands of Iraqi troops and civilians as they desperately fled from the mighty US air-power on "The Highway of Death." // 2003: As Secretary of State under Bush II, Bowell's undeserved stature, protective pigmentation, and silky smooth rap enabled him to get away with selling a ridiculously dishonest "Dog & Pony" uranium show at the UN --- a stunt which gave the War Party the protective cover needed to finally launch the disastrous war.


 * As an Army Major during the Vietnam War in 1968, Bowell also helped to cover up the infamous My Lai Massacer. (here)


Let us review the "shambles" of Trump's foreign policy as compared to what he inherited in 2017 following the 28-year reign of ruin of Bush I, Clinton, Bush II & Obongo -- a span of terrors which included perpetual wars and proxy wars -- and culminated with George Soros himself cryptically threatening Russia and China with World War 3. (here)




Syria / ISIS

Assad in danger / Threat of confrontation between US & Russia

War is over, ISIS crushed, US troops coming home

Korean Peninsula

Threat of new Korean War always present and dangerous.

Trump & Lil' Kim getting along. North & South Korea in friendly talks. Trump actually set foot on North Korean soil.

East Ukraine - Russia

CIA-Ukraine killing Russian-speaking East Ukrainians -- baiting Putin to invade and trigger war with NATO

Russia and Ukraine talking. Trump establishing good relations with both.

"The Asian Pivot" (against China)

US organizing and/or arming Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, Philippines & Vietnam in an allied aggressive posture against China

Relations between China and Pacific nations vastly improved. Trump & Xi get along very well.

How about them "shambles," eh Colon? Even Africa seems to have calmed down -- not surprising given that terror groups like "Boko Haram" were CIA fronts. And now the 'Greater Israel" Zionists and their Israel Firster operatives in America are openly whining about Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria completely. From the Jerusalem Post:
Headline (October 7, 2019): Can Israel Trust the U.S. After Syria Withdrawal?
"The US surprise decision to announce that it would withdraw from an area along the Syrian border and enable a Turkish military operation into northern Syria raises many questions about long-term US policy in the Middle East. It is also concerning to Jerusalem because both Iran, an enemy of Israel, and Turkey, which excoriates Israel regularly at international forums, appear to gain as the US retreat."

The observable geo-political situation is very clear. In a world which, less than three years ago, had been on a collision course toward World War 3 -- four potentially catastrophic trip-wires have been skillfully deactivated. Peace is at hand, and Council on Foreign Relations scum like Colon Bowel don't like it one bit.
Remember the bad old days?
Image result for mccain in ukraine http://s.marketwatch.com/public/resources/MWimages/MW-CQ890_soros__ZG_20140818112004.jpg

1. 2013: Secretary of State Killary: "Russia and China will pay a price for standing up for the Assad regime." //  2. 2013: McCain the Insane unleashed chaos in Ukraine. // 3. Soros: 2016: “If there is conflict between China and a military ally of the United States, like Japan, then it is not an exaggeration to say that we are on the threshold of a third world war..... there is a real danger that China will align itself with Russia politically and militarily, and then the threat of third world war becomes real.”
 Image result for mccain in ISIS Related image
Image result for NORTH VS SOUTH KOREA
1. McCain with ISIS in Syria // 2. Obongo's "Asian Pivot" was a provocation of China. // 3. North Korea vs South-Korea: A 60 year flash-point -- now calmer than ever.
Bowell's empty words serve as a stark warning as to what will happen when Trump leaves office, probably in 2025 -- barring some major Q-Anon-related political shake-up / swamp-draining / voting bloc realignments which would block the Globalists from retaking the White House post-Trump, that is. A cleaning-up and restructuring of the "shambles" which Trump is making of the world would mean a return to perpetual war and revolution in the Middle East; renewed animosity between NATO and Russia in Europe, and a return to mischief by the CIA and its vassals in the Asian Pacific and Korean Peninsula. 
If the awarding of the coveted Nobel Peace Prize were a legitimate honor instead of a Globalist propaganda spectacle -- Trump and Putin would be named co-winners this coming Friday. As it stands, the scuttlebutt among Marxists and libtards "in the know" is that this year's medallion (along with a $1.1 million cash award) will be going to the angry little Communist actress from Sweden -- Greta "How Dare You" Thunberg of the children's "Global Climate Strike" fame. ---- Sick world.



Image result for trump and putin soccer ball Image result for trump and xi.

Image result for trump and kim
 Candidate Trump in 2016: "Wouldn't it be nice, if we got along with Russia, and China -- and all these countries? Wouldn't it be nice?"



Image result for colin powell and hillary clinton

Colon and Killary -- as thick as theives!

Are you hiding something too, Mr. Bowell? Is that why you are suddenly speaking out against Trump?

Below is a conspiratorial E-mail exchange between ex-State Secretary Bowell and then-current Secretary Killary. The two discuss how to conceal electronic communications while on the job -- which is against the law!





  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Colin Powell said that Trump's foreign policy was in shambles.

 Boobus Americanus 2: Colin Powell --- good.

Drag to pan


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E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com



Image result for dead american world war 1
 Army recruits filled a street in New York in April 1917 soon after President Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany. Many would be killed and dumped in ditches.
New York Times: Should America Have Entered World War I?


As far as historical accounts go, this particular piece about America's entry in World War I, submitted to Sulzberger's Slimes by Georgetown University History Professor and "noted author" Michael Kazin (cough cough), isn't so bad. Nonetheless, in spite of its relative objectivity, some important elements are missing. The depleted "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times is pleased to add a bit of much-needed muscle to this skeletal narrative.



The "distinguished" Professor Kazin from Georgetown only gets it half-right. The B-student party-boy from Rutgers gets it 100%.

(Yet Kazin rakes in millions of dollars while we have to plead for donations and book sales! (hint-hint) Go figure.)


Kazin: In 1917, Congress voted to enter what was then the largest and bloodiest war in history. Four days earlier, President Woodrow Wilson had sought to unite a sharply divided populace with a stirring claim that the nation “is privileged to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured.”

Analysis: Nothing wrong with what Kazin wrote in those two sentences, but get a load of Woody Wilson gleefully spewing idiotic platitudes about "spending the blood" of young American men for the sake of "principles" and "peace." Disgusting.

Kazin: The war lasted only another year and a half, but in that time, an astounding 117,000 American soldiers were killed and 202,000 wounded.

Analysis: Horrible numbers, yet only a fraction of what each of the major European powers lost in that bloodbath. What a tragic waste!

Kazin: Still, most Americans know little about why the United States fought in World War I, or why it mattered...World War I is less easy to explain (than World War II).

Analysis: Actually, Professor Pointyhead, World War I is very easy to explain. Here it is in just 152 words:



The jealous British and French wanted to take out their German economic competitor.

The Russians allied themselves with Britain and France because they wanted to take Constantinople (aka Istanbul) from Turkey.

The Jewish Globalists wanted to restructure the sovereign states and empires of Europe along Communist and/or "democratic" lines -- while the Jewish Zionists (many of whom were also Globalists) wanted to crush the Turkish Empire (which was allied with Germany & Austria-Hungary) so that Palestine could be stolen on their behalf.

Toward those evil ends, the main states of Europe were pitted against each other in a game of mutual destruction in which the sole innocent party was Germany. Under false pretenses, the United States -- under the Jewish-controlled Woodrow Wilson -- was manuevered into the war on the side of Britain and France, only after the British agreed to steal Palestine from Turkey and allow Jews to start settling there (Balfour Declaration).


Bada bing, bada boom -- done! What was so hard about that?

Kazin: America intervened nearly three years after it began, and the “doughboys,” as our troops were called, engaged in serious combat for only a few months. More Americans in uniform died away from the battlefield — thousands from the Spanish flu — than with weapons in hand. 

Analysis: Kazin neglects to mention that the "Spanish"-flu (which actually originated at a US Army base in Kansas) had all the indications of a US-engineered bio-weapon -- one that killed many German / Austro-Hungarian soldiers before getting out of hand and killing as many as 75-100 MILLION people worldwide!

Kazin: After victory was achieved, Wilson’s audacious hope of making a peace that would advance democracy and national self-determination blew up in his face when the Senate refused to ratify the treaty he had signed at the Palace of Versailles.

Analysis: Kazin makes it sound as if Wilson was a well-meaning idealist who screwed things up. In reality, Wilson (a black-mailed puppet of the Big Jews), wasn't out to "advance democracy and self-determination." Those high-sounding platitudes were just bits of bait to lure in starry-eyed suckers. The real plan for the post-war world was to begin the drive towards world government -- a New World Order whose real purpose, ironically, is and has always been to impose a global structure that is very anti-democratic and anti- "national self determination."



"...Occasionally, on a Saturday morning in the summer of 1912, Bernard Baruch would walk into the Democratic Headquarters with Woodrow Wilson in tow, leading him like one would a poodle on a string. Wilson would be quite solemn-faced in appearance....According to my friend Wilson would be given his special "indoctrination course" in politics, by several of the top advisers assembled there. The course consisted chiefly of outlining to him and his agreeing in principle to: Aiding and pushing the projected Federal Reserve Bank Legislation through Congress when Paul Warburg approved the final draft of the opposed Act, then being worked on....(And) if called upon, to lend a sympathetic ear and aid indicated "policy" if war should break out in Europe....Wilson dutifully received and absorbed his indoctrination, shook hands all around, and then departed...."

-- From: FDR: My Explited Father-in-Law, By Curtis Dall, son-in-law of FDR (Image 3)


Kazin: But attention should be paid. America’s decision to join the Allies was a turning point in world history. It altered the fortunes of the war and the course of the 20th century — and not necessarily for the better.

Analysis: The professor gets one right.

Kazin: Its entry most likely foreclosed the possibility of a negotiated peace among belligerent powers that were exhausted from years mired in trench warfare.

Analysis: Correct! Britain and France were seriously considering Germany's request to simply stop the war and return to the pre-war status quo. It was only US entry (engineered by the usual suspects) that encouraged the Allies to drag out the war until the "Yanks" could arrive.

Kazin: Although the American Expeditionary Force did not engage in combat for long, the looming threat of several million fresh troops led German generals to launch a last, desperate series of offensives. When that campaign collapsed, Germany’s defeat was inevitable.

Analysis: True, but Kazin omits the reason why the great German Spring Offensive of 1918 (after stunning initial success) ultimately fizzled out and failed -- namely, because Jewish-Marxist-Zionist Labor Union leaders called for factory strikes right when Germany was about to win the war before the Yanks arrived. Adding to the internal subversion were the Jewish-owned newspapers which suddenly turned pessimistic and negative on the war effort. After the war, this undeniable Jewish subversion came to be referred to as "the stab in the back."

Kazin: How would the war have ended if America had not intervened? The carnage might have continued for another year or two until citizens in the warring nations, who were already protesting the endless sacrifices required, forced their leaders to reach a settlement. If the Allies, led by France and Britain, had not won a total victory, there would have been no punitive peace treaty like that completed at Versailles, no stab-in-the-back allegations by resentful Germans, and thus no rise, much less triumph, of Hitler and the Nazis. The next world war, with its 50 million deaths, would probably not have occurred.

Analysis: All true. But notice how Kazin references the "stab-in-the-back allegations" without defining the context of the term in regard to the bizarre German surrender of November 11, 1918. This clearly indicates that Kazin knows what happened but cannot (or will not) to tell us -- not if he expects to keep his cushy tenured position at Georgetown.



Post-World War I cartoons depict the fact that Germany was "stabbed in the back" by home-front Jews (Zionists and Communists) who wanted Germany and Turkey to lose the war.


Kazin: The foes of militarism in the United States had tried to prevent such horrors. ... They mounted street demonstrations, attracted prominent leaders from the labor and suffrage movements, and ran antiwar candidates for local and federal office.

Analysis: Again, all true. But Kazin makes it sound as though only "liberals" (labor and women's suffrage) opposed the war, ignoring the fact that many conservatives were also against Wilson's warmongering.

Kazin: They also gained the support of Henry Ford, who chartered a ship full of activists who crossed the Atlantic to plead with the heads of neutral nations to broker a peace settlement.

Analysis: Indeed, before America even became involved, Ford was so opposed to the war that, in 1915, the Oscar II ocean liner was commissioned by him to become The Peace Ship. The peace mission was mostly mocked by the warmongering Fake News at the time (especially in Britain & France) as a ridiculous idea. The ship was dubbed, "To Good Ship Nutty.” After the war, Ford would blame "the International Jew" for both bringing about the war -- and later dragging the United States in under false pretexts.


Kazin: Once the United States did enter the fray, Wilson, with the aid of the courts, prosecuted opponents of the war who refused to fall in line. Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts, thousands were arrested for such “crimes” as giving speeches against the draft and calling the Army “a God damned legalized murder machine.”

Analysis: Spot on.

Kazin: The intervention led to big changes in America, as well as the world. It began the creation of a political order most citizens now take for granted, even as some protest against it: a state equipped to fight war after war abroad while keeping a close watch on allegedly subversive activities at home.

Analysis: Spot on.

Kazin: The larger aim of American foreign policy under both liberal and conservative presidents had remained much the same: to make the world “safe for democracy,” as our leaders define it. To achieve that purpose required another innovation of World War I: a military-industrial establishment funded, then partly and now completely, by income taxes.

Analysis: Spot on.

Though there is nothing overtly false in Kazin's piece, and it does offer up quite a bit of useful data, we still have to grade it a "C-" for the simple reason that the unsuspecting reader will come away with the grossly mistaken impression that American entry into World War I was a historical "blunder" based upon misguided idealism. In reality, the event was a stroke of genius -- evil genius to be precise -- planned and executed by (((the usual suspects))) for the usual reasons, namely: the advancement of Globalism (post-war "League of Nations") and its evil overlapping cousin -- Zionism (post-war Jewish immigration to British-occupied Palestine).

Related imagehttps://www.henrymakow.com/upload_images/The-International-Jew-Volumes-I-II-cover.jpg Image result for ford foundation logo
 1. British cartoon mocking Ford's "Peace Ship" for trying to end the still-young war in 1915 //  2. Henry Ford eventually learned the truth about World War I -- claiming that several honest Jews had informed him about the International Jewish hand involved in engineering the war. Ford then tried to warn the world about "The International Jew." Not long after his death in 1947, the Globalists seized control of his foundation and have used it ever since to promote the very Globalism that Ford had tried to expose (before being pressured into shutting up).



Boobus Americanus 1: I read an opinion piece by a distinguished professor of History in the New York Times today. He questioned the wisdom of the United States entering World War I.

Boobus Americanus 2: What a senseless tragedy that war was.


        Drag to pan

  St. Sugar: Tragic, yess, Boobuss. But it wass not "ssenseless." The New World Order crime gang achieved some very important objectivess.

 Editor: Globalism, Communism and Zionism --- the big winners of BOTH World Wars.



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Representative Adam B. Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, knew some details of the allegations against President Trump before the C.I.A. officer filed a whistle-blower complaint.
Slimes Caption: Representative Adam B. Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, knew some details of the allegations against President Trump before the C.I.A. officer filed a whistle-blower complaint.

New York Times: Schiff Got Early Account of Accusations as Whistle-Blower’s Concerns Grew


Even by the cesspoolish standards of the Demonrat-Communist Party of America, the Satanic evil of that putrid little shifty-eyed, pencil-necked Adam Schiff  (cough cough) is truly breath-taking and heart-attack-inducing to behold. Most Demonrats tend to be a bit more subtle in their deception. Not so for House Intelligence Chairman Schiff (D-CA) -- whose "chutzpah" -- even by Jew standards -- is off the charts! Schitt just boldly invents stuff and tries to sell it without any packaging -- prompting Trump to openly called him "sick," "treasonous" and a "lowlife."
One would think that in the aftermath of the discredited hoax of "Russian-Gate" -- which Schiff pushed so hard and for so long -- that he would have been humbled enough by now to at least realize that it would not be in the best interests of his Communist Party to kindle and inflame a new hoax so soon after the old one crumbled. But now we learn -- as confirmed by this "limited hangout" cover-up brought to you by Sulzberger's equally dishonest Jew York Slimes -- that Schitt was handling the still-unnamed CIA "whistleblower" whose allegations have triggered "Ukraine-Gate" -- the latest ineffective effort to take down Trump.
 Related image Image result for gay pride schiff Image result for trump on  schiff
1. From his bug-eyes to his mannerisms to his speech -- everything about this man screams "weirdo!" // 2.  Little Adam likes rainbows. // 3. Trump, from the Oval Office: "Schiff should be looked at for treason. 
What accounts for this quixotic (a $10 word for exceedingly unrealistic and impractical) and seemingly suicidal recklessness on the part of Schitt? Does he honestly believe that Ukraine-Gate -- which we believe was part of a trap set by Trump himself -- will actually take out Trump? Does he not see how badly he and his Communist Party are being damaged in "the court of public opinion" by this libelous lunacy? Well, you see, boys and girls, Schitt is neither unrealistic nor is he blind. His manifest desperation represents, in our informed opinion, the dying last grasps for driftwood of a drowning man who, although he knows what's coming, must instinctively, and illogically, grasp anyway.
The mere fact that Schitt is a Demonrat in good standing with his evil party is, in and of itself, evidence that he must be involved in more corruption than one could shake a hammer and sickle at. That goes without saying! Surely, anxiety over the skeletons in his closet must be keeping Schitt a shittin' himself. But the depleted "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times is convinced that Schitt's skeletons are much more serious than run-of-the-mill financial corruption or even sedition and treason. There's something waaaay darker -- and we "hope and pray" that it will eventually be exposed. Intrigued?
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1 & 2. Schiff's full time obsession is to take down Donald Trump // 3. Dating back to 2017, Q Anon has posted, on several occasions: "Those with the most to lose are the loudest."
-- What's in your closet, Mr. Schitt?
You see, the scuttlebutt is that little Adam -- who, for 25 years, was a mentor affiliated with the controversial "Big Brother" program (here) -- is a pedo-monster. Such a moral-mental-spiritual depravity is not at all uncommon amongst the political "elite" of the decadent West -- hence Trump's calculated use of the word "sick" to describe him. Though we can present no "smoking gun" evidence to support the rumors swirling about him, we do suspect that someone has the evidence and that this nervous buy-eyed demon knows it. He has got to try and take out Trump -- even if means his own self-destruction.
Let's wait and see what comes out about little Schitt. In the meantime, consider these creepy images.
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1 & 2. During the 1980's, weirdo Schitt "Big Brothered" a young Black boy named David McMillan -- who went on to become a full blown libtard TV writer. The Big Brother Program has long been plagued by allegations of rampant sex abuse of minors. (here) /// 3. Schitt tweeted out an image of himself with a Black baby in Haiti -- a known haven for child-sex-traffickers and pedo-monster-murderers. He truly looks like he wants to rape the child!
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1. Schiff with Demonrat mega-donor Ed Buck --- a big backer of Schiff. // 2. Buck, now in prison, got his jollies off by drugging and raping black boys and young Black men.


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times that Adam Schiff may have been working with that whistleblower all along.

Boobus Americanus 2: Well, I'm not a Trump fan --- but it appears to me that this Schiff character is a bit shifty himself -- no pun intended.


      Drag to pan

  St. Sugar:  It's much worse than you can imagine, Boobuss!

 Editor: Schiff has boy-rapist written all over his guilty face.



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Hania Rosenberg, who now lives in Stockholm, Sweden, survived the Holohoax and is now trying to get back the properties that her family had in Poland

New York Times: Holocaust Survivors in Poland Find Restitution Claims ‘Like a Carousel’


Today's twist on the song that doesn't end about the event that never happened, sung for us by Slimes scribbler Nina Siegal (cough cough), features a Polish (now "Swedish") Jewess named Hania Rosenberg whose family lost property during World War II. Of course, the many millions of Europeans who lost lives, loved ones, limbs or property during the great bloodbath for Globalism & Zionism don't merit any of our tears 75 years after the fact. No sir, only the chosenites must be made whole again.
The ever-groveling Germans catch a break with this piece as the government of increasingly "anti-Semitic" Poland is slammed for not being efficient enough when it comes to restoring lost property to the "survivors ." Pass the tissues and cue the violins. Let's clean up some of this mushy filth from the article:
Nina Siegal (cough cough) serves up the usual sappy slop about the Holohoax.
Siegal: Hania Rosenberg was born in 1934 in Oswiecim, an industrial town in the Galicia region of southern Poland. The concentration and extermination camp the Germans built there after their 1939 invasion, called Auschwitz-Birkenau, would take the lives of 1.1 million people.
Analysis: There is not one shred of evidence that 1.1 million people (suddenly reduced from 4 million about 20 years ago) died at Bullschwitz. No bodies, no paperwork, no forensic evidence of "gas chambers" TM, and several Jewish inmates who later stated they knew nothing about any "mass extermination" that was going on.

Siegal: Her grandparents had a three-story house and a general store, farmland and two garden plots in the nearby town of Ledziny. During the Communist era, the house and store were expropriated. A shopping mall and new houses stand on what was once farmland. But two garden plots — still in the name of her grandfather — remain, and Ms. Rosenberg is fighting for their ownership...

Analysis: Amazing. After all these years and with one foot already in the grave, this old yenta still can't let go of the material things.

Siegal (quoting Hania): “In Poland, there was no official process for this: You have to go to the courts,” she said in a phone interview from Stockholm. “We did go to the courts, but it was like a carousel: You go around and around and around and around.

Rebuttal: Cheese and crackers! What's with these frickin' people? Let it go already, Hania -- just let it go.

Siegal: Poland is the only European Union nation that has not established formal procedures to resolve claims made by people whose property was seized during the Holocaust, according to a new report by the European Shoah Legacy Institute.

Rebuttal: And who advocates for the return of land and property taken from the 8 million dispossessed Prussians and Sudetenland folks who were ethnically cleaned after the war? (here) No one!

In many of those Prussian cases, Polish Jews would go "shopping" for German homes with armed Communist-Jewish partisans acting as their "realtors." Upon finding a home to the liking of the yenta of the family, the German family would be told, "She likes your home. Now get the hell out!" -- and that was the end of the transaction.


http://www.nybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/wilson_1-052313.jpg http://polandpoland.com/germansexpelled.jpg
1. Three Million Sudetenland Germans robbed and expelled.   //  2. Five Million Prussian Germans robbed and expelled. 


Siegal: The report, more than 1,200 pages, was based on three years of research in 47 countries that endorsed a 2009 pledge, known as the Terezin Declaration, to establish a restitution process for “immovable property” like land, homes and businesses. It found that Poland had only partly complied with an obligation to return communal Jewish property like synagogues and cemeteries.

Analysis: From "stolen" artwork to "stolen" gold to "stolen" properties, the "gimme gimme gimme" emanating from the people who suffered the least during the war never ends, and never ceases to amaze.

Siegal: The issue of restitution is especially fraught for Poland, which had Europe’s largest Jewish community before the war. About three million Polish Jews were murdered in the Holocaust...

Analysis: This claim of 3 million Polish Jews is completely unverifiable because the Soviet "Iron Curtain" descended over Poland at wars' end. We have no exact figures as to how many of these "3 million" returned to Poland; how many moved to Israel; or how many relocated to a Western European country (in Hania's case, Sweden). Then there were the "survivors" that left Europe altogether for the United States, Canada, Australia, South America etc.

The same "Iron Curtain" difficulty arises when we attempt to calculate the numbers of killed or missing Hungarian Jews, Romanian Jews, Ukrainian Jews, Baltic Jews, Russian Jews etc. What we do know is that nearly one million European Jews arrived in Israel between 1947 and 1955 (here), and about a half-million settled in the United States (here). Add in about another half-million like Hania who were settled throughout Western Europe as "DP's" (Displaced Persons), and many more who returned to their Eastern European homes -- and voila, there you have the "missing Jews."

Siegal: The report says that Holocaust victims across Europe — not only Jews, but also Roma, gays, disabled people and others ...

Analysis: You see that? The Jews come first, the fags and thieving Gypsies also get an honorary shout-out (as do the disabled), but the countless millions of dispossessed and displaced normal White people throughout Europe are ignored by the "European Shoah Legacy Institute."

Siegal: Although the issue is longstanding, it has been complicated by the rise to power in 2015 of the right-wing Law and Justice Party. Party ... they emphasize that .... many minorities suffered.

“On what basis should Poland decide that those with Jewish ancestors get compensated, whereas Belarussians, Poles, Ukrainians or Crimean Karaites, or Tatars and Germans — all of whom used to live here before the war — shouldn’t be compensated?” Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of the governing party, asked supporters last year.
Analysis: How "right wing" TM and even borderline "anti-Semitic" TM of the Law and Justice Party to point out that people of all nationalities, including ethnic Germans, lost property during the war.

Siegal (quoting Kaczynski): “Is Poland able to turn back time and compensate all those who suffered in those tragic events?” he asked. “Does it mean that the descendants of poor Poles are supposed to pay the descendants of those who were rich? This is what it comes down to.”

Analysis: If Jaroslaw Kaczynski keeps talking like that, he's liable to end up suffering a similar fate as his twin brother Lech -- the Polish President whose plane crashed while on a trip to Russia. Party boss Jaroslaw, like his late brother, is not at all liked by the Globalist crowd. In recent months, Poland's government has come under fire from the EU over its anti-immigration policy and overhaul of the country's court system, which Brussels says "undermines democracy."

If Kaczynski and his fellow Poles are smart (and that's a big "if"), they will all drop the silly anti-Russian crap and realize who the true enemy is. A Polish defection to the Russia-China bloc would do much to diffuse the possibility of World War III and save White Poland from turning into Brown France. 


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/00/Lech_Kaczy%C5%84ski.jpg/220px-Lech_Kaczy%C5%84ski.jpg http://images.csmonitor.com/csmarchives/2010/04/04-10-russian-plane.gif?alias=standard_600x400 http://niepoprawni.pl/cgi-bin/watermark.cgi/sites/default/files/ilustracje-publiczny/jaroslaw_kaczynski_usmiech_388.jpg

1. Nationalist Lech Kaczynski and many other high-ranking Poles were killed in a mysterious 2010 plane crash. 2. Twin brother Jaroslaw Kaczynski, though still talking nonsense about Russia, has also defied the Globalist EU.


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times that Poland is giving Holocaust survivors a hard time in getting their pre-war property back.

Boobus Americanus 2: After all these years, haven't the Jews suffered enough? The Poles should be ashamed of themselves.


      Drag to pan

  Sugar The only thing that the Polackss have to be be asshamed about iss picking a fight with Germany at the behesst of the Globalisst Wesst.

 Editor: Sugar! The ethnic slur is totally uncalled for and will not be tolerated here. The proper terminology is "Poles."



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Image result for michelle goldberg

NY Times (Op-Ed): Trump’s Claims About Biden Aren’t ‘Unsupported.’ They’re Lies.
The president’s accusations turn reality on its head and the media should say so.


With the possible exception of Krugman (cough cough), and maybe Friedman (cough cough), and maybe Sanger (cough cough), and maybe Brooks (cough cough), and maybe Rosenthal (cough cough), and maybe Rosenberg (cough cough), and maybe Haberman (cough cough), and maybe Kantor (cough cough), and maybe Stephens (cough cough), and maybe Meyers (cough cough), and maybe Cohn (cough cough), and maybe Kristof (cough cough) and maybe Landler (cough cough) and maybe Herzenhorn (cough cough) --- that sow-faced swine Michele Goldberg (cough cough) may just be the boldest liar in the Slimes slanderous stable of Jewish jack-asses.  But to see her vomit out this particular lying piece of editorial excrement is especially breath-taking to behold because the lie focuses on calling Trump a liar when he is actually telling the absolute truth about the Bidens. It is a classic, clinical case of "projection" -- a favorite tactic of narcissistic psychopaths and chronic liars.

At issue here is Trump's extremely well-founded accusation leveled at Joe Biden and his crooked ex-crack-head son, Hunter Biden. At a time when Papa Pedo Joe was in charge of matters Ukrainian, Boy Biden sat on the board of a Ukrainian oil company which was being investigated for corruption. In spite of having no experience in this field, Hunter was raking in $50,000 per month, (plus God only knows what else) just for sitting on a board! Yet, there's more smoke than that --- much more -- that Greasy Goldberg does not want her stupid and lazy readers to know about. 


 Image result for michelle goldberg Related image Image result for biden in ukraine

1. Ms. Piggy's latest editorial is a TOTAL inversion of reality in which she shamelessly accuses Trump of "turning reality on its head." // 2. After the violent Soros-CIA-McCain coup of 2014, Creepy Joe was put in charge of the Ukrainian project. // 3. Hunter Biden is not only as corrupt as his pedo-creep father --- but is just as creepy. One year after the 2015 death of his equally corrupt brother, Beau Biden, Hunter, still married, began bedding the wife of his deceased brother, before they broke-up in 2018.


To support her own lie about Trump's truth, Goldberg utilizes another tried and trusted tactic of deceivers. She calls to witness the authority of a fellow gangster named Geoffrey Pyatt -- a supporter of the Soros-CIA Ukrainian coup of 2014 and the former ambassador to Ukraine under the Obongo-Biden regime. Goldberg describes and quotes Pyatt slandering the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin -- the man who had been following the stinky scent emanating from Boy Biden and his crooked Burisma Holdings. From the article:

"Pyatt called out the office of Viktor Shokin, then the prosecutor general of Ukraine. 'Corrupt actors within the prosecutor general’s office are making things worse by openly and aggressively undermining reform,' he said. Pyatt specifically lambasted Shokin’s office for subverting a British case against a man named Mykola Zlochevsky, Yanukovych’s former ecology minister."

You see, according to Obongo's boy Pyatt and Sulzberger's gal Goldberg, it wasn't Burisma or Boy Biden that were crooked. No sir. It was the prosecutor! Of course.


Image result for geoffrey pyatt Image result for Viktor ShokinImage result for Burisma Holdings

1. Pyatt cited as an authoritative source??? He was part of the same Soros-Obongo-Biden Mafia which raped Ukraine! // 2. Prosecutor Shokin was fired on Biden's orders. // 3. Burisma -- a shady operation with Hunter sitting on the board while dad controlled post-coup Ukraine.


It's bad enough that the Fake News keeps repeating the mendacious mantra that Trump's charges are "unsubstantiated." But even that that is not enough for Goldberg. The thesis of this devious douchebag's piece is that the Piranha Press should be calling the allegations out as "lies." Project much, bitch?

Goldberg mentions the fact that Trump is running ads atacking Biden, but in a blatant "lie of omission" (yet another favorite of bullshit-artists) she, like the rest of the Fake News, refuses to run the self-incriminating quote, contained in said ad, from Creepy Pedo Joe himself. Speaking before the world-government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations in 2018, big-mouth Biden, reminiscing about his Ukraine experiences, arrogantly boasted about the mobster tactics which he employed to take down the prosecutor who was making his son nervous -- and in so doing, implicated himself and Obongo:


JOE BIDEN: I had gotten a commitment from (the Ukrainian leaders) that they would take action against the state prosecutor and they didn't. So I said, we're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, 'You have no authority. You're not the president. The president said ... ' I said, 'Call him (Obama).'

I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars. I'm going to be leaving here. And I think it was - what? - six hours. I looked. I said, I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (laughter)  He got fired.  (video: here)

Evidently, Ms. Goldberg and the whole stinking Hebrew hierarchy of the Slimes decided that such essential data was not "fit to print." So you see, boys and girls, the seditious scum of the earth are wrongly accusing Trump of the very thing which Biden -- acting with the full support of Obongo -- actually did, and admitted to, on camera. I'm tellin' ya -- one of these days, (((these people))) are gonna give yours truly a heart attack!

Image result for biden at cfr Image result for obama ukraineImage result for lying by silence

1 & 2. Biden was taped bragging about how he muscled Ukraine into firing the prosecutor --- and with Obongo's approval. // 3. Den of thieves -- "Goodfellas" Obongo, Creepy Joe & Sleazy Hunter.



  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump's accusations against Joe Biden are false.

 Boobus Americanus 2: I think they are both dirty.



Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com




Roy Cohn questioned a witness in 1954 at a United States Senate hearing.

NY Times: Inside the F.B.I. File of Trump’s Mentor, Roy Cohn
The thick file is a timely reminder of the unusual realm that Trump's feared mentor inhabited.
By The Editorial Board


Roy Cohn -- the young right-hand man of the late great St. Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin -- has been dead for 33 years now. But if any of "youse guys" track the Fake News as closely as the depleted "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times does, you would surely have noticed the bizarre rash of Roy Cohn articles (all of them negative) that have been published over just the past week. In addition to today's Slimes' slander, here are just a few headlines of recent days:
  • NY Daily News: Blame lawyer Roy Cohn for Donald Trump’s nasty political tactics, documentary says

  • Politico: The Final Lesson Donald Trump Never Learned From Roy Cohn

  • Raw Story: ‘Echoes of Roy Cohn’: Trump is Turning Into His Former Mentor
  • The Forward: How Roy Cohn's Shame Made Him and Trump Shameless


Why have (((they))) turned on the propaganda geyser and resurrected Cohn, just to stomp on his remains all over again, you ask? Well, you see, Cohn, although both a Jew and a closet homosexual, was a talented brass-knuckled fighting lawyer who used his legal combativeness to fight Communists (among others). And long after McCarthy was dead and gone, Cohn -- who could have ingratiated himself into polite New York Society simply by saying that he had made a youthful mistake -- never once apologized for working with the heroic Senator -- defending him until the time of his own death (of AIDS) in 1986. An attack on Cohn is an attack on McCarthy; but more significantly, it's an attack, by direct association, on the man who Cohn "mentored" back in the 1970's / 80's -- another anti-Establishmentarian hated by the Marxists / Globalists -- a younger Donald Trump.


 Image result for roy cohn joe mccarthy WHERE’S MY ROY COHN? (Sony Classics) — The life of the notorious lawyer and political player (including mentor to President Donald Trump) gets the big-screen treatment from director Matt Tyrnauer (“Studio 54,” “Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood”), featuring interviews with Roger Stone and Annie Roiphe. - Original Credit: Sony Classics Image result for trump cohn

1. On serving McCarthy --  Cohn: "I went to work for Joe McCarthy in January 1953 and was gone by the fall of ’54. Does anybody doubt that is how my obituary will open?  -- which is exactly how I want it to read.” /// 2 & 3. He later served Trump.


The article sums up Cohn's work for McCarthy and Trump:

"Cohn had made his name prosecuting Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for espionage — and pressing for their execution — and acting as Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Communist-hunting right hand in the 1950s. 

(Trump and Cohn) first joined forces when Trump was a young real estate developer being sued by the Justice Department, with his father, for refusing to rent apartments to black tenants.Mr. Cohn urged against settling the case, as Mr. Trump was considering.

'Tell them to go to hell and fight the thing in court,’ Mr. Trump later recalled Mr. Cohn telling him. The Trumps ultimately did settle, but not before filing a $100 million countersuit against the government. It was the start of a relationship during which Mr. Cohn helped Mr. Trump close signature construction deals, sued the National Football League for conspiring against his client and prepared an onerous prenuptial agreement for Mr. Trump’s first wife."

Given how close Cohn and Trump were, we suspect that the "mentor" schooled the student very well as to the truth about "McCarthyism ."And now, the same dark "Deep State" forces and the same sinister tactics which killed the McCarthy hearings (and ultimately, the man himself) are being utilized for the purpose of bringing down Trump.


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1.  Commie Jews of New York take to the streets to protest the electrocution death sentence handed out to the Rosenbergs. // 2. Cohn remained proud of his role in frying the Communist Rosenbergs in the electric chair --- and the Left hasn't forgotten.  // 3. The title of Sony Pictures recent film, "Where's my Roy Cohn?" is a quote from Donald Trump. Cohn's resurrection is an attempt to smear Trump. States film-maker Matt Tyrnauer: Roy Cohn is the creator of Donald Trump."


 Drag to panImage result for "Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn,"

"Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn," directed by the Rosenberg’s granddaughter, Ivy Meeropol (Image 2), premiered at th e New York Film Festival this past Sunday. It will run on HBO in Election Year 2020. Its debut comes just 9 days after the release of Tyrnauer’s, 'Where’s My Roy Cohn?'



Perhaps the greatest honor paid to Roy Cohn is last week's attack which appeared in the Jewish "Forward" (a leftist publication that dates back to its openly Marxist and Yiddish language days of 1897). A snippet from the aforementioned Forward piece, vomited out by P J Grisar (cough cough):

"Roy Cohn -- a fixer, a liar, a self-loathing Jew and viciously homophobic homosexual, he seized on the Big Lie advanced by Adolf Hitler to advocate for his clients, smear his opponents and shield himself from a mountain of indictments. His first case to gain national attention sent Julius and Ethel Rosenberg to their deaths. Towards the end of his life, he was the consigliere of Donald Trump, pushing the young real estate scion to countersue the government in a housing discrimination case.

A physical and moral grotesque, called, in an extensive 1978 Esquire profile by Ken Auletta, “the personification of evil,” he relished his reputation as a prince of darkness."

Well, Cohn may have, in private, played for the pink team; but there is some redemption in hating one's own proclivity toward sodomy. At least he  wasn't "proud." Seriously, this kind of unhinged hatred coming from the likes of The Forward amounts to the best long-after-the-fact eulogy that a man can get. Cohn would be honored to have such words spoken about him, coming from Marxists, that is. Such ironic credibility statements aimed at Cohn -- and by inference, Trump -- constitute yet another good indicator that Trump -- like Joe McCarthy -- has got the Globalists on the defensive. Let's just hope he can succeed where "St. Joseph" could not.


Image result for P J Grisar Image result for st joseph of wisconsin
*Image result for joe mccarthy  conspiracy so immense quote

1. When a little Yiddish greaseball like PJ Grisar spews venom at the late Roy Cohn -- calling him a "homophobe" and a "self-hating Jew" -- it's a true compliment to Joe McCarthy's departed sidekick. // 2. A MUST READ! --- St. Joseph of Wisconsin (here)



  Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Joe McCarthy's right-hand man was later a mentor to Trump.

 Boobus Americanus 2: Joe McCarthy, bad.

Drag to panImage result for joe mccarthy with halo


Email address:

E-mail: GreatTomatoBubble2@gmail.com

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