U have just entered the home site to Acid_Cool_178
This page will not be updated often anymore anymore. If it's updated then it will be luck.. I'm shutting down on my activity and focusing at real life.
I don't release cracks anymore for any crews, I wish to learn to keygen and code my own applications and learn how to code in different languages.
Help Me Please... <-- HTML-Document..
I have just downloaded +Fravia's page from Korabar's site and I spent some hours on it.. (From 2100 to 0400) and after that I couldn't sleep because I were amazed over what one page can mean for the cracking civilization. That page were like the X-Files, only searching the truth and disassembling the reality world.. They weren't only keygenning like cracking groups do today, they were looking at the world that were today and took up the problems.. Philosophy...
You can reach me at acid_cool_178@hotmail.com
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