What about warez???

In this page I've exprimed my own opinion about warez, do you want to know what a cracker think about warez???then read

These are my simple moral laws about it.

1)Warez is wrong, cause lots of programmers loose lots of money due to piracy.

2)When a program is really too expensive for a normal person,this category includes many graphic softwares like 3dstudio, Photoshop and Autocad, we have to distinct 2 cases....1)These applications are made to be bought by not normal people, but for special company that uses them for job activities and not just to enjoy that they have it, like many people usually makes.I've tons of friends that use Adobe Photoshop just to view the images they have on their hard drives, cant they use some smaller and more economical apps like Acdsee????Yes they can, Acdsee is a program that just costs 35 US $, you can also buy it for a friend as present.For this things, I suggest the people that have installed an unused expensive app on their systems, to delete it and download a smaller and application.2)But when a person really use it to make its art, and it cant buy it, then in my own opinion can keep on the hard drive the warez version, reserving for the future the idea to buy it.

3)Talking about very used softwares(Winzip,Winrar,Acdsee) I think that the better way should be purchasing the softwares, but I know that there's people that cannot buy them, also if they are economical, in this case I think you can keep the software on your hard disks also when the trial period is over, many apps keep to run regularly, WITHOUT registering them, this is the moral agreement between you and the software house, you keep it but UNREGISTERED and when you have the enough money you'll buy it.software houses know this problem, and they agree to it, cause they can easily make its software trial(that it really doesn't work more), but they don't do it...so I think you can keep it.You may ask:"But if i can keep it, why I don't register it with a cracked SerialNumber???"Simple because if you register it, when you'll have the enough money to buy it, you'll not.And this my dear is stealing.


Q:But cracking is like warez???

A:No it's not.

Q:But if you crack an application, then you register it without paying it,isn't this stealing???

A:Yes, of course it is, I use a crack to register the software but just to see, and enjoy how the registered version could be.I'll then delete or buy the cracked softwares.

Q:Cracking software you break laws in all cases, also if you then buy it.Then???

A:Yes, of course, but if you tell it to the software house it will not care about it, don't you think that if you bought it you are right??

Q:Cracking is made by warez softwares(debuggers,disassembler etc.),then??

A:Yes, that's a good question.Cracking is based on warez, without my version of SI I cannot crack, but do you know how much softice is??600$.I'm 17 years old, do you think I can spend 600$ for an app????This software can be used as warez due my second law(read before).I'd really like to buy Softice because it's a great program, and I'm sure it value every dollar it costs.I'll buy it asap.I heard that many crackers bought their version of Softice too.

I think that cracking and protecting softwares are two faces of the same thing.Cracking is made to demostrate to the protector that it's job can be defeated and so the protector will try to make an harder protection so that the both jobs of cracker and protector become harder as the time passes.This is a wonderful and eternal battle between them, and then they improve their skills every time, making the thing enjoyable.