The Kr0me riddle:

I had an email from Hackmore Readrite (Remember him? He's the one who found the LoLander site that ORC hasn't denied is the fabled lost site. It seems he's done it again...)

[ But see later comments, here[krome2.html - MISSING] ... ]

The original riddle is at

Here's what H+R says:

I simply applied the riddle to the logo at the web-site:

Follow the path of the one who hath her face covered;

Kr0me CORP. is hiding its face with this riddle...

clothed in white, holding in her left hand, four keys.

Most of the left side of the logo is white, and contains the four "keys": "K", "r", "C", and "O" of Kr0me CORP.

One is the red Servant, contrary to the King;

The letter "r" contains alot of red, and it's next to the "K" or "King" (i.e. the most predominant letter of the logo)

One is the white Jayre; dying, and recreated;

The "O" in "CORP" is white, and therefore is "invisable" due to the color scheme.

One is the Camelion; something more sublime

The number "0", which is interpreted to mean the letter "O" is like a camelion in that it's not what it seems

than the King, the last One; but fugitive.

"me" refers to "One" individual, perhaps the creator of this riddle, and it's also the last two letters of the logo, and of the company name, all fugitives by definition, since they've hidden themselves from most visitors.

Now the crack gets real simple... Since the riddle points to the web-page it's posted on, the solution must be somewhere in the same web-page. ... and right at the end of the page is the address that solves the riddle.

The riddle suggests that we're looking for four IP address octets. Maybe that's a bit of camouflage?

And there we have it: right in front of the nose. It shows, I think, that it's easy to overlook the obvious. And don't believe everything you're told. Useful lessons?