fleur.web site - main

[28/08/02]added solution for seifer's eclipse official trial keygenme
[04/08/02]removed solution for death's electric camel crackme (my solution was lame)
removed h2dw hexadecimal to dword conversion source (poorly coded)
removed keygen template (poorly coded, seems to bug under win2k/XP)
[09/07/02]added solution for lightning's crackme 3
[08/06/02]added rsa original paper (thanks to the +q)
archivesold articles, projects and papers

solution for lightning's crackme 3 code a disassembler for a cpu emulator
solution for rascal's keygenme 1 md5, blowfish and bignums
solution for seifer's eclipse official trial keygenme modified ripemd-160, modified blowfish
solution for thigo's 3rd. keygenme cryptanalysis
a self-study course in block-cipher cryptanalysis cryptanalysis exercices
block ciphers and cryptanalysis linear and differential cryptanalysis of simplified tea
a tutorial on linear and differential cryptanalysis linear and differential cryptanalysis of a feistel network
differential cryptanalysis of des-like cryptosystems differential cryptanalysis of des-like cryptosystems
differential cryptanalysis of snefru, khafre, redoc-II, loki and lucifer differential cryptanalysis of different cryptosystems
cryptanalysis of s-des linear and differential cryptanalysis of simplified des
markov ciphers and differential cryptanalysis differential cryptanalysis of markov ciphers
a method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems original rsa paper

microsoft pe header documentation a good pe header reference
microsoft masm reference a complete masm reference
microsoft masm programmer's guide a good masm programming documentation

ibm research : Ponder This the monthly problem contest of ibm research
crackmes crackmes to train your cracking skills
handbook of applied cryptography an excellent cryptography book
iczelion's win32asm website a great win32asm resource
hiroshimator's win32asm messageboard a great messageboard

blair_at_effervescence_dot_com mail roy