Welcome to
Keygenning 4 Newbies

Hello dear visitors,
This site is a place for you to learn the art of keygenning.
I know that many of you have problems while trying to understand how the algos work and stuff.
I'm hoping that u will learn and moreover practice on our weekly's targets
The Aim of this site, is to provide newbies and also to advanced crackers , a place to learn from.
As you can see, there are some tutorials about keygenning made by me and some other nice fellows ;)
I advice you to read them , if you don't have any clues how the heck keygens are done.
This site will be updated often, but only if you guys work on the targets!
I hope you will do it for the fun and pleasure of our art.
Signing off,

                  the analyst [C4N / Immortal descendants / UCF]

TARGETS to keygen:

1/Keygenning4newbies 1. Level : very easy. Keygen and tutorial wanted
2/Keygenning4newbies 2. Level : a little bit harder. Keygen and tutorial wanted this crackme is bugged, wait till i correct it ;) try the number 3 for now
3/Keygenning4newbies 3. Level : 2/10. Keygen and tutorial wanted
4/K4n 4: KAC trial crackme (expired). Level : 2/10. Keygen and tutorial wanted This one is still good for newbies, but easier than the number 3 imho.. but it has some nice tricks;)
5/K4n 5: Thigo's crackme. Level : 5/10. Keygen and tutorial wanted this one is obviously not for newbies ;)
6/K4n 6: Keygenning4newbies 6. Level : medium (but not hard at all). Keygen and tutorial wanted.
7/K4n 7: Keygenning4newbies 7. Level : 6/10 (i don't really know yet may be harder or easier). Keygen and tutorial wanted.

mail me solutions to : acid2600@hotmail.com

*SOLUTIONS to KeygenMe1 added*

*SOLUTIONS to KeygenMe3 added*

Soluces for the crackme 4, 5 and coming soon.
Please work on 6 and 7.

Documentations / tutorials     Solutions of the targets