WHY PATCHING WHILE SERIAL NUMBER IS FISHY AS-Util98 v1.76 A Cracking Tutorial by ASTAGA [D4C/C4A] DISCLAIMER This reading material is not intended to violate Copyrights and/or it is law, but educational purposes only. I hold no responsibility ( by all means and in any shape whatsoever ) of the mis-used of this material. ABOUT THE PROGRAM AS-Util98 ist das WIN98 Systemtool der Spitzenklasse ! AS-Util98 beherrscht nahezu alle undokumentierten Funktionen von WIN98 ! Mit AS-Util98 erleichtern Sie sich das Arbeiten mit Windows98 und bekommen hilfreiche Tips sowie Zusatzfunktion in die Hand . Alle Administratorfunktionen die Sie vielleicht bereits von AS-UTIL95 kennen sind ebenfalls integriert! Es handelt sich hierbei um ein mächtiges Systemtool speziell für Windows98. Das bedeutet aber auch für den Anwender, daß er sich im Klaren darüber sein muß, daß nicht jede Funktion des Programmes immer 100%-ig getestet sein kann... Dafür benötigt man Rechner mit verschiedenen Konfigurationen und jede Menge Zeit. Das heißt aber dann auch die Kosten für das Programm würden sich in Höhen bewegen, die ein "normaler" Anwender kaum zahlen würde ! WHERE TO DOWNLOAD Author : Andreas Schröder Homepage : www.fantastic-art.com/team/asware/index.htm http://www.as-tools.de/ URL : http://www.as-tools.de/AndreasSchroeder/asutil98.exe Size : 1,157,408 Bytez as of Oct 10,2000 Release Date : August 01,2000 HOW TO GET VALID SERIAL NUMBER by using SoftIce 1. Run UTIL98.EXE, in the main program click XTRASS!!+ZUSATZ PROGRAMME check box then click on REGISTRIERUNG submenu. In the right panel / registration dialog box type these below informations : Name : Pirates Order Code : 7388105099 Do not click UBERNEHMEN/OK button yet 2. Fire up SoftIce by pressing [ CTRL + D ], set a new breakpoint in the Command Line : BPX HMEMCPY [enter] and F5 to return to the main program 3. Click OK button now, you'll return back into SoftIce. Press F11, F5, F11 once again and F12 several times until you reach the main program codes as follows : ___________________________________________________________________ 00469001: E8B626FBFF call 00041B6BC <=== you land HERE 00469006: 8B95E8FEFFFF mov edx,[ebp][0FFFFFEE8] 0046900C: 8D85ECFEFFFF lea eax,[ebp][0FFFFFEEC] 00469012: B9FF000000 mov ecx,0000000FF 00469017: E848ABF9FF call 000403B64 0046901C: 8D95ECFEFFFF lea edx,[ebp][0FFFFFEEC] 00469022: 8B8344080000 mov eax,[ebx][000000844] 00469028: 8A8871030000 mov cl,[eax][000000371] 0046902E: 8B8344080000 mov eax,[ebx][000000844] 00469034: E86769FEFF call 00044F9A0 00469039: 8D55EC lea edx,[ebp][-0014] <== d edx 0046903C: 8D45F8 lea eax,[ebp][-0008] ___________________________________________________________________ Disable/clear previous breakpoint ( bd or bc * [enter] ) Set a new breakpoint : bpx 015F:00469001 [enter] NOTE : Otherwise you can do a search string to locate the address as follow : s 0 l fffffffffffffffff e8 b6 26 fb ff 8b 95 e8 [enter] SoftIce will response : Pattern found at xxxx:00469001 (00469001) 4. Now, let's start tracing the codes. Press F10 10 times, after jump pass the CALL instruction at 015F:00469034 ( stop at 015F:00469039 ) dump/display EDX register by typing : d edx [enter] Look at the Data Window (0167:73F5E4), did you see $03FB82BA ? 5. Write down this suspected registration code and disable all break points : bd * [enter] F5 to return to registration window 6. Just click the "beggar-off" message, typed-in $03FB82BA as your code number. " Vielen Dank für die Registrierung " will appear on the screen, then continue by clicking OK button. But WAIT, don't you see in the NAME and CODE field box showed ' *UNREGISTRIERT*! ' and ' Danken für die Registrierung ' ???? What the heck is this ? the OK button got dimmed also! 7. Dont be panic, just click SCHLIEßEN button to quit the program. Restart UTIL98.EXE, look at the left panel "AS-UTIL98 INFOFEN STER" and the right panel "REGISTRIERT AUF: Pirates Order" ! Hehehehe ...... you're ILLEGALLY REGISTERED now ...... da hast Du Dich aber anscheißen lassen !. 7. Where the hell is my registration code is stored ?? - The correct registration code is encrypted and stored in the file called UTIL98.KEY which located in your AS-UTIL98 directory. 8. How can I practise with my own user name ? - I strongly recommended you not to do this ! END NOTES This program is sold as shareware, so you can try before you buy. This is convenient for you, saves expenses by dispensing with all that packaging, and cuts out the middle person. So it is cheap, but it is not free. If you like the program, and you will, be sure to register and pay. To keep shareware prices low, users must do the right thing: Register, pay up, and smile/grin at yourself in the mirror. Do not distribute your crack release based on this tutorial, because you become a LAMER(s)!!!!!!!! ( tHATDUDE (PC97) defined LAMER(s) is the guy who sits in front of personal computer, using Hex Editor, ripping off other group(s) crack release, repacking (distro) them under his name. Adopted from newsgroup alt.cracks, alt.crackers - February 1997 ) More about LAMER(s): lamer /n./ [prob. originated in skateboarder slang] Synonym for luser, not used much by hackers but common among warez d00dz, crackers, and phreakers. Oppose elite. Has the same connota tions of self-conscious elitism that use of luser does among hackers. < SOURCE: http://sagan.earthspace.net/jargon/jargon_27.html > _ Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity _ ASTAGA [D4C/C4A] tute-asutil98.zip [EOF] October 10,2000 12:45:24 PM 10/10/00 628 ' .