Cracking for Newbies - by Dahood Target: WorldMap 3D v 1.1c Tools used: W32dasm Hview ProcDump32 Protection: 1.Serial NOTE: This tutorial is not totally for newbies so i excpect that u know to use w32dasm to use hview (change,search,etc...) 3.Assembly now u have 2 files. 1.worldmap open and it says unregistered 2.worldmapc open it and there u can register... try to and copy the error message that u got Disassemble the program strange no strings Right its packed and im not going to go into details i hate packed programs when u tried to disassemble u saw UPX0 UPX1 open it in hview and at the top it says upx 1.20 k so we know what is it packed with for most of the packed programs i use ProcDump open procdump and click on unpack , pick a file , pick upx .... anyways unpack it and save the unpacked to a different name like Unpacked.exe now disassemble the unpacked file...better yes:) k search for the error message and ull land here * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address: |:00447C0B(C) | :00447CB2 6A00 push 00000000 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Code Refused" | :00447CB4 B9907D4400 mov ecx, 00447D90 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Invalid serial code!!!" | :00447CB9 BAA07D4400 mov edx, 00447DA0 :00447CBE A1C0DD4400 mov eax, dword ptr [0044DDC0] :00447CC3 8B00 mov eax, dword ptr [eax] :00447CC5 E81A20FEFF call 00429CE4 u see the conditional jmp :00447C0B(C) go to it shift f12 and enter 447C0B and ull land here :00447C0B 0F85A1000000 jne 00447CB2 ----->u land here :00447C11 B201 mov dl, 01 :00447C13 A12C934300 mov eax, dword ptr [0043932C] it look pretty easy doesnt it .. u know the drill change the jne to je so :00447C0B 0F85A1000000 jne 00447CB2 will be :00447C0B 0F84A1000000 je 00447CB2 and now open the unpacked file and register.... open wordmap and do u see the unregistered ??? good i hope i didnt confuse u and if u have any question, comments my icq# is 69518421 or u can e mail me at i would like to say thanks to all the crackers 2 many 2 list , for helpin me also for there tutorials also a big thanks to krobar's site Cracking for Newbies - by Dahood mov eax, dword ptr [eax]