Cracking Tutorial for DownloadWizard Plus 2.50
What to BPX if HMEMCPY doesn't work


Target Program: DownloadWizard Plus 2.50
Description: DownloadWizard Plus is your Internet Download Manager, which can also manage bookmarks and desktop shortcuts. With DownloadWizard you can download files as usual, create bookmarks as usual, create shortcuts on your desktop and manage them, use full ZIP/UNZIP functionality, look for everything you have downloaded.
Protection: Name / Serial
Tools needed: - SoftICE 3.24
Ob duh: Do I really have to remind you all that by BUYING and NOT stealing the software you use will ensure that these software houses will continue to produce even *better* software for us to use and more importantly, to continue offering even more challenges to breaking their often weak protection systems.
BTW, It's illegal to use cracked Software!

If you're looking for cracks or serial numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try to search elsewhere on the Web under Warez, Cracks, etc.
Info: Brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Level: (X)Beginner ( )Intermediate ( )Advanced ( )Expert

Well I get more and more mails asking me what breakpoints can be set in case HMEMCPY didn't work. Altough I've included that question to the FAQ part of the cRACKER's n0TES already I still get such mails. I hope that with the help of this tutorial people can also master these without asking me for help.

First of all we need to execute our target - so do this now. A well-designed message box pops up. It informs you how many days and executions are left in your trial period. There's also a nice Register button, which you should press now. Another message box pops up. This message box is asking for your name and registration code. The registration code should look like A-B-C-D.

We know already enough about this program - so we can crack it just now. So enter you're favourite registration details (I've chosen PIRATED COPY as name and 1234-5678-90AB-CDEF as registration code). Now enter SoftICE and set a BPX to HMEMCPY then leave SoftICE and press the OK-Button!

After some tracing through the code you'll get something like the following code snippet:

  :004467CB    CALL    [EBP+0C]
  :004467CE    POP     ECX
  :004467CF    XOR     EAX,EAX
  :004467D1    POP     EBP
  :004467D2    RET

Now you could set a BPX to that CALL - anyway it's just generated because of the message box (I think). And what would you do in cases no message box informs you? Well maybe you would be lost ... so better practise now! If you have any Win32 Reference close to you I highly recommend trying to find out what you could also BPX ... I'm sure you will find other useful pieces of informations by studying this Reference. In case you didn't know you may use QuickView, which is included in every Win95/98 version. Look at the IMPORTS of the program. You will find several useful ones. By using your brain a bit you will come accross SendDlgItemMessageA. Well I tell you this is the right thing to BPX on. So do this now ... and press the OK-Button again.

SoftICE pops up and the following code snippet is displayed:

  :0040A01C    CALL    USER32!SendDlgItemMessageA
  :0040A021    PUSH    00
  :0040A023    PUSH    03
  :0040A025    PUSH    EDI
  :0040A026    CALL    00420ED4
  :0040A02B    ADD     ESP,0C
  :0040A02E    PUSH    EDI
  :0040A02F    MOV     EAX,[EBX+19]
  :0040A032    ADD     EAX,21
  :0040A035    PUSH    EAX
  :0040A036    CALL    0045F108
  :0040A03B    ADD     ESP,08
  :0040A03E    INC     ESI
  :0040A03F    CMP     ESI,04                              ; (1)
  :0040A042    JLE     00409FF5                            ; (2)
  :0040A044    PUSH    DWORD PTR [EBX+19]
  :0040A047    PUSH    21
  :0040A049    PUSH    0D
  :0040A04B    PUSH    69
  :0040A04D    MOV     EDX,[EBX]
  :0040A04F    PUSH    DWORD PTR [EDX+0C]
  :0040A052    CALL    USER32!SendDlgItemMessageA          ; (3)
  :0040A057    PUSH    00
  :0040A059    PUSH    03
  :0040A05B    PUSH    DWORD PTR [EBX+19]
  :0040A05E    CALL    00420ED4
  :0040A063    ADD     ESP,0C
  :0040A066    PUSH    DWORD PTR [EBX+19]
  :0040A069    CALL    0040974D                            ; (4)
  :0040A06E    POP     ECX
  :0040A06F    TEST    EAX,EAX
  :0040A071    JNZ     0040A099                            ; (5)
     ...         ...
  :0040A092    CALL    USER32!MessageBoxExA                ; (6)
  :0040A097    JMP     0040A0A0
  :0040A099    PUSH    EBX
  :0040A09A    CALL    0045208A
  :0040A09F    POP     ECX
  :0040A0A0    POP     EDI
     ...         ...
  :0040A0A6    RET

Well I think you can understand the above code snippet, since it just increases the number of serial fields, read them out and checks if it has read out all 4 fields (1). If so the JLE at (2) won't be executed. Then the name is read out (3). After all the serial is checked (4). If everything is ok, the JNZ (5) will be executed - else a message box telling you that your registration details are invalid is displayed (6). So we need to enter the CALL at 40A069 (4).

As you have enterd the CALL, the following code snippet will be displayed:

  :0040974D    PUSH    EBP
    ...         ...
  :0040978A    PUSH    EBX                                  ; (7)
  :0040978B    LEA     EAX,[EBP-38]
  :0040978E    PUSH    EAX                                  ; (8)
  :0040978F    CALL    0040967D
  :0040979B    RET

I've cut of a large snippet of code since it's *not* interesting for us. If you feel interested in the code snippet - just trace through it - you will find out several things which might be useful one day (find this out yourself - that way you will learn most).

At 40978A EBX contains our fake serial and at 40978E EAX contains our name. Now you can even guess what's going on. Of course we have to enter this last CALL before the RETurn, which is the deciding check whether the serial is correct or not. As you have enterd it the following code snippet will be displayed:

  :0040967D    PUSH    EBP
  :0040967E    MOV     EBP,ESP
  :00409680    MOV     EAX,[EBP+08]
  :00409683    PUSH    00
  :00409685    PUSH    00
  :00409687    PUSH    DWORD PTR [EBP+0C]
  :0040968A    ADD     EAX,21
  :0040968D    PUSH    EAX                                  ; (9)
  :0040968E    CALL    00421009                             ; (A)
  :00409693    ADD     ESP,10
  :00409696    POP     EBP
  :00409697    RET

Well at 40968D (9) the real serial number is PUSHed and at 40968E (A) it is checked ... The serial for PIRATED COPY is 3123-3095-4085-3303. If you want to produce a KeyGEN for this program you have to trace lots of code ... and I don't have the time to do that at the moment ... maybe I have more time in the future - anyway I think and hope you have learned something from this tutorial. If you have done so, please drop me a mail.

BTW, Your registration details are storen in DW.CFG - as you may know or find out using a monitoring tool like FileMon.

Another target has been Reverse Engineerd. Any questions (no crack requests)?

If you're USING DownloadWizard Plus BEYOND it's FREE TRIAL PERIOD, then please BUY IT.

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