Win32ASM - Examples
Here are a bunch of example programs written entirely in assembly language... If you have any other examples, send them to me and I will add them...

32-Bit Examples
Net Walker Simple Debug Model
by Net Walker!
(71 KB) TASM 5.0
Simple Win32 Debug Application, with full TASM source code. Usefull to programmers trying to initiate on Win-GUI assembly programming, and to reverse-enginners trying to learn the basics of Win32 Debug API.
Net Walker Get PE Loader
by Net Walker!
(53 KB) TASM 5.0
Extracts PE "Loader" from appended viral or packer routines. With full asm source code.
Net Walker Patcher
by Net Walker!
(49 KB) TASM 5.0
File Patcher for Windows. Includes full source.
Net Walker File fat Remover
by Net Walker!
(47 KB) TASM 5.0
Program that removes the ecxess 'fat' (extre bytes not needed or used) from an executable file. 
Switch to Ring 0
by Stone
(5 KB) TASM 5.0
ASM source shows how to switch from ring 3 to ring 0 by utillizing the fact that the page where the IDT is store is not protected in windows 9x.
Windows Assembly Examples
by Barry Kauler
(493 KB) TASM / MASM
Companion Disk for "Windows Assembly Language & Systems Programming" 2nd ed. By Barry Kauler, Published by R&D Books Many examples ranging from 16-bit to 32-bit to device drivers to DLL's.
Win 32 Asm Example Source Code
(325 KB) MASM
Lots of example code and such.
Win32 ASM Skeleton
by Wayne J. Radburn
(39 KB) MASM 6.11
Skeleton Windows Assembly Language Program. You can use this as a base for your own programs.
by Hookflash
Example of how to create a window with a non-rectangular shape.
GUI Example
by Shadow
(40 KB) TASM 5
This is an example of a basic GUI application, written in assembly language.  It is an example of the functions: SetWindowText, EnableMenuItem, TextOut, GetDC, and ReleaseDC...
by Shadow
(40 KB) TASM 5
Utility which changes a file's timestamp to its last access time.  Shows how to use console input and output, as well as file I/O.
by G. Adam Stanislav
(30 KB) MASM 6.1
Assembly language program that illustrates how to write a dynamic link library.
by G. Adam Stanislav
(13 KB) MASM 6.1
A program to wipe (empty) the Windows 95 clipboard.
by G. Adam Stanislav
(14 KB) MASM 6.1
Determines if a polygon is drawn clockwise or counter-clockwise Contains DLL and full ASM source.
Convex / Concave
by G. Adam Stanislav
(14 KB) MASM 6.1
 DLL which determines whether a polygon is convex or concave.
by G. Adam Stanislav
(22 KB) MASM 6.1
Calculates the area of a polygon.  Uses the math co-proccessor.
G. Adam Stanislav
(37 KB) MASM 6.1
Sample code which shows how to use the timer, process mouse input, create a bitmap in memory, and copy a bitmap to the clipboard.
SIB - Simple is Beautiful
by Steve Gibson
(20 KB) MASM
The files enclosed here constitute a complete, state-of-the-art 32-bit Application program compatible with any 32-bit version of Microsoft Windows, Written in assembly language.
NWCall32 and NW_Info
by Sven B. Schreiber
(166 KB) MASM
 Two sample programs that demonstrate how to use undocumented API's to send NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) requests to a NetWare server.
Win32 Miniature App
by Sven B. Schreiber
(171 KB) MASM
Miniature Application for windows with ASM source.
What Intro
(46 KB) TASM 5.0
Intro for Windows 95/NT source.  Very uncommented.

DirectX Examples
Asm Flips (22 KB)
by Mike Bibby
DirectX example program written in assembler.  The program uses a complex DirectDraw surface -  primary and back buffers - to display a black rectangle moving across a white screen, together with frame rate information.
TWin / MWin (25 KB)
by Mike Bibby
Another DirectX example in assembly language.  The program reads a set of 32,  64 x 64 sprites from a bmp file and then displays them in sequence to give an "animated" effect.

16 Bit Examples
ASM Clock
(112 KB) MASM
A simple clock program which demonstrateshow to create a Windows 3.1 program using MASM 6.0.
MASM Example
by Microsoft
(29 KB) MASM
16-Bit Windows Assembly Language example from Microsoft.
VVMD - Virtual Device Driver
by Christopher G. Hill
(9 KB) TASM / MASM 5
Example Windows (16-bit) Virtual Device Driver.

[ Tuesday, June 22, 1999 ] [Win32Asm]