Command Line Arguments by lord lucifer August 12, 1999 Here is a sample function which shows how to get the command line arguments only from the GetCommandLine API function. The GetCommandLine API function by itself returns the full command line, meaning the executable file's name as well as the parameters. This function is a simple method to retreive the arguments only. ; GetCommandLineArgs ; function to get the command line parameters only. ; returns: pointer to the argunments string ; or NULL if there are none GetCommandLineArgs proc USES esi call GetCommandLine mov esi, eax mov al, [esi] cmp al, 22h ;22h = " jz loop1 xor eax,eax jmp return ;if path is delimited by quotes, there are parameters. loop1: inc esi mov al, [esi] cmp al, 22h jnz loop1 inc esi inc esi mov eax,esi return: ret GetCommandLineArgs endp