Name : Xaudio Wave ENCODER Version : 1.xx Editor : Xaudio Target : encoder.exe Tools : W32Dasm 8.93 Hiew 6.01 Brain Cracker : LW2000 Tutorial : No.40 --- DISCLAIMER For educational purposes only! I hold no responsibility of the mis-used of this material! --- 1. Ok, try to start wave encoder. *BOOM* 'The Wave-Encoder only works in the registered version!' Mhhm, seems that we have found a bug ... ;) Let's fix it! 2. Load W32Dasm and click on the SDR. Search for 'The Wave-Encoder only works in the registered version!' and doubleclick on it. Then close the SDR Window. :004CBE2E 8945F4 mov dword ptr [ebp-0C], eax :004CBE31 837DF400 cmp dword ptr [ebp-0C], 00000000 :004CBE35 0F8ED4000000 jle 004CBF0F :004CBE3B A1B82A5000 mov eax, dword ptr [00502AB8] :004CBE40 803800 cmp byte ptr [eax], 00 :004CBE43 7518 jne 004CBE5D <-- mhmm, bad boy :004CBE45 6A40 push 00000040 * Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"Unregistered" | :004CBE47 6854BF4C00 push 004CBF54 * Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"The Wave-Encoder only works in" ->"the registered version!" | :004CBE4C 6864BF4C00 push 004CBF64 :004CBE51 6A00 push 00000000 3. Mhmm, by 004CBE4 is checked if this is a registered version, or not. Note the offset and open the file in Hiew. Goto cb243 (this was the offset) with F5 and press F3 for editmode. Now change the 7518 to 7418 (jne -> je). Save your work and try the wave encoder! Congratulation! All done. FINISH! Easy, or? cu lw2000 Any comments? Mail me !!! ---- I'd like to thank tKC for his tutors! I started with tutor 1 and i still read them... they are the best!