Greetz to:
Fravia, Sandman, Greythorne, Mr T, Razzia, Edison, Qualpa, Wolf, Phrozen Crew, Laxity Crew,Zor and everyone in the scene.

If anybody has any adverts or anything that they want to put on this website then contact me at the address at the bottom.

Please link me on as many cracking pages as possible.

Q. Does anyone have a crack for Bleem v1.4 for AMD Proccessors, as the only I can find is for MMX ?


Tools of the Trade.....

Links to the tools you will need



As I am sure you understand I cannot allow illegal files to be held on my server, so any that are will be legal and freely available, BUT as a service to you, and for educational purposes only I will give you links to places where these files can be found, BUT they must be deleted off your hard drive within 24 hours and I will not be held responsible for any off your actions. If there are any files on here that the authors require removing then I will do so.


W32Dasm8.7 DEMO

As this is a demo I can host it on my site, but make sure you register it as it is a damn good program.
Yes this is the program that I use a lot, as I aint that proficient on Softice as yet. This program is covered in a lot of tutorials, so make sure you download it.

W32Dasm8.7 Demo - (916Kb)

Softice Win 95/98/NT

Softice is regarded very highly and is a very sought after tool, here is a link to the demo version of the program.

softice v3.25 - (???Kb)


Top notch hex editor, although in DOS, it is still my favourite for ease of use.

psedit - (91Kb)


A nice little file that monitors file system activity on your hard drive, used in some tutorials... but overall a recommended download.

filemon - (64Kb)


As above, but caters for registration entries, useful for monitoring what is written by a program to the registry.

regmon - (53Kb)


This file is amazing, and I encourage you all to download it. There is a tutorial out there that explains how to read passwords that are masked by stars. This does the same, but without the hassle, just run the .exe and place the mouse over any masked passwords and be amazed

openpass - (40Kb)


Turbo Pascal

I learnt this back in college years ago... anyway, Borland are now giving away an early version of pascal, which is ideal for creating patches for programs. Used in many cracking tutorials, so again a must to download.

Turbo Pascal 5.5 - (???Kb)


As always, please send files to the address below or whatever.



Comments to webmaster@mrnick.8m.com

(c) Mr Nick 1999. This web site is for educational purposes only, I can not be held responsible for any actions that result of reading of material on this site, or any others that are llinked from this site.