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What is Reverse Engineering?
Reverse Engineering is the changing of Shareware, Trial and Demo Versions of Software into full versions.
This is done by debugging, disassembling, patching and finding the correct Serial Numbers for these programs.
This site contains tutorials for learning the art of Reverse Engineering, links to Reverse Engineering sites and links to tools that are used for Reverse Engineering.
In order to be a reverse engineer you must have a passing knowledge of Assembly Language, ASM for short. You must also have the tools needed for Reverse Engineering. They are basically a Debugger (low level) such as Soft-Ice, A Disassembler (WDasm32 would be fine), a Hex Editor (Hacker's View is my personal favourite). These would do fine for a beginner but there are other tools such as SPY programs Regmon, Filemon etc. Links to these tools can be found on my Links page.
Tutorials can be found on my Tutorials page.
The information on this site will be for those interested in learning the art Reverse Engineering. These people are refered to as newbies.
I myself am a newbie to Reverse Engineering. I have learned a lot about it in the past few months and I am now willing to share my knowledge with other newbies.
As you have seen at the top of this page I am Punisher and my email address is:
If you need help with anything on my site please send me an e-mail.