Punisher's Tutorials

My Tutorials

Tutorials written: 24

TwinExplorer 1.0

This is my first tutorial. I choose this tutorial because as a newbie it is easier to explain so that other newbies can understand. In this tutorial I will teach you how to crack TwinExplorer 1.0 by patching it.

JavaScript Scrambler 1.11

Cracking JavaScript Scrambler V1.11-Using the Memory Echo Method.

Directory Printer 2.0

Finding a hardcoded serial number in Directory Printer 2.0. Another example of a foolish protection scheme by a lazy programmer.

CSE HTML Validator

Turning a weak protection scheme into it's own Key Generator.

AddRemove v2.0

Coming up with a Serial number which is half hard-coded and half calculated. Here is a Key Generator for Add/Remove v2.0. I did it in WIN95 Assembly Language. It may have a few bugs. I did not test it thoroughly.

Transmac for Windows

Using BRW - Borland's Resource Work to delete a nag screen thus removing the protection scheme.

Splash v1.1

Splash is a web authoring tool that uses the TL32v20.DLL as it's protection scheme.

Zip98 v 2.2

Fishing for a hardcoded serial number the softice way. How stupid and lazy can these shareware protectionists get.

SaveCash 3.1

Zen Fishing a serial number that is calculated from your name.

Intellibots v1.2

Disassembling and seraching for a hard coded serial number. What a weak protection scheme.

Win-eXpose-Registry v1.00

Cracking both Win-eXpose-Registry and Win-eXpose-IO by the same method. Same protection scheme for both of them.

OmniQuad Detective v1.0c

Fishing another hard coded serial number from another very easy and stupid protection scheme.

ByteCather Pro V3.2 and ByteCatcher FTP Client v1.04

Cracking ByteCatcher Pro v3.2 and ByteCatcher FTP Client v1.04. These two programs make use of the same protection scheme. Follow instructions for ByteCatcher Pro and you will crack ByteCatcher FTP Client.

Solsuite 98 v3.5

A hard-coded serial number. Yet another very stupid protection scheme.

System Notebook v1.0.0.4

A very interesting but weak protetion scheme. Even if it is weak a newbye can learn much from it.

FTP Express v3.0.004

Finding the compare of the real reg key with the fake reg key.

AutoFTP Pro v1.5b

When I downloaded this program I thought I was going to have a hard time cracking it. Lo and Behold it only 3 minutes.

File Shredder v2.7

Finding the compare of our fake regcode with the real regcode.

Uninstall Manager v2.60

Locating the cmp of the real regkey with the fake regkey.

News Ferret v0.9500 beta

Resurrecting a dead program by changing a couple jumps to make an expire program run for life.

FontFinder32 v4.5.1.1

Searching for a hard coded serial number without even looking at the code.

eWords v1.00

Locating the repz cmpsb to get the real regcode.

CommonLaw v3.0

Using the deadlisting method to get around a protection scheme.

Applet Marquee Wizard v3.5

Killing two birds with one stone. Cracking two programs with the same protection scheme.