News !

Information about web site updates and anything else important.



20/06/1999 :---->   Yep, I'm definately the laziest author ever.   New site link - as didnt appear to like my site ;)  27 new keygen sources, 9 new crackmes, 8 new tools, 7 new tutors.

11/04/1999 :---->   Hehe, I must be the laziest web author ever ;)   Anyway, more keygens have been added, some new tutors and a few tools.   Hopefully the pdates will become more frequent now.

07/01/1999 :---->   The first update of the new year, sorry for the delay....I've been a bit busy since Christmas.  The groups and links pages are updated (finally:), the greets page is updated, 1 crackme added, 3 tutorials added, 15 new tools added (mostly packers/unpackers) and 9 keygen sources.

19/12/1998 :---->   Some new tutorials added, many keygen sources by a few authors, a new crackme plus some more tools.  Also some general updates like greets etc.
12/121998 :---->    Site now completely uploaded on new server (thanks Sheridan).  New addresses,   OR
14/11/1998 :---->   Until a week ago, I had lost interest in finding web space and updating my site as I had too much else to do like a MAJOR amount of schoolwork and some cracking to do.  About a week ago, I decided to re-kindle my hunt and I found some webspace fairly quickly.  The site still hasn't been updated much since it was taken down but that will happen soon in the next update....hopefully.
XX/08/1998 :----->   Sometime around this date, the server containing my site was taken down due to a legal conflict between a company and another site on the server.   As a result, my site was lost.
15/08/1998 :----->   First update since launch.  Keygen page totally redone.  MANY more keygens added.  Greets page updated.  News page (this) added.  Added 1 tutorial.  Added 1 crackme.  General updating, spelling mistakes etc.
08/08/1998 :----->   Web site launched at linking to  




Copyright © 1998 Quantico
Most recent revision 6 January 1999