The easy way for writing full 32 Bits Assembly Applications. |
SpAsm is an Assembler for ReactOS / Win32 PE files production ( Win95/98/NT/2000).
- Both true Low Level Assembler (anti C-like), and High Level Assembler (user defined Macros-sets provided-).
- Simplified syntax, zero red tape.
- Powerfull and easy Macros system.
- x86 Mnemonics up to P6 (with 3D Now! and full SSE/SSE2 extensions ).
- Blazing fast output of applications in one click: Outputs exe/dll/scr
(Needs no Linker/Make/Lib/...).
(1 Mb source > 300 Kb PE in 6.3 seconds on K6/200/Win95
) Disassembler: 1 Mb PE > Source in 15 seconds.
- All-in-one IDE, with:
> Source advanced editor, designed
for huge files, Right Click Search, ...
> Integrated Disassembler
> Integrated Debugger
> Complete Dialogs Editor
> Editors for Menus, Strings,
main Icon
> Loaders for other Resources
> Integrated Api, Equates and Structures
> ...
- Simple Management: All developements components, including the Sources, are saved in the PEs.
- Auto-compilable: SpAsm is written with SpAsm.
- Free, Open Source, GPLed.
Author e-mail:
Board The Forum where to meet for help
and helping.
SpAsm Win32 Assembler Win32Asm Assembly x86 Assembler 32Bits Assembler 32 Bits Asm Windows Asm Windows Assembly PE Assemble |
SpAsm V4.11c
900 ko. The all-in-one Assembler with Sources (inside) and start-up
files. In case of problems, reload the previous version (heavy and risky
implementations, actually...):
SpAsm V.3.08e[ - MISSING]
Older fixed version (rescue).
OpHelp[ - MISSING]
New: Preview of OpHelp.exe. Kenny's work
based upon NASM Appendix. When Right-Clicking upon a Mnemonic, this help
will be run instead of the previous internal Opcodes List. Nice work, under
implementation and improvement.
If you download for the first time, you should load too, at least,, BeginnerTut, Asm32Tut... The SpAsmHelp File should be reloaded with each new Main release. (releases with only the ending char increased ("b" +) are simple bug_fixes, or minor improvements, with only the History modified in SpAsm Help File): SpAsm Win32 Assembler Win32Asm Assembly
x86 Assembler 32Bits Assembler 32 Bits Asm Windows Asm Windows Assembly
PE Assembler
Two shots Demo: DLLs programming / Random numbers. A tool for building Documentation Files in exe format (the one of SpAsm Help and of the 32 Bits Assembly Tutorials Collection). Nothing but a modified version of SpAsm. A simple example, too, for how to create Applications Builders by reusing SpAsm itself. |
Thanks to all users for Bugs reports and/or fixing, whishes lists,
ideas and contributions.
New in V4.02a:
* Code Mapping (run Code detected --> Data in Code suspected).
* Symbolic Analyse (replaces numbered-Labels by Named-Labels when Api calls give a cue).
* Export analyses (now DLLs able, with Named Labels for exported Functions).
When nesting the Expression Parser calls into the Equates and Macros jobs, i broke down the error search Functions for this chunk of computations. For example, with a bad number of Parameters in a Macros evocation, the faultive statement was no more pointed out. Fixed.
Sources defined as [Source]s, at SpAsm Board contain a lot of control
Chars that neither the SpAsm Source Editor, nor the Assembler can understand
and parse (of course...). So i implemented a particular Routine for cleaning
the ClipBoard Data. All bad CR/LF, bad "under-Space" Chars and "upper-127"
Chars are now turned into spaces. Too bad.
BeginnerTut Introduction to SpAsm/x86-Asm/Win32-Apis, for beginners. SpAsm Win32 Assembler Win32Asm Assembly x86 Assembler 32Bits Assembler 32 Bits Asm Windows Asm Windows Assembly PE Assembler TDwin32Tut True low level style set of Win32Asm tutorials from Test Departement. SpAsm Win32 Assembler Win32Asm Assembly x86 Assembler 32Bits Assembler 32 Bits Asm Windows Asm Windows Assembly PE Assembler Iczelion's Win32Asm Tutorials in SpAsm syntax. 32bits Assembly Tutorials Collection
OpenGlDemo SpAsm version of a great OpenGL demo from Test Departement. ToolBarDemo T.D. demo for a true full featured ToolBar (not the simple usual demo for this). RonDemos From Ron Thomas: Great exemples for Win32 programming. Midi Basic stuff for Midi (playing files, raw Data, Tracks). Ribbons Full featured Screen Saver Demo. DxDemo DirectDraw Demo. |
Win32.hlp[ - MISSING] The Win32 documentation (Can't do without). opengl.hlp The help file for OpenGL (graphics). mmedia.hlp[ - MISSING] The help file for Multi Media. x86eas.hlp[ - MISSING] The best x86 Asm coding help file. Winsock.hlp[ - MISSING] The network programming interface help file.[ - MISSING]
3,6 Mo of bloatware doc (V.6.1) . Have a look at:
| Reactos Public Page Iczelion home page Free downloads
Assembler Programming Journal
Opening doors Programmers Pages Wayne J Radburn (> The best PE viewer) http://www.rbthomas... Ron Thomas Jeremy Gordon
Test Departement
Other Assemblers NASM is the multi-purpose Open Source Assembler of choice. The addressing syntax is good. I have always done my best to keep SpAsm syntax as close as possible to NASM one. NASM is the Assembler you should choose if you intend to develop different kind of Files under different systems. This is, for example, the Assembler the ReactOS group has choosen for their Asm developpements. Can work under Linux too. More Assemblers at: This Assemblers Page tends to list all of existing assemblers. Most of them are for Dos. Among Win32-able Assemblers, the ones of interrest are: * NASM.
The worst available one is MASM. Illegal use under non-M$ OSes, this is to say that, when ReactOS / WINE will have kicked Windows out, all of the works accomplished around this weird tool will be simply lost. Wrong and confusing syntax. Slow. M$. Very Bad Macros system. Pushing C-Like programing. Does not output what you write. Internal Macros making it more a Compiler than an Assembler, but without the good things of a real Compiler. If you want fun, just disassemble some MASM produced PEs... (C files are usually much better). I use MASM files, particulary the ones from a couple of young ass-holes who would have better to keep with Visual Basic, for testing the SpAsm Disassembler, at each new implementation, as, if it can parse them, it can parse almost anything... (Though i didn't test it on camemberts). Do not be impressed by the fact that MASM is, de facto, the more in use Assembler. This is nothing but an historical error, that will have no other effect than slowing down the rebirth of Assembly. Assembly may be a perfect viable alternative to HLLs, in coming years. Your very first contribution to this rebirth will be quite simple: Keep away from MASM. It is bad, at a moral point of vue, bad, at a technical point of vue, bad, at an historical point of vue. | The amazing Agner Fog Optimisations. Volume 1 Intel x86 Manual. Intel Tech Doc Site (+ Last versions inside). |
If you want to have something listed here, just zip it to: betov@free.frPlease, always join a Reame.txt to the zip, explaining 1) What it is about 2) What is needed for run (and where to get it from -in case-) 3) You email Address for reports. TurboLauchSetup.exe From Anvar Sosnitski (Estonia), a Mouse capture Launcher that runs 4 differents actions, depending on the corners'Pos. ClickDaFace A little game, also From Anvar. 3DText As it says, from Peter Stern. Fractal1 Fractal2 Same author, Fractal Demos. Still Peter Stern: Run / Drag (down-right) / BitMap > ClipBoard. Peter too: BitMap > ClipBoard Colorization. MouseDestroyer Another little game From Anvar. SpAsm Invaders Twice upon a time... (Nils Beyer did it). Dx8.1 Demo also from Nils. Amundo Stowers translation of a pretty Cursor Demo.[ - MISSING]
Peter Stern: Front End for Lame MP3 Encoder.